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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 191

NOTE: We are doing a insert into bom_cto_order_lines_temp select .... using dyanamic sql
followed by a select ...bulk collect... from bom_cto_order_lines_temp. A more efficient
approach would be to do a direct select..bulk collect.. from oe_order_lines...
in the dyanamic sql instead of going via the GTT. However bulk collect with dyanamic sql
is supported 9i onwards. For 11.5.9, we need to make it compatible with 8i database as well.
This restriction may not be there in R12. Please keep this in mind while front porting.

     delete from bom_cto_order_lines_temp;
Line: 202

     sql_stmt := 'INSERT INTO bom_cto_order_lines_temp (line_id, org_id, ship_from_org_id, schedule_ship_date, inventory_item_id) '||
                 'SELECT  oel.line_id, oel.org_id, oel.ship_from_org_id, oel.schedule_ship_date, 1 '||
                 'from    oe_order_lines_all oel, '||
                 '        mtl_system_items msi, '||
                 '        wf_item_activity_statuses was, '||
                 '        wf_process_activities WPA '||
                 'where   oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id '||
                 'and     oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id '||
                 'and     oel.source_type_code = ''EXTERNAL'' '||
                 'and     msi.bom_item_type = 4 '||
                 'and     oel.open_flag = ''Y'' '||
                 'and    (oel.cancelled_flag is null '||
                 '        or oel.cancelled_flag = ''N'') '||
                 'and    oel.booked_flag = ''Y'' '||
                 'and    oel.ordered_quantity > 0 '||
                 'and    msi.replenish_to_order_flag = ''Y'' '||
                 'and    msi.pick_components_flag = ''N'' '||
                 'and    was.item_type = ''OEOL'' '||
                 'and    was.activity_status = ''NOTIFIED'' '||
                 'and    was.item_type = wpa.activity_item_type  '||
                 'and    was.process_activity = wpa.instance_id '||
                 'and    wpa.activity_name in '||
Line: 247

                                  '         (select oeh.header_id '||
                                  '          from   oe_order_headers_all oeh, '||
                                  '                 oe_transaction_types_tl oet, '||
                                  '                 mtl_sales_orders mso '||
                                  '          where  oeh.order_number = to_char( :p_sales_order) '||
                                  '          and    oeh.order_type_id = oet.transaction_type_id '||
                                  '          and    mso.segment1 = to_char(oeh.order_number) '||
                                  '          and    mso.segment2 = oet.name '||
                                  '          and    oet.language = (select language_code '||
                                  '                                 from fnd_languages'||
                                  '                                 where installed_flag = ''B'')' ||
                                  '          ) ' ;
Line: 264

        sql_stmt := sql_stmt ||' and  oel.line_id in (select oelc.line_id '||
                                                    'from   oe_order_lines_all oelc '||
                                                    'where  oelc.ato_line_id = :p_sales_order_line_id '||
                                                    'and    (oelc.item_type_code = ''CONFIG'' '||
                                                    '        or     (oelc.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''OPTION'') '||
                                                    '                and ato_line_id = line_id)) '||
                                                    ') ';
Line: 283

                            '(select CAL.CALENDAR_DATE '||
                            ' from   bom_calendar_dates cal, '||
                            '        mtl_parameters     mp '||
                            ' where  mp.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id '||
                            ' and    cal.calendar_code  = mp.calendar_code '||
                            ' and    cal.exception_set_id =  mp.calendar_exception_set_id '||
                            ' and    cal.seq_num = '||
                            '          (select cal2.prior_seq_num - '||
                            '                 (ceil(nvl(msi.fixed_lead_time,0) + '||
                            '                       nvl(msi.variable_lead_time,0) * '||
                            '                       INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert '||
                            '                          (oel.inventory_item_id, '||
                            '                           null, '||
                            '                           oel.ordered_quantity , '||
                            '                           oel.order_quantity_uom, '||
                            '                           msi.primary_uom_code, '||
                            '                           null, '||
                            '                           null) '||
                            '                  )) '||
                            '           from   bom_calendar_dates cal2 '||
                            '           where  cal2.calendar_code = mp.calendar_code '||
                            '           and    cal2.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id '||
                            '          and    cal2.calendar_date =trunc(oel.schedule_ship_date) '||
                            '          )) ';
Line: 319

     we have selected.  The drive_mark variable tells us which parameters
     we are using, so we are sure to send the right ones to SQL.

     if (drive_mark = 0) then
	-- No (optional) parameter is passed
Line: 392

     select line_id, org_id, ship_from_org_id, schedule_ship_date
     BULK COLLECT INTO line_id_arr, org_id_arr, ship_from_org_id_arr, schedule_ship_date_arr
     from bom_cto_order_lines_temp;
Line: 423

             select line_id into dummy
             from   oe_order_lines_all
             where  line_id = line_id_arr(i)
             and    source_type_code = 'EXTERNAL'
             and    open_flag = 'Y'
             and    booked_flag = 'Y'
             and    ordered_quantity > 0
             and    (cancelled_flag is null
                     or cancelled_flag = 'N')
             and    ship_from_org_id = ship_from_org_id_arr(i)
             and    schedule_ship_date = schedule_ship_date_arr(i)
             FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 452

          update  oe_order_lines_all
          set     program_id = l_program_id,
                  request_id = l_request_id
          where   line_id = line_id_arr(i);