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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

              - INSERT_REPOSITORY_ENTRY : Based on the input source, this procedure derives the type of entry that has to be made into
              the repository. Also accounting entries related to repository entry are passed only if p_accntg_required_flag parameter
              is 'Y'. This also passes discount accounting if the input parameter p_discounted_amount has a value

              - GET_ACCOUNT      : Returns the CODE_COMBINATION_ID related to the inputs passed. This returns values from regime setup
              incase of service tax and from Organization Addl. info incase of inventory organization and from Base Setup incase of
              AP discounts

              - GET_PERIOD_NAME  : Returns the period_name for which the entry is being made. This also returns the accounting_date as
              first_date of next open period, if the period corresponding to input accounting date is closed

              - POST_ACCOUNTING  : Inserts an Entry into GL_INTERFACE and Localization Subledger for the inputs passed to the call

              - INSERT_REFERENCE : Called from AP and AR Processing to insert data related to related Invoices

              - UPDATE_REFERENCE : Called from AP and AR Processing to update revocovered and discounted amounts for the invoice

  2.            Bug# 4193633  - Aiyer  - 15-feb-2005

                    The tax earned and unearned discount are not getting apportioned properly of service type of taxes and hence the India - Service Tax concurrent
                    ends up in a warning for records with these issues

                    In case of invoices having Service taxes and other type of taxes, the tax earned and unearned discounts should be approtioned across all the type of taxes
                    (Both Service and Non Service).
                    This apportionment logic was not present initially. This needs to be added

                   Fix: -
                    Modified the procedure. Did the following :-
                    1. Added a extra parameter p_total_disc_amount to the procedure.
                    2. used this parameter to apportion the tax earned discount amount and tax unearned discount amount

                  Dependency :-
                   In this procedure the added parameter is added to the procedure and hence causes a dependency issue.

                   The following objects should be sent together

                    1. jai_rgm_process_ar_taxes_pkg_s.sql          (115.1)
                    2. jai_rgm_process_ar_taxes_pkg_b.sql          (115.1)
                    3. jai_rgm_trx_recording_pkg_s.sql version     (115.1)
                    4. jai_rgm_trx_recording_pkg_b.sql version     (115.1)

  3.            Bug# 4204880 - ssumaith - 20-feb-2005 - File version 115.2

                A new column has been added into the table jai_Rgm_trx_Records called regime_primary_regno and it has been
                included in the insert column list in the table  jai_Rgm_trx_Records
                A cursor has been added to fetch the primary registration number.

                Dependency :-
                  High . A new column has been added into the jai_rgm_trx_records table which also needs data to be populated
                  If this file is sent alone , it will cause a dependency issue.
                  Need to ensure that the new column needs to be part of the table.

4    19/03/2005 Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). FileVersion: 115.3
                .added two new procedure insert_vat_repository_entry and do_vat_accounting, a function get_rgm_attribute_value
                as part of VAT Impl.
                .user_je_category_name that is populated into GL_INTERFACE as jai_constants.je_category_rg_entry ('Register India')

                * This is a Dependant Bug for future Versions of the Object *

5. 08-Jun-2005  File Version 116.2 Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
                as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.

6. 14-Jun-2005  rchandan for bug#4428980, Version 116.3
                Modified the object to remove literals from DML statements and CURSORS.

7. 06-Jul-2005  Ramananda for bug#4477004. File Version: 116.4
                GL Sources and GL Categories got changed. Refer bug for the details

  IN60106  + 4239736 + 4245089

   COMMON API that will be called from DIFFERENT Transactions of the Regime
  This will call APIS to insert data into regime repository and GL Tables
  Transactions that are calling this procedure are

   1) AP Invoice Payments
   2) AR Receipt applications onto Invoice
   3) Service Tax Manual Entry form
   4) Settlement Process
   5) Distribution Process

8. 11-Aug-2005   Ramananda for Bug#4546114. File Version 120.2
                 In case of distribution from IO to OU , the accounting for cess transferred is hitting
                 the cenvat RM or Cenvat CG account instead of the cess account.

                 After this fix, the accounts that will be hit are the cenvat rm a/c / cenvat cg a/c
                 for the excise amt and the edu cess rm a/c / edu cess cg a/c for the cess amt.

                 Dependency due to this fix:

9. 30-JAN-2007    CSahoo for bug#5631784. File Version 120.4
                  Forward Porting of Bug#4742259 (TCS solution)
                  Function get_account is modified to give the accounts for TCS regime also.

10. 16/04/2007 kunkumar for forward porting to R12 bugnos 5003538 5051541 and 4543358

11. 14-05-2007   ssawant for bug 5879769,
                 Objects was not compiling. so changes are done to make it compiling.

Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
(Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency due to spec change/ A new call to a object/
A datamodel change )
Current Version       Current Bug    Dependent           Files                                  Version     Author     Date         Remarks
Of File                              On Bug/Patchset    Dependent On

115.1                 4204880        IN60106 + 4146708   ja_in_alter_table_4204880.sql           115.0       ssumaith    20-feb-05   New column added to the table.

                                                        jai_rgm_process_ar_taxes_pkg_s.sql       115.1       aiyer       21-feb-05   signature change in parameters.
                                                        jai_rgm_process_ar_taxes_pkg_b.sql       115.1       aiyer       21-feb-05   signature change in parameters.

115.3                 4245089        IN60106 + 4146708   ja_in_alter_table_4204880.sql           115.0       ssumaith    20-feb-05   New column added to the table.
                                      + 4204880

10. 01-MAR-2007   SSAWANT , File version 120.5
                  Forward porting the change in 11.5 bug 5642053 to R12 bug no 5662296.

                    Fix : Previously whenever transaction_date was less than or equal to last_settlement_date
                          it was modified to last_settlement_date + 1. Now this would be done only if
                          transaction_date is less than last_settlement_date as transactions can be
                          done on last_settlement_date.
11. 03-MAR-07   bduvarag, File version 120.5
                Forward porting the change in 11.5 bug 5051541 to R12 bug

12  25-April-2007   ssawant for bug 5879769 ,File version 120.6
                Forward porting of
                ENH : SERVICE TAX BY INVENTORY ORGANIZATION AND SERVICE TYPE SOLUTION from 11.5( bug no 5694855) to R12 (bug no 5879769).
                      Fix : A new parameter p_service_type_code is added to insert_repository procedure.
                              This is used to insert into jai_rgm_trx_records.
                              A new column repository_id is added to jai_sla_entries and so the insert statement
                              is modified to insert the repository id
                              The procedure get_account is modified to return the account if the regime is SERVICE, Org Type is IO and the
                              tax is not of EXCISE or EXCISE CESS types
13  02/05/2006     vkaranam  bug#5989740 - File version 120.8

                   Forward porting of 115 bug #5907436

                         additional cess of 1% on all taxes to be levied to fund secondary education and higher
                         education .

                   Code Changes - Cursor c_orgn_sh_cess_account is added to get code_combination_id for secondary and higher cess types .

14.  07/06/2007  sacsethi for bug 6109941

                  Problem - when we trying to get code combination id for discount in AP , then we were passing
                            organization id but we defined code conbination id at OU Level in AP ,
                            wheich was resulting in error

                  Solution - 1. Now passing ln_org_id instead of organziation_id  for discounts .
                             2. procedure post_accounting  is changed to return if both credit and debit amount is zero
                                instead of generating oracle error.

15.     27/06/2007      CSahoo for bug#6155839, File Version 120.11
                        added the lv_source_name variable to get the service tax source or vat source depending on the value of the regime.

16.     07/12/2007      ssumaith - bug# 6664855 - file version -  120.3.12000000.5.
                        Issue :-
			  When service tax distribution is done between two inventory organizations,
			  it was causing the unbalances gl entries.
			  Reason being - organziation id was inserted in the reference1 column of gl_interface table.
			  The organization id was entered as source orgn id for source org entries and destination orgn id
			  for des orgn entries as a result, there was only debits or credits for one orgn because referenc1 column
			  is also in the used in the grouping logic.


			  This was a forward port issue of the R11i bug# 5410587.
			  It has been forward ported.
			  Changes done are to pass the combination of source org and destination org into reference1 column.


  /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Repository Entry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    PROCEDURE insert_repository_entry(
    p_repository_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    p_regime_id               IN      NUMBER,
    p_tax_type                IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_organization_type       IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_organization_id         IN      NUMBER,
    p_location_id             IN      NUMBER,
    p_source                  IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_source_trx_type         IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_source_table_name       IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_source_document_id      IN      NUMBER,
    p_transaction_date        IN      DATE,
    p_account_name            IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_charge_account_id       IN      NUMBER,
    p_balancing_account_id    IN      NUMBER,
    p_amount                  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,           -- Recovered/Liable Service Tax Amount in INR Currency i.e functional
    p_assessable_value        IN      NUMBER,
    p_tax_rate                IN      NUMBER,
    p_reference_id            IN      NUMBER,
    p_batch_id                IN      NUMBER,
    p_called_from             IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_process_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_process_message OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_discounted_amount       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    p_inv_organization_id     IN      NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
    p_settlement_id           IN      NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
    -- Following all parameters are required for GL Accounting if p_balancing_account_id value is not passed to this procedure call
    p_accntg_required_flag    IN      VARCHAR2,  -- DEFAULT jai_constants.yes  File.Sql.35 by Brathod
    p_accounting_date         IN      DATE ,     -- DEFAULT sysdate           File.Sql.35 by Brathod
    p_balancing_orgn_type     IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_balancing_orgn_id       IN      NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
    p_balancing_location_id   IN      NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
    p_balancing_tax_type      IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_balancing_accnt_name    IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_currency_code           IN      VARCHAR2  ,  -- DEFAULT jai_constants.func_curr File.Sql.35 by Brathod
    p_curr_conv_date          IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_curr_conv_type          IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_curr_conv_rate          IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_trx_amount              IN      NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,      -- recovered/liable service tax amount in foreign currency
    p_attribute_context       IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute1              IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute2              IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute3              IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute4              IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute5              IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_service_type_code       IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL/* added by ssawant for bug 5989740 */
  ) IS

    lv_regime_code              JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_code%TYPE;
Line: 297

    It will be inserted into jai_Rgm_trx_records table.
    Bug# 4204880

    CURSOR c_primary_regno( p_att_type_code jai_rgm_registrations.attribute_Type_code%TYPE ) IS  --rchandan for bug#4428980
    SELECT attribute_value
    WHERE  regime_id           = p_regime_id
    AND    organization_id     = p_organization_id
    AND    organization_type   = p_organization_type
    AND    registration_type   = jai_constants.regn_type_others
    AND    attribute_Type_code = p_att_type_code;  --rchandan for bug#4428980
Line: 316

    SELECT org_information3
    FROM   hr_organization_information
    AND    organization_id                = cp_organization_id;
Line: 326

    lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(1, lv_codepath, 'Insert_Repository_Entry', 'START');
Line: 501

     Added the column regime_primary_regno in the insert column list of the table jai_rgm_trx_records table.
    OPEN   c_primary_regno('PRIMARY');  --rchandan for bug#4428980
Line: 508

    INSERT INTO jai_rgm_trx_records(
      repository_id, regime_code, tax_type, source,
      source_document_id, source_table_name, transaction_date, debit_amount, credit_amount,
      settled_amount, settled_flag, settlement_id, organization_type,
      organization_id, location_id, account_name, charge_account_id, balancing_account_id,
      reference_id, source_trx_type, tax_rate, assessable_value, batch_id,
      trx_currency, curr_conv_date, curr_conv_rate, trx_credit_amount, trx_debit_amount,
      creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login,
      attribute_context, attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5
      , inv_organization_id, regime_primary_regno ,service_type_code /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
    ) VALUES (
      jai_rgm_trx_records_s.nextval, lv_regime_code, p_tax_type, p_source,
      p_source_document_id, p_source_table_name, ld_transaction_date, ln_debit, ln_credit,
      null, null, p_settlement_id, p_organization_type,
      p_organization_id, p_location_id, p_account_name, ln_charge_account_id, ln_balancing_account_id,
      p_reference_id, p_source_trx_type, p_tax_rate, p_assessable_value, p_batch_id,
      p_currency_code, p_curr_conv_date, p_curr_conv_rate, ln_trx_credit, ln_trx_debit,
      sysdate, FND_GLOBAL.user_id, sysdate, FND_GLOBAL.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
      p_attribute_context, p_attribute1, p_attribute2, p_attribute3, p_attribute4, p_attribute5
      , p_inv_organization_id , lv_primary_regime_regno ,p_service_type_code /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
    ) RETURNING repository_id INTO p_repository_id;
Line: 823

    lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(23, lv_codepath, 'Insert_Repository_entry', 'END');
Line: 830

      Fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log, 'Error in Insert_Repository_entry. Codepath:'||lv_codepath);
Line: 832

  END insert_repository_entry;
Line: 898

    SELECT      organization_code
    FROM        mtl_parameters
    WHERE       organization_id = cp_organization_id;
Line: 906

    select party_id
    from   jai_rgm_dis_src_hdrs
    where  transfer_id =  cp_transfer_id ;
Line: 913

    select destination_party_id
    from   jai_rgm_dis_des_hdrs
    where  transfer_id =  cp_transfer_id ;
Line: 919

    select source
    from   jai_rgm_trx_records
    where  repository_id = cp_repository_id      ;
Line: 1028

    jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('6395039.log', 'before insert inot gl_interface');
Line: 1029

    INSERT INTO gl_interface (
      status, set_of_books_id, user_je_source_name, user_je_category_name,
      accounting_date, currency_code, date_created, created_by,
      actual_flag, entered_cr, entered_dr, accounted_cr, accounted_dr, transaction_date,
      code_combination_id, currency_conversion_date, user_currency_conversion_type, currency_conversion_rate,
      reference10, reference22, reference23, reference1,
      reference24, reference25, reference26, reference27
    ) VALUES (
      lv_status, ln_sob_id, lv_source_name, lv_gl_je_category,
      ld_accounting_date, p_currency_code, sysdate, FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
      'A', ln_entered_cr, ln_entered_dr, ln_accounted_cr, ln_accounted_dr, p_transaction_date,
      p_code_combination_id, p_curr_conv_date, p_curr_conv_type, p_curr_conv_rate,
      lv_reference10, jai_constants.gl_je_source_name, p_calling_object, lv_reference1,
      -- commented lv_organization_code and passed refererence1 ssumaith bug#6664855
      --Bug 5051541 kunkumar
      p_source_table_name, p_source_document_id, p_repository_name, p_organization_id
Line: 1046

                jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('6395039.log', 'after insert inot gl_interface');
Line: 1054

                jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('6395039.log', 'before insert inot JAI_CMN_JOURNAL_ENTRIES');
Line: 1055

      regime_code, organization_id, set_of_books_id, tax_type, period_name,
      code_combination_id, accounted_dr, accounted_cr, transaction_date,
      source, source_table_name, source_trx_id, reference_name, reference_id, repository_id,/* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
      currency_code, curr_conv_rate, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login
      p_regime_code, p_organization_id, ln_sob_id, p_tax_type, lv_period_name,
      p_code_combination_id, ln_accounted_dr, ln_accounted_cr, p_transaction_date,
      p_source, p_source_table_name, p_source_document_id, p_reference_name, p_reference_id,p_repository_id,/* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
      p_currency_code, p_curr_conv_rate, sysdate, FND_GLOBAL.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id
Line: 1067

                jai_cmn_utils_pkg.print_log('6395039.log', 'after insert inot JAI_CMN_JOURNAL_ENTRIES');
Line: 1078

  PROCEDURE insert_reference(
    p_reference_id              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,             /* Operating Unit */
    p_source                IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_invoice_id            IN  NUMBER,
    p_line_id               IN  NUMBER,
    p_tax_type              IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_tax_id                IN  NUMBER,
    p_tax_rate              IN  NUMBER,
    p_recoverable_ptg       IN  NUMBER,
    p_party_type            IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_party_id              IN  NUMBER,
    p_party_site_id         IN  NUMBER,
    p_trx_tax_amount        IN  NUMBER,
    p_trx_currency          IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_curr_conv_date        IN  DATE,
    p_curr_conv_rate        IN  NUMBER,
    p_tax_amount            IN  NUMBER,
    p_recoverable_amount    IN  NUMBER,
    p_recovered_amount      IN  NUMBER,
    p_item_line_id          IN  NUMBER,
    p_item_id               IN  NUMBER,
    p_taxable_basis         IN  NUMBER,
    p_parent_reference_id   IN  NUMBER,
    p_reversal_flag         IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_batch_id              IN  NUMBER,
    p_process_flag            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_process_message OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    /* Location_Id Required for VAT??? */
  ) IS


    INSERT INTO jai_rgm_trx_refs(
    ) VALUES (
    ) RETURNING reference_id INTO p_reference_id;
Line: 1180

      p_process_message := 'jai_cmn_rgm_recording_pkg.insert_reference failed with error - '||SQLERRM;
Line: 1182

  END insert_reference;
Line: 1197

      SELECT decode(cp_register_type,
                      jai_constants.register_type_a, modvat_rm_account_id,
                      jai_constants.register_type_c, modvat_cg_account_id,
                      jai_constants.register_type_pla, modvat_pla_account_id
      WHERE organization_id = cp_organization_id
      AND ( (cp_location_id IS NOT NULL AND a.location_id = cp_location_id)
            OR (cp_location_id IS NULL AND (a.location_id IS NULL OR a.location_id = 0))
Line: 1213

      SELECT decode(cp_register_type,
                      jai_constants.register_type_a,   excise_edu_cess_rm_account  ,
                      jai_constants.register_type_c,   excise_edu_cess_cg_account  ,
                      jai_constants.register_type_pla, modvat_pla_account_id
      WHERE organization_id = cp_organization_id
      AND ( (cp_location_id IS NOT NULL AND a.location_id = cp_location_id)
            OR (cp_location_id IS NULL AND (a.location_id IS NULL OR a.location_id = 0))
Line: 1233

            SELECT decode(cp_register_type,
                            jai_constants.register_type_a,   SH_CESS_RM_ACCOUNT  ,
                            jai_constants.register_type_c,   SH_CESS_CG_ACCOUNT_ID  ,
                            jai_constants.register_type_pla, modvat_pla_account_id
            WHERE organization_id = cp_organization_id
            AND ( (cp_location_id IS NOT NULL AND a.location_id = cp_location_id)
                  OR (cp_location_id IS NULL AND (a.location_id IS NULL OR a.location_id = 0))
Line: 1249

      SELECT to_number(accnts.attribute_value)
      WHERE tax_types.regime_id = cp_regime_id
      AND tax_types.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
      AND tax_types.attribute_code = cp_tax_type
      AND accnts.regime_id = tax_types.regime_id
      AND accnts.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_accounts
      AND accnts.parent_registration_id = tax_types.registration_id
      AND accnts.attribute_code = cp_account_name
      AND accnts.organization_type = cp_organization_type
      AND accnts.organization_id = cp_organization_id
      AND (cp_location_id IS NULL OR location_id = cp_location_id);
Line: 1273

      SELECT to_number(accnts.attribute_value)
           jai_rgm_parties jrp ,
           JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS accnts
      WHERE tax_types.regime_id = cp_regime_id
      AND  jrp.regime_id = -accnts.regime_id
      AND tax_types.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
      AND tax_types.attribute_code = cp_tax_type
      AND accnts.regime_id = tax_types.regime_id
      AND accnts.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_accounts
      AND accnts.parent_registration_id = tax_types.registration_id
      AND accnts.attribute_code = cp_account_name
      AND jrp.organization_type = cp_organization_type
      AND jrp.organization_id = cp_organization_id ;
Line: 1290

      SELECT to_number(operating_unit) org_id
      FROM org_organization_definitions
      WHERE organization_id = cp_organization_id;
Line: 1295

      SELECT disc_taken_code_combination_id
      FROM ap_system_parameters_all
      WHERE org_id = cp_org_id;
Line: 1467

      SELECT period_name, start_date, end_date, closing_status
      FROM gl_period_statuses
      WHERE application_id = jai_constants.gl_application_id
      AND set_of_books_id = cp_sob_id
      AND cp_accounting_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
Line: 1507

      FOR period IN ( SELECT period_name, start_date, end_date, closing_status
                      FROM gl_period_statuses
                      WHERE application_id = jai_constants.gl_application_id
                      AND set_of_books_id = ln_sob_id
                      AND start_date > p_accounting_date
                      ORDER BY period_year, period_num
        IF period.closing_status IN('O','F') THEN
          p_sob_id          := ln_sob_id;
Line: 1610

  PROCEDURE update_reference(
    p_source            IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_reference_id      IN  NUMBER,
    p_recovered_amount  IN  NUMBER,
    p_discounted_amount IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
    p_process_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_process_message OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS

    lv_statement  VARCHAR2(2); -- := '1' File.Sql.35 by Brathod
Line: 1622

    UPDATE jai_rgm_trx_refs
    SET  recovered_amount = nvl(recovered_amount,0) + nvl(p_recovered_amount, 0),
        discounted_amount = nvl(discounted_amount,0) + nvl(p_discounted_amount,0),
        -- recoverable_amount = recoverable_amount - nvl(p_amount, 0),
        last_update_date = sysdate,
        last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
    WHERE reference_id = p_reference_id;
Line: 1636

      p_process_message := 'jai_cmn_rgm_recording_pkg.update_reference (Stmt'||lv_statement||') Error Occured:'||SQLERRM;
Line: 1637

  END update_reference;
Line: 1641

  PROCEDURE insert_vat_repository_entry(
    pn_repository_id             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    pn_regime_id              IN      NUMBER,
    pv_tax_type               IN      VARCHAR2,
    pv_organization_type      IN      VARCHAR2,
    pn_organization_id        IN      NUMBER,
    pn_location_id            IN      NUMBER,
    pv_source                 IN      VARCHAR2,
    pv_source_trx_type        IN      VARCHAR2,
    pv_source_table_name      IN      VARCHAR2,
    pn_source_id              IN      NUMBER,
    pd_transaction_date       IN      DATE,
    pv_account_name           IN      VARCHAR2,
    pn_charge_account_id      IN      NUMBER,
    pn_balancing_account_id   IN      NUMBER,
    pn_credit_amount          IN  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
    pn_debit_amount           IN  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
    pn_assessable_value       IN      NUMBER,
    pn_tax_rate               IN      NUMBER,
    pn_reference_id           IN      NUMBER,
    pn_batch_id               IN      NUMBER,
    pn_inv_organization_id    IN      NUMBER,
    pv_invoice_no             IN      VARCHAR2,     /* this holds either generated VAT Invoice Number or Vendor Inovice Number */
    pd_invoice_date           IN      DATE,         /* this holds VAT Invoice Date or Vendor VAT Inovice Date */
    pv_called_from            IN      VARCHAR2,
    pv_process_flag              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    pv_process_message           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    pv_attribute_context      IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_attribute1             IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_attribute2             IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_attribute3             IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_attribute4             IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_attribute5             IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
  ) IS

    CURSOR c_primary_regno(cp_regime_id IN NUMBER, cp_orgn_type in varchar2,
          cp_orgn_id in number, cp_location_id in number,
    p_att_type_code jai_rgm_registrations.attribute_Type_code%TYPE) IS   --rchandan for bug#4428980
      SELECT attribute_value
      WHERE  regime_id           = cp_regime_id
      AND    organization_type   = cp_orgn_type
      AND    organization_id     = cp_orgn_id
      and    (cp_location_id is null or location_id = cp_location_id)
      AND    registration_type   = jai_constants.regn_type_others
      AND    attribute_type_code = p_att_type_code;
Line: 1718

    INSERT INTO jai_rgm_trx_records(
      repository_id, regime_code, tax_type, source,
      source_document_id, source_table_name, transaction_date, debit_amount, credit_amount,
      settled_amount, settled_flag, settlement_id, organization_type,
      organization_id, location_id, account_name, charge_account_id, balancing_account_id,
      reference_id, source_trx_type, tax_rate, assessable_value, batch_id,
      trx_currency, curr_conv_date, curr_conv_rate, trx_credit_amount, trx_debit_amount,
      creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login,
      attribute_context, attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5
      , inv_organization_id, regime_primary_regno, invoice_no, invoice_date
    ) VALUES (
      jai_rgm_trx_records_s.nextval, lv_regime_code, pv_tax_type, pv_source,
      pn_source_id, pv_source_table_name, ld_transaction_date, pn_debit_amount, pn_credit_amount,
      null, null, null, pv_organization_type,
      pn_organization_id, pn_location_id, pv_account_name, pn_charge_account_id, pn_balancing_account_id,
      pn_reference_id, pv_source_trx_type, pn_tax_rate, pn_assessable_value, pn_batch_id,
      jai_constants.func_curr, null, null, pn_credit_amount, pn_debit_amount,
      sysdate, FND_GLOBAL.user_id, sysdate, FND_GLOBAL.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
      pv_attribute_context, pv_attribute1, pv_attribute2, pv_attribute3, pv_attribute4, pv_attribute5
      , pn_inv_organization_id, lv_primary_regime_regno, pv_invoice_no, pd_invoice_date
    ) RETURNING repository_id INTO pn_repository_id;
Line: 1746

      pv_process_message := 'insert_vat_repository_entry Error(Stmt:'||lv_statement_id||') Occured:'||SQLERRM;
Line: 1748

      Fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log, 'Error in insert_vat_repository_entry. Stmt:'||lv_statement_id);
Line: 1749

  END insert_vat_repository_entry;
Line: 1754

      are taken while passing inserting into GL
     Incase a single entry needs to be passed, then pass the relevant ccid and amount
  PROCEDURE do_vat_accounting(
    pn_regime_id                IN              NUMBER,
    pn_repository_id            IN              NUMBER,
    pv_organization_type        IN              VARCHAR2,
    pn_organization_id          IN              NUMBER,
    pd_accounting_date          IN              DATE,
    pd_transaction_date         IN              DATE,
    pn_credit_amount            IN              NUMBER,
    pn_debit_amount             IN              NUMBER,
    pn_credit_ccid              IN              NUMBER,
    pn_debit_ccid               IN              NUMBER,
    pv_called_from              IN              VARCHAR2,
    pv_process_flag                 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
    pv_process_message              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
    pv_tax_type                 IN              VARCHAR2    DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_source                   IN              VARCHAR2    DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_source_trx_type          IN              VARCHAR2    DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_source_table_name        IN              VARCHAR2    DEFAULT NULL,
    pn_source_id                IN              NUMBER      DEFAULT NULL,
    pv_reference_name           IN              VARCHAR2    DEFAULT NULL,
    pn_reference_id             IN              NUMBER      DEFAULT NULL
  ) IS

    r_repo_dtl                  c_repository_dtl%ROWTYPE;
Line: 1965

  select get_rgm_attribute_value('VAT', 'IO', 2832, 10023, 'OTHERS', 'PRIMARY', null) from dual;
Line: 1966

  select jai_rgm_trx_recording_pkgget_rgm_attribute_value('VAT', 'IO', 2832, 10023, 'OTHERS', null, 'SAME_INVOICE_NO') from dual;
Line: 1975

      SELECT attribute_value
      WHERE  regime_code         = cp_regime_code
      AND    organization_type   = cp_orgn_type
      AND    organization_id     = cp_orgn_id
      and    (cp_location_id is null or location_id = cp_location_id)
      AND    registration_type   = cp_registration_type
      AND    ( (cp_attribute_code IS NOT NULL AND attribute_code = cp_attribute_code)
              or (cp_attribute_code IS NULL AND attribute_type_code = cp_attribute_type_code)