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1 package pay_fr_db_pay_setup as
2 /* $Header: pyfrsetp.pkh 120.0 2005/05/29 05:09:41 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 /*
6    ******************************************************************
7    *                                                                *
8    *  Copyright (C) 1989 Oracle Corporation UK Ltd.,                *
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23    ******************************************************************
25     Name        : pay_db_pay_setup
27     Description : This package holds building blocks for payroll
29     Uses        : hr_elements
30                   hr_utility
31                   hr_balances
32                   hr_payrolls
34     Used By     : db_pay_vol_setup
36     Change List
37     -----------
38     Date        Name          Vers    Bug No     Description
39     ----        ----          ----    ------     -----------
40     22-Dec-92   J.S.Hobbs     3.0                Date Created with ;-
41                                                  create_consolidation_set
42                                                  create_element
43                                                  create_input_value
44                                                  create_payroll
45                                                  create_balance_type
46                                                  create_balance_classification
47                                                  create_defined_balance
48                                                  set_session_date
49                                                  create_owner_definitions
50                                                  create_element_link
51     19-Jan-93   J.S.Hobbs     3.1                Changed interface to
52                                                  create_payroll.
53     20-Jan-92   J.S.Hobbs     3.2                Altered interface to allow the
54                                                  passing of dates.
55     26-Jan-93   J.S.Hobbs     3.3                Changed default of mid point
56                                                  offset to -15.
57     11-MAR-93   N Khan        3.4                added 'exit' to the end
58     27-APR-93   P.K.Attwood   3.5                Added:-
59                                                  insert_customize_restriction
60                                                  insert_restriction_values
61     04-AUG-93   D.E.Saxby     3.6                Removed p_legislation_code
62                                                  from create_input_value.
63     21-Sep-93   J.S.Hobbs    40.02/     B231     Removed references to
64                              30.10               SUPPLEMENTARY_RUN_FLAG.
65                                         Re: X12  Added
66                                               MULTIPLE_ENTRIES_ALLOWED_FLAG and
67                                                   FORMULA_ID to create_element..
68     29-Sep-93   J.S.Hobbs    40.03/     X3     Added
69                              30.11              ASSIGNMENT_REMUNERATION_FLAG to
70                                               create_balance_type.
71     08-Oct-93   D.E.Saxby    40.4/               No longer need to supply a
72                              30.12               default payment method
73                                                  for a payroll.
74     28-MAR-94   R.Neale      40.5                Added header info
75     31-MAR-94   A.McGhee     40.6                Moved header line into a
76 						 comment section.
77     19-JUN-95   N. Bristow   40.10            Added new parameter to
78                                               create_element, to indicate that
79                                               its a third party payment.
80                                               (p_third_party_pay_only)
81     15-JUL-96   S.Sinha       40.11           Added new parameter p_legislation_code
82                                               to create_input_value for starup logic.
83     29-Apr-01   V.Mehta      115.1            Added support for the following
84                                               'new' columns:
85                                               retro_summ_ele_id,
86                                               iterative_formula_id,
87                                               iterative_priority,
88                                               process_mode,
89                                               grossup_flag,
90                                               advance_indicator,
91                                               advance_payable,
92                                               advance_deduction,
93                                               process_advance_entry,
94                                               proration_group_id
95     03-JAN-02  J.Tomkins     115.2            Added dbdrv information
96     23-AUG-02  prsundar      115.4            Modified procedure create_elelment
97     					      to suppport the 2 newly added
98     					      columns proration_formula_id and
99     					      recalc_event_group_id on table
100     					      pay_element_types_f as part of
101     					      continuous calculation enhancement
102     03-OCT-02  M.Reid        115.5            Added uom code parameter to
103                                               create balance type
104    15-OCT-2002  RThirlby     115.6            Added support for new columns on
105                                               table pay_balance types -
106                                               balance_category_id, primary_
107                                               balance and base_balance - to
108                                               create_balance_type procedure.
109                                               Added support for save_run_balance
110                                               flag on pay_defined_balances to
111                                               create_defined_balance, either by
112                                               being passed in directly or
113                                               defaulted from category and
114                                               dimension.
115    17-OCT-2002 RThirlby     115.7             Overwrote 115.5 changes made by
116                                               M.Reid. Reinserting changes
117                                               and correcting version numbers.
118    12-MAR-2003 RThirlby     115.8   2831667   New parameter p_warn_error_code
119                                               added to create_input_value.
120                                               Required for MLS.
121    07-JUL-2003 Scchakra     115.9   1253330   Added function
122                                               get_default_currency.
123    10-JUL-2003 Scchakra     115.10  1253330   Defaulted p_rule_type to 'DC' in
124                                               get_default_currency.
125    30-JUL-2003 ASNELL       115.3             Recloned from pypsetup.pkh to
126                                               keep in step
127                                                                               */
128 --.
129  -------------------------------- create element -----------------------------
130  /*
131  NAME
132    create_element
134    This is a function that creates an element type according to the parameters
135    passed to it.
136  NOTES
137    If the element to be created is a payroll element then it will also create a
138    default PAY_VALUE and status processing rule. Balance feeds will also be
139    created for balance fed by the same classification as that of the element.
140  */
141 --
142 FUNCTION create_element(p_element_name           varchar2,
143                         p_description            varchar2 default NULL,
144                         p_reporting_name         varchar2 default NULL,
145                         p_classification_name    varchar2,
146                         p_input_currency_code    varchar2 default NULL,
147                         p_output_currency_code   varchar2 default NULL,
148                         p_processing_type        varchar2 default 'R',
149                         p_mult_entries_allowed   varchar2 default 'N',
150                         p_formula_id             number   default NULL,
151                         p_processing_priority    number   default NULL,
152                         p_closed_for_entry_flag  varchar2 default 'N',
153                         p_standard_link_flag     varchar2 default 'N',
154                         p_qual_length_of_service number   default NULL,
155                         p_qual_units             varchar2 default NULL,
156                         p_qual_age               number   default NULL,
157                         p_process_in_run_flag    varchar2 default 'Y',
158                         p_post_termination_rule  varchar2,
159                         p_indirect_only_flag     varchar2 default 'N',
160                         p_adjustment_only_flag   varchar2 default 'N',
161                         p_add_entry_allowed_flag varchar2 default 'N',
162                         p_multiply_value_flag    varchar2 default 'N',
163                         p_effective_start_date   date     default NULL,
164                         p_effective_end_date     date     default NULL,
165                         p_business_group_name    varchar2 default NULL,
166                         p_legislation_code       varchar2 default NULL,
167                         p_legislation_subgroup   varchar2 default NULL,
168                         p_third_party_pay_only   varchar2 default 'N',
169                         p_retro_summ_ele_id		number default null,
170                         p_iterative_flag                varchar2 default null,
171                         p_iterative_formula_id          number default null,
172                         p_iterative_priority            number default null,
173                         p_process_mode                  varchar2 default null,
174                         p_grossup_flag                  varchar2 default null,
175                         p_advance_indicator             varchar2 default null,
176                         p_advance_payable               varchar2 default null,
177                         p_advance_deduction             varchar2 default null,
178                         p_process_advance_entry         varchar2 default null,
179                         p_proration_group_id            number default null,
180                         p_proration_formula_id		number default null,
181                         p_recalc_event_group_id		number default null
182 )
183                                                                RETURN number;
184 --..
185 --.
186  ---------------------------- create_input_value -----------------------------
187  /*
188  NAME
189    create_input_value
191    This is a function that creates an input value for an element according to
192    the parameters passed to it.
193  NOTES
194    If the input value is a PAY_VALUE then balance feeds fed by the same
195    classification as that of the element will be created.
196  */
197 --
198 FUNCTION create_input_value(p_element_name           varchar2,
199                             p_name                   varchar2,
200                             p_uom                    varchar2 default null,
201                             p_uom_code               varchar2 default null,
202                             p_mandatory_flag         varchar2 default 'N',
203                             p_generate_db_item_flag  varchar2 default 'N',
204                             p_default_value          varchar2 default NULL,
205                             p_min_value              varchar2 default NULL,
206                             p_max_value              varchar2 default NULL,
207                             p_warning_or_error       varchar2 default NULL,
208                             p_warn_or_error_code     varchar2 default NULL,
209                             p_lookup_type            varchar2 default NULL,
210                             p_formula_id             number   default NULL,
211                             p_hot_default_flag       varchar2 default 'N',
212                             p_display_sequence       number,
213                             p_business_group_name    varchar2 default NULL,
214                             p_effective_start_date   date     default NULL,
215                             p_effective_end_date     date     default NULL,
216                             p_legislation_code       varchar2 default NULL)
217                                                                RETURN number;
218 --..
219 --.
220  -------------------------------- create_payroll -----------------------------
221  /*
222  NAME
223    create_payroll
225    This function creates a payroll and passes back the payroll_id for future
226    reference.
227  NOTES
228    On creation it will create a calendar for the payroll.
229  */
230 --
231 FUNCTION create_payroll(p_payroll_name               varchar2,
232                         p_number_of_years            number,
233                         p_period_type                varchar2,
234                         p_first_period_end_date      date,
235                         p_dflt_payment_method        varchar2 default NULL,
236                         p_pay_date_offset            number   default 0,
237                         p_direct_deposit_date_offset number   default 0,
238                         p_pay_advice_date_offset     number   default 0,
239                         p_cut_off_date_offset        number   default 0,
240                         p_consolidation_set_name     varchar2,
241                         p_negative_pay_allowed_flag  varchar2 default 'N',
242                         p_organization_name          varchar2 default NULL,
243                         p_midpoint_offset            number   default 0,
244                         p_workload_shifting_level    varchar2 default 'N',
245                         p_cost_all_keyflex_id        number   default NULL,
246                         p_gl_set_of_books_id         number   default NULL,
247                         p_soft_coding_keyflex_id     number   default NULL,
248                         p_effective_start_date       date     default NULL,
249                         p_effective_end_date         date     default NULL,
250                         p_business_group_name        varchar2)
251                                                            RETURN number;
252 --..
253 --.
254  ---------------------------- create_consoldation_set ------------------------
255  /*
256  NAME
257    create_consoldation_set
259    This function creates a consolidation set and passes back the
260    consolidation_set_id for future use.
261  NOTES
262  */
263 --
264 FUNCTION create_consolidation_set(p_consolidation_set_name  varchar2,
265                                   p_business_group_name     varchar2)
266                                                               RETURN number;
267 --..
268 --.
269  -------------------------- create_owner_definitions --------------------------
270  /*
271  NAME
272    create_owner_definitions
274    This procedure populates the product name for the current session into the
275    owner defintions table. This mis used when creating startup data to
276    identify which products the data is for.
277  NOTES
278  */
279 --
280 PROCEDURE create_owner_definitions(p_app_short_name  varchar2);
281 --..
282 --.
283  -------------------------- set_session_dates ---------------------------------
284  /*
285  NAME
286    set_session_date
288    Sets the session date for use in creating date tracked information
289  NOTES
290  */
291 --
292 PROCEDURE set_session_date(p_session_date  date);
293 --..
294 --.
295  -------------------------- create_element_link -------------------------------
296  /*
297  NAME
298    create_element_link
300    This procedure creates sn element link for an element type.
301  NOTES
302  */
303 --
304 FUNCTION create_element_link(p_payroll_name          varchar2 default NULL,
305                              p_job_name              varchar2 default NULL,
306                              p_position_name         varchar2 default NULL,
307                              p_people_group_name     varchar2 default NULL,
308                              p_cost_all_keyflex_id   number   default NULL,
309                              p_organization_name     varchar2 default NULL,
310                              p_element_name          varchar2,
311                              p_location_id           number   default NULL,
312                              p_grade_name            varchar2 default NULL,
313                              p_balancing_keyflex_id  number   default NULL,
314                              p_element_set_id        number   default NULL,
315                              p_costable_type         varchar2 default 'N',
316                              p_link_to_all_pyrlls_fl varchar2 default 'N',
317                              p_multiply_value_flag   varchar2 default 'N',
318                              p_standard_link_flag    varchar2 default NULL,
319                              p_transfer_to_gl_flag   varchar2 default 'N',
320                              p_qual_age              number   default NULL,
321                              p_qual_lngth_of_service number   default NULL,
322                              p_qual_units            varchar2 default NULL,
323                              p_effective_start_date  date     default NULL,
324                              p_effective_end_date    date     default NULL,
325                              p_business_group_name   varchar2)
326                                                             RETURN number;
327 --..
328 --.
329  --------------------------- create_balance_type ------------------------------
330  /*
331  NAME
332    create_balance_type
334    Creates a new balance.
335  NOTES
336  */
337 --
338 FUNCTION create_balance_type(p_balance_name          varchar2,
339                              p_uom                   varchar2,
340                              p_uom_code              varchar2 default NULL,
341                              p_ass_remuneration_flag varchar2 default 'N',
342                              p_currency_code         varchar2 default NULL,
343                              p_reporting_name        varchar2 default NULL,
344                              p_business_group_name   varchar2 default NULL,
345                              p_legislation_code      varchar2 default NULL,
346                              p_legislation_subgroup  varchar2 default NULL,
347                              p_balance_category      varchar2 default null,
348                              p_bc_leg_code           varchar2 default null,
349                              p_effective_date        date     default null,
350                              p_base_balance_name     varchar2 default null,
351                              p_primary_element_name  varchar2 default null,
352                              p_primary_iv_name       varchar2 default null)
353                                                               RETURN number;
354 --..
355 --.
356  ----------------------- create_balance_classification ------------------------
357  /*
358  NAME
359    create_balance_classification
361    This procedure adds a new classification to the balance.
362  NOTES
363    Balance feeds will be created for any elements with a PAY VALUE that matches
364    the balance.
365  */
366 --
367 PROCEDURE create_balance_classification
368                           (p_balance_name            varchar2,
369                            p_balance_classification  varchar2,
370                            p_scale                   varchar2,
371                            p_business_group_name     varchar2 default NULL,
372                            p_legislation_code        varchar2 default NULL);
373 --..
374 --.
375  --------------------------- create_defined_balance ---------------------------
376  /*
377  NAME
378    create_defined_balance
380    Associates a balance with a dimension.
381  NOTES
382  */
383 --
384 PROCEDURE create_defined_balance
385                           (p_balance_name            varchar2,
386                            p_balance_dimension       varchar2,
387                            p_frce_ltst_balance_flag  varchar2 default 'N',
388                            p_business_group_name     varchar2 default NULL,
389                            p_legislation_code        varchar2 default NULL,
390                            p_save_run_bal            varchar2 default null,
391                            p_effective_date          date     default null);
392 --..
394 --.
395 ------------------------ insert_customize_restriction ------------------------
396 /*
397  NAME
398    insert_customize_restriction
400    Creates a new customize restriction type.
401  NOTES
402    This function returns the customized_restriction_id of the row it has
403    created and inserted into pay_customized_restrictions.
404  */
405 --
406 FUNCTION insert_customize_restriction
407                      ( p_business_group_id     number default NULL,
408                        p_name                  varchar2,
409                        p_form_name             varchar2,
410                        p_query_form_title      varchar2,
411                        p_standard_form_title   varchar2,
412                        p_enabled_flag          varchar2 default 'N',
413                        p_legislation_subgroup  varchar2 default NULL,
414                        p_legislation_code      varchar2 default NULL
415                      ) return number;
416 --
417 ------------------------- insert_restriction_values --------------------------
418  /*
419  NAME
420    insert_restriction_values
422    This procedure adds a new restriction value for the specified customization
423    restriction.
424  NOTES */
425 --
426 PROCEDURE insert_restriction_values
427                      ( p_customized_restriction_id number,
428                        p_restriction_code          varchar2,
429                        p_value                     varchar2
430                      );
432 --..
433 --.
434 ------------------------ get_default_currency ------------------------
435 /*
436  NAME
437    get_default_currency
439    Fetches the default currency for a given legislation.
440  NOTES
441    This function returns the default currency code from the 'DC'
442    legislation rule. If not found then fetches the enabled currency
443    from fnd_currencies table.
444  */
445 --
446 FUNCTION get_default_currency
447   (p_rule_type        in varchar2 default 'DC'
448   ,p_legislation_code in varchar2
449   ) return varchar2;
451 --..
453 end pay_fr_db_pay_setup;