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Line 1126: FROM hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hp, fnd_user fu

1122: IS
1123: l_supplier_party_id NUMBER;
1124: CURSOR l_user_name_cur (p_supplier_party_id IN NUMBER) IS
1125: SELECT fu.user_name
1126: FROM hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hp, fnd_user fu
1127: WHERE
1128: fu.person_party_id = hp.party_id
1129: AND fu.email_address IS NOT NULL
1130: AND fu.end_date IS NULL

Line 1168: FROM hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hp, fnd_user fu, ap_suppliers ap, hz_party_usg_assignments hpua

1164: l_adhoc_user wf_roles.name%TYPE;
1166: CURSOR l_user_name_cur IS
1167: SELECT fu.user_name
1168: FROM hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hp, fnd_user fu, ap_suppliers ap, hz_party_usg_assignments hpua
1169: WHERE fu.person_party_id = hp.party_id
1170: AND fu.email_address IS NOT NULL
1171: AND fu.end_date IS NULL
1172: AND ap.vendor_id = p_vendor_id

Line 1205: from hz_parties hp, hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hzr_hp, hz_party_usg_assignments hpua, ap_suppliers apsupp

1201: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
1203: CURSOR l_contact_cur IS
1204: select hp.person_first_name, hp.person_last_name, hzr_hp.email_address
1205: from hz_parties hp, hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hzr_hp, hz_party_usg_assignments hpua, ap_suppliers apsupp
1206: where hp.party_id = hzr.subject_id
1207: and hzr.object_id = apsupp.party_id
1208: and apsupp.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
1209: and hzr.relationship_type = 'CONTACT'

Line 1929: hz_relationships hr1, ap_suppliers ap_sup, hz_party_usg_assignments hpua

1925: select DISTINCT fu.user_name
1926: from fnd_user fu,
1927: fnd_responsibility fr,
1928: fnd_user_resp_groups_direct furg,
1929: hz_relationships hr1, ap_suppliers ap_sup, hz_party_usg_assignments hpua
1930: where fr.menu_id IN
1931: (SELECT fme.menu_id
1932: FROM fnd_menu_entries fme
1933: START WITH fme.function_id = l_function_id

Line 3334: FROM hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hp, fnd_user fu, ap_suppliers ap, hz_party_usg_assignments hpua

3332: CURSOR l_supplier_users_cur IS
3333: SELECT fu.user_name, fu.email_address
3334: FROM hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hp, fnd_user fu, ap_suppliers ap, hz_party_usg_assignments hpua
3335: WHERE
3336: fu.user_id in (select spm.user_id from pos_spmntf_subscription spm
3337: where spm.event_type = 'SUPP_BUS_CLASS_RECERT_NTF')
3338: AND fu.person_party_id = hp.party_id