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APPS.OE_RMA_WF dependencies on WF_ENGINE

Line 23: -- step must be performed. A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty

19: -- - DEFERED
20: -- execution should be defered to background
21: -- - NOTIFIED[::]
22: -- activity has notified an external entity that this
23: -- step must be performed. A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
24: -- will signal when this step is complete. Optional
25: -- return of notification ID and assigned user.
26: -- - ERROR[:]
27: -- function encountered an error.

Line 238: l_category_code := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_LIN,

234: l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;
235: --
236: BEGIN
237: IF itemtype = OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_LIN THEN
238: l_category_code := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_LIN,
239: itemkey, 'LINE_CATEGORY');
240: IF l_category_code = 'RETURN' THEN
241: resultout := 'COMPLETE:Y';
242: ELSE