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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 49

  select dg.delivery_id, st.stop_sequence_number,st.trip_id
  from   wsh_trip_stops st, wsh_delivery_legs dg, wsh_new_deliveries dl
  where  st.stop_id = p_stop_id
  and    dg.delivery_id = dl.delivery_id
  and    st.stop_location_id = dl.initial_pickup_location_id
  and    st.stop_id = dg.pick_up_stop_id
  AND    nvl(dl.shipment_direction,'O') IN ('O','IO')   -- J-IB-NPARIKH
  AND    dl.delivery_type = 'STANDARD' --sperera, MDC
  and    dl.status_code IN ( 'OP', 'PA', 'SA') ;
Line: 98

Line: 101

Line: 189

            l_exceptions_tab.delete; --Bugfix 4017720
Line: 291

PROCEDURE Check_Update_Stops (
		p_stop_rows		IN	 wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
    p_action				IN	VARCHAR2,
    p_caller                IN      VARCHAR2,
		x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2) IS

CURSOR stop_info (l_stop_id NUMBER) IS
SELECT trip_id,
FROM   wsh_trip_stops
WHERE  stop_id = l_stop_id;
Line: 305

SELECT dl.delivery_id
FROM   wsh_delivery_legs dg,
	   wsh_new_deliveries dl
WHERE  dg.delivery_id = dl.delivery_id AND
	  dg.drop_off_stop_id = l_stop_id AND
	  dl.status_code IN ('OP','PA', 'SA') -- sperera 940/945
			AND nvl(dl.shipment_direction,'O') IN ('O','IO');
Line: 314

SELECT 1 from dual
WHERE exists ( select 1
FROM   wsh_delivery_legs dg,
	   wsh_new_deliveries dl
WHERE  dg.delivery_id = dl.delivery_id
AND	dg.pick_up_stop_id = l_stop_id
AND	dl.status_code in ('OP','PA', 'SA')  -- sperera 940/945
			AND nvl(dl.shipment_direction,'O') IN ('O','IO'));
Line: 334

l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'CHECK_UPDATE_STOPS';
Line: 384

Line: 488

Line: 499

END Check_Update_Stops;
Line: 726

                UPDATE  wsh_trip_stops
                SET     status_code         = 'AR',
                        actual_arrival_date = nvl(p_actual_date, SYSDATE)
                WHERE   stop_id IN (p_stop_rows(i), l_linked_stop_id)  --wr
                RETURNING stop_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_stop_tab; -- Added for DBI Project;
Line: 778

          (p_stop_id_tab	=> l_stop_tab,
           p_dml_type		=> 'UPDATE',
           x_return_status      => l_dbi_rs);
Line: 962

SELECT dg.delivery_id
FROM   wsh_delivery_legs dg
WHERE  dg.pick_up_stop_id = l_stop_id;
Line: 967

select st.status_code, tr.status_code ,
        NVL(st.shipments_type_flag,'O')    -- J-IB-NPARIKH
from wsh_trip_stops st, wsh_trips tr
where st.stop_id = l_stop_id
and st.trip_id = tr.trip_id;
Line: 1208

	select trip_id into dummy_trip_ids(i)
	from wsh_trip_stops where stop_id=p_stop_rows(i);
Line: 1774

Line: 1818

            UPDATE wsh_new_deliveries
            SET    ship_method_code             = p_in_rec1.ship_method_code,
                   carrier_id                   = p_in_rec1.carrier_id,
                   service_level                = p_in_rec1.service_level,
                   mode_of_transport            = p_in_rec1.mode_of_transport,
                   last_update_date             = SYSDATE,
                   last_updated_by              = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
                   last_update_login            = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
            WHERE  delivery_id                  = l_dlvy_id_tbl(i)
            AND    NVL(ship_method_code,' ')   <> p_in_rec1.ship_method_code;
Line: 1877

    UPDATE wsh_trip_stops
    SET    pending_interface_flag = DECODE(l_cnt,0,pending_interface_flag,'Y'),
           status_code            = 'CL',
           actual_departure_date  = NVL(p_in_rec.actual_date, SYSDATE),
           actual_arrival_date    = NVL(actual_arrival_date,NVL(p_in_rec.actual_date,SYSDATE)), -- Bug 3901377
           departure_seal_code    = NVL(departure_seal_code,p_in_rec1.trip_seal_code),
           tms_interface_flag     = l_tms_interface_flag, --OTM R12 Org-Specific.
           last_update_date       = sysdate,
           last_updated_by        = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
           last_update_login      = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
    WHERE  stop_id                IN (p_in_rec.stop_id,
                                      p_in_rec1.linked_stop_id) --wr
    RETURNING stop_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_stop_tab; -- Added for DBI Project
Line: 1944

          (p_stop_id_tab	=> l_stop_tab,
           p_dml_type		=> 'UPDATE',
           x_return_status      => l_dbi_rs);
Line: 2355

        SELECT stop_id, stop_sequence_number,
               NVL(shipments_type_flag,'O') shipments_type_flag
        FROM   wsh_trip_stops
        WHERE  trip_id                      = p_trip_id
        AND    stop_sequence_number         > p_stop_sequence_number
        AND    NVL(shipments_type_flag,'O') IN ( 'I','M')
        AND    status_code                  = 'CL'
        ORDER BY stop_sequence_number;
Line: 2369

        SELECT 1
        FROM   wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
               wsh_new_deliveries wnd
        WHERE  wdl.pick_up_stop_id  = p_pu_stop_id
        AND    wdl.drop_off_stop_id = p_do_stop_id
        AND    wdl.delivery_id      = wnd.delivery_id
        AND    NVL(wnd.shipment_direction,'O') NOT IN ('O','IO')
        AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 2382

        SELECT wnd.delivery_id, wts.stop_location_id, wnd.ultimate_dropoff_location_id
        FROM   wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
               wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
               wsh_trip_stops wts
        WHERE  wdl.drop_off_stop_id = p_stop_id
        AND    wts.stop_id          = p_stop_id
        AND    wdl.delivery_id      = wnd.delivery_id
        AND    NVL(wnd.shipment_direction,'O') NOT IN ('O','IO');
Line: 2395

    SELECT next_leg_do_stop.status_code                  do_stop_statusCode,
           NVL(next_leg_do_stop.shipments_type_flag,'O') do_stop_shipTypeFlag,
           next_leg_do_stop.stop_location_id             do_stop_locationId,
           next_leg_do_stop.stop_id                      do_stop_id,
           next_leg_pu_stop.status_code                  pu_stop_statusCode,
           NVL(next_leg_pu_stop.shipments_type_flag,'O') pu_stop_shipTypeFlag,
           next_leg_pu_stop.stop_location_id             pu_stop_locationId,
           next_leg_pu_stop.stop_id                      pu_stop_id,
           NVL(wnd.shipment_direction,'O')               shipment_direction,
           wnd.status_code                               dlvy_status_code,
           wnd.ultimatE_dropoff_location_id              dlvy_ultimate_doLocationId
    FROM   wsh_trip_stops next_leg_do_stop,
           wsh_trip_stops next_leg_pu_stop,
           wsh_trip_stops curr_leg_do_stop,
           wsh_delivery_legs next_leg,
           wsh_delivery_legs curr_leg,
           wsh_new_deliveries wnd
    WHERE  next_leg.drop_off_stop_id         = next_leg_do_stop.stop_id
    --AND    st1.status_code = 'OP'
    AND    next_leg.pick_up_stop_id          = next_leg_pu_stop.stop_id
    AND    next_leg_pu_stop.stop_location_id = curr_leg_do_stop.stop_location_id
    AND    next_leg.delivery_id              = curr_leg.delivery_id
    AND    curr_leg_do_stop.stop_id          = p_stop_id
    AND    curr_leg.drop_off_stop_id         = p_stop_id
    AND    wnd.delivery_id                   = curr_leg.delivery_id
    AND    wnd.delivery_id                   = p_delivery_id;
Line: 2481

    UPDATE wsh_trip_stops
    SET    status_code            = 'OP',
           actual_departure_date  = NULL,
           actual_arrival_date    = NULL, -- Bug 3901377
           --actual_departure_date  = nvl(p_in_rec.actual_date, SYSDATE),
           --departure_seal_code    = NVL(p_in_rec1.trip_seal_code, departure_seal_code),
           last_update_date       = sysdate,
           last_updated_by        = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
           last_update_login      = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
    WHERE  stop_id                = p_in_rec.stop_id
    RETURNING stop_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_stop_tab; -- Added for DBI Project;
Line: 2526

          (p_stop_id_tab	=> l_stop_tab,
           p_dml_type		=> 'UPDATE',
           x_return_status      => l_dbi_rs);
Line: 2957

   SELECT max(stop_sequence_number)
   FROM   wsh_trip_stops
   WHERE  trip_id = c_trip_id
          AND status_code in ('AR', 'CL');
Line: 2967

    SELECT planned_arrival_date,
           physical_stop_id   -- SSN change
    FROM wsh_trip_stops
    WHERE  trip_id = c_trip_id
      and status_code = 'OP'
      and (stop_sequence_number > c_sequence_number -- Update existing stops
           OR stop_sequence_number < 1)  -- Newly created stops
    FOR update nowait
    ORDER BY 1, 2;
Line: 3033

Line: 3073

        update wsh_trip_stops set stop_sequence_number = l_max_seq_number
        where stop_id = l_stop_rec_tab(i).stop_id;
Line: 3077

  	   WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'updated stop '||l_stop_rec_tab(i).stop_id||' with sequence number '||to_char(l_max_seq_number));
Line: 3192

  SELECT stop_id
    FROM ( SELECT wts.stop_id
             FROM wsh_trip_stops wts
            WHERE wts.trip_id = p_trip_id
              AND wts.status_code IN ( 'OP', 'AR')
              AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'c'
                            FROM wsh_delivery_legs wdl
                           WHERE wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts.stop_id)
            ORDER BY wts.stop_sequence_number DESC)
Line: 3205

    FROM wsh_trip_stops     wts
        ,wsh_delivery_legs  wdl
        ,wsh_new_deliveries wnd
   WHERE wts.trip_id = p_trip_id
     AND wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id
     AND wdl.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
                    FROM wsh_shipping_parameters wsp
                   WHERE wnd.organization_id = wsp.organization_id
                     AND wsp.otm_enabled = 'Y'
                        FROM wsh_trip_stops     wts
                            ,wsh_delivery_legs  wdl
                            ,wsh_new_deliveries wnd
                       WHERE wts.trip_id = p_trip_id
                         AND wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id
                         AND wdl.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
                         AND ( EXISTS ( SELECT 1
                                          FROM mtl_parameters mtlp
                                         WHERE mtlp.organization_id = wnd.organization_id
                                           AND mtlp.distributed_organization_flag = 'Y')
                               OR wnd.delivery_type = 'CONSOLIDATION'))
     AND ROWNUM = 1;