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2 /* $Header: amsvcpgs.pls 115.24 2002/06/09 17:55:24 pkm ship        $ */
4 -- Define Constants used by the package.
5 G_AMS_DIR_NODE_ID                      CONSTANT NUMBER       := 3 ; -- Changed on Mar 06 as the new directory node for CPAGE.
8 G_RICH_CONTENT                         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'AMS_RICH_CONTENT' ;
12 G_DATA_SOURCE                          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'DATA_SOURCE' ;
13 G_MERGE_FIELD                          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'MERGE_FIELD' ;
16 G_BIND_VAR                             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'BIND_VAR' ;
18 G_CP_IMAGE                             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'AMS_CP_IMAGE' ;
19 G_QUESTIONS                            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'AMS_QUESTIONS' ;
21 G_DEF_UI_FOR_SUBMIT                    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'BUTTON' ;
23 G_IBC_IMAGE                            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'IBC_IMAGE' ;
24 G_IBC_STYLESHEET                       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'IBC_STYLESHEET' ;
29 G_OUTPUT_TYPE                          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'OUTPUT_TYPE' ;
30 G_UI_CONTROL_TYPE                      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UI_CONTROL_TYPE' ;
31 G_OCM_IMAGE_ID                         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'OCM_IMAGE_ID' ;
32 G_BUTTON_LABEL                         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'BUTTON_LABEL' ;
33 G_ALIGNMENT                            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'ALIGNMENT' ;
34 -- Bind Variables
35 G_BIND_VAR_AMSP                        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'amsp';
36 G_BIND_VAR_AMSSC                       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'amssc';
37 G_BIND_VAR_AMSRELP                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'amsrelp';
38 G_BIND_VAR_AMSORGP                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'amsorgp';
39 G_BIND_VAR_AMSADDRESSP                 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'amsaddressp';
40 G_BIND_VAR_AMSCTP                      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'amsctp';
41 G_BIND_VAR_AMSORGCT                    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'amsorgct';
42 -- Data Sources
47 G_EMAIL_DATA_SRC                       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'EMAIL';
48 G_FAX_DATA_SRC                         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'FAX';
51 G_PIN_CODE_DATA_SRC                    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'OMO_PIN_CODE';
53 /*
54 Making changes in generate_sql_statement. April 30, 2002.
55 According to Avijit, for Runtime of Questions Section the bind variable name
56 has to be changed based on the Data Source column and field.
57 This change is fine, but it will not work for user defined data sources at all.
58 For address, amsp is good for address-es.
59 For email, fax, phone-s , please put amsctp
60 For company name, please put amsorgp - org party id,
61 For job title, amsrelp - relationshipparty id is good.
62 --
63 This is what the above translates to :
64 for PERSON_LIST as list_source_type, amsp should be used.
65 for PERSON_PHONE1 to PERSON_PHONE3 and EMAIL and FAX, amscpt (contant points) should be used.
66 When the same page is used in B2C Context, Avijit's runtime uses Person Party Id.
67 When the same page is used in B2B Context, Avijit's runtime uses Relationship Party Id.
68 We are not covering the Business Phones and other details as yet.
69 for ORGANIZATION_LIST as list_source_type, amsorgp should be used. This is Organization Party ID.
70 for ORGANIZATION_CONTACT_LIST as list_source_type, amsrelp should be used. This is Relationship Party ID.
71 */
73 G_SEPARATOR                            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'SEPARATOR';
74 G_TOC                                  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'AMS_TOC';
76 /*
77 Test script:
78 declare
79 --Make sure that ibc_association_types_b and tl table have valid data.
80 delvId number(15) := 10061;
81 cTypeCode varchar2(30) := 'TEST_COMPOUND_1';
82 defDispTempId number(15) := null;
83 assocTypeCode varchar2(30) := 'CONTENT_FOR_OMO_CPAGE';
84 commitFlag varchar2(1) := 'F';
85 apiVer number(10) := 1.0;
86 valLevel number(15) := 100;
87 cItemId number(15);
88 cItemVerId number(15);
89 status varchar2(1);
90 msgCnt number(10);
91 msgData varchar2(2000);
92 begin
93 AMS_CPageUtility_PVT.create_citem_for_delv(
94    p_content_type_code      => cTypeCode
95    ,p_def_disp_template_id  => defDispTempId
96    ,p_delv_id               => delvId
97    ,p_assoc_type_code       => assocTypeCode
98    ,p_commit                => commitFlag
99    ,p_api_version           => apiVer
100    ,p_api_validation_level  => valLevel
101    ,x_citem_id              => cItemId
102    ,x_citem_ver_id          => cItemVerId
103    ,x_return_status         => status
104    ,x_msg_count             => msgCnt
105    ,x_msg_data              => msgData
106 );
107 dbms_output.put_line('status = ' || status);
108 dbms_output.put_line('citemid = ' || cItemId);
109 dbms_output.put_line('citemverid = ' || cItemVerId);
110 end;
111 */
112 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
114 --    create_citem_for_delv
115 --
116 -- PURPOSE
117 --    Create a Content Item for Deliverable of type Content Page.
118 --
119 -- NOTES
120 --    1. The required input is as follows:
121 --         content_type_code
122 --         default_display_template_id
123 --         deliverable_id
124 --         association_type_code (to be recorded in ibc_associations table)
125 --    2. This procedure returns the Content Item ID of the newly created
126 --       Content Item associated with the given deliverable.
127 --
128 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
129 PROCEDURE create_citem_for_delv(
130    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
131    p_def_disp_template_id  IN  NUMBER,
132    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
133    p_assoc_type_code       IN  VARCHAR2,
134    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
135    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0,
136    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
137    x_citem_id              OUT NUMBER,
138    x_citem_ver_id          OUT NUMBER,
139    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
140    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
141    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
142 );
144 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
146 --    approve_citem_for_delv
147 --
148 -- PURPOSE
149 --    Approve the Content Item associated with the Deliverable of type Content Page.
150 --
151 -- NOTES
152 --    1. The required input is as follows:
153 --         content_type_code
154 --         deliverable_id
155 --         content_item_id
156 --         association_type_code (this is recorded in ibc_associations table)
157 --    2. This procedure returns the success or failure status
158 --
159 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
160 PROCEDURE approve_citem_for_delv(
161    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
162    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
163    p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
164    p_assoc_type_code       IN  VARCHAR2,
165    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
166    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0,
167    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
168    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
169    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
170    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
171 );
174 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
176 --    update_citem_for_delv
177 --
178 -- PURPOSE
179 --    Update the Content Item associated with the Deliverable of type Content Page.
180 --
181 -- NOTES
182 --    1. The required input is as follows:
183 --         content_type_code
184 --         default_display_template_id
185 --         deliverable_id
186 --         content_item_id
187 --         association_type_code (this is recorded in ibc_associations table)
188 --    2. This procedure returns the success or failure status
189 --
190 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
191 PROCEDURE update_citem_for_delv(
192    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
193    p_def_disp_template_id  IN  NUMBER,
194    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
195    p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
196    p_assoc_type_code       IN  VARCHAR2,
197    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
198    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0,
199    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
200    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
201    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
202    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
203 );
206 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
208 --    manage_rich_content
209 --
210 -- PURPOSE
211 --    Manage a Rich Content Item.
212 --
213 -- NOTES
214 --    1. The required input is as follows:
215 --       Content Type Code for the Section. This must be RICH_CONTENT.
216 --       Content Type Name. (This is the same as Section Name when this item is created in the context of a parent content item).
217 --       Attachment File ID that has the Rich Content Data.
218 --       Attachment File Name.
219 --       Start Date
220 --       End Date
221 --       Owner Resource ID
222 --       Owner Resource Type
223 --       Value for HAS_MERGE_FIELDS
224 --       Value for HAS_PAGE_MERGE_FIELDS
225 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
226 --       Content Item Id : If given Update is done.
227 --       Content Item Version Id : If given Update is done.
228 --       Description.
229 --       Attribute Type Code for the Section.
230 --       The Content Item Version ID of the Parent Content Item
231 --       The Content Type Code associated with the Parent Content Item.
232 --          If the above two are available, this procedure will create a
233 --          compound relation between the Parent Content Item Version ID and
234 --          the Content Item ID of the newly created Content Item.
235 --       VARCHAR2 Array of Data Source Programmatic Access Codes.
236 --       VARCHAR2 Array of Merge Field names.
237 --       Note that these names contain the Programmatic Access Code for the
238 --       Data Source as well as the Column Name, separated by a period.
239 --          If this Array has data, the SELECT_SQL_QUERY type of Content Items
240 --          will be created for each of Data Sources that appear in the list.
241 --          The MERGE_FIELD Content Items will be created for each of the item
242 --          in the Array.
243 --          Compound relations will be created between the MERGE_FIELD items and
244 --          SELECT_SQL_QUERY items and between SELECT_SQL_QUERY items and the
245 --          newly created RICH_CONTENT item.
246 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
247 --          1. Create a Basic Content Item for Rich Content with insert_basic_citem
248 --          2. Add the Meta Data with set_citem_meta.
249 --          3. Set the Attachment for this Content Item.
250 --          4. Set the Attribute Bundle for this Content Item.
251 --             Arrive at the value for FUNCTIONAL_TYPE.
252 --             This will consist of the following attributes:
253 --                HAS_MERGE_FIELDS
254 --                HAS_PAGE_MERGE_FIELDS
255 --                FUNCTIONAL_TYPE
256 --          5. If the details of Parent Content Item are available,
257 --             create the compound relation between the parent content item and the
258 --             newly created RICH_CONTENT item.
259 --          6. If the Merge Fields List is not empty, do the following:
260 --             Collect all the Merge Fields from one data source together.
261 --             For each such data source, do the following:
262 --                Create MERGE_FIELD Content Item for each Merge Field for this Data Source with an APPROVED status. Use BULK_INSERT.
263 --                   Pick up the Field Type from Data Source schema.
264 --                Generate SQL Query for the resolution of these Merge Fields in APPROVED status. Use BULK_INSERT.
265 --                Create the SELECT_SQL_QUERY content item.
266 --                Create Compound Relations between the SELECT_SQL_QUERY and the MERGE_FIELD content items.
267 --             Create Compound Relations between the SELECT_SQL_QUERY items and the RICH_CONTENT content item.
268 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful.
269 --
270 -- HISTORY
271 --    14-FEB-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
272 --    11-MAR-2002   gdeodhar     Added Update to the same method.
273 --
274 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
275 PROCEDURE manage_rich_content(
276    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
277    p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
278    p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
279    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
280    p_attach_file_id        IN  NUMBER,
281    p_attach_file_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
282    p_owner_resource_id     IN  NUMBER,
283    p_owner_resource_type   IN  VARCHAR2,
284    p_has_merge_fields      IN  VARCHAR2,
285    p_has_page_merge_fields IN  VARCHAR2,
286    p_reusable_flag         IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT FND_API.g_false, -- CHANGE to Y or N when IBC folks change the conventions for varchar2 fields.
287    p_data_source_list      IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300,
288    p_merge_fields_list     IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300,
289    p_attribute_type_code   IN  VARCHAR2,
290    p_parent_citem_id       IN  NUMBER,
291    p_parent_citem_ver_id   IN  NUMBER,
292    p_parent_ctype_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
293    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
294    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT 1.0,
295    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
296    px_citem_id             IN OUT NUMBER,
297    px_citem_ver_id         IN OUT NUMBER,
298    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
299    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
300    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2,
301    p_dml_flag              IN  VARCHAR2,
302    p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_true
303 );
306 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
308 --    manage_toc_section
309 --
310 -- PURPOSE
311 --    Manage a TOC Section Item.
312 --
313 -- NOTES
314 --    1. The required input is as follows:
315 --       Content Type Code for the Section. This must be AMS_TOC.
316 --       Content Type Name. (This is the same as Section Name when this item is created in the context of a parent content item).
317 --       Start Date
318 --       End Date
319 --       Owner Resource ID
320 --       Owner Resource Type
321 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
322 --       Content Item Id : If given Update is done.
323 --       Content Item Version Id : If given Update is done.
324 --       Description.
325 --       The Content Item Version ID of the Parent Content Item
326 --       The Content Type Code associated with the Parent Content Item.
327 --          If the above two are available, this procedure will create a
328 --          compound relation between the Parent Content Item Version ID and
329 --          the Content Item ID of the newly created Content Item.
330 --       VARCHAR2 caption.
331 --       VARCHAR2 list style.
332 --       VARCHAR2 Array of Attribute Type Codes.
333 --       VARCHAR2 Array of Attribute Values.
334 --       Attachment File ID that has TOC XML Data for runtime.
335 --       Attachment File Name.
336 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
337 --          1. Create a Basic Content Item for Rich Content with insert_basic_citem
338 --          2. Add the Meta Data with set_citem_meta.
339 --          3. Set the Attachment for this Content Item.
340 --          4. Set the Attribute Bundle for this Content Item.
344 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful.
341 --          5. If the details of Parent Content Item are available,
342 --             create the compound relation between the parent content item and the
343 --             newly created TOC item.
345 --
346 -- HISTORY
347 --    10-APR-2002   asaha     Created.
348 --
349 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
350 PROCEDURE manage_toc_section(
351    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
352    p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
353    p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
354    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
355    p_owner_resource_id     IN  NUMBER,
356    p_owner_resource_type   IN  VARCHAR2,
357    p_reusable_flag         IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT FND_API.g_false, -- CHANGE to Y or N when IBC folks change the conventions for varchar2 fields.
358    p_attr_types            IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
359    p_attr_values           IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
360    p_parent_citem_id       IN  NUMBER,
361    p_parent_citem_ver_id   IN  NUMBER,
362    p_parent_ctype_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
363    p_attribute_type_code   IN  VARCHAR2,
364    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
365    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT 1.0,
366    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
367    px_citem_id             IN OUT NUMBER,
368    px_citem_ver_id         IN OUT NUMBER,
369    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
370    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
371    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2,
372    p_dml_flag              IN  VARCHAR2,
373    p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_true
374 );
376 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
378 --    update_questions_section
379 --
380 -- PURPOSE
381 --    Update Questions Section Content Item.
382 --
383 -- NOTES
384 --    1. The required input is as follows:
385 --       Deliverable ID.
386 --       Content Item ID for the section.
387 --       Content Item Version ID for the section.
388 --       Content Type Code for the Section. This must be QUESTIONS.
389 --       Content Type Name. (This is the same as Section Name when this item is created in the context of a parent content item).
390 --       Attachment File ID that has the XML Data.
391 --       Attachment File Name.
392 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
393 --       Description.
394 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
395 --          1. Arrive at SELECT SQL Statements for each Data Source used in the section.
396 --          2. Arrive at the FUNCTIONAL_TYPE value.
397 --          3. Set the Attachment for this Content Item.
398 --          4. Set the Attribute Bundle for this Content Item.
399 --             This will consist of the following attributes:
400 --                SELECT_SQL_STATEMENT (s) : These could be many.
401 --                FUNCTIONAL_TYPE
402 --          5. Delete the Data Source Usages records if already available.
403 --          6. Insert the Data Source Usages records for the Data Sources used.
404 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful.
405 --
406 -- HISTORY
407 --    24-MAR-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
408 --
409 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
410 PROCEDURE update_questions_section(
411    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
412    p_section_citem_id      IN  NUMBER,
413    p_section_citem_ver_id  IN  NUMBER,
414    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
415    p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
416    p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
417    p_attach_file_id        IN  NUMBER,
418    p_attach_file_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
419    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
420    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT 1.0,
421    p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_true,
422    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
423    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
424    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
425    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
426 );
428 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
430 --    get_rich_content_data
431 --
432 -- PURPOSE
433 --    Get the data from Rich Content Item.
434 --
435 -- NOTES
436 --    1. The required input is as follows:
437 --         content_item_id
438 --    2. This procedure returns the following data back to the caller.
439 --         citem_version_id for the content item.
440 --         attachment_file_id
441 --         attachment_file_name
442 --         citem_name
443 --         attribute_types (array)
444 --         attribute_values (array)
445 --
446 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
447 PROCEDURE get_rich_content_data(
448    p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
449    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
450    x_citem_ver_id          OUT NUMBER,
451    x_attach_file_id        OUT NUMBER,
455    x_attribute_values      OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000,
452    x_attach_file_name      OUT VARCHAR2,
453    x_citem_name            OUT VARCHAR2,
454    x_attribute_types       OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
456    x_object_version_number OUT NUMBER,
457    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
458    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
459    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
460 );
462 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
464 --    get_content_item_data
465 --
466 -- PURPOSE
467 --    Get the Content Item Details. Wrapper on IBC_CITEM_ADMIN_GRP.get_citem
468 --
469 -- NOTES
470 --    1. The required input is as follows:
471 --         content_item_id
472 --         content_item_version_id
473 --    2. This procedure calls the get_citem from IBC_CITEM_ADMIN_GRP package.
474 --       It only sends the useful data back to the caller.
475 --
476 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
477 PROCEDURE get_content_item_data(
478    p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
479    p_citem_ver_id          IN  NUMBER,
480    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
481    x_status                OUT VARCHAR2,
482    x_attach_file_id        OUT NUMBER,
483    x_attach_file_name      OUT VARCHAR2,
484    x_citem_name            OUT VARCHAR2,
485    x_description           OUT VARCHAR2,
486    x_attribute_type_codes  OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
487    x_attribute_type_names  OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300,
488    x_attributes            OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000,
489    x_cpnt_citem_ids        OUT JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
490    x_cpnt_ctype_codes      OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
491    x_cpnt_attrib_types     OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
492    x_cpnt_citem_names      OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300,
493    x_cpnt_sort_orders      OUT JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
494    x_object_version_number OUT NUMBER,
495    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
496    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
497    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
498 );
500 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
502 --    get_content_item_attrs
503 --
504 -- PURPOSE
505 --    Wrapper on IBC_CITEM_ADMIN_GRP.get_attribute_bundle
506 --
507 -- NOTES
508 --    1. The required input is as follows:
509 --         content_item_id
510 --         content_type_code
511 --         content_item_version_id
512 --    2. This procedure calls the get_attribute_bundle from IBC_CITEM_ADMIN_GRP package.
513 --       It only sends the useful data back to the caller.
514 --
515 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
516 PROCEDURE get_content_item_attrs(
517    p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
518    p_ctype_code            IN  VARCHAR2,
519    p_citem_ver_id          IN  NUMBER,
520    p_attrib_file_id        IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT NULL,
521    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
522    p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2,
523    x_attribute_type_codes  OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
524    x_attribute_type_names  OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300,
525    x_attributes            OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000,
526    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
527    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
528    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
529 );
531 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
533 --    create_cp_image
534 --
535 -- PURPOSE
536 --    Create the CP_IMAGE Content Item.
537 --
538 -- NOTES
539 --    1. The required input is as follows:
540 --       Content Type Code for the Section. This must be CP_IMAGE.
541 --       Content Type Name. (This is the same as Section Name when this item is created in the context of a parent content item).
542 --       Deliverable ID.
543 --       Two Arrays : one with all the attribute type codes for CP_IMAGE.
544 --                    second with the corresponding values for CP_IMAGE.
545 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
546 --       Description.
547 --       Attribute Type Code for the Parent's Section.
548 --       The Content Item Version ID of the Parent Content Item
549 --       The Content Type Code associated with the Parent Content Item.
550 --          If the above two are available, this procedure will create a
551 --          compound relation between the Parent Content Item Version ID and
552 --          the Content Item ID of the newly created Content Item.
553 --       Attachment File Id of the newly uploaded binary file.
554 --       Attachment File Name for the same.
558 --          of type IMAGE (the OCM's IMAGE) first and use the content_item_id of
555 --       Two Arrays : one with the attribute type codes for IMAGE.
556 --                    second with the corresponding values for IMAGE.
557 --          If the above four are available, this procedure will create a Content Item
559 --          this content item for CP_IMAGE.
560 --       If the above two are unavailable, the content_item_id of the IMAGE content item
561 --       referred to by this CP_IMAGE must be provided.
562 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
563 --          1. Create the IMAGE content item if necessary. It will call the bulk-insert
564 --             procedure for this task. The IMAGE content item is marked as APPROVED
565 --             upon creation.
566 --          2. Create the CP_IMAGE content item using the bulk-insert call. This item
567 --             however is not marked as APPROVED.
568 --          NOTE that the FUNCTIONAL_TYPE for CP_IMAGE items is NORMAL.
569 --          3. If the details of Parent Content Item are available,
570 --             create the compound relation between the parent content item and the
571 --             newly created CP_IMAGE item.
572 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful.
573 --       It also returns the citem_id and citem_ver_id for the newly created CP_IMAGE item.
574 --
575 -- HISTORY
576 --    17-FEB-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
577 --
578 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
579 PROCEDURE create_cp_image(
580    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
581    p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
582    p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
583    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
584    p_resource_id           IN  NUMBER,
585    p_resource_type         IN  VARCHAR2,
586    p_reusable_flag         IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_true, -- CHANGE to Y or N when IBC folks change the conventions for varchar2 fields.
587    p_attr_types_cp_image   IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
588    p_attr_values_cp_image  IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
589    p_attach_file_id        IN  NUMBER,
590    p_attach_file_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
591    p_attr_types_image      IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
592    p_attr_values_image     IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
593    p_parent_attr_type_code IN  VARCHAR2,
594    p_parent_citem_id       IN  NUMBER,
595    p_parent_citem_ver_id   IN  NUMBER,
596    p_parent_ctype_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
597    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
598    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT 1.0,
599    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
600    x_cp_image_citem_id     OUT NUMBER,
601    x_cp_image_citem_ver_id OUT NUMBER,
602    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
603    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
604    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
605 );
607 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
609 --    update_cp_image
610 --
611 -- PURPOSE
612 --    Update the CP_IMAGE Content Item.
613 --
614 -- NOTES
615 --    1. The required input is as follows:
616 --       Content Type Code for the Section. This must be CP_IMAGE.
617 --       Content Item Id for the CP_IMAGE item.
618 --       Content Item Name. This is same as the Section Name.
619 --       Content Item Version Id for the CP_IMAGE item.
620 --       Deliverable ID.
621 --       Two Arrays : one with all the attribute type codes for CP_IMAGE.
622 --                    second with the corresponding values for CP_IMAGE.
623 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
624 --       Description.
625 --       Attachment File Id of the newly uploaded binary file.
626 --       Attachment File Name for the same.
627 --       Two Arrays : one with the attribute type codes for IMAGE.
628 --                    second with the corresponding values for IMAGE.
629 --          If the above four are available, this procedure will create a Content Item
630 --          of type IMAGE (the OCM's IMAGE) first and use the content_item_id of
631 --          this content item for CP_IMAGE.
632 --       If the above two are unavailable, the content_item_id of the IMAGE content item
633 --       referred to by this CP_IMAGE must be provided.
634 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
635 --          1. Create the IMAGE content item if necessary. It will call the bulk-insert
636 --             procedure for this task. The IMAGE content item is marked as APPROVED
637 --             upon creation.
638 --          2. Update the CP_IMAGE content item using the following calls:
639 --             set_citem_att_bundle (with all the attributes with the changed values).
640 --          NOTE that the FUNCTIONAL_TYPE for CP_IMAGE items is NORMAL.
641 --          NOTE that we will not call the following for now:
642 --             set_citem_meta will not be called as none of the meta items are exposed
643 --             in the UI for CP_IMAGE.
644 --             update_citem_basic will not be called as we do not expose Description
645 --             in the UI and we do not allow the change of the Name.
646 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful.
647 --
648 -- HISTORY
649 --    19-FEB-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
650 --
651 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
652 PROCEDURE update_cp_image(
653    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
654    p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
655    p_cp_image_citem_id     IN  NUMBER,
656    p_cp_image_citem_ver_id IN  NUMBER,
657    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
658    p_resource_id           IN  NUMBER,
659    p_resource_type         IN  VARCHAR2,
660    p_attr_types_cp_image   IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
661    p_attr_values_cp_image  IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
665    p_attr_types_image      IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
662    p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
663    p_attach_file_id        IN  NUMBER,
664    p_attach_file_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
666    p_attr_values_image     IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
667    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
668    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT 1.0,
669    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
670    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
671    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
672    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
673 );
676 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
678 --    update_content_item
679 --
680 -- PURPOSE
681 --    Update a Content Item with a generic content type.
682 --    The Content Type must be provided.
683 --
684 -- NOTES
685 --    1. The required input is as follows:
686 --       Content Type Code for the Item.
687 --       Content Item Id for Item.
688 --       Content Item Version Id for the Item.
689 --       Two Arrays : one with data for changed attribute codes.
690 --                    second with the corresponding values.
691 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
692 --       Content Item Name for the Item.
693 --       Description.
694 --       Attachment File Id for the attachment.
695 --       Attachment File Name for the same.
696 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
697 --          1. Lock the Content Item.
698 --          2. Get the existing Attribute data for the content item.
699 --          3. Set the values of the changed Attributes with the incoming data.
700 --          4. Set the Attachment File Id if it has been provided as input.
701 --          NOTE that we will not call the following for now:
702 --             set_citem_meta will not be called as none of the meta items are exposed
703 --             in the UI for any of the content items.
704 --             update_citem_basic will not be called as we do not expose Description
705 --             in the UI and we do not allow the change of the Name.
706 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful.
707 --
708 -- HISTORY
709 --    24-FEB-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
710 --
711 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
712 PROCEDURE update_content_item(
713    p_citem_id                 IN  NUMBER,
714    p_citem_version_id         IN  NUMBER,
715    p_content_type_code        IN  VARCHAR2,
716    p_content_item_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
717    p_description              IN  VARCHAR2,
718    p_delv_id                  IN  NUMBER,
719    p_attr_types_for_update    IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
720    p_attr_values_for_update   IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
721    p_attach_file_id           IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT NULL,
722    p_attach_file_name         IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT NULL,
723    p_commit                   IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
724    p_api_version              IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT 1.0,
725    p_api_validation_level     IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
726    x_return_status            OUT VARCHAR2,
727    x_msg_count                OUT NUMBER,
728    x_msg_data                 OUT VARCHAR2,
729    p_replace_attr_bundle      IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_false
730 );
732 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
734 --    create_display_template
735 --
736 -- PURPOSE
737 --    Create a Content Item of type STYLESHEET.
738 --
739 -- NOTES
740 --    1. The required input is as follows:
741 --       Content Type Code for which the Stylesheet or Display Template is for.
742 --       Display Template or Stylesheet Name.
743 --       Attachment File ID that has the actual Stylesheet or Display Template.
744 --       Attachment File Name. (This will the one of the uploaded file).
745 --       Value for DELIVERY_CHANNEL
746 --       Value for OUTPUT_TYPE
747 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
748 --       Stylesheet Description.
749 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
750 --          1. Create a Content Item of type STYLESHEET using Bulk Insert as an APPROVED item.
751 --             Set the attribute bundle for the item, with DELIVERY_OPTION and OUTPUT_TYPE.
752 --          2. Create an entry in IBC_STYLESHEETS table.
753 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful, it also returns the
754 --       newly created Display Template ID.
755 --
756 -- HISTORY
757 --    04-MAR-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
758 --
759 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
761 PROCEDURE create_display_template(
762    p_content_type_code        IN  VARCHAR2,
763    p_stylesheet_name          IN  VARCHAR2,
764    p_stylesheet_descr         IN  VARCHAR2      DEFAULT NULL,
765    p_delivery_channel         IN  VARCHAR2,
766    p_output_type              IN  VARCHAR2,
767    p_attach_file_id           IN  NUMBER,
768    p_attach_file_name         IN  VARCHAR2,
769    p_resource_id              IN  NUMBER,
770    p_resource_type            IN  VARCHAR2,
771    p_commit                   IN  VARCHAR2      DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
772    p_api_version              IN  NUMBER        DEFAULT 1.0,
773    p_api_validation_level     IN  NUMBER        DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
774    x_citem_id                 OUT NUMBER,
775    x_citem_ver_id             OUT NUMBER,
776    x_return_status            OUT VARCHAR2,
777    x_msg_count                OUT NUMBER,
778    x_msg_data                 OUT VARCHAR2
779 );
785 --
782 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
784 --    create_basic_questions_item.
786 -- PURPOSE
787 --    Create basic content item of type QUESTIONS.
788 --
789 -- NOTES
790 --    1. The required input is as follows:
791 --       Content Type code. This must be QUESTIONS.
792 --       Name of the Questions Section.
793 --       Owner Resource Id.
794 --       Resource Type.
795 --       Content Item Id for the Parent Content Item associated with the parent deliverable.
796 --       Content Item Version Id for the Parent Content Item.
797 --       Content Type Code for the Parent Content Item.
798 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
799 --       Description.
800 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
801 --          1. Create a basic Content Item of type QUESTIONS using Bulk Insert.
802 --          2. Create compound relation with the parent.
803 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful, it also returns the
804 --       newly created Content Item Id.
805 --
806 -- HISTORY
807 --    09-MAR-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
808 --
809 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
811 PROCEDURE create_basic_questions_item(
812    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
813    p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
814    p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
815    p_start_date            IN  DATE                   DEFAULT SYSDATE,
816    p_end_date              IN  DATE                   DEFAULT NULL,
817    p_owner_resource_id     IN  NUMBER,
818    p_owner_resource_type   IN  VARCHAR2,
819    p_reusable_flag         IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT FND_API.g_false, -- CHANGE to Y or N when IBC folks change the conventions for varchar2 fields.
820    p_attribute_type_code   IN  VARCHAR2,
821    p_parent_citem_id       IN  NUMBER,
822    p_parent_citem_ver_id   IN  NUMBER,
823    p_parent_ctype_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
824    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
825    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT 1.0,
826    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
827    x_citem_id              OUT NUMBER,
828    x_citem_ver_id          OUT NUMBER,
829    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
830    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
831    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
832 );
836 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
838 --    generate_select_sql.
839 --
840 -- PURPOSE
841 --    Generate select SQL statement, given a data source and list of fields.
842 --
843 -- NOTES
844 --    1. The required input is as follows:
845 --       Data Source code.
846 --       VARCHAR2 Array with a list of Data Fields in the form of DATA_SRC_TYPE_CODE:FIELD_COLUMN_NAME.
847 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
848 --       NUMBER Array with a list of Data Source Field IDs.
849 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
850 --          1. Referes to the Data Sources schema to get the details of Data Source fields.
851 --          2. Generate a Select SQL Statement based on the Data Source and the fields.
852 --    4. This procedure returns the generated SQL statement and the list of bind variable names.
853 --
854 -- HISTORY
855 --    09-MAR-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
856 --
857 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
859 PROCEDURE generate_select_sql(
860    p_data_source_code         IN  VARCHAR2,
861    p_data_source_fields_list  IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300       DEFAULT NULL,
862    p_data_source_field_ids    IN  JTF_NUMBER_TABLE             DEFAULT NULL,
863    x_select_sql_statement     OUT VARCHAR2,
864    x_bind_vars                OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300,
865    x_return_status            OUT VARCHAR2,
866    x_msg_count                OUT NUMBER,
867    x_msg_data                 OUT VARCHAR2
868 );
871 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
873 --    create_submit_section
874 --
875 -- PURPOSE
876 --    Create content item of type SUBMIT_SECTION.
877 --
878 -- NOTES
879 --    1. The required input is as follows:
880 --       Content Type code. This must be SUBMIT_SECTION.
881 --       Name of the Submit Section.
882 --       Owner Resource Id.
883 --       Resource Type.
884 --       Content Item Id for the Parent Content Item associated with the parent deliverable.
885 --       Content Item Version Id for the Parent Content Item.
886 --       Content Type Code for the Parent Content Item.
887 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
888 --       Description.
889 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
890 --          1. Create a Content Item of type SUBMIT_SECTION using Bulk Insert.
891 --          2. Create compound relation with the parent.
892 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful, it also returns the
893 --       newly created Content Item Id.
894 --
895 -- HISTORY
896 --    10-MAR-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
897 --
898 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
900 PROCEDURE create_submit_section(
901    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
902    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
903    p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
904    p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
905    p_owner_resource_id     IN  NUMBER,
906    p_owner_resource_type   IN  VARCHAR2,
907    p_reusable_flag         IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT FND_API.g_false, -- CHANGE to Y or N when IBC folks change the conventions for varchar2 fields.
908    p_attribute_type_code   IN  VARCHAR2,
909    p_parent_citem_id       IN  NUMBER,
910    p_parent_citem_ver_id   IN  NUMBER,
914    p_ocm_image_id          IN  NUMBER                 DEFAULT NULL,
911    p_parent_ctype_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
912    p_ui_control_type       IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT G_DEF_UI_FOR_SUBMIT,
913    p_button_label          IN  VARCHAR2,
915    p_alignment             IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT G_DEF_ALIGN_FOR_SUBMIT,
916    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
917    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                 DEFAULT 1.0,
918    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                 DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
919    x_citem_id              OUT NUMBER,
920    x_citem_ver_id          OUT NUMBER,
921    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
922    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
923    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
924 );
927 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
929 --    update_submit_section
930 --
931 -- PURPOSE
932 --    Update content item of type SUBMIT_SECTION.
933 --
934 -- NOTES
935 --    1. The required input is as follows:
936 --       Content Type code. This must be SUBMIT_SECTION.
937 --       Name of the Submit Section.
938 --       Content Item Id for the section.
939 --       Content Item Version Id for the section.
940 --    2. The optional input is as follows:
941 --       Description.
942 --       Other data that needs changes.
943 --    3. This procedure performs the following steps:
944 --          1. Update a Content Item of type SUBMIT_SECTION.
945 --    4. This procedure returns the fact that it is successful
946 --
947 -- HISTORY
948 --    11-MAR-2002   gdeodhar     Created.
949 --
950 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
952 PROCEDURE update_submit_section(
953    p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
954    p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
955    p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
956    p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
957    p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
958    p_citem_ver_id          IN  NUMBER,
959    p_ui_control_type       IN  VARCHAR2,
960    p_button_label          IN  VARCHAR2,
961    p_ocm_image_id          IN  NUMBER,
962    p_alignment             IN  VARCHAR2,
963    p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
964    p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                 DEFAULT 1.0,
965    p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                 DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
966    x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
967    x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
968    x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
969 );
972 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
974 --    erase_blob
975 --
976 -- PURPOSE
977 --    erases blob.
978 -- HISTORY
979 --    14-MAY-2002   asaha     Created.
980 --
981 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
982 PROCEDURE erase_blob(
983    p_file_id     IN NUMBER,
984    x_blob        OUT BLOB,
985    p_init_msg_list IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.g_true,
986    x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
987    x_msg_count     OUT NUMBER,
988    x_msg_data      OUT VARCHAR2
989 );
991 END AMS_CPageUtility_PVT;