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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 80

      SELECT party_number
      FROM    hz_parties
      WHERE  party_id = cp_party_id;
Line: 87

FUNCTION retro_update_balance
               p_n_party_id       IN   igs_fi_balances.party_id%TYPE       ,
             /* Removed th parameter p_n_subaccount_id, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
               p_c_balance_type   IN   igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE   ,
               p_d_balance_date   IN   igs_fi_balances.balance_date%TYPE   ,
               p_n_amount         IN   igs_fi_inv_int.invoice_amount%TYPE  ,
               p_c_message        OUT  NOCOPY fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE
Line: 187

  SELECT inv.*
  FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv
  WHERE  person_id     = p_person_id      /*for person id passed as parameter*/
  AND    ((p_action    = l_for_baldate   AND TRUNC(inv.invoice_creation_date) = TRUNC(p_balance_date))
          OR (p_action = l_as_on_baldate AND TRUNC(inv.invoice_creation_date) <= TRUNC(NVL(p_balance_date,sysdate)))
                   FROM   igs_fi_inv_wav_det fiw
                   WHERE  fiw.invoice_id   = inv.invoice_id
                   AND    fiw.balance_type = p_balance_type
                   AND    p_balance_type = 'FEE'
                   AND    ((fiw.end_dt IS NOT NULL AND p_balance_date BETWEEN fiw.start_dt AND fiw.end_dt)
                            OR  (fiw.end_dt IS NULL AND p_balance_date >= fiw.start_dt)
Line: 205

SELECT cra.*
FROM   igs_fi_credits crd,
       igs_fi_cr_activities cra,
       igs_fi_cr_types cty
WHERE  party_id           = p_person_id
AND    crd.credit_id      = cra.credit_id
AND    cty.credit_type_id = crd.credit_type_id
AND    cty.credit_class NOT IN ('ENRDEPOSIT','OTHDEPOSIT')
AND    ((p_action   = l_as_on_baldate AND TRUNC(crd.effective_date) <= TRUNC(NVL(p_balance_date,SYSDATE)))
       OR (p_action = l_for_baldate   AND TRUNC(crd.effective_date) =  TRUNC(p_balance_date))
Line: 219

SELECT ifb.rowid, ifb.*
FROM igs_fi_balances ifb
WHERE party_id          = p_person_id
AND TRUNC(balance_date) = TRUNC(p_balance_date);
Line: 339

                            X_ROWID                  => l_cur_rec_exists.rowid,
                            X_BALANCE_ID             => l_cur_rec_exists.balance_id,
                            X_PARTY_ID               => l_cur_rec_exists.party_id,
                            X_STANDARD_BALANCE       => l_cur_rec_exists.standard_balance,
                            X_FEE_BALANCE            => l_cur_rec_exists.fee_balance,
                            X_HOLDS_BALANCE          => l_cur_rec_exists.holds_balance,
                            X_BALANCE_DATE           => l_cur_rec_exists.balance_date,
                            X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID    => l_cur_rec_exists.fee_balance_rule_id,
                            X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID  => l_cur_rec_exists.holds_balance_rule_id,
                            X_MODE                   => 'R'
Line: 361

                          ( X_ROWID                  => l_rowid,
                            X_BALANCE_ID             => l_balance_id,
                            X_PARTY_ID               => p_person_id,
                            X_STANDARD_BALANCE       => l_bal_standard,
                            X_FEE_BALANCE            => l_bal_fee,
                            X_HOLDS_BALANCE          => l_bal_hold,
                            X_BALANCE_DATE           => p_balance_date,
                            X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID    => l_bal_rule_fee,
                            X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID  => l_bal_rule_hold,
                            X_MODE                   => 'R'
Line: 434

PROCEDURE update_balances (   p_party_id       IN   igs_fi_balances.party_id%TYPE       ,
                                p_balance_type   IN   igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE    ,
                                p_balance_date   IN   igs_fi_balances.balance_date%TYPE    ,
                                p_amount         IN   igs_fi_inv_int.invoice_amount%TYPE ,
                                p_source         IN   VARCHAR2 ,
                                p_source_id      IN   NUMBER ,
                                p_message_name   OUT  NOCOPY fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE
                              ) IS

  --Created by  : Syam Krishnan, Oracle IDC
  --Date created: 03/10/2001
  --Purpose:  For Updation of real time balances
  --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
  --Change History:
  --Who         When            What
  --vvutukur 01-Oct-2002  Enh#2562745.Removed cursor c_igs_fi_bal_rules and its usage in this procedure.
  --                      Instead added call to generic procedure igs_fi_gen_007.finp_get_balance_rule.
  --                      Modified local function insert_or_update_balance.
  --smvk        17-Sep-2002    Removed the input parameter p_subaccount_id and
  --                           its usage from this function as a part of Bug # 2564643.
  --smadathi    03-Jul-2002    Bug 2443082. Modified insert_or_update_balance function. Incorporated invokation of
  --                           retro_update_balance function for retroactive updation of balances
  --agairola    30-May-2002    Bug # 2364505, modified the code for the removal of the Standard Balance Rule Id
  --Nishikant   18DEC2001       A new parameter p_source_id added to the procedure and
  --                            three parameters p_source_date, p_fee_type, p_credit_type_id removed
  --                            from the procedure. The code written to check the credit or charge
  --                            transaction is excluded or not  based upon exclusion rules is
  --                            removed by the call to the check exclusion rules function.
  --                            Enhancement bug#2124001.

     l_v_message fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
Line: 469

     l_v_insert_upd_message fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
Line: 514

/* Local Function for Updation or insert into balances table */

  FUNCTION insert_or_update_balance (p_balance_rule_id IN igs_fi_balance_rules.balance_rule_id%TYPE,
                                     p_message OUT NOCOPY fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS

  --Created by  : Syam Krishnan, Oracle IDC
  --Date created: 03/10/2001
  --Purpose: Local Function for Updation or insert into balances table
  --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
  --Change History:
  --Who         When            What
  --abshriva  12-May-2006    Bug 5217319: Amount Precision change, added API call to allow correct precison into DB
  --vvutukur    01-Oct-2002    Enh#2562745.Removed cursors c_inst_balance,c_other_balance and their
  --                           usage in the code.Also removed references to balance types INSTALLMENT,
  --                           OTHER as these have been obsolete.Modified tbh calls(igs_fi_balances_pkg)accordingly.
  --smvk        17-Sep-2002    Removed the references of the parameter p_subaccount_id from this function, as a part of Bug # 2564643
  --smadathi    03-Jul-2002    Bug 2443082. Modified cursor c_std_balance, c_fee_balance, c_holds_balance,c_inst_balance,
  --                           c_other_balance select statements.
  --agairola    30-May-2002    Bug # 2364505, modified the code for the removal of the Standard Balance Rule Id
  --Nishikant   18DEC2001       Code added to check for the parameter p_balance_type
  --                            is valid or not. Enh bug#2124001

/* Cursors to select the previously existing balance and rule id n table irresspective of the balance type..will select only for a particular balance type - see where clause */

     -- Cursor selects all the standard balances for person , subaccount combination
     -- which are created before the balance date parameter in the descending order of balance date

     CURSOR   c_std_balance IS
     SELECT   standard_balance
     FROM     igs_fi_balances
     WHERE    party_id = p_party_id
     /* Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id from the where clause, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
     AND      standard_balance IS NOT NULL
     AND      TO_CHAR(balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')  <= TO_CHAR(p_balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')
     ORDER by balance_date desc;
Line: 556

     SELECT   fee_balance
     FROM     igs_fi_balances
     WHERE    party_id = p_party_id
     /* Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id from the where clause, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
     AND      fee_balance IS NOT NULL
     AND      TO_CHAR(balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')  <= TO_CHAR(p_balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')
     ORDER by balance_date desc;
Line: 566

     SELECT   holds_balance
     FROM     igs_fi_balances
     WHERE    party_id = p_party_id
     /* Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id from the where clause, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
     AND      holds_balance IS NOT NULL
     AND      TO_CHAR(balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')  <= TO_CHAR(p_balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')
     ORDER by balance_date desc;
Line: 577

     SELECT bal.rowid, bal.*
     FROM   igs_fi_balances bal
     WHERE  party_id = p_party_id
     /* Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id from the where clause, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
     AND    TO_CHAR(balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')  = TO_CHAR(p_balance_date,'YYYYMMDD');
Line: 584

   l_b_insert BOOLEAN := FALSE;
Line: 617

/** Based on The balance type the new balance p_amount is added to the existing balance as below used  for update_row and insert_row**/
      IF p_balance_type = 'STANDARD'        THEN
              l_n_table_standard_balance := NVL(l_n_table_standard_balance,0) + NVL(p_amount,0);
Line: 631

                l_b_insert  := FALSE; /* When record found then No insert required */
Line: 634

                l_b_insert  := TRUE; /* No revord found Insert required */
Line: 637

              IF l_b_insert  THEN
/* When insert required then the corresping colummns balance amount  + origibal table balance (will be 0 if nothing was present) and rule id is populated depending on the balance type - We prefer to keep the other fields null */

                      IF p_balance_type = 'STANDARD'        THEN
                         l_bal_standard        :=  NVL(l_n_table_standard_balance,0)   ;
Line: 663

/* Start of insert into the IGS_FI_BALANCES */
                l_bal_standard  := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(l_bal_standard);
Line: 670

                igs_fi_balances_pkg.insert_row ( X_ROWID                           =>       l_rowid              ,
                                                 X_BALANCE_ID                      =>       l_balance_id         ,
                                                 X_PARTY_ID                        =>       p_party_id          ,
                                               /* Removed the subaccount from this procedure call, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
                                                 X_STANDARD_BALANCE                =>       l_bal_standard       ,
                                                 X_FEE_BALANCE                     =>       l_bal_fee            ,
                                                 X_HOLDS_BALANCE                   =>       l_bal_hold           ,
                                                 X_BALANCE_DATE                    =>       p_balance_date        ,
                                                 X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID             =>       l_bal_rule_fee       ,
                                                 X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID           =>       l_bal_rule_hold      ,
                                                 X_MODE                            =>       'R'
Line: 688

      ELSIF  NOT l_b_insert THEN
        /* For update we update only the corresponding balance amoounts abd leave others same */

                      IF p_balance_type = 'STANDARD'        THEN
                           l_n_table_standard_balance :=igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(l_n_table_standard_balance);
Line: 694

                                         X_ROWID                           =>       rec_upd_balance.rowid              ,
                                         X_BALANCE_ID                      =>       rec_upd_balance.balance_id         ,
                                         X_PARTY_ID                        =>       rec_upd_balance.party_id           ,
                                        /* Removed the subaccount from this procedure call, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
                                         X_STANDARD_BALANCE                =>       l_n_table_standard_balance    ,
                                         X_FEE_BALANCE                     =>       rec_upd_balance.fee_balance,
                                         X_HOLDS_BALANCE                   =>       rec_upd_balance.holds_balance       ,
                                         X_BALANCE_DATE                    =>       rec_upd_balance.balance_date       ,
                                         X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID             =>       rec_upd_balance.fee_balance_rule_id       ,
                                         X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID           =>       rec_upd_balance.holds_balance_rule_id       ,
                                         X_MODE                            =>       'R'
                              )  ;
Line: 718

                                                     ( X_ROWID                   =>       rec_upd_balance.rowid              ,
                                         X_BALANCE_ID                      =>       rec_upd_balance.balance_id         ,
                                         X_PARTY_ID                        =>       rec_upd_balance.party_id           ,
                                        /* Removed the subaccount from this procedure call, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
                                         X_STANDARD_BALANCE                =>       rec_upd_balance.standard_balance    ,
                                         X_FEE_BALANCE                     =>       l_n_table_fee_balance,
                                         X_HOLDS_BALANCE                   =>       rec_upd_balance.holds_balance       ,
                                         X_BALANCE_DATE                    =>       rec_upd_balance.balance_date       ,
                                         X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID             =>       p_balance_rule_id       ,
                                         X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID           =>       rec_upd_balance.holds_balance_rule_id       ,
                                         X_MODE                            =>       'R'
                                      )  ;
Line: 740

                                                            ( X_ROWID                   =>       rec_upd_balance.rowid              ,
                                         X_BALANCE_ID                      =>       rec_upd_balance.balance_id         ,
                                         X_PARTY_ID                        =>       rec_upd_balance.party_id           ,
                                        /* Removed the subaccount from this procedure call, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
                                         X_STANDARD_BALANCE                =>       rec_upd_balance.standard_balance    ,
                                         X_FEE_BALANCE                     =>       rec_upd_balance.fee_balance,
                                         X_HOLDS_BALANCE                   =>       l_n_table_holds_balance       ,
                                         X_BALANCE_DATE                    =>       rec_upd_balance.balance_date       ,
                                         X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID             =>       rec_upd_balance.fee_balance_rule_id       ,
                                         X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID           =>          p_balance_rule_id       ,
                                         X_MODE                            =>       'R'
                                      )  ;
Line: 767

  END insert_or_update_balance;
Line: 770

  BEGIN  /* Main procedure update_balances */
    --Validation of all parameters.
    IF NOT validate_params(l_v_message) THEN
    --If any of the validation fails then return message and get out of procedure.
      p_message_name := l_v_message;
Line: 841

      /* Step 9 to insert or update into the balances table  */
      IF NOT insert_or_update_balance(l_balance_rule_id,
                                      l_v_insert_upd_message ) THEN
      -- sets the function return status to false
        l_func_ret_status := FALSE;
Line: 846

        p_message_name  := l_v_insert_upd_message;
Line: 855

        l_return_status := retro_update_balance
                            p_n_party_id       => p_party_id,
                            /* Removed the subaccount from this procedure call, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
                            p_c_balance_type   => p_balance_type,
                            p_d_balance_date   => p_balance_date,
                            p_n_amount         => p_amount,
                            p_c_message        => l_v_message
Line: 873

  END update_balances ;
Line: 875

/***************The procedure update balances added as part of SFCR  10 ***************/

/*** The below check_exclusion_rules function added for the enhancement bug#2124001. ***/

FUNCTION check_exclusion_rules (
        p_balance_type    IN      igs_fi_balance_rules.balance_name%TYPE ,
        p_balance_date    IN      igs_fi_balance_rules.effective_start_date%TYPE,
        p_source_type     IN      VARCHAR2 ,
        p_source_id       IN      NUMBER   ,
        p_balance_rule_id IN      igs_fi_balance_rules.balance_rule_id%TYPE,
        p_message_name   OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2 )
--  Created By : Nishikant
--  Date Created On : 06-12-2001
--  Purpose:  It checks for all the Charges and Credits transactions based upon
--            the exclusion rules set up for a particular balance type before
--            arriving at the final balances.
--  Change History
--  Who             When            What
-- sapanigr    14-Feb_2006    Bug 5018036. Cursor c_credit now uses igs_fi_credits_all instead of igs_fi_credits
-- vvutukur    04-Oct-2002    Enh#2562745.Added a new mandatory parametre p_balance_rule_id.Removed
--                            cursor c_balance and its usage in the code.Modified cursor c_bal_type
--                            as 'INSTALLMENT','OTHER' balance types have been obsoleted.
-- smvk        17-Sep-2002    Removed the references to subaccount_id, as a part of Bug # 2564643
-- vvutukur     01-may-2002    Bug 2329042. Modified to return FALSE for Standard Balance Type as there
--                            there will be no exclusion rules defined for Standard Bal. type.
-- smadathi     10-APR-2002    Bug 2289191. References to enabled_flag column removed from cursor
--                            c_subacct_excl, c_ftype_excl, c_ctyp_excl select list.
--  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
l_fee_type              igs_fi_inv_int_v.fee_type%TYPE;
Line: 916

       SELECT 'X'
       FROM   igs_lookup_values
       WHERE  lookup_type = l_lkp_type
              AND lookup_code = cp_balance_type
              AND lookup_code NOT IN ('INSTALLMENT','OTHER')
              AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
              AND l_sysdate BETWEEN NVL(TRUNC(start_date_active),l_sysdate) AND
Line: 928

        SELECT fee_type, invoice_creation_date
        FROM   igs_fi_inv_int_v
        WHERE  invoice_id = cp_source_id;
Line: 933

        SELECT credit_type_id,  effective_date
        FROM   igs_fi_credits_all
        WHERE  credit_id = cp_source_id;
Line: 942

        SELECT 'X'
        WHERE  fee_type = cp_fee_type
        AND    balance_rule_id = cp_balance_rule_id;
Line: 950

        SELECT 'X'
        WHERE  credit_type_id  =  cp_credit_type_id
        AND    balance_rule_id =  cp_balance_rule_id;
Line: 1071

FUNCTION retro_update_balance
               p_n_party_id       IN   igs_fi_balances.party_id%TYPE       ,
              /* Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
               p_c_balance_type   IN   igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE   ,
               p_d_balance_date   IN   igs_fi_balances.balance_date%TYPE   ,
               p_n_amount         IN   igs_fi_inv_int.invoice_amount%TYPE  ,
               p_c_message        OUT  NOCOPY fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE
--Created by  : Sanil Madathil, Oracle IDC
--Date created: 02 Jul 2002
--Purpose: This private Function is invoked from update_balances procedure
--Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
--Change History:
--Who         When            What
--abshriva  12-May-2006    Bug 5217319: Amount Precision change, added API call to allow correct precison into DB
--vvutukur    01-Oct-2002     Enh#2562745.Removed references to balance types INSTALLMENT,OTHER from
--                            tbh calls(igs_fi_balances_pkg) as the same are obsolete.
--smvk        17-Sep-2002     Removed the input parameter p_n_subaccount_id and its usage
--                            in this function. As a part of Bug # 2564643
   --Cursor used for retroactive updation of the table igs_fi_balances for the
   --party_id, subaccount_id  and balance_date

   CURSOR   c_igs_fi_balances IS
   SELECT   bal.rowid, bal.*
   FROM     igs_fi_balances bal
   WHERE    party_id      = p_n_party_id
   AND      TO_CHAR(balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')  > TO_CHAR(p_d_balance_date,'YYYYMMDD')
   ORDER BY balance_date ;
Line: 1118

           X_ROWID                           =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.rowid              ,
           X_BALANCE_ID                      =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.balance_id         ,
           X_PARTY_ID                        =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.party_id           ,
          /* Removed subaccount_id from this procedure call, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
           X_STANDARD_BALANCE                =>       igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(NVL(rec_c_igs_fi_balances.standard_balance,0) + NVL(p_n_amount,0))    ,
           X_FEE_BALANCE                     =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.fee_balance         ,
           X_HOLDS_BALANCE                   =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.holds_balance       ,
           X_BALANCE_DATE                    =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.balance_date        ,
           X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID             =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.fee_balance_rule_id   ,
           X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID           =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.holds_balance_rule_id ,
           X_MODE                            =>       'R'
                              )  ;
Line: 1141

           X_ROWID                           =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.rowid              ,
           X_BALANCE_ID                      =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.balance_id         ,
           X_PARTY_ID                        =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.party_id           ,
          /* Removed subaccount_id from this procedure call, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
           X_STANDARD_BALANCE                =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.standard_balance   ,
           X_FEE_BALANCE                     =>       igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(NVL(rec_c_igs_fi_balances.fee_balance,0) + NVL(p_n_amount,0) )       ,
           X_HOLDS_BALANCE                   =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.holds_balance       ,
           X_BALANCE_DATE                    =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.balance_date        ,
           X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID             =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.fee_balance_rule_id   ,
           X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID           =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.holds_balance_rule_id ,
           X_MODE                            =>       'R'
                              )  ;
Line: 1164

           X_ROWID                           =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.rowid              ,
           X_BALANCE_ID                      =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.balance_id         ,
           X_PARTY_ID                        =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.party_id           ,
          /* Removed subaccount_id from this procedure call, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
           X_STANDARD_BALANCE                =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.standard_balance   ,
           X_FEE_BALANCE                     =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.fee_balance        ,
           X_HOLDS_BALANCE                   =>       igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount( NVL(rec_c_igs_fi_balances.holds_balance,0) + NVL(p_n_amount,0) )       ,
           X_BALANCE_DATE                    =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.balance_date        ,
           X_FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID             =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.fee_balance_rule_id   ,
           X_HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID           =>       rec_c_igs_fi_balances.holds_balance_rule_id ,
           X_MODE                            =>       'R'
                              )  ;
Line: 1187

END retro_update_balance;
Line: 1227

  SELECT fc.rowid, fc.*
  FROM igs_fi_control_all fc;
Line: 1237

    igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row (
         x_rowid                     => l_rec_get_data.rowid,
         x_rec_installed             => l_rec_get_data.rec_installed,
         x_mode                      => 'R',
         x_accounting_method         => l_rec_get_data.accounting_method,
         x_set_of_books_id           => l_rec_get_data.set_of_books_id,
         x_refund_dr_gl_ccid         => l_rec_get_data.refund_dr_gl_ccid,
         x_refund_cr_gl_ccid         => l_rec_get_data.refund_cr_gl_ccid,
         x_refund_dr_account_cd      => l_rec_get_data.refund_dr_account_cd,
         x_refund_cr_account_cd      => l_rec_get_data.refund_cr_account_cd,
         x_refund_dt_alias           => l_rec_get_data.refund_dt_alias,
         x_fee_calc_mthd_code        => l_rec_get_data.fee_calc_mthd_code,
         x_planned_credits_ind       => l_rec_get_data.planned_credits_ind,
         x_rec_gl_ccid               => l_rec_get_data.rec_gl_ccid,
         x_cash_gl_ccid              => l_rec_get_data.cash_gl_ccid,
         x_unapp_gl_ccid             => l_rec_get_data.unapp_gl_ccid,
         x_rec_account_cd            => l_rec_get_data.rec_account_cd,
         x_rev_account_cd            => l_rec_get_data.rev_account_cd,
         x_cash_account_cd           => l_rec_get_data.cash_account_cd,
         x_unapp_account_cd          => l_rec_get_data.unapp_account_cd,
         x_conv_process_run_ind      => p_n_value,
         x_currency_cd               => l_rec_get_data.currency_cd,
         x_rfnd_destination          => l_rec_get_data.rfnd_destination,
         x_ap_org_id                 => l_rec_get_data.ap_org_id,
         x_dflt_supplier_site_name   => l_rec_get_data.dflt_supplier_site_name,
         x_manage_accounts           => l_rec_get_data.manage_accounts,
         x_acct_conv_flag            => l_rec_get_data.acct_conv_flag,
         x_post_waiver_gl_flag       => l_rec_get_data.post_waiver_gl_flag,
         x_waiver_notify_finaid_flag => l_rec_get_data.waiver_notify_finaid_flag
Line: 1303

  SELECT a.process_start_dt
  FROM igs_fi_person_holds a,
       igs_pe_pers_encumb b,
       igs_fi_hold_plan c
  WHERE a.hold_plan_name = c.hold_plan_name
  AND c.hold_plan_level  = 'S'
  AND a.person_id        = b.person_id
  AND a.hold_start_dt    = b.start_dt
  AND a.hold_type        = b.encumbrance_type
  AND (b.expiry_dt IS NULL OR TRUNC(b.expiry_dt) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE))
  ORDER BY 1 ;
Line: 1317

  SELECT fb.rowid, fb.*
  FROM igs_fi_balances fb
  WHERE TRUNC(balance_date) >= TRUNC(p_conv_st_date)
  ORDER BY party_id, balance_date ;
Line: 1323

CURSOR c_rule_update(cp_balance_rule_id IN igs_fi_balance_rules.balance_rule_id%TYPE) IS
  SELECT rowid
  FROM igs_fi_balance_rules
  WHERE balance_rule_id = cp_balance_rule_id;
Line: 1399

    finpl_upd_conv_prc_run_ind(0);   -- to update the run indicator back to 0 before erroring out
Line: 1529

          IGS_FI_BALANCES_PKG.update_row ( x_rowid                  => l_rec_get_balances.rowid,
                                                       x_balance_id             => l_rec_get_balances.balance_id,
                                                       x_party_id               => l_rec_get_balances.party_id,
                                                       x_standard_balance       => l_rec_get_balances.standard_balance,
                                                       x_fee_balance            => l_rec_get_balances.fee_balance,
                                                       x_holds_balance          => l_balance_sum,
                                                       x_balance_date           => l_rec_get_balances.balance_date,
                                                       x_fee_balance_rule_id    => l_rec_get_balances.fee_balance_rule_id,
                                                       x_holds_balance_rule_id  => l_balance_rule_id,
                                                       x_mode                   => 'R'
Line: 1589

    OPEN c_rule_update(l_balance_rule_id);
Line: 1590

    FETCH c_rule_update INTO l_rowid;
Line: 1591

    CLOSE c_rule_update;
Line: 1592

    IGS_FI_BALANCE_RULES_PKG.update_row ( x_rowid                 => l_rowid,
                                                x_balance_rule_id       => l_balance_rule_id,
                                                x_balance_name          => 'HOLDS',
                                                x_version_number        => l_version_number,
                                                x_last_conversion_date  => p_conv_st_date,
                                                x_mode                  => 'R'
Line: 1619

     IF c_rule_update%ISOPEN THEN
        CLOSE c_rule_update;