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Line 58: applicationName ame_calling_apps.application_name%type;

54: approverStatuses ame_util.StringList;
55: approverActionTypeIds ame_util.idList;
56: approverGroupOrChainIds ame_util.idList;
57: approverOccurrences ame_util.idList;
58: applicationName ame_calling_apps.application_name%type;
59: begin
60: /* Get last Date to save based on the purge frquency set in the config variables */
61: lastDateToSave := sysdate - to_number(ame_util.getConfigVar(variableNameIn => 'purgeFrequency',
62: applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn));

Line 66: from ame_calling_apps

62: applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn));
63: begin
64: select application_name
65: into applicationName
66: from ame_calling_apps
67: where application_id = applicationIdIn
68: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - 1/86400,sysdate);
69: exception
70: when no_data_found then

Line 204: from ame_calling_apps

200: l_endDate date;
201: l_error_date varchar2(12);
202: cursor getApplicationList(applictionIdIn in number) is
203: select application_id
204: from ame_calling_apps
205: where fnd_application_id = applictionIdIn
206: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date-(1/86400),sysdate);
207: profileNotsetExc exception;
208: invalidInputDateExc exception;