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Line 736: FROM JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES jrl,rcv_shipment_lines rsl,rcv_transactions rt

732: CURSOR tax_lines1_cur(tran_id NUMBER,ven_id NUMBER)
733: IS
734: SELECT jrl.tax_amount tax_amount, jrl.tax_id, jrl.currency,jrl.tax_type tax_type, jrl.modvat_flag,
735: jrl.tax_line_no tax_line_no --modified by kunkumar for bug 5593895
736: FROM JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES jrl,rcv_shipment_lines rsl,rcv_transactions rt
737: WHERE jrl.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
738: AND rt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
739: AND rt.transaction_id = tran_id
740: AND jrl.vendor_id = ven_id


765: , NVL(jcta.inclusive_tax_flag,'N') inc_tax_flag --Added by Eric for Inclusive Tax
766: FROM
770: , jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta
771: WHERE jrl.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
772: AND rt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
773: AND rt.transaction_id = tran_id

Line 808: , rcv_transactions rt

804: , NVL(jcta.inclusive_tax_flag,'N') inc_tax_flag --Added by Eric for Inclusive Tax
805: FROM
806: jai_rcv_line_taxes jrl
807: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
808: , rcv_transactions rt
809: , jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta --Added by Eric for Inclusive Tax
810: WHERE jrl.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
811: AND rt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
812: AND rt.transaction_id = tran_id

Line 838: , rcv_transactions rt

834: , NVL(jcta.inclusive_tax_flag,'N') inc_tax_flag
835: FROM
836: jai_retro_tax_changes jrl
837: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
838: , rcv_transactions rt
839: , jai_retro_line_changes jrlc
840: , jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta
841: WHERE jrlc.doc_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
842: AND jrlc.line_change_id = jrl.line_change_id

Line 966: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,

962: lv_tax_line_amount NUMBER := 0; --added by eric for inclusive tax
963: lv_ap_line_to_inst_flag VARCHAR2(1); --added by eric for inclusive tax
964: lv_tax_line_to_inst_flag VARCHAR2(1); --added by eric for inclusive tax
966: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
967: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
968: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
969: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
970: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

Line 967: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

963: lv_ap_line_to_inst_flag VARCHAR2(1); --added by eric for inclusive tax
964: lv_tax_line_to_inst_flag VARCHAR2(1); --added by eric for inclusive tax
966: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
967: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
968: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
969: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
970: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
971: is

Line 968: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

964: lv_tax_line_to_inst_flag VARCHAR2(1); --added by eric for inclusive tax
966: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
967: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
968: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
969: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
970: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
971: is
972: select attribute2 excise_costing_flag

Line 969: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

966: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
967: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
968: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
969: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
970: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
971: is
972: select attribute2 excise_costing_flag
973: from jai_rcv_transactions jrcvt

Line 970: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

966: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
967: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
968: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
969: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
970: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
971: is
972: select attribute2 excise_costing_flag
973: from jai_rcv_transactions jrcvt
974: where jrcvt.parent_transaction_id = cp_rcv_transaction_id

Line 973: from jai_rcv_transactions jrcvt

969: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
970: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
971: is
972: select attribute2 excise_costing_flag
973: from jai_rcv_transactions jrcvt
974: where jrcvt.parent_transaction_id = cp_rcv_transaction_id
975: and jrcvt.organization_id = cp_organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
976: and jrcvt.shipment_header_id = cp_shipment_header_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
977: and jrcvt.transaction_type = cp_txn_type --'DELIVER' --Modified by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

Line 987: cursor c_rcv_transactions(p_transaction_id number) is

983: -- Bug 5401111. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
984: lv_account_type gl_code_combinations.account_type%TYPE;
986: /* Service Tax */
987: cursor c_rcv_transactions(p_transaction_id number) is
988: select po_line_id, organization_id
989: from rcv_transactions
990: where transaction_id = p_transaction_id;

Line 989: from rcv_transactions

986: /* Service Tax */
987: cursor c_rcv_transactions(p_transaction_id number) is
988: select po_line_id, organization_id
989: from rcv_transactions
990: where transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
993: cursor c_po_lines_all(p_po_line_id number) is

Line 1018: r_rcv_transactions c_rcv_transactions%rowtype;

1014: and registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types /* TAX_TYPES */
1015: and attribute_code = cp_tax_type;
1018: r_rcv_transactions c_rcv_transactions%rowtype;
1019: r_po_lines_all c_po_lines_all%rowtype;
1020: r_jai_regimes c_jai_regimes%rowtype;
1021: r_service_regime_tax_type c_regime_tax_type%rowtype;
1022: lv_is_item_an_expense varchar2(20); /* Service */

Line 1352: Populate the po distribution id and rcv_transactions id for the tax

1348: Added the Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG,'') statements to
1349: generate the log also.
1351: 9. 09/10/2002 Aparajita for bug # 2483164 Version#615.1
1352: Populate the po distribution id and rcv_transactions id for the tax
1353: lines for backtracking tax to purchasing side.
1356: 10. 03/11/2002 Aparajita for bug # 2567799 Version#615.2

Line 1399: line location id from rcv_transactions to get the price.

1395: Added code to compare the above prices and apportion the calculated
1396: tax in case of change.
1398: Used the cursor for_line_qty in case of receipt matching with the
1399: line location id from rcv_transactions to get the price.
1400: Price of a receipt cannot be changed, so same as po price.
1401: Logic of apportioning was also added in receipt matching cases.
1403: 14 31/01/2003 Aparajita for bug # 2775043. Version # 615.6

Line 1608: from rcv_transactions and taxes from JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.

1605: 38 08/07/2004 Aparajita for bug#3752887. Version#115.3. Clean up.
1607: Function apportion_tax_pay_on_rect_f was considering the quantity
1608: from rcv_transactions and taxes from JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.
1609: This fails when there have been corrections as taxes are modified as
1610: per the corrected quantity.
1612: Cleaned the entire logic of apportioning of tax from PO to AP.

Line 1740: Reason: full table scan on JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS table in cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag

1736: based on v_assets_tracking_flag and removed the condition of account_type.
1738: 57. 12-Dec-2008 Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308, File Version 120.7.12000000.15, 120.34.12010000.4, 120.38
1740: Reason: full table scan on JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS table in cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag
1741: Fix: Added organization_id and shipment_headder_id columns
1743: Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
1744: ==================================================

Line 1923: open c_rcv_transactions(rcv_tran_id);

1919: -- bug#3752887
1921: /* service Start */
1923: open c_rcv_transactions(rcv_tran_id);
1924: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;
1925: close c_rcv_transactions;
1927: /*following fetches added/modified for bug 6595773*/

Line 1924: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;

1921: /* service Start */
1923: open c_rcv_transactions(rcv_tran_id);
1924: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;
1925: close c_rcv_transactions;
1927: /*following fetches added/modified for bug 6595773*/
1928: OPEN from_po_distributions(po_dist_id);

Line 1925: close c_rcv_transactions;

1921: /* service Start */
1923: open c_rcv_transactions(rcv_tran_id);
1924: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;
1925: close c_rcv_transactions;
1927: /*following fetches added/modified for bug 6595773*/
1928: OPEN from_po_distributions(po_dist_id);
1929: FETCH from_po_distributions INTO from_po_distributions_rec;

Line 1940: p_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id,

1937: lv_is_item_an_expense := null;
1938: lv_is_item_an_expense := jai_general_pkg.is_item_an_expense
1939: (
1940: p_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id,
1941: p_item_id => r_po_lines_all.item_id
1942: );
1944: /*lv_accounting_method_option := jai_general_pkg.get_accounting_method

Line 1948: p_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id

1944: /*lv_accounting_method_option := jai_general_pkg.get_accounting_method
1945: (
1946: p_org_id => v_org_id,
1947: p_sob_id => for_dist_insertion_rec.set_of_books_id,
1948: p_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id
1949: );*/
1951: -- commented the above by Sanjikum for Bug#4474501
1952: lv_accrue_on_receipt_flag := jai_rcv_trx_processing_pkg.get_accrue_on_receipt

Line 2986: ,cp_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

2983: /* Begin 5763527 */
2984: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'rcv_tran_id='||rcv_tran_id);
2985: open c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id => rcv_tran_id
2986: ,cp_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
2987: ,cp_shipment_header_id => p_shipment_header_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
2988: ,cp_txn_type => 'DELIVER' --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
2989: ,cp_attribute1 => 'CENVAT_COSTED_FLAG'); --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
2990: fetch c_get_excise_costing_flag into lv_excise_costing_flag;

Line 3851: ,cp_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

3848: /* Begin 5763527 */
3849: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'rcv_tran_id='||rcv_tran_id);
3850: open c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id => rcv_tran_id
3851: ,cp_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
3852: ,cp_shipment_header_id => p_shipment_header_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
3853: ,cp_txn_type => 'DELIVER' --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
3854: ,cp_attribute1 => 'CENVAT_COSTED_FLAG'); --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
3855: fetch c_get_excise_costing_flag into lv_excise_costing_flag;

Line 4728: ,cp_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

4725: /* Begin 5763527 */
4726: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'rcv_tran_id='||rcv_tran_id);
4727: open c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id => rcv_tran_id
4728: ,cp_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
4729: ,cp_shipment_header_id => p_shipment_header_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
4730: ,cp_txn_type => 'DELIVER' --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
4731: ,cp_attribute1 => 'CENVAT_COSTED_FLAG'); --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
4732: fetch c_get_excise_costing_flag into lv_excise_costing_flag;

Line 5841: , rcv_transactions rt

5837: , NVL(jcta.inclusive_tax_flag,'N') inc_tax_flag --Added by Eric for Inclusive Tax
5838: FROM
5840: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
5841: , rcv_transactions rt
5842: , jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta
5843: WHERE jrl.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
5844: AND rt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
5845: AND rt.transaction_id = tran_id

Line 6016: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,

6012: lv_tax_line_to_inst_flag VARCHAR2(1); --added by eric for inclusive tax
6016: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
6017: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6018: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6019: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6020: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

Line 6017: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

6016: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
6017: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6018: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6019: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6020: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6021: is

Line 6018: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

6016: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
6017: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6018: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6019: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6020: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6021: is
6022: select attribute2 excise_costing_flag

Line 6019: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

6016: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
6017: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6018: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6019: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6020: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6021: is
6022: select attribute2 excise_costing_flag
6023: from jai_rcv_transactions jrcvt

Line 6020: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

6016: cursor c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type,
6017: cp_organization_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.organization_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6018: cp_shipment_header_id JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.shipment_header_id%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6019: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6020: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6021: is
6022: select attribute2 excise_costing_flag
6023: from jai_rcv_transactions jrcvt
6024: where jrcvt.parent_transaction_id = cp_rcv_transaction_id

Line 6023: from jai_rcv_transactions jrcvt

6019: cp_txn_type JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_type%type, --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6020: cp_attribute1 JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS.attribute1%type) --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6021: is
6022: select attribute2 excise_costing_flag
6023: from jai_rcv_transactions jrcvt
6024: where jrcvt.parent_transaction_id = cp_rcv_transaction_id
6025: and jrcvt.organization_id = cp_organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6026: and jrcvt.shipment_header_id = cp_shipment_header_id
6027: and jrcvt.transaction_type = cp_txn_type --'DELIVER' --Modified by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

Line 6032: cursor c_rcv_transactions(p_transaction_id number) is

6028: and jrcvt.attribute1= cp_attribute1 ; --'CENVAT_COSTED_FLAG'; --Modified by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6029: /* End 5763527 */
6031: /* Service Tax */
6032: cursor c_rcv_transactions(p_transaction_id number) is
6033: select po_line_id, organization_id
6034: from rcv_transactions
6035: where transaction_id = p_transaction_id;

Line 6034: from rcv_transactions

6031: /* Service Tax */
6032: cursor c_rcv_transactions(p_transaction_id number) is
6033: select po_line_id, organization_id
6034: from rcv_transactions
6035: where transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
6037: cursor c_po_lines_all(p_po_line_id number) is
6038: select item_id

Line 6068: r_rcv_transactions c_rcv_transactions%rowtype;

6064: from jai_cmn_taxes_all
6065: where tax_id = cp_tax_id ;
6066: /*End, Added by kunkumar for bug#5593895*/
6068: r_rcv_transactions c_rcv_transactions%rowtype;
6069: r_po_lines_all c_po_lines_all%rowtype;
6070: r_jai_regimes c_jai_regimes%rowtype;
6071: r_service_regime_tax_type c_regime_tax_type%rowtype;
6072: lv_is_item_an_expense varchar2(20); /* Service */

Line 6253: Populate the po distribution id and rcv_transactions id for the tax

6249: org id that is supplied as a parameter to this program. Without this
6250: the org id gets defaulted from the session variables and may go wrong.
6252: 3. 09/10/2002 Aparajita for bug # 2483164 Version# 615.1
6253: Populate the po distribution id and rcv_transactions id for the tax
6254: lines for backtracking tax to purchasing side.
6256: Deleted the code for supplementary invoices as this is only for pay on
6257: receipt. This code was here as this procedure was extracted from

Line 6481: from rcv_transactions and taxes from JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.

6478: 36 08/07/2004 Aparajita for bug#3752887. Version#115.1, Clean up.
6480: Function apportion_tax_pay_on_rect_f was considering the quantity
6481: from rcv_transactions and taxes from JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.
6482: This fails when there have been corrections as taxes are modified as
6483: per the corrected quantity.
6485: Cleaned the entire logic of apportioning of tax from PO to AP.

Line 6759: open c_rcv_transactions(rcv_tran_id);

6755: -- bug#3752887
6757: /* service Start */
6759: open c_rcv_transactions(rcv_tran_id);
6760: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;
6761: close c_rcv_transactions;
6763: open c_po_lines_all(po_dist_id);

Line 6760: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;

6757: /* service Start */
6759: open c_rcv_transactions(rcv_tran_id);
6760: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;
6761: close c_rcv_transactions;
6763: open c_po_lines_all(po_dist_id);
6764: fetch c_po_lines_all into r_po_lines_all;

Line 6761: close c_rcv_transactions;

6757: /* service Start */
6759: open c_rcv_transactions(rcv_tran_id);
6760: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;
6761: close c_rcv_transactions;
6763: open c_po_lines_all(po_dist_id);
6764: fetch c_po_lines_all into r_po_lines_all;
6765: close c_po_lines_all;

Line 6770: p_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id,

6767: lv_is_item_an_expense :=
6768: jai_general_pkg.is_item_an_expense
6769: (
6770: p_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id,
6771: p_item_id => r_po_lines_all.item_id
6772: );
6774: /*lv_accounting_method_option :=

Line 6778: p_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id,

6774: /*lv_accounting_method_option :=
6775: jai_general_pkg.get_accounting_method
6776: (
6777: p_org_id => v_org_id,
6778: p_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id,
6779: p_sob_id => for_dist_insertion_rec.set_of_books_id
6780: );*/
6781: --commented the above by Sanjikum for Bug#4474501

Line 6813: ,cp_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308

6809: IF rcv_tran_id IS NOT NULL THEN
6811: /* Begin 5763527 */
6812: open c_get_excise_costing_flag (cp_rcv_transaction_id => rcv_tran_id
6813: ,cp_organization_id => r_rcv_transactions.organization_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6814: ,cp_shipment_header_id => p_shipment_header_id --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6815: ,cp_txn_type => 'DELIVER' --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6816: ,cp_attribute1 => 'CENVAT_COSTED_FLAG'); --Added by Bgowrava for Bug#7503308
6817: fetch c_get_excise_costing_flag into lv_excise_costing_flag;