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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

  ||  nsidana            11/20/2003           FA129 EFC updates for 2004-2005.

  PROCEDURE flush_values(p_isir_rec in out NOCOPY igf_ap_isir_matched%rowtype)  IS

         IF ( p_isir_rec.primary_efc_type in ('4','5','6') and p_isir_rec.SCA IS NULL) OR
            ( p_isir_rec.primary_efc_type in ('1','2','3'))
            p_isir_rec.secti   := NULL;
Line: 173

    SELECT num_days_divisor, roundoff_fact
     FROM igf_ap_efc_v        efc,
          igf_ap_fa_base_rec  fabase
    WHERE efc.ci_cal_type        = fabase.ci_cal_type
      AND efc.ci_sequence_number = fabase.ci_sequence_number
      AND fabase.base_id         = p_base_id;
Line: 183

    SELECT MIN(ci.start_dt) start_dt, MAX(ci.end_dt) end_dt
     FROM igf_aw_coa_itm_terms citsn ,
          igs_ca_inst ci
    WHERE ci.cal_type        =  citsn.ld_cal_type
      AND ci.sequence_number =  citsn.ld_sequence_number
      AND citsn.base_id      =  p_base_id ;
Line: 272

    ||                                  requirements deleted from edits 3001-3006
    ||                                  for year 2006-2007.
    ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

    l_dep_status  VARCHAR2(30) ;
Line: 284

    SELECT alt.*
      FROM igf_fc_efc_alt_fac alt
     WHERE alt.s_award_year     = p_sys_award_year
       AND alt.dependent_status = cp_depend_stat
       AND alt.alternative_code = cp_alternative ;
Line: 1129

  || nsidana         11/20/2003        FA129 EFC updates for 2004-2005.
  ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

  p_efc              NUMBER  := null ;
Line: 1529

       isir_rec.paid_efc := null;                          -- p_paid_efc;   nsidana 11/20/2003 FA129 EFC updates for 2004-2005.