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Line 4649: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then

4645: where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
4646: exception
4647: when no_data_found then
4648: -- get the fnd message and populate to the fnd message pub
4649: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4650: fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_SS_NO_TXN_DATA');
4651: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );
4652: end if;
4653: hr_utility.raise_error;

Line 4651: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );

4647: when no_data_found then
4648: -- get the fnd message and populate to the fnd message pub
4649: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4650: fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_SS_NO_TXN_DATA');
4651: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );
4652: end if;
4653: hr_utility.raise_error;
4654: when others then
4655: raise;

Line 4678: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then

4675: exception
4676: when g_wf_not_initialzed then
4677: -- get the fnd message and populate to the fnd message pub
4678: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4679: fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_SS_WF_NOT_INITIALZED');
4680: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );
4681: end if;
4682: hr_utility.raise_error;

Line 4680: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );

4676: when g_wf_not_initialzed then
4677: -- get the fnd message and populate to the fnd message pub
4678: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4679: fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_SS_WF_NOT_INITIALZED');
4680: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );
4681: end if;
4682: hr_utility.raise_error;
4683: when others then
4684: if hr_multi_message.unexpected_error_add(c_proc) then

Line 4684: if hr_multi_message.unexpected_error_add(c_proc) then

4680: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );
4681: end if;
4682: hr_utility.raise_error;
4683: when others then
4684: if hr_multi_message.unexpected_error_add(c_proc) then
4685: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || c_proc,40);
4686: raise;
4687: end if;
4688: end;

Line 4695: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then

4691: hr_sflutil_ss.closeopensflnotification(p_transaction_id);
4693: else
4694: -- get the fnd message and populate to the fnd message pub
4695: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4696: fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_SS_NULL_TXN_ID');
4697: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );
4698: end if;
4699: hr_utility.raise_error;

Line 4697: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );

4693: else
4694: -- get the fnd message and populate to the fnd message pub
4695: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4696: fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_SS_NULL_TXN_ID');
4697: hr_multi_message.add(p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_ERROR_MSG );
4698: end if;
4699: hr_utility.raise_error;
4700: end if;

Line 4805: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then

4801: -- check the transaction status
4802: if(lv_status in ('YS','RIS','ROS')) then
4803: -- saved transaction exists set the warning message
4805: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4806: hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_SS_SAVED_TXN_DATA_EXISTS');
4807: hr_multi_message.add( p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_WARNING_MSG);
4808: hr_utility.set_warning;
4809: end if;

Line 4807: hr_multi_message.add( p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_WARNING_MSG);

4803: -- saved transaction exists set the warning message
4805: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4806: hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_SS_SAVED_TXN_DATA_EXISTS');
4807: hr_multi_message.add( p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_WARNING_MSG);
4808: hr_utility.set_warning;
4809: end if;
4810: end if;
4811: if(lv_state is not null) then

Line 4814: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then

4810: end if;
4811: if(lv_state is not null) then
4812: -- in advertant saved transaction exists set the warning message
4814: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4815: hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_SS_INADV_TXN_DATA_EXISTS');
4816: hr_multi_message.add( p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_WARNING_MSG);
4817: end if;

Line 4816: hr_multi_message.add( p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_WARNING_MSG);

4812: -- in advertant saved transaction exists set the warning message
4814: if(hr_multi_message.is_message_list_enabled) then
4815: hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_SS_INADV_TXN_DATA_EXISTS');
4816: hr_multi_message.add( p_message_type => hr_multi_message.G_WARNING_MSG);
4817: end if;
4819: end if;