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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

**  28-NOV-2001           115.10     Updated for GSCC Standards
**  07-DEC-2001 rsirigir  115.12     Update for GSCC Standards, added
**                                   REM checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE
**  8-JAN-2002 apunekar  115.13     Added new functions
**  18-May-2002 apunekar  115.14     Added new function
**  20-May-2002 apunekar  115.15     Updated function due to review
**  13-Jun-2002 nanuradh  115.21     Changed the cursor get_retro_period_ee (Bug 2415213)
**  10-Jul-2002 srussell  115.22   Change periods_since_hire_date to allow for
**                                 payrolls which go across financial year.
**                                 Bug 2450059.
**  06-Aug-2002 shoskatt  115.23     Cursor check_fixed_deduction has been tuned for
**                                   improving performance. Bug #2491328
**  17-Sep-2002 Ragovind  115.24     Modified the cursor check_fixed_deduction for performance. Bug#2563515
**  03-Dec-2002 Ragovind  115.25     Added NOCOPY for the function get_retro_period.
**  14-Apr-2003 Vgsriniv  115.26     Modified the function periods_since_hire_date. Bug:2900253
**  19-Aug-2003 punmehta  115.27     Modified conversion functions to support Quarterly Payroll. Bug:2888114
**  22-Aug-2003 srrajago  115.28     Added the new function 'validate_data_magtape'. Refer to Bug no : 3091834
**                                   This function will be used by Payment Summary Data File.
**  26-Aug-2003 srrajago  115.29     Modified function 'validate_data_magtape'.If the return value is null then
**                                   space is returned.
**  27-Aug-2003 srrajago  115.30     Function 'validate_data_magtape' has been modified to return ' '(space)
**                                   if value of the input string 'p_data' passed is Null.
**  03-Nov-2003 punmehta  115.31     Bug# 2977425 - Added the new formula function
**  19-Nov-2003 punmehta  115.32     Bug# 2977425 - Modified message name.
**  11-Dec-2003 jkarouza  115.33     Bug# 3172950 - Removed blank spaces from addresses when two or more
**                                   spaces between words.
**  23-Dec-2003 punmehta  115.34     Bug# 3306112 - Added the new formula function
**  24-Dec-2003 punmehta  115.35     Bug# 3306112 - Used cursor in the new function 'get_salary_basis_hours'
**  06-Feb-2004 punmehta  115.36     Bug# 3245909 - Added a new function get_pp_action for AU_Payments route
**  09-Feb-2004 punmehta  115.37     Bug# 3245909 - Coding Standards in get_pp_action
**  02-FEB-2004 abhkumar  115.38     Bug# 3665680 - Coding Standards in Cr_element_type_id
**  02-FEB-2004 abhkumar  115.39     Bug# 3665680 - Modfied Code to remove gscc warnings
**  07-JUL-2004 srrajago  115.40     Bug# 3724089 - Modified the cursor 'c_get_unprocessed_periods_num' to include table
**                                   per_assignments_f and its joins in the sub-query - Performance Fix.
**  09-AUG-2004 abhkumar  115.41     Bug# 2610141 - Modfied the code to support Legal Employer changes for an assignment.
**  12-AUG-2004 abhkumar  115.42     Bug# 2610141 - Modfied the code to use cursors instead of select query
**  08-SEP-2004 abhkumar  115.43     Bug# 2610141 - Added a flag "p_use_tax_flag" to function periods_since_hire_date and paid_periods_since_hire_date
**				     to support the versioning of the payroll tax formula.
*** 26-Apr-2005 abhkumar  115.44     Bug#3935471  - Changes due to Retro Tax enhancement.
*** 05-May-2005 abhkumar  115.45     Bug#3935471  - File Modified to put proper comments.
*** 10-May-2005 abhkumar  115.46     Bug#4357306  - Modified function count_retro_periods.
*** 06-Jun-1005 srussell  115.47     Bug#4412537  - Modified count_retro_periods
                so that INDEX BY is binary_integer, not varchar2 so that it
                doesnt get compile error on data bases.
*** 06-Jun-1005 srussell  115.48     Bug#4412537  - Updated comments.
*** 06-Jun-2005 avenkatk  115.49     Bug#4412537  - Changed to_number to to_number(to_char()) to get l_retro_end_date.
*** 06-Jun-2005 avenkatk  115.50     Bug#4412537  - Removed commented code and Removed redundant to_date() to resolve gscc errors.
*** 07-Jun-2005 abhkumar  115.51     Bug#4415795  - Added new parameter to function count_retro_periods.
*** 23-Jun-2005 abhkumar  115.52     Bug#4438644  - Modified function paid_periods_since_hire_date
*** 26-Jun-2005 avenkatk  115.53     Bug#4451088  - Modified function periods_since_hire_date
*** 26-Jun-2005 avenkatk  115.54     Bug#4451088  - Removed the trace fucntion call.
*** 27-Jun-2005 abhkumar  115.55     Bug#4456941  - Modified function count_retro_periods
*** 27-Jun-2005 ksingla   115.56     Bug#4456720  - Added a new function CALCULATE_ASG_PREV_VALUE for negative retro earnings
*** 05-JuL-2005 abhkumar  115.57     Bug#4467198 - Modified function CALCULATE_ASG_PREV_VALUE for zero average earnings
*** 05-JuL-2005 abhkumar  115.58     Bug#4467198 - Modified cursor c_get_paid_periods and c_check_payroll_run for performance fix.
*** 13-Jul-2005 abhargav  115.59     Bug#4363057 - Modified function CALCULATE_ASG_PREV_VALUE to include fix for bug# 3855355 .
*** 14-Jul-2005 abhkumar  115.60     Bug#4418107  - Modified function count_retro_periods and get_retro_periods to consider Legal Employer changes
*** 08-Aug-2005 abhargav  115.62     Bug#4521653  - Modified the function CALCULATE_ASG_PREV_VALUE .
*** 01-SEP-2005 abhkumar  115.63     Bug#4474896 - Average Earnings enhancement
*** 09-Sep-2005 avenkatk  115.64     Bug#4374115  - Added check in check_fixed_deduction for Reverse Runs.
*** 05-Oct-2005 abhargav  115.65     Bug#4588483  - Modified Cursor check_fixed_deduction.
*** 05-Jul-2006 srussell  115.66     Bug#5374076  - Modified function count_retro_periods to check the retro amounts for each
***                                                 period. If they're zero then don't count the period.
***10-JUL-2006 hnainani  115.67      Bug#5371901    Removed Date_Earned check from function Periods_Since_Hire_date to force
***                                                 code to use Effective Date to calculate numberof periods
*** 11-JUl-2006 hnainani 115.68     Bug#5371901     Modified Comments in function Periods_Since_Hire_Date to correctly
**                                                  reflect reason for changes.
*** 19-Jul-2006 hnainani 115.69      Bug#5397711    Changed tot_period_amount_type in Countr_Retro_Periods to Number
                                                    instead of  Number(10) to cater for decimals
*** 09-Oct-2006 avenkatk 115.71      Bug#5586445    Included function get_enhanced_retro_period.
*** 01-Dec-2006 priupadh 115.72      Bug#5676709    Added debug messages to functions
*** 01-Dec-2006 priupadh 115.73      Bug#5676709    removed the occurence of to_date and dd-mon-yyyy format from debug message for GSCC compliance.
*** 17-Jan-2006 avenkatk 115.74      Bug#5846272    Introduced new functions,
**                                                   i.  check_if_enhanced_retro
**                                                   ii. get_retro_time_span
**  16-FEB-2006 priupadh 115.75      N/A            Version to restore triple maintanence between 11i,R12 Branch and R12 Mainline
**  10-Apr-2007 abhargav 115.77      Bug#5934468    Added new function get_spread_earning() this function gets called from
                                                     formula AU_HECS_DEDUCTION and AU_SFSS_DEDUCTION.
**  18-Apr-2007 avenkatk 115.78      Bug#6001930    Modified Function periods_since_hire_date for
**                                                  Postive Offset Payrolls.
**  18-Jun-2007 avenkatk 115.79      Bug#6139035    Modified Function count_retro_periods and get_enhanced_retro_perio - Function
**                                                  modified to mark retro time spans based on Date Paid(Effective Date) of
**                                                  Payroll run/Quickpay.
**  17-Jan-2008 skshin   115.80      Bug#6669058    Modified function get_spread_earning and added new function get_retro_spread_earning.
**  18-FEB-2008 skshin   115.81      Bug#6809877    Added new function get_etp_pay_component.
**  09-OCT-2008 skshin   115.83      Bug#7228256    Removed DISTINCT from c_get_le_period_num cursor

g_debug boolean;
Line: 274

     select min(effective_start_date)
       from per_all_assignments_f paf,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
      where paf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
        and paf.SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
        and hsck.segment1 = p_tax_unit_id
        AND paf.effective_start_date <= l_period_end
        AND paf.effective_end_date >= l_year_start;
Line: 291

      select count(ptp1.time_period_id) /*Bug 4438644, 6001930, 7228256*/
        from  per_time_periods ptp
             ,per_time_periods ptp1
        where exists (select 'EXISTS' from
             per_assignments_f   paf,
             hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
       where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
        and  paf.SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
        and  hsck.segment1 = p_tax_unit_id
        AND  paf.effective_start_date <= l_period_end
        AND  paf.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
        AND  paf.effective_start_date <= ptp.end_date
        AND  paf.effective_end_date >= ptp.start_date)
        AND  ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
        AND  ptp.start_date <= l_period_end
--        AND  ptp.end_date >= l_year_start  /* Commented Bug 6001930 */
        /* Bug 6001930 - Start Changes */
        AND  ptp.regular_payment_date >= l_year_start
        AND  ptp.payroll_id     = ptp1.payroll_id
        AND  ptp.regular_payment_date BETWEEN ptp1.start_date AND ptp1.end_date
--        AND  ptp1.start_date  >= l_year_start /* Commented Bug 6139035 */
        AND  ptp1.end_date    <= l_period_end;
Line: 318

      select period_num
        from per_time_periods
       where payroll_id = v_payroll_id
         and v_hire_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 330

   select ptp.end_date
    from per_time_periods ptp
    where ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
    and  c_date between
         ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
Line: 345

select ppa.date_earned,
from   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
       pay_assignment_actions paa
where ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
and   paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;
Line: 356

select count(*)
from per_time_periods ptp
where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
and   ptp.end_date
  between c_start_date and c_end_date;
Line: 560

  SELECT paa.assignment_action_id, paa.tax_unit_id, ppa.payroll_id
  FROM 	pay_assignment_actions paa
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
  WHERE paa.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
  and   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
  and   ppa.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
  AND   paa.action_sequence in
		SELECT MAX(paa.action_sequence)
		  FROM 	pay_assignment_actions paa,
			pay_payroll_actions ppa,
			per_all_assignments_f paaf
		  WHERE ppa.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
		  AND paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
		  AND paa.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
                  AND paa.action_status='C'
		  AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
		  AND ppa.action_type in ('Q','R','B','I','V') --2610141
		  AND ppa.effective_date between c_fin_start_date AND c_fin_end_date /*4521653 replaced the date_earned with effective date*/
		  AND paa.tax_unit_id = p_tax_unit_id --2610141
   ORDER BY date_earned desc;
Line: 590

  SELECT paa.assignment_action_id, paa.tax_unit_id, ppa.payroll_id, ppa.effective_date
  FROM 	pay_assignment_actions paa
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
  WHERE paa.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
  and   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
  and   ppa.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
  AND   paa.action_sequence in
		SELECT MAX(paa.action_sequence)
		  FROM 	pay_assignment_actions paa,
			pay_payroll_actions ppa,
			per_all_assignments_f paaf
		  WHERE ppa.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
		  AND paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
                  AND paa.action_status='C'
		  AND paa.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
		  AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
		  AND ppa.action_type in ('Q','R','B','I','V')
		  AND ppa.effective_date between c_fin_start_date AND c_fin_end_date /*4521653 replaced the date_earned with effective date*/
   ORDER BY date_earned desc;
Line: 634

  select count(DISTINCT ptp.time_period_id)
        from per_time_periods ptp
        where exists (select 'EXISTS' from
             per_assignments_f   paf,
             hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
       where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
        and  paf.SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
        and  hsck.segment1 = c_tax_unit_id
        AND  paf.effective_start_date <= c_end_date
        AND  paf.effective_end_date >= c_start_date
        AND  paf.effective_start_date <= ptp.end_date
        AND  paf.effective_end_date >= ptp.start_date)
        AND  ptp.payroll_id = c_payroll_id
        AND  ptp.start_date <= c_end_date
        AND  ptp.end_date >= c_start_date;
Line: 654

  SELECT ppa.effective_date
  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
       pay_assignment_actions paa
  WHERE paa.assignment_action_id  = p_assignment_action_id
  AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 667

  SELECT count(paa.assignment_action_id)
  FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
       pay_payroll_actions ppa,
	    per_assignments_f paf
  WHERE ppa.effective_date BETWEEN c_start_date AND c_end_date
  AND   ppa.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
  AND   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
  AND   paa.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
  AND   paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
  AND   ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
  AND   paa.action_status = 'C'
  AND   paa.source_action_id IS NULL /*Bug 4418107 - This join added to only pick master assignment action id*/
  AND   ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R');
Line: 974

      select time_period_id
        from per_time_periods
       where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
         and start_Date = p_period_start;
Line: 987

      select DISTINCT ptp.time_period_id, ptp.period_num /*Bug 4438644*/
        from per_time_periods ptp
        where exists (select 'EXISTS' from
             per_assignments_f   paf,
             pay_payroll_actions ppa,
             pay_assignment_actions paa
       where ppa.payroll_id = v_payroll_id
        and  ppa.action_type in ('R','Q')
        and  paa.action_status =  'C'
        and  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
        and  paf.assignment_id = v_assignment_id
        and  paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	     and  paa.tax_unit_id  = decode(p_use_tax_flag,'N',paa.tax_unit_id,v_tax_unit_id) --2610141
        AND  ppa.effective_date BETWEEN v_start_date and v_end_date      /*Bug 4438644*/
        AND  ppa.date_earned BETWEEN ptp.start_date AND ptp.end_date      /*Bug 4438644*/
        and  ppa.date_earned between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date)
        and  ptp.payroll_id = v_payroll_id;
Line: 1012

  SELECT ppa.effective_date
  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
       pay_assignment_actions paa
  WHERE paa.assignment_action_id  = p_assignment_action_id
  AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 1236

SELECT ptp.start_date,ptp.end_date
FROM per_time_periods ptp,
pay_payroll_actions ppa,
pay_assignment_actions paa,
pay_run_results prr,
pay_element_entries_f pee
WHERE  pee.element_entry_id=c_element_entry_id
and prr.run_result_id = pee.source_id
and paa.assignment_action_id=prr.assignment_action_id
AND paa.tax_unit_id = p_tax_unit_id /*Bug 4418107*/
and ppa.payroll_action_id=paa.payroll_action_id
and ptp.payroll_id=ppa.payroll_id
and pee.creator_type='RR'
and ppa.date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
and c_date_earned between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1258

SELECT ptp.start_date,ptp.end_date
FROM per_time_periods ptp,
pay_payroll_actions ppa,
pay_assignment_actions paa,
pay_element_entries_f pee
WHERE pee.element_entry_id=c_element_entry_id
and  paa.assignment_action_id=pee.source_asg_action_id
AND paa.tax_unit_id = p_tax_unit_id /*Bug 4418107*/
and ppa.payroll_action_id=paa.payroll_action_id
and ptp.payroll_id=ppa.payroll_id
and pee.creator_type='EE'
and ppa.date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
and c_date_earned between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1364

SELECT pee.creator_type,
FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
       pay_assignment_actions paa,
       pay_element_entries_f  pee
WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
AND    paa.assignment_action_id = pee.creator_id
AND    pee.element_entry_id     = c_element_entry_id
AND    ppa.action_type          ='L';
Line: 1379

SELECT  ptp.start_date
FROM   per_time_periods ptp,
       pay_payroll_actions ppa,
       pay_assignment_actions paa,
       pay_run_results prr,
       pay_element_entries_f pee
WHERE  pee.element_entry_id=c_element_entry_id
AND    prr.run_result_id = pee.source_id
AND    paa.assignment_action_id=prr.assignment_action_id
AND    paa.tax_unit_id = p_tax_unit_id
AND    ppa.payroll_action_id=paa.payroll_action_id
AND    ptp.payroll_id=ppa.payroll_id
AND    pee.creator_type='RR'
AND    ppa.date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
AND    c_date_earned between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1403

SELECT  ptp.start_date
FROM   per_time_periods ptp,
       pay_payroll_actions ppa,
       pay_assignment_actions paa,
       pay_element_entries_f pee
WHERE  pee.element_entry_id=c_element_entry_id
AND    paa.assignment_action_id=pee.source_asg_action_id
AND    paa.tax_unit_id = p_tax_unit_id
AND    ppa.payroll_action_id=paa.payroll_action_id
AND    ptp.payroll_id=ppa.payroll_id
AND    pee.creator_type='EE'
AND    ppa.date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
AND    c_date_earned between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1521

SELECT rule_mode
FROM  pay_legislation_rules plr
     ,per_business_groups  pbg
WHERE plr.legislation_code = pbg.legislation_code
AND   pbg.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
AND   plr.rule_type = 'ADVANCED_RETRO'
AND   pbg.legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 1593

SELECT  pee.element_entry_id
FROM  pay_element_entries_f pee
     ,pay_assignment_actions paa
     ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
     ,pay_entry_process_details pepd
WHERE pee.element_entry_id  = c_element_entry_id
AND   pee.element_entry_id  = pepd.element_entry_id
AND   pee.creator_id        = paa.assignment_action_id
AND   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
AND   ppa.action_type = 'L'
AND   c_date_earned between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1720

select pee.element_entry_id from pay_element_entries_f pee,
  pay_assignment_actions paa
  where paa.assignment_action_id=p_assignment_action_id
  and   pee.assignment_id=paa.assignment_id
  and pee.creator_type IN ('EE','RR')
  and p_date_earned between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1729

select pee.element_entry_id,
       peev.screen_entry_value retro_amount,
   from pay_element_entries_f pee,
        pay_element_entry_values_f peev,
        pay_element_links_f pelf,
        pay_element_types_f pet,
        pay_element_classifications pec,
        pay_input_values_f piv,
        pay_assignment_actions paa
   where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
   and   pee.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
   and   pee.creator_type IN ('EE','RR')
   and   p_date_earned between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date
-- Only Earnings.
and   pelf.element_link_id = pee.element_link_id
and   p_date_earned between pelf.effective_start_date and pelf.effective_end_date
and   pet.element_type_id = pelf.element_type_id
and   p_date_earned between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
and   pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
and   pec.classification_name in ('Earnings', 'Pre Tax Deductions')
-- Only Pay Value
   and   peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
   and   p_date_earned between peev.effective_start_date and peev.effective_end_date
   and   peev.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
   and   p_date_earned between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
   and   piv.name = 'Pay Value';
Line: 1760

SELECT plr.rule_mode
FROM   pay_legislation_rules plr
WHERE  plr.legislation_code = 'AU'
AND    plr.rule_type ='ADVANCED_RETRO';
Line: 1768

SELECT ppa.effective_date
FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa
      ,pay_assignment_actions paa
WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
AND   paa.payroll_action_id    = ppa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 2058

select  'Y'
pay_element_types_f pet,
pay_input_values_f piv,
pay_run_result_values prrv,
pay_run_results prr,
pay_assignment_actions paa,
pay_payroll_actions ppa,
per_time_periods ptp,
per_all_assignments_f paaf
where pet.element_name = 'Extra Withholding Payments'
and piv.name='Withholding Amount'
and pet.element_type_id=piv.element_type_id
and piv.input_value_id=prrv.input_value_id
and prrv.run_result_id=prr.run_result_id
and nvl(prrv.result_value,'0') > '0'  /*Bug 4588483 */
and prr.assignment_action_id=paa.assignment_action_id
and paa.payroll_action_id=ppa.payroll_action_id
and ptp.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
and paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id  /* Bug#2563515 */
and paa.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id /* Bug#2563515 */
and p_date_earned between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date /* Bug#2563515 */
and p_date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
and ppa.date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
/* Bug - 2491328 Join added for improving the performance */
and pet.element_type_id = prr.element_type_id
and pet.legislation_code = 'AU'
and piv.legislation_code = 'AU'
/* Bug - 2491328 Join added for improving the performance */
/* Bug 4374115  - Start */
and not exists(
         select pai.locking_action_id
            from pay_assignment_actions paa1,
                 pay_payroll_actions ppa1,
                 pay_action_interlocks pai
            where ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
            and   ppa1.action_type = 'V'
            and   paa1.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id
            and   pai.locking_action_id = paa1.assignment_action_id
            and   pai.locked_action_id  = paa.assignment_action_id
/* Bug 4374115  - End */
and not exists(
     select piv.name
     pay_element_types_f pet,
     pay_input_values_f piv,
     pay_input_values_f piv1,
     pay_element_links_f pel, /* Bug#2563515 */
     pay_element_entries_f peef, /* Bug#2563515 */
     pay_element_entry_values_f peev,
     pay_element_entry_values_f peev1
     where pet.element_name = 'Extra Withholding Payments'
     and pet.element_type_id= piv.element_type_id
     and pet.element_type_id = pel.element_type_id /* Bug#2563515 */
     and pel.element_link_id = peef.element_link_id /* Bug#2563515 */
     and peef.element_entry_id = peev.element_entry_id /* Bug#2563515 */
     and peef.element_entry_id = peev1.element_entry_id /* Bug#2563515 */
     and piv.name='Withholding Percentage'
     and piv.input_value_id=peev.input_value_id
     and piv1.name='Withholding Amount'
     and nvl(peev1.screen_entry_value,'0') ='0'
     and piv1.input_value_id=peev1.input_value_id
     and peev.screen_entry_value is not null
     and peef.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id /* Bug#2563515 */
     and p_date_earned between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
     and p_date_earned between peef.effective_start_date and peef.effective_end_date /* Bug#2563515 */
     and p_date_earned between pel.effective_start_date and pel.effective_end_date /* Bug#2563515 */
     and p_date_earned between peev1.effective_start_date and peev1.effective_end_date
     and p_date_earned between peev.effective_start_date and peev.effective_end_date
     /*Bug - 2491328 Join added for improving the performance */
     and pet.element_type_id=piv1.element_type_id
Line: 2316

		SELECT prv.result_value
		from   pay_run_results prr,
			   pay_run_result_values prv,
			   pay_element_types_f pet,
			   pay_input_values_f piv
		where     prr.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
		and	  prv.run_result_id = prr.run_result_id
		and	  prv.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
		and	  prr.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
		and       piv.uom like 'H_%'
		and       piv.element_type_id= pet.element_type_id
		and       pet.element_name= 'Normal Hours');
Line: 2330

		SELECT pivf.element_type_id                     /*Bug# 3665680*/
		FROM   pay_input_values_f pivf, per_pay_bases ppb
		WHERE  pivf.input_value_id = ppb.input_value_id
		AND    ppb.pay_basis_id = p_pay_bases_id);
Line: 2374

	select INTLK.locking_action_id
	 from pay_action_interlocks INTLK,
	      pay_assignment_actions paa,
	      pay_payroll_actions    ppa
	where INTLK.locked_action_id = p_action_id
	  and INTLK.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
	  and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
	  and ppa.action_type in ('P', 'U')
	  and paa.source_action_id is null;
Line: 2435

SELECT paa_master.tax_unit_id
FROM pay_assignment_actions paa_child,
     pay_assignment_actions paa_master
WHERE paa_child.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
AND paa_master.assignment_action_id = paa_child.source_action_id;
Line: 2500

select prv.RESULT_VALUE period_spread_over, prr.run_result_id, pee.creator_type
from pay_element_types_f pet,
     pay_input_values_f piv,
     pay_run_result_values prv,
     pay_run_results prr,
     pay_element_entries_f pee
where prr.assignment_action_id=p_assignment_action_id
  and prv.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
  and piv.name ='Periods Spread Over'
  and piv.legislation_code='AU'
  and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
  and pet.legislation_code='AU'
  and pet.element_type_id = prr.element_type_id
  and pet.element_name='Spread Deduction'
  and prr.source_id = pee.element_entry_id
  and pee.creator_type not in ('EE','RR')
  and p_date_paid between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
  and p_date_paid between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
  and p_date_paid between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 2522

select prv.RESULT_VALUE
from pay_input_values_f piv,
     pay_run_result_values prv,
     pay_run_results prr
 where prr.RUN_RESULT_ID = p_run_result_id
   and prr.RUN_RESULT_ID = prv.RUN_RESULT_ID
   and prv.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
   and piv.name ='Total Payment'
   and piv.legislation_code='AU'
   and p_date_paid between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 2535

select nvl(sum(prv.RESULT_VALUE),0)
from pay_element_types_f pet,
     pay_input_values_f piv,
     pay_run_result_values prv,
     pay_run_results prr,
     pay_element_entries_f pee
where prr.assignment_action_id=p_assignment_action_id
  and prv.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
   and piv.name ='Total Payment'
  and piv.legislation_code='AU'
  and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
  and pet.legislation_code='AU'
  and pet.element_type_id = prr.element_type_id
  and pet.element_name='Spread Deduction'
  and prr.source_id = pee.element_entry_id
  and pee.creator_type in ('EE','RR')
  and p_date_paid between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
  and p_date_paid between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
  and p_date_paid between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 2622

select nvl(sum(prv.RESULT_VALUE),0)
from pay_element_types_f pet,
     pay_input_values_f piv,
     pay_run_result_values prv,
     pay_run_results prr,
     pay_element_entries_f pee
where prr.assignment_action_id=p_assignment_action_id
  and prv.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
   and piv.name ='Total Payment'
  and piv.legislation_code='AU'
  and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
  and pet.legislation_code='AU'
  and pet.element_type_id = prr.element_type_id
  and pet.element_name='Spread Deduction'
  and prr.source_id = pee.element_entry_id
  and pee.creator_type in ('EE','RR')
  and p_date_paid between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
  and p_date_paid between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
  and p_date_paid between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 2675

select peev.screen_entry_value
from pay_element_types_f pet,
     pay_input_values_f piv,
     pay_element_entries_f pee,
     pay_element_entry_values_f peev
where pee.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
  and piv.name ='Pay ETP Components'
  and piv.legislation_code='AU'
  and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
  and pet.legislation_code='AU'
  and pet.element_name='ETP on Termination'
  and piv.input_value_id = peev.input_value_id
  and peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
  and c_date_earned between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
  and c_date_earned between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
  and c_date_earned between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date
  and c_date_earned between peev.effective_start_date and peev.effective_end_date
  and rownum = 1;