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2 /* $Header: POXP3PSB.pls 120.9 2006/11/29 17:52:12 nipagarw noship $ */
4   PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                          VARCHAR2,
5                        X_Line_Location_Id               NUMBER,
6                        X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
7                        X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
8                        X_Po_Header_Id                   NUMBER,
9                        X_Po_Line_Id                     NUMBER,
10                        X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
11                        X_Quantity                       NUMBER,
12                        X_Quantity_Received              NUMBER,
13                        X_Quantity_Accepted              NUMBER,
14                        X_Quantity_Rejected              NUMBER,
15                        X_Quantity_Billed                NUMBER,
16                        X_Quantity_Cancelled             NUMBER,
17                        X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code          VARCHAR2,
18                        X_Po_Release_Id                  NUMBER,
19                        X_Ship_To_Location_Id            NUMBER,
20                        X_Ship_Via_Lookup_Code           VARCHAR2,
21                        X_Need_By_Date                   DATE,
22                        X_Promised_Date                  DATE,
23                        X_Last_Accept_Date               DATE,
24                        X_Price_Override                 NUMBER,
25                        X_Encumbered_Flag                VARCHAR2,
26                        X_Encumbered_Date                DATE,
27                        X_Fob_Lookup_Code                VARCHAR2,
28                        X_Freight_Terms_Lookup_Code      VARCHAR2,
29                        X_Taxable_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
30                        X_Tax_Code_Id                    NUMBER,
31            X_Tax_User_Override_Flag   VARCHAR2,
32            X_Calculate_Tax_Flag   VARCHAR2,
33                        X_From_Header_Id                 NUMBER,
34                        X_From_Line_Id                   NUMBER,
35                        X_From_Line_Location_Id          NUMBER,
36                        X_Start_Date                     DATE,
37                        X_End_Date                       DATE,
38                        X_Lead_Time                      NUMBER,
39                        X_Lead_Time_Unit                 VARCHAR2,
40                        X_Price_Discount                 NUMBER,
41                        X_Terms_Id                       NUMBER,
42                        X_Approved_Flag                  VARCHAR2,
43                        X_Approved_Date                  DATE,
44                        X_Closed_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
45                        X_Cancel_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
46                        X_Cancelled_By                   NUMBER,
47                        X_Cancel_Date                    DATE,
48                        X_Cancel_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
49                        X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code        VARCHAR2,
50                        X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
51                        X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
52                        X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
53                        X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
54                        X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
55                        X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
56                        X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
57                        X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
58                        X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
59                        X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
60                        X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
61                        X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
62                        X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
63                        X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
64                        X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
65                        X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
66                        X_Inspection_Required_Flag       VARCHAR2,
67                        X_Receipt_Required_Flag          VARCHAR2,
68                        X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance              NUMBER,
69                        X_Qty_Rcv_Exception_Code         VARCHAR2,
70                        X_Enforce_Ship_To_Location       VARCHAR2,
71                        X_Allow_Substitute_Receipts      VARCHAR2,
72                        X_Days_Early_Receipt_Allowed     NUMBER,
73                        X_Days_Late_Receipt_Allowed      NUMBER,
74                        X_Receipt_Days_Exception_Code    VARCHAR2,
75                        X_Invoice_Close_Tolerance        NUMBER,
76                        X_Receive_Close_Tolerance        NUMBER,
77                        X_Ship_To_Organization_Id        NUMBER,
78                        X_Shipment_Num                   NUMBER,
79                        X_Source_Shipment_Id             NUMBER,
80                        X_Shipment_Type                  VARCHAR2,
81                        X_Closed_Code                    VARCHAR2,
82                        X_Ussgl_Transaction_Code         VARCHAR2,
83                        X_Government_Context             VARCHAR2,
84                        X_Receiving_Routing_Id           NUMBER,
85                        X_Accrue_On_Receipt_Flag         VARCHAR2,
86                        X_Closed_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
87                        X_Closed_Date                    DATE,
88                        X_Closed_By                      NUMBER,
89                        X_Global_Attribute_Category          VARCHAR2,
90                        X_Global_Attribute1                  VARCHAR2,
91                        X_Global_Attribute2                  VARCHAR2,
92                        X_Global_Attribute3                  VARCHAR2,
93                        X_Global_Attribute4                  VARCHAR2,
94                        X_Global_Attribute5                  VARCHAR2,
95                        X_Global_Attribute6                  VARCHAR2,
96                        X_Global_Attribute7                  VARCHAR2,
97                        X_Global_Attribute8                  VARCHAR2,
98                        X_Global_Attribute9                  VARCHAR2,
99                        X_Global_Attribute10                 VARCHAR2,
100                        X_Global_Attribute11                 VARCHAR2,
101                        X_Global_Attribute12                 VARCHAR2,
102                        X_Global_Attribute13                 VARCHAR2,
103                        X_Global_Attribute14                 VARCHAR2,
104                        X_Global_Attribute15                 VARCHAR2,
105                        X_Global_Attribute16                 VARCHAR2,
106                        X_Global_Attribute17                 VARCHAR2,
107                        X_Global_Attribute18                 VARCHAR2,
108                        X_Global_Attribute19                 VARCHAR2,
109                        X_Global_Attribute20                 VARCHAR2,
110            X_Country_of_Origin_Code       VARCHAR2,
111            X_Invoice_Match_Option       VARCHAR2,  --bgu, Dec. 7, 98
112            --togeorge 10/03/2000
113            --added note to receiver
114            X_note_to_receiver       VARCHAR2,
115 -- Mahesh Chandak(GML) Add 7 process related fields.
116 -- start of Bug# 1548597
117                        X_Secondary_Unit_Of_Measure        VARCHAR2,
118                        X_Secondary_Quantity               NUMBER,
119                        X_Preferred_Grade                  VARCHAR2,
120                        X_Secondary_Quantity_Received      NUMBER,
121                        X_Secondary_Quantity_Accepted      NUMBER,
122                        X_Secondary_Quantity_Rejected      NUMBER,
123                        X_Secondary_Quantity_Cancelled     NUMBER,
124 -- end of Bug# 1548597
125                        X_Consigned_Flag                   VARCHAR2,  /* CONSIGNED FPI */
126                        X_amount                           NUMBER,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
127                        p_transaction_flow_header_id       NUMBER,
128                        p_manual_price_change_flag       VARCHAR2 default null  --< Manual Price Override FPJ >
129  ) IS
130  l_tax_attribute_update_code PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.tax_attribute_update_code%type;--<eTax Integration R12>
131  BEGIN
133      --<eTax Integration  R12 Start>
134     IF X_Shipment_Type in ('STANDARD', 'PLANNED', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED') AND
135        PO_TAX_INTERFACE_PVT.any_tax_attributes_updated(
136           p_doc_type       => 'PO',
137           p_doc_level      => 'SHIPMENT',
138           p_doc_level_id   => X_Line_Location_Id,
139           p_qty            => X_Quantity,
140           p_price_override => X_Price_Override, --Bug 5647417
141           p_amt            => X_amount,
142           p_ship_to_org    => X_Ship_To_Organization_Id,
143           p_ship_to_loc    => X_Ship_To_Location_Id,
144           p_need_by_date   => X_Need_By_Date
145     ) THEN
146         l_tax_attribute_update_code := 'UPDATE';
147     END IF;
148     --<eTax Integration  R12 End>
152    SET
153      line_location_id                  =     X_Line_Location_Id,
154      last_update_date                  =     X_Last_Update_Date,
155      last_updated_by                   =     X_Last_Updated_By,
156      po_header_id                      =     X_Po_Header_Id,
157      po_line_id                        =     X_Po_Line_Id,
158      last_update_login                 =     X_Last_Update_Login,
159      quantity                          =     X_Quantity,
160      quantity_received                 =     X_Quantity_Received,
161      quantity_accepted                 =     X_Quantity_Accepted,
162      quantity_rejected                 =     X_Quantity_Rejected,
163      quantity_billed                   =     X_Quantity_Billed,
164      quantity_cancelled                =     X_Quantity_Cancelled,
165      unit_meas_lookup_code             =     X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code,
166      po_release_id                     =     X_Po_Release_Id,
167      ship_to_location_id               =     X_Ship_To_Location_Id,
168      ship_via_lookup_code              =     X_Ship_Via_Lookup_Code,
169      need_by_date                      =     X_Need_By_Date,
170      promised_date                     =     X_Promised_Date,
171      last_accept_date                  =     X_Last_Accept_Date,
172      price_override                    =     X_Price_Override,
173      encumbered_flag                   =     X_Encumbered_Flag,
174      encumbered_date                   =     X_Encumbered_Date,
175      fob_lookup_code                   =     X_Fob_Lookup_Code,
176      freight_terms_lookup_code         =     X_Freight_Terms_Lookup_Code,
177      from_header_id                    =     X_From_Header_Id,
178      from_line_id                      =     X_From_Line_Id,
179      from_line_location_id             =     X_From_Line_Location_Id,
180      start_date                        =     X_Start_Date,
181      end_date                          =     X_End_Date,
182      lead_time                         =     X_Lead_Time,
183      lead_time_unit                    =     X_Lead_Time_Unit,
184      price_discount                    =     X_Price_Discount,
185      terms_id                          =     X_Terms_Id,
186      approved_flag                     =     X_Approved_Flag,
187      approved_date                     =     X_Approved_Date,
188      closed_flag                       =     X_Closed_Flag,
189      cancel_flag                       =     X_Cancel_Flag,
190      cancelled_by                      =     X_Cancelled_By,
191      cancel_date                       =     X_Cancel_Date,
192      cancel_reason                     =     X_Cancel_Reason,
193      firm_status_lookup_code           =     X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code,
194      attribute_category                =     X_Attribute_Category,
195      attribute1                        =     X_Attribute1,
196      attribute2                        =     X_Attribute2,
197      attribute3                        =     X_Attribute3,
198      attribute4                        =     X_Attribute4,
199      attribute5                        =     X_Attribute5,
200      attribute6                        =     X_Attribute6,
201      attribute7                        =     X_Attribute7,
202      attribute8                        =     X_Attribute8,
203      attribute9                        =     X_Attribute9,
204      attribute10                       =     X_Attribute10,
205      attribute11                       =     X_Attribute11,
206      attribute12                       =     X_Attribute12,
207      attribute13                       =     X_Attribute13,
208      attribute14                       =     X_Attribute14,
209      attribute15                       =     X_Attribute15,
210      inspection_required_flag          =     X_Inspection_Required_Flag,
211      receipt_required_flag             =     X_Receipt_Required_Flag,
212      qty_rcv_tolerance                 =     X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance,
213      qty_rcv_exception_code            =     X_Qty_Rcv_Exception_Code,
214      enforce_ship_to_location_code     =     X_Enforce_Ship_To_Location,
215      allow_substitute_receipts_flag    =     X_Allow_Substitute_Receipts,
216      days_early_receipt_allowed        =     X_Days_Early_Receipt_Allowed,
217      days_late_receipt_allowed         =     X_Days_Late_Receipt_Allowed,
218      receipt_days_exception_code       =     X_Receipt_Days_Exception_Code,
219      invoice_close_tolerance           =     X_Invoice_Close_Tolerance,
220      receive_close_tolerance           =     X_Receive_Close_Tolerance,
221      ship_to_organization_id           =     X_Ship_To_Organization_Id,
222      shipment_num                      =     X_Shipment_Num,
223      source_shipment_id                =     X_Source_Shipment_Id,
224      shipment_type                     =     X_Shipment_Type,
225      closed_code                       =     X_Closed_Code,
226      government_context                =     X_Government_Context,
227      receiving_routing_id              =     X_Receiving_Routing_Id,
228      accrue_on_receipt_flag            =     X_Accrue_On_Receipt_Flag,
229      closed_reason                     =     X_Closed_Reason,
230      closed_date                       =     X_Closed_Date,
231      closed_by                         =     X_Closed_By,
232      global_attribute_category         =     X_Global_Attribute_Category,
233      global_attribute1                 =     X_Global_Attribute1,
234      global_attribute2                 =     X_Global_Attribute2,
235      global_attribute3                 =     X_Global_Attribute3,
236      global_attribute4                 =     X_Global_Attribute4,
237      global_attribute5                 =     X_Global_Attribute5,
238      global_attribute6                 =     X_Global_Attribute6,
239      global_attribute7                 =     X_Global_Attribute7,
240      global_attribute8                 =     X_Global_Attribute8,
241      global_attribute9                 =     X_Global_Attribute9,
242      global_attribute10                =     X_Global_Attribute10,
243      global_attribute11                =     X_Global_Attribute11,
244      global_attribute12                =     X_Global_Attribute12,
245      global_attribute13                =     X_Global_Attribute13,
246      global_attribute14                =     X_Global_Attribute14,
247      global_attribute15                =     X_Global_Attribute15,
248      global_attribute16                =     X_Global_Attribute16,
249      global_attribute17                =     X_Global_Attribute17,
250      global_attribute18                =     X_Global_Attribute18,
251      global_attribute19                =     X_Global_Attribute19,
252      global_attribute20                =     X_Global_Attribute20,
253      country_of_origin_code            =     X_Country_of_Origin_Code,
254      match_option                      =     X_Invoice_Match_Option,  --bgu, Dec. 7, 98
255      --togeorge 10/03/2000
256      --added note to receiver
257      note_to_receiver          =     X_note_to_receiver,
258 -- Mahesh Bug# 1548597 added process fields in the update clause. 15-feb-2001
259 -- start of 1548597
260      secondary_unit_of_measure         =     X_Secondary_Unit_Of_Measure,
261      secondary_quantity                =     X_Secondary_Quantity,
262      preferred_grade                   =     X_preferred_grade,
263      secondary_quantity_received       =     X_Secondary_Quantity_Received,
264      secondary_quantity_accepted       =     X_Secondary_Quantity_Accepted,
265      secondary_quantity_rejected       =     X_Secondary_Quantity_Rejected,
266      secondary_quantity_cancelled      =     X_Secondary_Quantity_Cancelled,
268 -- end of 1548597
269      consigned_flag                    =     X_Consigned_Flag,  /* CONSIGNED FPI */
270      amount                            =     X_amount,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
271      transaction_flow_header_id        =     p_transaction_flow_header_id,  --< Shared Proc FPJ >
272      manual_price_change_flag          =     p_manual_price_change_flag,  --< Manual Price Override FPJ >
273      tax_attribute_update_code         =     NVL(tax_attribute_update_code, --<eTax Integration R12>
274                                                  l_tax_attribute_update_code)
275   WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
277     if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
278       Raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
279     end if;
281   END Update_Row;
283   PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2) IS
284       --<R12 eTax Integration Start>
285       l_transaction_line_rec_type ZX_API_PUB.transaction_line_rec_type;
286       l_return_status     VARCHAR2(1);
287       l_msg_count         NUMBER;
288       l_msg_data          VARCHAR2(2000);
289       l_po_header_id      PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.po_header_id%TYPE;
290       l_po_release_id     PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.po_release_id%TYPE;
291       l_line_location_id  PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.line_location_id%TYPE;
292       l_shipment_type     PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.shipment_type%TYPE;
293       l_org_id            PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.org_id%type;
294       --<R12 eTax Integration End>
296   BEGIN
298     WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
299     --<R12 eTax Integration>
300     RETURNING shipment_type, po_header_id, po_release_id, line_location_id,org_id
301     INTO l_shipment_type, l_po_header_id, l_po_release_id, l_line_location_id,l_org_id;
304     if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
305       Raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
306     end if;
308     --<R12 eTax Integration Start>
309     IF l_shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED','BLANKET','SCHEDULED') THEN
311         l_transaction_line_rec_type.internal_organization_id := l_org_id;
312         l_transaction_line_rec_type.application_id           := FND_GLOBAL.resp_appl_id;
313         l_transaction_line_rec_type.entity_code              := PO_CONSTANTS_SV.PO_ENTITY_CODE ;
314         l_transaction_line_rec_type.event_class_code         := PO_CONSTANTS_SV.PO_EVENT_CLASS_CODE;
315         l_transaction_line_rec_type.event_type_code          := PO_CONSTANTS_SV.PO_ADJUSTED;
316         l_transaction_line_rec_type.trx_id                   := NVL(l_po_release_id, l_po_header_id);
317         l_transaction_line_rec_type.trx_level_type           := 'SHIPMENT';
318         l_transaction_line_rec_type.trx_line_id              := l_line_location_id;
320         -- Call eTax API to delete corresponding tax lines and distributions
321         ZX_API_PUB.del_tax_line_and_distributions(
322             p_api_version             =>  1.0,
323             p_init_msg_list           =>  FND_API.G_TRUE,
324             p_commit                  =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
325             p_validation_level        =>  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
326             x_return_status           =>  l_return_status,
327             x_msg_count               =>  l_msg_count,
328             x_msg_data                =>  l_msg_data,
329             p_transaction_line_rec    =>  l_transaction_line_rec_type
330         );
331         IF l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
333         END IF;
334     END IF;
335     --<R12 eTax Integration End>
337   END Delete_Row;