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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

       if (l_query = 'select null Id, null Val,null Att_Name from dual Where 1 = 2' ) then
         return 'Y';
Line: 33

       l_query := 'Select Val From ('|| l_query ||' ) '|| l_Addl_where_clause;
Line: 54

Select txn_category_attribute_id, from_value , to_value
from pqh_fr_stat_situation_rules
where stat_situation_rule_id = p_stat_situation_rule_id;
Line: 98

       l_query := 'Select Val From ('|| l_query ||' ) '|| l_Addl_where_clause;
Line: 130

Select value_style_cd, value_set_id
from pqh_txn_category_attributes
where txn_category_attribute_id = p_txn_category_attribute_id;
Line: 135

l_query varchar2(5000) := 'select null Id, null Val,null Att_Name from dual Where 1 = 2';
Line: 169

Select null
from pqh_fr_stat_situation_rules
where statutory_situation_id = p_stat_situation_id;
Line: 194

       select business_group_id
       from per_all_people_f where
       person_id = p_person_id
       and p_determination_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 215

       select business_group_id
       from per_all_people_f where
       person_id = p_person_id
       and p_determination_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 235

    SELECT scl.segment10 emp_type
    FROM   per_all_assignments_f asg,
           hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
    WHERE asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id
    AND   person_id = p_person_id
    AND p_determination_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
    AND primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 257

    select ss.situation_type, ss.situation_name, ss.situation_type_name
    where ess.Statutory_situation_id = ss.Statutory_situation_id
    and   ess.person_id = p_person_id
    and   p_determination_date between ess.actual_start_date and nvl(ess.actual_end_date, ess.provisional_end_date);
Line: 290

       select count(1) into l_dependent_cnt
       from per_contact_relationships
       where person_id = p_person_id
       and p_determination_date between date_start and nvl(date_end,hr_general.end_of_time);
Line: 297

          select max(date_of_birth) into l_dependent_dob
          from per_all_people_f
          where person_id in (select contact_person_id
                              from per_contact_relationships
                              where person_id = p_person_id
                              and p_determination_date between date_start and nvl(date_end,hr_general.end_of_time));
Line: 313

    SELECT NVL(renewable_allowed,'N'),NVL(max_no_of_renewals,0)
      FROM pqh_fr_stat_situations
     WHERE statutory_situation_id = p_statutory_situation_id;
Line: 349

         SELECT NVL(actual_start_date,provisional_start_date),NVL(NVL(actual_end_date,provisional_end_date),TRUNC(SYSDATE)),NVL(approval_flag,'N')
         FROM   pqh_fr_emp_stat_situations
         WHERE  emp_stat_situation_id = p_emp_stat_situation_id;
Line: 367

    SELECT NVL(count(emp_stat_situation_id),0)
      FROM pqh_fr_emp_stat_situations
     WHERE renewal_flag = 'Y'
       AND renew_stat_situation_id = p_emp_stat_situation_id;
Line: 386

    SELECT NVL(COUNT(emp_stat_situation_id),0)
      FROM pqh_fr_emp_stat_situations
     WHERE emp_stat_situation_id  <> NVL(p_emp_stat_situation_id,-1)
       AND renewal_flag            = 'Y'
       AND renew_stat_situation_id = p_renew_stat_situation_id;
Line: 414

   SELECT tca.value_style_cd,
   FROM   pqh_txn_category_attributes tca,
          pqh_table_route tr,
          pqh_attributes a
   WHERE  tca.txn_category_attribute_id = p_txn_catg_attribute_id
   AND    tca.attribute_id = a.attribute_id
   AND    a.master_table_route_id = tr.table_route_id;
Line: 447

   l_sql_stmt := 'SELECT '||l_attr_dtls.column_name
                                ||'  FROM  '|| l_attr_dtls.from_clause
                                ||'  WHERE '||l_where_clause_out;
Line: 518

   SELECT   txn_category_attribute_id,
   FROM     pqh_fr_stat_situation_rules
   WHERE    statutory_situation_id = p_stat_sit_id
   AND      NVL(enabled_flag,'N') = 'Y'
   AND      NVL(required_flag,'N') = p_required_flag
   ORDER BY processing_sequence;
Line: 604

    SELECT statutory_situation_id
      FROM pqh_fr_stat_situations_v sit
          ,per_shared_types_vl      sh
     WHERE sh.shared_type_id      = type_of_ps
       AND sh.system_type_cd      = NVL(PQH_FR_UTILITY.get_bg_type_of_ps,sh.system_type_cd)
       AND sit.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
       AND sit.situation_type     = p_situation_type
       AND sit.sub_type           = NVL(p_sub_type,sub_type)
       AND sit.default_flag       = 'Y'
       AND TRUNC(p_eff_date) BETWEEN sit.date_from AND NVL(sit.date_to,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time);
Line: 615

	  SELECT statutory_situation_id
	  FROM   pqh_fr_stat_situations
	  WHERE  business_group_id = p_business_group_id
	  AND    situation_type    = p_situation_type
	  AND    sub_type = NVL(p_sub_type,sub_type)
	  AND    default_flag = 'Y'
	  AND    trunc(p_eff_date) BETWEEN date_from and NVL(date_to,hr_general.end_of_time);
Line: 676

  FUNCTION get_update_time_line_code(p_provisional_start_date IN DATE,
                                     p_provisional_end_date   IN DATE,
                                     p_effective_date         IN DATE,
                                     p_approval_flag          IN VARCHAR2,
                                     p_renew_flag             IN VARCHAR2,
                                     p_situation_type         IN VARCHAR2,
                                     p_sub_type               IN VARCHAR2,
                                     p_default_flag           IN VARCHAR2)
    l_return_value VARCHAR2(10) := 'NO';
Line: 717

  END get_update_time_line_code;
Line: 719

  FUNCTION get_delete_time_line_code(p_person_id              IN NUMBER,
                                     p_provisional_start_date IN DATE,
                                     p_provisional_end_date   IN DATE,
                                     p_effective_date         IN DATE)
    l_return_value VARCHAR2(10) := NULL;
Line: 735

      SELECT DECODE(TRUNC(MAX(provisional_start_date)),TRUNC(p_provisional_start_date),'DEL-TRUE',NULL)
        INTO l_return_value
        FROM pqh_fr_emp_stat_situations
       WHERE person_id = p_person_id
         AND statutory_situation_id NOT IN (SELECT statutory_situation_id
                                              FROM pqh_fr_stat_situations_v sit
                                                  ,per_shared_types_vl      sh
                                             WHERE sh.shared_type_id    = type_of_ps
                                               AND sh.system_type_cd    = NVL(PQH_FR_UTILITY.get_bg_type_of_ps,sh.system_type_cd)
                                               AND sit.business_group_id= HR_GENERAL.get_business_group_id
                                               AND sit.default_flag     = 'Y'
                                               AND sit.situation_type   = 'IA'
                                               AND sit.sub_type         = 'IA_N'
                                               AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN sit.date_from AND NVL(sit.date_to,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time));
Line: 751

  END get_delete_time_line_code;