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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 229

select * from ben_pgm_f pgm
where pgm_id = p_pgm_id
and p_effective_date between pgm.effective_start_date and pgm.effective_end_date;
Line: 293

select blr.LEE_RSN_ID,pil.request_id
into l_LEE_RSN_ID, l_request_id
from ben_lee_rsn_f blr,
ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f popl,
ben_per_in_ler pil
where blr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and blr.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = popl.POPL_ENRT_TYP_CYCL_ID
and blr.ler_id = pil.ler_id
and pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
and popl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and popl.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
and p_effective_date between popl.effective_start_date and popl.effective_end_date
and p_effective_date between blr.effective_start_date and blr.effective_end_date;
Line: 334

select enrt_mthd_cd
into l_posting_style
from ben_pgm_f
where pgm_id = p_pgm_id
and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 351

Select Yr_Perd_id
into l_yr_perd_id
From Ben_Yr_Perd
Where P_Effective_Date Between Start_Date and End_Date
and rownum = 1;
Line: 375

,P_LEE_RSN_ID                   =>   l_LEE_RSN_ID               /* select lee_rsn_f
                                                                    where pgm_id=  */
,P_AUTO_ENRT_FLAG               =>   l_posting_style                       /* 'Y' if Automatic Progression
                                                                    'N' if Manual Progression   */
,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID            =>   p_business_group_id                    /* Business Group Id  */
,P_ELIG_FLAG                    =>   'Y'                        /*  Y */
,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        =>   l_Elctbl_Ovn               /*  out parameter  */
,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               =>   p_effective_date
,p_request_id                   =>   l_request_id);
Line: 402

,P_LEE_RSN_ID                   =>   l_LEE_RSN_ID               /* select lee_rsn_f
                                                                    where pgm_id=  */
,P_AUTO_ENRT_FLAG               =>   l_posting_style                       /* 'Y' if Automatic Progression
                                                                    'N' if Manual Progression   */
,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID            =>   p_business_group_id                    /* Business Group Id  */
,P_ELIG_FLAG                    =>   'N'                        /*  Y */
,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        =>   l_Elctbl_Ovn               /*  out parameter  */
,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               =>   p_effective_date
,p_request_id                   =>   l_request_id);
Line: 462

Select ACTY_BASE_RT_ID, Rt_Typ_cd, Entr_Ann_Val_Flag
From Ben_Acty_base_Rt_f
where Pl_id   = l_Pl_Id
and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 470

Select ACTY_BASE_RT_ID, Rt_Typ_cd, Entr_Ann_Val_Flag
From Ben_Acty_Base_rt_f
where Opt_Id = L_Opt_id
and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 575

          select pil.request_id
          into l_request_id
          from ben_lee_rsn_f blr,
               ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f popl,
               ben_per_in_ler pil
          where blr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
          and blr.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = popl.POPL_ENRT_TYP_CYCL_ID
          and blr.ler_id = pil.ler_id
          and pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
          and popl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
          and popl.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
          and p_effective_date between popl.effective_start_date and popl.effective_end_date
          and p_effective_date between blr.effective_start_date and blr.effective_end_date;
Line: 671

select  ghn.Information9 to_corp_Id,
        ghn.Information23 to_grade_id,
        ghn.Information3 to_step_id,
        pl.pl_id to_pl_id,
        pgm.pgm_id to_pgm_id,
        plip.plip_id to_plip_id,
        pl.pl_typ_id to_pl_type_id,
        ptip.ptip_id to_ptip_id,
        ghn.Information10 length_of_service_type,
        ghn.Information11 req_years,
        ghn.Information12 req_Months,
        ghn.Information13 req_days
      ben_pl_f pl,
      pqh_corps_definitions corp,
      ben_pgm_f pgm,
      ben_plip_f plip,
      ben_ptip_f ptip
where ghn.Information4 =  l_cur_corp_id --cur_corp_id
--and ghn.Information30  =  l_cur_grade_id    -- cur_pgm_id
and ghn.Entity_id = l_cur_step_id  -- cur_step_id
and ghn.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
and ghn.node_type = 'CAREER_NODE'
and pl.mapping_table_name = 'PER_GRADES'
and pl.mapping_table_pk_id =  ghn.Information23
and l_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date
and corp.corps_definition_id = ghn.Information9
and pgm.pgm_id = corp.ben_pgm_id
and l_effective_date between pgm.effective_start_date and pgm.effective_end_date
and plip.pl_id = pl.pl_id
and plip.pgm_id = pgm.pgm_id
and l_effective_date between plip.effective_start_date and plip.effective_end_date
and ptip.pgm_id = pgm.pgm_id
and ptip.pl_typ_id = pl.pl_typ_id
and l_effective_date between ptip.effective_start_date and ptip.effective_end_date
Line: 711

opt.opt_id to_opt_id,
oipl.oipl_id to_oipl_id
per_spinal_point_steps_f sps
,  ben_opt_f  opt
, ben_oipl_f oipl
where sps.step_id = career_path_rec.to_step_id
and opt.mapping_table_name = 'PER_SPINAL_POINTS'
and opt.mapping_table_pk_id = sps.spinal_point_id
and oipl.opt_id = opt.opt_id
and oipl.pl_id = career_path_rec.to_pl_id
and l_effective_date between sps.effective_start_date and sps.effective_end_date
and l_effective_date between opt.effective_start_date and opt.effective_end_date
and l_effective_date between oipl.effective_start_date and oipl.effective_end_date
Line: 947

Select *
from ben_per_in_ler
where per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 954

select corp.corps_definition_id cur_corp_id,
       asg.grade_id cur_grade_id,
       asg.assignment_id assignment_id,
       spp.step_id cur_step_id,
       asg.grade_ladder_pgm_id cur_pgm_id,
       pl.pl_id cur_plan_id,
       oipl.oipl_id cur_oipl_id
from per_all_assignments_f asg,
     per_spinal_point_placements_f spp,
     per_spinal_point_steps_f sps,
     ben_opt_f  opt,
     ben_oipl_f oipl,
     ben_pl_f pl,
     pqh_corps_definitions corp
where asg.person_id = l_pil_info_rec.person_id
and asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
and asg.business_group_id = l_pil_info_rec.business_group_id
and asg.assignment_status_type_id = 1
and p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
and spp.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
and p_effective_date between spp.effective_start_date and spp.effective_end_date
and sps.step_id = spp.step_id
and p_effective_date between sps.effective_start_date and sps.effective_end_date
and opt.mapping_table_name = 'PER_SPINAL_POINTS'
and opt.mapping_table_pk_id = sps.spinal_point_id
and p_effective_date between opt.effective_start_date and opt.effective_end_date
and pl.mapping_table_name = 'PER_GRADES'
and pl.mapping_table_pk_id =  asg.grade_id
and p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date
and oipl.pl_id = pl.pl_id
and oipl.opt_id = opt.opt_id
and p_effective_date between oipl.effective_start_date and oipl.effective_end_date
and corp.ben_pgm_id = asg.grade_ladder_pgm_id;