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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

                         In case of an insert into jai_ap_tds_payments for invoices created
                         prior to TDS clean up, vendor_id and vendor_site_id are passed as null.

                        Fix :
                         Called cursor c_ap_invoices_all to generate the vendor_id and vendor_site_id.
                         Inserted these values into the jai_ap_tds_payments table.

                         Dependency due to this Bug :

  3.      26/10/2005   Harshita for Bug 4692310/4640996, File Version 115.4
                       Issue :
                         In the cursors c_process_old_tds_payments, c_process_tds_payments, c_tds_invoice_paid_by_prepay,
                         and during deletion from jai_ap_tds_payments during regeneration,
                         The  join < jiaot.organization_id = hou.legal_entity_id > is failing and the
                       Fix  :
                         Suggested code change is as follows ..
                           to_char(jiaot.organization_id) = hou.DEFAULT_LEGAL_CONTEXT_ID

                        Dependency due to this Bug :

  4.      26/06/2006   Sanjikum for Bug#5219225, File version 115.5
                       1) Changes are done in procedure - process_tds_payments. Here changed the fnd log text at one place

  5.      26/09/2006   rchandan for bug#4742259, File Version 115.7
                       Purpose: Impact due to TCS solution.
                           Fix : A new column by name regime_code is added in jai_ap_tds_certificate_nums
                                 so that the same table can be used for TCS. Changes are made in this
                                 package accordingly
  6.			25/1/2007    CSahoo for BUG#5631784, File Version 120.1
  				     Forward Porting of BUG#4742259
  				     A new column by name regime_code is added in jai_ap_tds_certificate_nums
				     so that the same table can be used for TCS. Changes are made in this
		                     package accordingly
  7.	 29/03/2007   bduvarag for bug#5647725,File version 120.2
	               Forward porting the changes done in 11i bug#5647215

  8.14-may-07   kunkumar made changes for Budget and ST by IO and Build issues resolved8.14-may-07   kunkumar made changes for Budget and ST by IO and Build issues resolved8.14-may-07

  9. 12-06-2007 sacsethi for bug 6119195 file version 120.6


		Probelem - After execution of Concurrent India TDS Payments , some concurrent execution
		           error was coming - FDPSTP failed due to ORA-01861: literal does not match format string

                Solution - This problem was due to procedure process_tds_payments , Argument pd_tds_payment_from_date ,
		           pd_tds_payment_to_date parameter was of date type , whcih we made it as varchar2 and
			   create two variable with name ld_tds_payment_to_date ,ld_tds_payment_from_date

                           replae all pd_tds_payment_from_date , pd_tds_payment_to_date with
			   ld_tds_payment_from_date , ld_tds_payment_to_date with

10. 14-JUN-2007  Bgowrava for Bug#6129650, File Version 120.7
                 Removed the cursor c_hr_operating_units. changed the parameter of the cursor c_ja_in_tds_year_info
                 from r_hr_operating_units.default_legal_context_id to cur_ou.operating_unit_id.
                 Also removed the union codes in the cursors c_process_old_tds_payments, c_tds_invoice_paid_by_prepay,

11. 18-jan-2008  ssumaith - bug#6761239
                  prepayment applied to tds invoices was snot showing in the TDS
certificates report.

12. 21-FEB-2008 Changes done by nprashar for Bug  # 6774129. Added a condition in cursor c_tds_invoice_paid_by_prepay,in order to avoid the problem of
13. 7-March-2008. Changes by nprashar for Bug # 6774129. Change in cursor c_group_for_no_certificate, along with cursor
14. 6-june-2008  Changes by nprashar for bug # 6195566. Forward port 11i bug # 6124751.

15. 20-Oct-2008   Bgowrava for Bug 6069891.  File Version 120.7.12000000.8,  120.11.12010000.2
                         Created cursor c_tds_multiple_payments and
			 its related variables. Implemented logic for multiple
			 payments for single TDS invoice in procedure

Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
(Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency due to spec change/ A new call to a object/
A datamodel change )

Current Version       Current Bug    Dependent           Files          Version   Author   Date         Remarks
Of File                              On Bug/Patchset    Dependent On

115.2,115.4           4640996          4601658           Pls refer BCT for the list
                                                         of dependent files.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ********************************  process_tds_payments *******************************************  */
    procedure process_tds_payments
      errbuf                              out            nocopy    varchar2     ,
      retcode                             out            nocopy    varchar2     ,
      pd_tds_payment_from_date            in             varchar2                   ,
      pd_tds_payment_to_date              in             varchar2                   ,
      pv_org_tan_num                      in             varchar2               ,
      p_section_type                      in             varchar2,/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
      pv_tds_section                      in             varchar2  default null ,
      pn_tds_authority_id                 in             number    default null ,
      pn_tds_authority_site_id            in             number    default null ,
      pn_vendor_id                        in             number    default null ,
      pn_vendor_site_id                   in             number    default null ,
      pv_regenerate_flag                  in             varchar2  default 'N'

       ld_tds_payment_from_date  date ;  --Date 12-jun-2007 sacsethi for bug 6119195
Line: 164

          aca.org_id                            org_id                   ,
          aca.check_id                          check_id                 ,
          aca.check_number                      check_number             ,
          aca.check_date                        check_date               ,
          aca.amount                            check_amount             ,
          aipa.invoice_payment_id               invoice_payment_id       ,
          aipa.invoice_id                       invoice_id               ,
          aia.invoice_num                       invoice_num              ,
          aia.invoice_date                      invoice_date             ,
          aipa.amount                           payment_amount           ,
          jitc.section_code                     section_code             ,
          jattt.tax_id                          tax_id                   ,
          jattt.tax_rate                        tax_rate                 ,
          jattt.threshold_trx_id                threshold_trx_id         ,
          jattt.invoice_id                      parent_invoice_id        ,
          jattt.tds_event                       tds_event                ,
          jattt.taxable_amount                  taxable_basis            ,
          jattt.invoice_to_tds_authority_amt    tax_amount               ,
          jattt.tds_authority_vendor_id         tax_authority_id         ,
          jattt.tds_authority_vendor_site_id    tax_authority_site_id    ,
          jattt.vendor_id                       vendor_id                ,
          jattt.vendor_site_id                  vendor_site_id
          ap_checks_all aca             ,
          ap_invoice_payments_all aipa  ,
          ap_invoices_all aia           ,
          jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs   jattt,
          JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL          jitc
               aca.check_id                         = aipa.check_id
        and    aipa.invoice_id                      = jattt.invoice_to_tds_authority_id
        and    aipa.invoice_id                      = aia.invoice_id
        and    jattt.tax_id                         = jitc.tax_id
        and    aia.invoice_date                       between pd_tds_payment_from_date and pd_tds_payment_to_date
        and    aca.status_lookup_code               NOT IN (lv_sts_lookup_code_argument1, lv_sts_lookup_code_argument2)
        and    ( (aia.payment_status_flag = lv_payment_status_flag)
                 ( nvl( aia.invoice_amount, 0 ) =  nvl(aia.amount_paid, 0 ) )
        and    aca.org_id in
          select organization_id org_id
          from   JAI_AP_TDS_ORG_TAN_V
          where  org_tan_num = pv_org_tan_num
          --Removed the union code by Bgowrava for Bug#6129650
        and    jattt.tds_authority_vendor_id        = nvl(pn_tds_authority_id, jattt.tds_authority_vendor_id)
        and    jattt.tds_authority_vendor_site_id   = nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, jattt.tds_authority_vendor_site_id)
        and    jattt.vendor_id                      = nvl(pn_vendor_id, jattt.vendor_id)
        and    jattt.vendor_site_id                 = nvl(pn_vendor_site_id, jattt.vendor_site_id)
        and    jitc.section_type                    = p_section_type -- 5647725, 6109941 brathod
        and    nvl(jitc.section_code,'XYZ')         = nvl(pv_tds_section,nvl(jitc.section_code,'XYZ')) /*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
        and    nvl(jitc.section_code,'XYZ')                   = nvl(pv_tds_section, section_code)
/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
        and    not exists (
                            select '1'
                            from   JAI_AP_TDS_INV_PAYMENTS
                            where  check_id =  aca.check_id
			    and vendor_id = jattt.vendor_id  /*Added by nprashar for bug # 6195566*/
		            and invoice_id = aipa.invoice_id  /*Added by nprashar for bug # 6195566*/
                            and  tds_tax_id in  /*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
		                  select tax_id from JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL where tax_type = 'TDS'
                                                   and section_type = p_section_type)
Line: 241

          aca.org_id                              org_id                  ,
          aca.check_id                            check_id                ,
          aca.check_number                        check_number            ,
          aca.amount                              check_amount            ,
          aca.check_date                          check_date              ,
          aipa.invoice_payment_id                 invoice_payment_id      ,
          aipa.amount                             payment_amount          ,
          aia.invoice_id                          invoice_id              ,
          aia.invoice_num                         invoice_num             ,
          aia.invoice_date                        invoice_date            ,
          aia.invoice_amount                      tax_amount              ,
          aia.vendor_id                           tax_authority_id        ,
          aia.vendor_site_id                      tax_authority_site_id   ,
              lv_attribute_category)   context                 ,
          aia.attribute1                          parent_invoice_id
          ap_checks_all           aca,
          ap_invoice_payments_all aipa,
          ap_invoices_all         aia
        where  aca.check_id             = aipa.check_id
        and    aipa.invoice_id          = aia.invoice_id
        and    aia.source               = lv_source
        and    aia.invoice_date             between pd_tds_payment_from_date and pd_tds_payment_to_date
        and    aca.status_lookup_code     NOT IN  (lv_sts_lookup_code_argument1, lv_sts_lookup_code_argument2)
        and    ( (aia.payment_status_flag = lv_payment_status_flag)
                 ( nvl( aia.invoice_amount, 0 ) =  nvl(aia.amount_paid, 0 ) )
        and    aia.vendor_id            =         nvl(pn_tds_authority_id, aia.vendor_id)
        and    aia.vendor_site_id       =         nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, aia.vendor_site_id)
        /*Added by nprashar for bug # 6195566*/
                            FROM po_vendors pv
			   WHERE pv.vendor_id = aia.vendor_id
			       AND pv.vendor_type_lookup_code = 'INDIA TDS AUTHORITY'
   	and    aca.org_id in
          select organization_id org_id
          from   JAI_AP_TDS_ORG_TAN_V
          where  org_tan_num = pv_org_tan_num
          --Removed the union code by Bgowrava for Bug#6129650
        and    not exists (
                            select '1'
                            from   JAI_AP_TDS_INV_PAYMENTS
                            where  invoice_id =  aia.invoice_id
      and    not exists (
                          SELECT 1
                            FROM jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
                           WHERE invoice_to_tds_authority_id = aia.invoice_id
                         )/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/

Line: 300

        where  invoice_id = pn_invoice_id;
Line: 309

          invoice_id              parent_invoice_id ,
          invoice_amount          taxable_basis     ,
          tds_tax_id              tds_tax_id        ,
          tds_section             tds_section       ,
          tds_tax_rate            tds_tax_rate      ,
          tds_amount              tax_amount
        where  invoice_id         =  nvl(pn_parent_invoice_id, invoice_id)
        and    tds_invoice_num    =  pv_tds_invoice_num
        and    source_attribute   = lv_source_attribute;
Line: 324

          invoice_id              parent_invoice_id ,
          invoice_amount          taxable_basis     ,
          tds_tax_id              tds_tax_id        ,
          tds_section             tds_section       ,
          tds_tax_rate            tds_tax_rate      ,
          tds_amount              tax_amount
        where  tds_invoice_num    =  pv_tds_invoice_num
        and    source_attribute   = lv_source_attribute;
Line: 339

        select jiati_1.tds_section
        from   JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES jiati_1
        where  jiati_1.invoice_id = pn_invoice_id
        and    source_attribute = lv_source_attribute
        and    not exists
                select '1'
                from   JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES jiati_2
                where  jiati_1.rowid <> jiati_2.rowid
                and    source_attribute = lv_source_attribute
                and    jiati_1.invoice_id = jiati_2.invoice_id
                and    jiati_1.tds_section <> jiati_2.tds_section
Line: 355

          jiati_1.tds_tax_id ,
        from   JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES jiati_1
        where  jiati_1.invoice_id = pn_invoice_id
        and    source_attribute = lv_source_attribute
        and    not exists
                select '1'
                from   JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES jiati_2
                where  jiati_1.rowid <> jiati_2.rowid
                and    source_attribute = lv_source_attribute
                and    jiati_1.invoice_id = jiati_2.invoice_id
                and    jiati_1.tds_tax_id <> jiati_2.tds_tax_id
Line: 381

          aia.org_id                              org_id                  ,
          aia.invoice_id                          invoice_id              ,
          aia.invoice_num                         invoice_num             ,
          aia.invoice_date                        invoice_date            ,
          aia.invoice_amount                      tax_amount              ,
          aia.vendor_id                           tax_authority_id        ,
          aia.vendor_site_id                      tax_authority_site_id   ,
              lv_attribute_category)   context                 ,
          aia.attribute1                          parent_invoice_id       ,
          aida_prepayment.invoice_id              prepay_invoice_id       ,
           -1 * sum(aida.amount)                  prepaid_amount
          ap_invoices_all         aia,
          ap_invoice_distributions_all aida,
          ap_invoice_distributions_all aida_prepayment
        where aia.invoice_id = aida.invoice_id
        and   aida.prepay_distribution_id = aida_prepayment.invoice_distribution_id
        and   aida.line_type_lookup_code = lv_line_type_lookup_code
        and   aia.source               = lv_source
        and   aia.invoice_date             between pd_tds_payment_from_date and pd_tds_payment_to_date
        and    ( (aia.payment_status_flag = lv_payment_status_flag)
                 ( nvl( aia.invoice_amount, 0 ) =  nvl(aia.amount_paid, 0 ) )
        and    aia.vendor_id            =         nvl(pn_tds_authority_id, aia.vendor_id)
        and    aia.vendor_site_id       =         nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, aia.vendor_site_id)
        and    aia.org_id in
          select organization_id org_id
          from   JAI_AP_TDS_ORG_TAN_V
          where  org_tan_num = pv_org_tan_num
          --Removed the union code by Bgowrava for Bug#6129650
        and    not exists (
                            select '1'
			    from   JAI_AP_TDS_INV_PAYMENTS  jatip
                            where  jatip.invoice_id =  aia.invoice_id
			    and  jatip.prepay_invoice_id = aida_prepayment.invoice_id ) --Added by nprashar for Bug # 6774129
        having sum(aida.amount) <> 0 -- Added by nprashar for Bug # 6774129
        group by
         aia.org_id                                                     ,
         aia.invoice_id                                                 ,
         aia.invoice_num                                                ,
         aia.invoice_date                                               ,
         aia.invoice_amount                                             ,
         aia.vendor_id                                                  ,
         aia.vendor_site_id                                             ,
         nvl(aia.attribute_category, lv_attribute_category)  ,
         aia.attribute1                                                 ,
Line: 436

        jatc.section_code tds_section,
      jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs jatt,
      JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jatc
      jatt.invoice_to_tds_authority_id = pn_invoice_to_tds_authority_id
    and  jatc.tax_id = jatt.tax_id
      and  jatc.section_type                = p_section_type /*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/  ;
Line: 455

        aca.check_id                check_id,
        aca.check_date              check_date,
        aca.amount                  check_amount,
        aipa.invoice_payment_id     invoice_payment_id
        ap_checks_all aca,
        ap_invoice_payments_all aipa
      where aca.check_id = aipa.check_id
      and   aipa.invoice_id =   pn_invoice_id;
Line: 467

       select sum(nvl(taxable_basis,0))
        from jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
        where invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 474

     SELECT  jatp.*
       FROM  jai_ap_tds_inv_payments jatp
     WHERE  (jatp.invoice_id , jatp.taxable_basis,
                 jatp.tax_amount, jatp.tds_tax_id ) IN
    (SELECT invoice_id, taxable_basis, tax_amount , tds_tax_id
        FROM  jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
     GROUP BY  invoice_id, taxable_basis, tax_amount , tds_tax_id
     having count(*) > 1
        AND  jatp.check_id NOT  IN  /* Filter out all voided and stop initiated checks*/
    (SELECT  check_id
        FROM ap_checks_all ac
      WHERE ac.check_id = jatp.check_id
          AND status_lookup_code in ('VOIDED', 'STOP INITIATED')
       AND  TRUNC(jatp.creation_date) = TRUNC (sysdate)
       AND jatp.form16_hdr_id IS NULL /*Pick up payments for which certificates are not generated */
       ORDER BY tds_payment_id DESC ;
Line: 511

      ln_last_update_login            number(15);
Line: 539

      ln_last_update_login        :=   fnd_global.login_id          ;
Line: 553

        delete  JAI_AP_TDS_INV_PAYMENTS
        where   check_id in
              aca.check_id                          check_id
              ap_checks_all aca             ,
              ap_invoice_payments_all aipa  ,
              ap_invoices_all aia           ,
              jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs   jattt,
              JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL          jitc
                   aca.check_id                         = aipa.check_id
            and    aipa.invoice_id                      = jattt.invoice_to_tds_authority_id
            and    aipa.invoice_id                      = aia.invoice_id
            and    jattt.tax_id                         = jitc.tax_id
            and    aia.invoice_date                     between ld_tds_payment_from_date and ld_tds_payment_to_date
            and    aca.status_lookup_code               NOT IN (lv_sts_lookup_code_argument1, lv_sts_lookup_code_argument2)
            and    aca.org_id in
              select organization_id org_id
              from   JAI_AP_TDS_ORG_TAN_V
              where  org_tan_num = pv_org_tan_num
              --Removed the union code by Bgowrava for Bug#6129650
            and    jattt.tds_authority_vendor_id        = nvl(pn_tds_authority_id, jattt.tds_authority_vendor_id)
            and    jattt.tds_authority_vendor_site_id   = nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, jattt.tds_authority_vendor_site_id)
            and    jattt.vendor_id                      = nvl(pn_vendor_id, jattt.vendor_id)
            and    jattt.vendor_site_id                 = nvl(pn_vendor_site_id, jattt.vendor_site_id)
          and    nvl(jitc.section_code,'XYZ')         = nvl(pv_tds_section,nvl(jitc.section_code,'XYZ')) /*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
        and   form16_hdr_id is null;
Line: 629

        insert into JAI_AP_TDS_INV_PAYMENTS
          tds_payment_id                 ,
          check_id                       ,
          check_amount                   ,
          check_date                     ,
          invoice_payment_id             ,
          payment_amount                 ,
          invoice_id                     ,
          invoice_date                   ,
          parent_invoice_id              ,
          parent_invoice_cancel_flag     ,
          threshold_trx_id               ,
          tds_section                    ,
          tds_tax_id                     ,
          tds_tax_rate                   ,
          taxable_basis                  ,
          tax_amount                     ,
          tax_authority_id               ,
          tax_authority_site_id          ,
          vendor_id                      ,
          vendor_site_id                 ,
          org_tan_num                    ,
          operating_unit_id              ,
          created_by                     ,
          creation_date                  ,
          last_updated_by                ,
          last_update_date               ,
          last_update_login              ,
          program_id                     ,
          program_login_id               ,
          program_application_id         ,
          jai_ap_tds_inv_payments_s.nextval  ,
          cur_rec.check_id               ,
          cur_rec.check_amount           ,
          cur_rec.check_date             ,
          cur_rec.invoice_payment_id     ,
          cur_rec.payment_amount         ,
          cur_rec.invoice_id             ,
          cur_rec.invoice_date           ,
          cur_rec.parent_invoice_id      ,
          lv_parent_invoice_cancel_flag  ,
          cur_rec.threshold_trx_id       ,
          cur_rec.section_code           ,
          cur_rec.tax_id                 ,
          cur_rec.tax_rate               ,
          ln_taxable_basis               ,
          cur_rec.tax_amount             ,
          cur_rec.tax_authority_id       ,
          cur_rec.tax_authority_site_id  ,
          cur_rec.vendor_id              ,
          cur_rec.vendor_site_id         ,
          pv_org_tan_num                 ,
          cur_rec.org_id                 ,
          ln_user_id                     ,
          sysdate                        ,
          ln_user_id                     ,
          sysdate                        ,
          ln_last_update_login           ,
          ln_program_id                  ,
          ln_program_login_id            ,
          ln_program_application_id      ,
Line: 812

        insert into JAI_AP_TDS_INV_PAYMENTS
          tds_payment_id                 ,
          check_id                       ,
          check_amount                   ,
          check_date                     ,
          invoice_payment_id             ,
          payment_amount                 ,
          invoice_id                     ,
          invoice_date                   ,
          parent_invoice_id              ,
          parent_invoice_cancel_flag     ,
          threshold_trx_id               ,
          tds_section                    ,
          tds_tax_id                     ,
          tds_tax_rate                   ,
          taxable_basis                  ,
          tax_amount                     ,
          tax_authority_id               ,
          tax_authority_site_id          ,
          vendor_id                      ,
          vendor_site_id                 ,
          org_tan_num                    ,
          operating_unit_id              ,
          source                         ,
          created_by                     ,
          creation_date                  ,
          last_updated_by                ,
          last_update_date               ,
          last_update_login              ,
          program_id                     ,
          program_login_id               ,
          program_application_id         ,
          jai_ap_tds_inv_payments_s.nextval  ,
          cur_rec.check_id               ,
          cur_rec.check_amount           ,
          cur_rec.check_date             ,
          cur_rec.invoice_payment_id     ,
          cur_rec.payment_amount         ,
          cur_rec.invoice_id             ,
          cur_rec.invoice_date           ,
          ln_parent_invoice_id           ,
          lv_parent_invoice_cancel_flag  ,
          null                           ,
          lv_section_code                ,
          ln_tax_id                      ,
          ln_tax_rate                    ,
          ln_taxable_basis               ,
          ln_tax_amount                  ,
          cur_rec.tax_authority_id       ,
          cur_rec.tax_authority_site_id  ,
          r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_id,          --ln_vendor_id       ,  Harshita for Bug 4643633
          r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_site_id ,    --ln_vendor_site_id  ,  Harshita for Bug 4643633
          pv_org_tan_num                 ,
          cur_rec.org_id                 ,
          'Invoice prior to threshold'   ,
          ln_user_id                     ,
          sysdate                        ,
          ln_user_id                     ,
          sysdate                        ,
          ln_last_update_login           ,
          ln_program_id                  ,
          ln_program_login_id            ,
          ln_program_application_id      ,
Line: 1022

	-- so that the difference will be updated for prepay lines.

	Open c_get_total_tax_basis(cur_rec.invoice_id);
Line: 1033

          tds_payment_id                 ,
          check_id                       ,
          check_amount                   ,
          check_date                     ,
          invoice_payment_id             ,
          prepay_invoice_id              ,
          payment_amount                 ,
          invoice_id                     ,
          invoice_date                   ,
          parent_invoice_id              ,
          parent_invoice_cancel_flag     ,
          threshold_trx_id               ,
          tds_section                    ,
          tds_tax_id                     ,
          tds_tax_rate                   ,
          taxable_basis                  ,
          tax_amount                     ,
          tax_authority_id               ,
          tax_authority_site_id          ,
          vendor_id                      ,
          vendor_site_id                 ,
          org_tan_num                    ,
          operating_unit_id              ,
          source                         ,
          created_by                     ,
          creation_date                  ,
          last_updated_by                ,
          last_update_date               ,
          last_update_login              ,
          program_id                     ,
          program_login_id               ,
          program_application_id         ,
          jai_ap_tds_inv_payments_s.nextval            ,
          r_get_payment_details.check_id           ,
          r_get_payment_details.check_amount       ,
          r_get_payment_details.check_date         ,
          r_get_payment_details.invoice_payment_id ,
          cur_rec.prepay_invoice_id      ,
          cur_rec.prepaid_amount         ,
          cur_rec.invoice_id             ,
          cur_rec.invoice_date           ,
          ln_parent_invoice_id           ,
          lv_parent_invoice_cancel_flag  ,
          ln_threshold_trx_id            ,
          lv_section_code                ,
          ln_tax_id                      ,
          ln_tax_rate                    ,
          ln_taxable_basis               ,
          ln_tax_amount                  ,
          cur_rec.tax_authority_id       ,
          cur_rec.tax_authority_site_id  ,
          ln_vendor_id                   ,
          ln_vendor_site_id              ,
          pv_org_tan_num                 ,
          cur_rec.org_id                 ,
          'Invoice paid by prepayment'   ,
          ln_user_id                     ,
          sysdate                        ,
          ln_user_id                     ,
          sysdate                        ,
          ln_last_update_login           ,
          ln_program_id                  ,
          ln_program_login_id            ,
          ln_program_application_id      ,
Line: 1109

	-- this will update the tax amount with the payment amount for
	-- all lines which has been paid by check.
        update jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
	   set tax_amount = payment_amount
	 where invoice_id = cur_rec.invoice_id
	   and prepay_invoice_id is null
	   and nvl(source,'ABC') <> 'Invoice paid by prepayment';
Line: 1132

      UPDATE jai_ap_tds_inv_payments jatp
           SET jatp.taxable_basis = round(jatp.taxable_basis * jatp.payment_amount / jatp.tax_amount,2)
      WHERE jatp.tds_payment_id = c_get_multiple_payments.tds_payment_id ;
Line: 1135

      UPDATE jai_ap_tds_inv_payments jatp
           SET jatp.tax_amount = jatp.payment_amount
      WHERE jatp.tds_payment_id = c_get_multiple_payments.tds_payment_id ;
Line: 1143

      UPDATE jai_ap_tds_inv_payments jatp
           SET jatp.taxable_basis =  jatp.taxable_basis +
	                                     ( r_get_tds_inv_details(ind).taxable_basis -
					       (SELECT sum(jatp1.taxable_basis)
					          FROM jai_ap_tds_inv_payments  jatp1
						WHERE jatp1.invoice_id = r_get_tds_inv_details(ind).invoice_id
						    AND jatp1.check_id NOT IN
						    (SELECT  check_id
						       FROM ap_checks_all ac
						     WHERE ac.check_id = jatp.check_id
						        AND status_lookup_code in ('VOIDED', 'STOP INITIATED')
       WHERE jatp.tds_payment_id = r_get_tds_inv_details(ind).tds_payment_id
           AND jatp.form16_hdr_id IS NULL ;
Line: 1163

      Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'No of records inserted into JAI_AP_TDS_INV_PAYMENTS : ' || to_char(ln_record_count));
Line: 1209

      select distinct operating_unit_id   operating_unit_id
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
      where  parent_invoice_id is not null
      and    tds_tax_id is not null
      and    tds_tax_rate is not null
      and    invoice_date between  pd_tds_payment_from_date and  pd_tds_payment_to_date
      and    form16_hdr_id is  null
      and    nvl(tds_section,'XYZ')         = nvl(pv_tds_section,nvl(tds_section,'XYZ')) /*rchandan for bug#4936956. Added nvl on left hand side and nvl within nvl on right side*/
      and    tax_authority_id      = pn_tds_authority_id
      and    tax_authority_site_id = nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, tax_authority_site_id)
      and    vendor_id             = nvl(pn_vendor_id, vendor_id)
      and    vendor_site_id        = nvl(pn_vendor_site_id, vendor_site_id)
      and    org_tan_num           = pv_org_tan_num
      and    tds_tax_id in ( SELECT tax_id
                               FROM JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
                              WHERE section_type = p_section_type
                           );/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
Line: 1241

      select distinct invoice_date     invoice_date
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
      where  parent_invoice_id is not null
      and    tds_tax_id is not null
      and    tds_tax_rate is not null
      and    invoice_date between  pd_tds_payment_from_date and  pd_tds_payment_to_date
      and    form16_hdr_id is  null
      and    nvl(tds_section,'XYZ')         = nvl(pv_tds_section,nvl(tds_section,'XYZ')) /*rchandan for bug#4936956. Added nvl on left hand side and nvl within nvl on right side*/
      and    tax_authority_id      = pn_tds_authority_id
      and    tax_authority_site_id = nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, tax_authority_site_id)
      and    vendor_id             =  nvl(pn_vendor_id, vendor_id)
      and    vendor_site_id        = nvl(pn_vendor_site_id, vendor_site_id)
      and    org_tan_num           = pv_org_tan_num
      and    operating_unit_id     = pn_operating_unit_id
      and    tds_tax_id in ( SELECT tax_id
                               FROM JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
                              WHERE section_type = p_section_type
                           );/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
Line: 1262

      select  default_legal_context_id
      from    hr_operating_units
      where   organization_id = pn_organization_id;*/
Line: 1267

      select fin_year
      from   jai_ap_tds_years
      where  legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id
      and    pd_invoice_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 1284

    from   jai_ap_tds_inv_payments /*Added by nprashar  for bug 6774129*/
    where  parent_invoice_id     is not null
    and    tds_tax_id            is not null
    and    tds_tax_rate          is not null
    and    invoice_date          between  pd_tds_payment_from_date and  pd_tds_payment_to_date
    and    form16_hdr_id         is  null
    and    tds_section           =  pv_tds_section
    and    fin_year              is not null
    and    tax_authority_id      = pn_tds_authority_id
    and    tax_authority_site_id = nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, tax_authority_site_id)
    and    vendor_id             =  nvl(pn_vendor_id, vendor_id)
    and    vendor_site_id        = nvl(pn_vendor_site_id, vendor_site_id)
    and    org_tan_num           = pv_org_tan_num
    and    tds_tax_id in ( SELECT tax_id
                             FROM JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
                            WHERE section_type = p_section_type
		group by
	having sum(TAX_AMOUNT) = 0;
Line: 1335

    select distinct
      /*tds_tax_id, commented by nprashar for Bug : 6774129*/
    from jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
    where  parent_invoice_id is not null
    and    tds_tax_id is not null
    and    tds_tax_rate is not null
    and    invoice_date between  pd_tds_payment_from_date and  pd_tds_payment_to_date
    and    form16_hdr_id is  null
    and    nvl(tds_section,'XYZ')         = nvl(pv_tds_section,nvl(tds_section,'XYZ'))/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
    and    fin_year is not null
    and    tax_authority_id = pn_tds_authority_id
    and    tax_authority_site_id = nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, tax_authority_site_id)
    and    vendor_id =  nvl(pn_vendor_id, vendor_id)
    and    vendor_site_id = nvl(pn_vendor_site_id, vendor_site_id)
    and    org_tan_num = pv_org_tan_num
    and    tds_tax_id in ( SELECT tax_id
                             FROM JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
                            WHERE section_type = p_section_type
                           );/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
Line: 1365

      select nvl(certificate_num, 0) + 1
      from   jai_ap_tds_cert_nums
      where  org_tan_num   =  pv_org_tan_num
      and    fin_yr      =  pn_fin_year
      and    regime_code   =  pv_regime_code/*CSahoo for Bug#5631784*/
Line: 1374

      select rowid row_id, parent_invoice_id, threshold_trx_id
      from jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
      where form16_hdr_id = cp_form16_hdr_id
      order by parent_invoice_id, invoice_id
      for update of certificate_line_num;
Line: 1381

      select tds_event
      from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
      where  threshold_trx_id = cp_threshold_trx_id;
Line: 1386

      select jai_ap_tds_f16_hdrs_all_s.nextval from dual;
Line: 1389

    SELECT decode(p_section_type,'TDS_SECTION','TDS','WCT_SECTION','WCT','ESSI_SECTION','ESI')
      FROM dual;
Line: 1410

    ln_last_update_login       number(15);
Line: 1420

    ln_last_update_login        :=   fnd_global.login_id          ;
Line: 1489

        update jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
        set    fin_year = r_ja_in_tds_year_info.fin_year
        where  parent_invoice_id is not null
        and    tds_tax_id is not null
        and    tds_tax_rate is not null
        and    invoice_date between  ld_tds_payment_from_date and  ld_tds_payment_to_date
        and    form16_hdr_id is  null
        and    nvl(tds_section,'XYZ')         = nvl(pv_tds_section,nvl(tds_section,'XYZ'))/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
        and    tax_authority_id = pn_tds_authority_id
        and    tax_authority_site_id = nvl(pn_tds_authority_site_id, tax_authority_site_id)
        and    vendor_id =  nvl(pn_vendor_id, vendor_id)
        and    vendor_site_id = nvl(pn_vendor_site_id, vendor_site_id)
        and    org_tan_num = pv_org_tan_num
        and    operating_unit_id = cur_ou.operating_unit_id
        and    invoice_date = cur_invoice_date.invoice_date
	        and    tds_tax_id in ( SELECT tax_id
                                 FROM JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
                                WHERE section_type = p_section_type
                             );/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
Line: 1511

        Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, ' No of records updated with Fin year : ' || to_char(sql%rowcount) );
Line: 1518

    /* Fin year update complete  */

    FOR cur_rec IN /*Bug 5647725 start bduvarag*/
         ld_tds_payment_from_date  ,
				 ld_tds_payment_to_date    ,
				 pv_org_tan_num            ,
				 pv_tds_section            ,
				 pn_tds_authority_id       ,
				 pn_tds_authority_site_id  ,
				 pn_vendor_id              ,

				 ln_form16_hdr_id := null;
Line: 1540

				 update jai_ap_tds_inv_payments /*changed by nprashar for bug 6774129 */
				 set      form16_hdr_id     = -1 * ln_form16_hdr_id
				        , last_update_date  = sysdate
								, last_update_login = ln_last_update_login
				 where  parent_invoice_id   = cur_rec.parent_invoice_id
				 --and    tds_tax_id          = cur_rec.tds_tax_id           --tds_tax_id,
				 and    tds_tax_rate        is not null
				 and    invoice_date        between  ld_tds_payment_from_date and  ld_tds_payment_to_date
				 and    form16_hdr_id       is  null
				 and    tds_section         =  cur_rec.tds_section
				 and    fin_year            = cur_rec.fin_year
				 and    tax_authority_id    = cur_rec.tax_authority_id
				 and    vendor_id           =  cur_rec.vendor_id
				 and    vendor_site_id      = cur_rec.vendor_site_id
				 and    org_tan_num         = pv_org_tan_num
				 and    operating_unit_id   = cur_rec.operating_unit_id
				 and    tds_tax_id in ( SELECT tax_id
																	FROM JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
																 WHERE section_type = p_section_type
Line: 1597

      update jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
      set      form16_hdr_id    = ln_form16_hdr_id
             , certificate_num  = ln_certificate_num
             , last_update_date = sysdate
             , last_update_login = ln_last_update_login
      where  parent_invoice_id is not null
      /*and    tds_tax_id       = cur_rec.tds_tax_id commented by nprashar for bug # 6774129*/
      and    tds_tax_rate is not null
      and    invoice_date between  ld_tds_payment_from_date and  ld_tds_payment_to_date
      and    form16_hdr_id is  null
      and    nvl(tds_section,'XYZ') = nvl(cur_rec.tds_section,'XYZ') /*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
      and    fin_year         = cur_rec.fin_year
      and    tax_authority_id = cur_rec.tax_authority_id
      and    vendor_id        =  cur_rec.vendor_id
      and    vendor_site_id   = cur_rec.vendor_site_id
      and    org_tan_num = pv_org_tan_num
      and    operating_unit_id = cur_rec.operating_unit_id
            and    tds_tax_id in ( SELECT tax_id
                               FROM JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
                              WHERE section_type = p_section_type
                           );/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
Line: 1629

        insert into jai_ap_tds_cert_nums
          fin_yr_cert_id          ,
          regime_code             ,
          org_tan_num             ,
          fin_yr                ,
          certificate_num         ,
          created_by              ,
          creation_date           ,
          last_updated_by         ,
          last_update_date        ,
          jai_ap_tds_cert_nums_s.nextval, /*Bgowrava for Bug#6129650*/
          lv_tds_section          ,/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/ /*CSahoo for BUG#5631784*/
          pv_org_tan_num          ,
          cur_rec.fin_year        ,
          1                       ,
          ln_user_id              ,
          sysdate                 ,
          ln_user_id              ,
          sysdate                 ,
Line: 1658

        Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'Updated certificate number in jai_ap_tds_cert_nums');
Line: 1659

        update jai_ap_tds_cert_nums
        set    certificate_num = ln_certificate_num
        where  org_tan_num   =  pv_org_tan_num
        and    fin_yr      =  cur_rec.fin_year
        and    regime_code   = lv_tds_section/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/ /*CSahoo for BUG#5631784*/
Line: 1667

      /* insert into jai_ap_tds_f16_hdrs_all */
          IF lv_tds_section = 'TDS' THEN/*bduvarag for Bug#5647725*/
      Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'Inserting record in jai_ap_tds_f16_hdrs_all with form16_hdr_id : ' || to_char(ln_form16_hdr_id));
Line: 1670

      insert into jai_ap_tds_f16_hdrs_all
        form16_hdr_id                  ,
        fin_yr                         ,
        org_tan_num                    ,
        certificate_num                 ,
        certificate_date               ,
        vendor_id                      ,
        vendor_site_id                 ,
        --tds_tax_id                     ,/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 6774129*/
        tax_authority_id               ,
	from_date                      ,
        to_date                        ,
        print_flag                     ,
        org_id                         ,
        tds_tax_section                ,
        created_by                     ,
        creation_date                  ,
        last_updated_by                ,
        last_update_date               ,
        last_update_login              ,
        program_id                     ,
        program_login_id               ,
        program_application_id         ,
        ln_form16_hdr_id              ,
        cur_rec.fin_year              ,
        pv_org_tan_num                ,
        ln_certificate_num            ,
        trunc(sysdate)                ,
        cur_rec.vendor_id             ,
        cur_rec.vendor_site_id        ,
        --cur_rec.tds_tax_id                     ,/*Commented by nprashar for bug # 6774129*/
        cur_rec.tax_authority_id      ,
        ld_tds_payment_from_date      ,
        ld_tds_payment_to_date        ,
        'N'                           ,
        cur_rec.operating_unit_id     ,
        cur_rec.tds_section           ,
        ln_user_id                    ,
        sysdate                       ,
        ln_user_id                    ,
        sysdate                       ,
        ln_last_update_login          ,
        ln_program_id                 ,
        ln_program_login_id           ,
        ln_program_application_id     ,
Line: 1753

        update  jai_ap_tds_inv_payments
        set     certificate_line_num = ln_cert_line_num
        where current of c_form16_cert_lines;