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Line 224: from ff_database_items fdi,

220: l_user_entity_id number := 0;
222: BEGIN
223: select fdi.user_entity_id into l_user_entity_id
224: from ff_database_items fdi,
225: ff_user_entities fue
226: where user_name = w2_balance_name
227: and fdi.user_entity_id = fue.user_entity_id
228: and fue.legislation_code = 'US';

Line 1111: ff_database_items fdi

1107: select fai.value
1108: from ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
1109: ff_contexts fc,
1110: ff_archive_items fai,
1111: ff_database_items fdi
1112: where fdi.user_name = w2_tax_unit_item
1113: and fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
1114: and fai.context1 = w2_payroll_action_id
1115: and fc.context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID'

Line 1195: ff_database_items fdi

1191: cursor c_per_item is
1192: select
1193: fai.value
1194: from ff_archive_items fai,
1195: ff_database_items fdi
1196: where fdi.user_name = w2_per_item
1197: and fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
1198: and fai.context1 = w2_assignment_action_id;

Line 1235: ff_database_items fdi

1231: ff_archive_item_contexts faic1,
1232: ff_contexts fc2,
1233: ff_contexts fc1,
1234: ff_archive_items fai,
1235: ff_database_items fdi
1236: where fdi.user_name = w2_state_item
1237: and fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
1238: and fai.context1 = w2_payroll_action_id
1239: and fc2.context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID'

Line 1515: from ff_database_items

1511: l_bal_amt number := 0;
1513: cursor c_userra_db_items (c_userra_code varchar2) is
1514: select user_name
1515: from ff_database_items
1516: where user_name like 'A_W2_USERRA_'||c_userra_code||'%_PER_GRE_YTD';
1518: l_balance_name ff_database_items.user_name%type;
1519: begin

Line 1518: l_balance_name ff_database_items.user_name%type;

1514: select user_name
1515: from ff_database_items
1516: where user_name like 'A_W2_USERRA_'||c_userra_code||'%_PER_GRE_YTD';
1518: l_balance_name ff_database_items.user_name%type;
1519: begin
1520: for userra_db_items IN c_userra_db_items(p_userra_code)
1521: loop
1522: l_balance_name :=userra_db_items.user_name;