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Line 26: , jtf_task_references_b trf

22: , tsk.actual_start_date escalated_date_from
23: , nvl(tsk.actual_end_date,p_collect_to_date+1) escalated_date_to
24: from
25: jtf_tasks_b tsk
26: , jtf_task_references_b trf
27: where
28: trf.object_type_code = 'SR'
29: and trf.reference_code = 'ESC'
30: and tsk.task_type_id = 22

Line 35: FROM jtf_task_references_b trf2

31: and tsk.task_id = trf.task_id
32: and trf.object_id in ( select /*+ cardinality(stg,10) NO_UNNEST */ incident_id from biv_dbi_collection_stg stg)
33: and NOT EXISTS
34: (SELECT null
35: FROM jtf_task_references_b trf2
36: where trf2.reference_code = 'ESC'
37: and trf2.object_type_code = 'SR'
38: and trf2.object_id = trf.object_id
39: and trf2.task_id < trf.task_id)

Line 1495: jtf_tasks_b tsk, jtf_task_references_b trf

1491: ELSE
1492: 'N'
1493: END de_escalated_same_day
1494: from
1495: jtf_tasks_b tsk, jtf_task_references_b trf
1496: where trf.object_type_code = 'SR'
1497: and trf.reference_code = 'ESC'
1498: and tsk.task_type_id = 22
1499: and trf.task_id = tsk.task_id

Line 1502: FROM jtf_task_references_b trf2

1498: and tsk.task_type_id = 22
1499: and trf.task_id = tsk.task_id
1500: and NOT EXISTS
1501: (SELECT null
1502: FROM jtf_task_references_b trf2
1503: where trf2.reference_code = 'ESC'
1504: and trf2.object_type_code = 'SR'
1505: and trf2.object_id = trf.object_id
1506: and trf2.task_id < trf.task_id)