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1 package AK_ON_OBJECTS_PVT as
2 /* $Header: akdvons.pls 120.3 2005/09/15 22:18:29 tshort ship $ */
4 -- Global constants holding the package and file names to be used by
5 -- messaging routines in the case of an unexpected error.
9 -- Constants for use across different AK private APIs
11 G_CREATE        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(1) := 'C';
12 G_DOWNLOAD      CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(1) := 'D';
13 G_UPDATE        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(1) := 'U';
16 G_FLOW          CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(10) := 'FLOW';
17 G_OBJECT        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(10) := 'OBJECT';
18 G_REGION        CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(10) := 'REGION';
24 -- PL/SQL tables for log file in upload and download
27 -- Write mode of output file
30 -- Index for AK_LOADER_TEMP
33 -- Total number of records in AK_LOADER_TEMP for upload
36 -- Current session id
39 --Procedures for use by AK private APIs internal use
41 --==============================================
42 --  Procedure   APPEND_BUFFER_TABLES
43 --
44 --  Usage       Private procedure for appending one buffer table to the
45 --              end of another buffer table.
46 --              This procedure is intended to be called only by other APIs
47 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
48 --
49 --  Desc        Appends all elements in the from_table to the end of the
50 --              to_table. Both tables must be of type Buffer_Table_Type.
51 --
52 --  Results     The procedure returns the standard p_return_status parameter
53 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
54 --                  * Unexpected error
55 --                  * Error
56 --                  * Success
57 --  Parameters  p_from_table : IN required
58 --                  The from buffer table containing elements to be
59 --                  appended to the end of the to buffer table.
60 --              p_to_table : IN OUT
61 --                  The target buffer table which will have the elements
62 --                  in the from table appended to it.
63 --==============================================
65 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
66 p_from_table               IN      AK_ON_OBJECTS_PUB.Buffer_Tbl_Type,
67 p_to_table                 IN OUT NOCOPY  AK_ON_OBJECTS_PUB.Buffer_Tbl_Type
68 );
71 --==============================================
72 --  Procedure   DOWNLOAD_HEADER
73 --
74 --  Usage       Private procedure for writing standard header information
75 --              to a loader file.
76 --              This procedure is intended to be called only by other APIs
77 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
78 --
79 --  Desc        This procedure writes all the standard header information
80 --              including the DEFINE section to the loader file.
81 --
82 --  Results     The API returns the standard p_return_status parameter
83 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
84 --                  * Unexpected error
85 --                  * Error
86 --                  * Success
87 --  Parameters  p_nls_language : IN optional
88 --                  The NLS language of the database. If this is omitted,
89 --                  the default NLS language defined in the database
90 --                  will be used.
91 --              p_application_id : IN optional
92 --                  The application ID to be used to extract data from
93 --                  the database. If p_application_id is omitted, then
94 --                  either p_application_short_name must be given, or
95 --                  p_table_size must be greater than 0.
96 --              p_application_short_name : IN optional
97 --                  The application short name to be used to extract data
98 --                  from the database. If p_application_short_name is
99 --                  not provided, then either p_application_id must be
100 --                  given, or p_table_size must be greater than 0.
101 --                  p_application_short_name will be ignored if
102 --                  p_application_id is given.
103 --              p_table_size : IN required
104 --                  The size of the PL/SQL table containing the list of
105 --                  flows, objects, regions, or attributes to be extracted
106 --                  from the database. If p_table_size is 0, then either
107 --                  p_application_id or p_application_short_name must
108 --                  be provided.
109 --              p_download_by_object : IN required
110 --                  Must be one of the following literal defined in
111 --                  AK_ON_OBJECTS_PVT package:
112 --                    G_ATTRIBUTE - Caller is DOWNLOAD_ATTRIBUTE API
113 --                    G_OBJECT    - Caller is DOWNLOAD_OBJECT API
114 --                    G_REGION    - Caller is DOWNLOAD_REGION API
115 --                    G_FLOW      - Caller is DOWNLOAD_FLOW API
116 --                  This parameter is used to determine which portions
117 --                  of the DEFINE section should be written to the file.
118 --              p_nls_language_out : OUT
119 --                  This parameter will be loaded with p_nls_language if
120 --                  one is given, or with the default NLS language in the
121 --                  database if p_nls_language is not provided.
122 --              p_application_id_out : OUT
123 --                  This parameter will be loaded with p_application_id if
124 --                  one is given, or with the application ID of the
125 --                  p_application_short_name parameter if no application ID
126 --                  is provided. If both p_application_short_name and
127 --                  p_application_id are not given, the p_application_id_out
128 --                  will be null.
129 --==============================================
130 procedure DOWNLOAD_HEADER (
131 p_validation_level         IN      NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
132 p_api_version_number       IN      NUMBER,
133 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
134 p_nls_language             IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
135 p_application_id           IN      NUMBER := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
136 p_application_short_name   IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
137 p_table_size               IN      NUMBER,
138 p_download_by_object       IN      VARCHAR2,
139 p_nls_language_out         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
140 p_application_id_out       OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
141 );
143 --=======================================================
144 --  Procedure   GET_TOKEN
145 --
146 --  Usage       Private procedure for returning the first token from
147 --              the given input string.
148 --              This function is intended to be called only by other APIs
149 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
150 --
151 --  Desc        This procedure parses the input string and returns the first
152 --              token in the string. It then removes that token from the
153 --              input string.
154 --
155 --  Results     The API returns the standard p_return_status parameter
156 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
157 --                  * Unexpected error
158 --                  * Error (including parse error, such as empty input string)
159 --                  * Success
160 --              The procedure returns the first token in the input string
161 --              in the p_token parameter. It also removes the token from
162 --              the input string.
163 --  Parameters  p_in_buf : IN OUT
164 --                  The input string to be parsed. The procedure would
165 --                  remove the first token from this string before
166 --                  passing it back to the calling API.
167 --              p_token : OUT
168 --                  The first token parsed in the input string, with
169 --                  all the escaped characters in the token already
170 --                  replaced with their original characters.
171 --=======================================================
172 procedure GET_TOKEN (
173 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
174 p_in_buf                   IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
175 p_token                    OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
176 );
178 --=======================================================
179 --  Procedure   READ_LINE
180 --
181 --  Usage       Private procedure for reading the next line from a file.
182 --              This function is intended to be called only by other APIs
183 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
184 --
185 --  Desc        This procedure reads the next logical line from a flat file
186 --              whose file handle is given as the p_file_handle parameter.
187 --              This means that the file to be read must already be opened.
188 --              A logical line may contain many physical lines in the
189 --              file, each except the last physical line has  a trailing
190 --              character indicating that the line is to be continued.
191 --
192 --  Results     The API returns the standard p_return_status parameter
193 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
194 --                  * Unexpected error
195 --                  * Error
196 --                  * Success
197 --              The procedure returns the data read from the file into
198 --              the p_buffer parameter. It also return the number of physical
199 --              lines read when reading the next logical line through the
200 --              p_lines_read parameter. If the end-of-file is reached, the
201 --              p_eof_flag will be loaded with 'Y'.
202 --  Parameters  p_file_handle : IN required
203 --                  The file handle of the file to be read.
204 --              p_buffer : OUT
205 --                  The buffer where the logical line read from the file
206 --                  will be loaded.
207 --              p_lines_read : OUT
208 --                  The number of lines read from the file when reading
209 --                  the current logical line
210 --              p_eof_flag : OUT
211 --                  This flag will be loaded with 'Y' if the procedure
212 --                  has encountered the end-of-file while trying to read
213 --                  the next line from the file.
214 --  Notes       This procedure will NOT close the file after the last
215 --              line is read - the caller must close the file by calling
216 --              the CLOSE_FILE API.
217 --=======================================================
219 p_return_status           OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
220 p_index                   IN OUT NOCOPY  Number,
221 p_buffer                  OUT NOCOPY     AK_ON_OBJECTS_PUB.Buffer_Type,
222 p_lines_read              OUT NOCOPY     number,
223 p_eof_flag                OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
224 p_upl_loader_cur			IN OUT NOCOPY  AK_ON_OBJECTS_PUB.LoaderCurTyp
225 );
228 --==============================================
229 --  Function   REPLACE_SPECIAL_CHARS
230 --
231 --  Usage       Private function for replacing all special characters
232 --              with escaped characters.
233 --              This function is intended to be called only by other APIs
234 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
235 --
236 --  Desc        Replaces all special characters in the input string
237 --              with the corresponding escaped characters, for instance,
238 --              the 'tab' character will be replaced by 't'.
239 --
240 --  Results     The procedure returns a string which is the result of
241 --              replacing all special characters with their corresponding
242 --              escaped characters.
243 --  Parameters  p_buffer : IN required
244 --                  The input string with special characters.
245 --==============================================
247 p_buffer                   IN      VARCHAR2
248 ) return VARCHAR2;
250 --=======================================================
251 --  Procedure   SET_WHO
252 --
253 --  Usage       Private procedure for setting the who columns values.
254 --              This function is intended to be called only by other APIs
255 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
256 --
257 --  Desc        This procedure returns to the caller the values of the
258 --              who columns for updating or creating a record. It returns
259 --              a different set of values depending on whether the update
260 --              is initiated by a user or by the loader.
261 --
262 --  Results     The API returns the standard p_return_status parameter
263 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
264 --                  * Unexpected error
265 --                  * Error
266 --                  * Success
267 --  Parameters  p_loader_timestamp : IN optional
268 --                  The timestamp to be used when the record are to be
269 --                  updated or created by the loader. It should not
270 --                  contain any value (ie, G_MISS_DATE) if the record
271 --                  is not being updated or created by the loader.
272 --              p_created_by : OUT
273 --                  It contains the value to be used for the CREATED_BY
274 --                  who column. This value should be ignored by the
275 --                  caller if the caller is only updating a record.
276 --              p_creation_date : OUT
277 --                  It contains the value to be used for the CREATION_DATE
278 --                  who column. This value should be ignored by the
279 --                  caller if the caller is only updating a record.
280 --              p_last_updated_by : OUT
281 --                  It contains the value to be used for the LAST_UPDATED_BY
282 --                  who column.
283 --              p_last_update_date : OUT
284 --                  It contains the value to be used for the LAST_UPDATE_DATE
285 --                  who column.
286 --              p_last_update_login : OUT
287 --                  It contains the value to be used for the
288 --                  LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN who column.
289 --=======================================================
290 procedure SET_WHO (
291 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
292 p_loader_timestamp         IN      DATE := FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
293 p_created_by               OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
294 p_creation_date            OUT NOCOPY     DATE,
295 p_last_updated_by          OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
296 p_last_update_date         OUT NOCOPY     DATE,
297 p_last_update_login        OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
298 );
300 function IS_UPDATEABLE (
301   p_loader_timestamp         IN      DATE := FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
302   p_created_by               IN OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
303   p_creation_date            IN OUT NOCOPY     DATE,
304   p_last_updated_by          IN OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
305   p_db_last_updated_by       IN         NUMBER,
306   p_last_update_date         IN OUT NOCOPY     DATE,
307   p_db_last_update_date      IN         DATE,
308   p_last_update_login        IN OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
309   p_create_or_update   	     IN         VARCHAR2
310 ) return BOOLEAN;
312 --==============================================
313 --  Procedure   UPLOAD
314 --
315 --  Usage       Private API for loading flows, objects, regions,
316 --              and attributes from a loader file to the database.
317 --              This procedure is intended to be called only by other APIs
318 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
319 --
320 --  Desc        This API parses the header information and the DEFINE
321 --              section, and calls the appropriate private API to read
322 --              in all flow, object, region, and attribute data
323 --              (including all the tables in these business objects)
324 --              from the loader file, and update them to the database.
325 --
326 --  Results     The API returns the standard p_return_status parameter
327 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
328 --                  * Unexpected error
329 --                  * Error
330 --                  * Success
331 --  Parameters
332 --==============================================
333 procedure UPLOAD (
334 p_validation_level         IN      NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
335 p_api_version_number       IN      NUMBER,
336 p_init_msg_tbl             IN      BOOLEAN := FALSE,
337 p_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
338 p_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
339 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
340 );
342 --=======================================================
343 --  Function    VALID_APPLICATION_ID
344 --
345 --  Usage       Private function for validating an application ID. This
346 --              API should only be called by other APIs that are
347 --              owned by the Core Modules Team (AK).
348 --
349 --  Desc        This function checks to see if the given application ID is
350 --              a valid application ID in the FND_APPLICATION table.
351 --
352 --  Results     This  function returns the standard p_return_status parameter
353 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
354 --                  * Unexpected error
355 --                  * Error
356 --                  * Success
357 --  Parameters  p_application_id : IN required
358 --                  The application ID that needs to be checked against
359 --                  the FND_APPLICATION table.
360 --              This function will return TRUE if the application ID
361 --              exists in the FND_APPLICATION table, or FALSE otherwise.
362 --
363 --  Version     Initial version number  =   1.0
364 --  History     Current version number  =   1.0
365 --=======================================================
367 p_api_version_number       IN      NUMBER,
368 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
369 p_application_id           IN      NUMBER
370 ) return BOOLEAN;
372 --=======================================================
373 --  Function    VALID_LOOKUP_CODE
374 --
375 --  Usage       Private function for validating a lookup code. This
376 --              API should only be called by other APIs that are
377 --              owned by the Core Modules Team (AK).
378 --
379 --  Desc        This function checks to see if the given lookup type and
380 --              lookup code exists in the AK_LOOKUP_CODES table.
381 --
382 --  Results     This  function returns the standard p_return_status parameter
383 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
384 --                  * Unexpected error
385 --                  * Error
386 --                  * Success
387 --  Parameters  p_lookup_type : IN required
388 --                  The type of the lookup code to be verified
389 --              p_lookup_code : IN required
390 --                  The lookup code to be verified against AK_LOOKUP_CODES
391 --              This function will return TRUE if the lookup type and
392 --              lookup code exists in the AK_LOOKUP_CODES table, or
393 --              FALSE otherwise.
394 --
395 --  Version     Initial version number  =   1.0
396 --  History     Current version number  =   1.0
397 --=======================================================
398 function VALID_LOOKUP_CODE (
399 p_api_version_number       IN      NUMBER,
400 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
401 p_lookup_type              IN      VARCHAR2,
402 p_lookup_code              IN      VARCHAR2
403 ) return BOOLEAN;
405 --=======================================================
406 --  Function    VALID_YES_NO
407 --
408 --  Usage       Private function for validating a Y/N column. This
409 --              API should only be called by other APIs that are
410 --              owned by the Core Modules Team (AK).
411 --
412 --  Desc        This function checks to see if the given value is
413 --              either 'Y' or 'N'. It is used for checking for valid
414 --              data in columns that accepts only 'Y' or 'N' as valid
415 --              values.
416 --
417 --  Results     This  function returns the standard p_return_status parameter
418 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
419 --                  * Unexpected error
420 --                  * Error
421 --                  * Success
422 --  Parameters  p_value : IN required
423 --                  The value to be checked
424 --              This function will return TRUE if the value is either
425 --              'Y' or 'N', or FALSE otherwise.
426 --
427 --  Version     Initial version number  =   1.0
428 --  History     Current version number  =   1.0
429 --=======================================================
430 function VALID_YES_NO (
431 p_value                   IN      VARCHAR2
432 ) return BOOLEAN;
434 --=======================================================
435 --  Procedure   WRITE_FILE
436 --
437 --  Usage       Private procedure for writing the contents in a PL/SQL
438 --              table to a file.
439 --              This function is intended to be called only by other APIs
440 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
441 --
442 --  Desc        This procedure writes the contents in the PL/SQL table passed
443 --              into the specified file. The file could be overwritten
444 --              or appended depending on the value of the parameter
445 --              p_write_mode.
446 --
447 --  Results     The API returns the standard p_return_status parameter
448 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
449 --                  * Unexpected error
450 --                  * Error
451 --                  * Success
452 --  Parameters
453 --              p_buffer_tbl : IN required
454 --                  The PL/SQL table of type Buffer_Tbl_Type whose
455 --                  content is to be written to a file.
456 --              p_write_mode : IN optional
457 --                  It must be G_APPEND or G_OVERWRITE if a value
458 --                  is given. It tells this procedure whether to
459 --                  write the PL/SQL table contents to the end of the
460 --                  file (default), or to overwrite the file with the
461 --                  contents in the PL/SQL table.
462 --=======================================================
463 procedure WRITE_FILE (
464 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
465 p_buffer_tbl               IN      AK_ON_OBJECTS_PUB.Buffer_Tbl_Type,
466 p_write_mode               IN      VARCHAR2 := AK_ON_OBJECTS_PUB.G_APPEND
467 );
469 --=======================================================
470 --  Procedure   WRITE_LOG_FILE
471 --
472 --  Usage       Private procedure for writing the contents in a PL/SQL
473 --              table to a file.
474 --              This function is intended to be called only by other APIs
475 --              that are owned by the Core Modules Team (AK)
476 --
477 --  Desc        This procedure writes the contents in the PL/SQL table passed
478 --              into the specified file. The file could be overwritten
479 --              or appended depending on the value of the parameter
480 --              p_write_mode.
481 --
482 --  Results     The API returns the standard p_return_status parameter
483 --              indicating one of the standard return statuses :
484 --                  * Unexpected error
485 --                  * Error
486 --                  * Success
487 --  Parameter
488 --              p_buffer_tbl : IN required
489 --                  The PL/SQL table of type Buffer_Tbl_Type whose
490 --                  content is to be written to a file.
491 --              p_write_mode : IN optional
492 --                  It must be G_APPEND or G_OVERWRITE if a value
493 --                  is given. It tells this procedure whether to
494 --                  write the PL/SQL table contents to the end of the
495 --                  file (default), or to overwrite the file with the
496 --                  contents in the PL/SQL table.
497 --=======================================================
498 procedure WRITE_LOG_FILE (
499 p_return_status            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
500 p_buffer_tbl               IN      AK_ON_OBJECTS_PUB.Buffer_Tbl_Type,
501 p_write_mode               IN      VARCHAR2 := AK_ON_OBJECTS_PUB.G_APPEND
502 );
504 procedure WRITE_TO_TABLE (
505 p_buffer	IN	VARCHAR2
506 );