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1 PACKAGE pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web
2 /* $Header: pyusacrw.pkh 120.1 2006/10/03 16:34:18 ahanda noship $ */
3 /*
4    ******************************************************************
5    *                                                                *
6    *  Copyright (C) 1993 Oracle Corporation.                        *
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18    ******************************************************************
20     Name        : pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web
22     Description : Package gets all the Accrual plans for an
23                   Employee and populates a PL/SQL table -
24                   LTR_ASSIGNMENT_ACCRUALS.
26     Uses        :
28     Change List
29     -----------
30     Date        Name     Vers    Bug No     Description
31     ----        ----     ----    ------     -----------
32     01-JUL-1999 ahanda   110.0           Created.
33     24-DEC-1999 ahanda   110.1/  1115325 Added paramter to procedure
34                          115.0           get_emp_net_accrual to return the
35                                          total no. of Accrual Categories.
36     18-feb-2001 djoshi   115.1           Added procedure to delete
37                                          global pl/sql table. Procedure
38                                          Name is delete_ltr_assgnment_
39                                          accrual
40     06-Aug-2003 vpandya  115.5           Added NOCOPY with out parameter.
41     02-OCT-2006 ahanda   115.6           Added accrual_code in pl/sql code
42   *******************************************************************/
43   AS
45   /*****************************************************************
46   ** PROCEDURE: get_emp_net_accrual
47   ******************************************************************
48   **
49   ** Description:
50   **     This procedure gets the Current and Net Accrual Balance and
51   **     stores it in a PL/SQL Table.
52   **
53   ** Pre Conditions:
54   **
55   ** In Arguments:
56   **     p_assignment_action_id - Assignment Action ID
57   **     p_assignment_id        - Assignment ID
58   **     p_cur_earned_date      - Earned Date of Pre Payment.
59   **
60   ** Out Arguments:
61   **
62   ** In Out Arguments:
63   **
64   ** Post Success:
65   **     Stores the Accrual Info in a PL/SQL Table.
66   **
67   ** Post Failure:
68   **
69   ** Access Status:
70   **     Public.
71   **
72   ******************************************************************/
73   PROCEDURE get_emp_net_accrual (
74                     p_assignment_action_id  in  number
75                    ,p_assignment_id         in  number
76                    ,p_cur_earned_date       in  date
77                    ,p_total_acc_category    out NOCOPY number
78                   );
80   /******************************************************************
81   ** Record Variable to Store Accrual Info
82   ******************************************************************/
83   TYPE accruals_rec IS RECORD
84      ( accrual_code      varchar2(50)
85       ,accrual_category  varchar2(100)
86       ,accrual_cur_value number(10,2)
87       ,accrual_net_value number(10,2)
88      );
90   /******************************************************************
91   ** Table - Record Variable to Store Multiple Accrual Info
92   ******************************************************************/
93   TYPE accruals_tab_rec IS TABLE OF
94       accruals_rec
97   /******************************************************************
98   ** Package Variable
99   ******************************************************************/
100   ltr_assignment_accruals accruals_tab_rec;
102   /*****************************************************************
103   ** PROCEDURE: delete_ltr_assignment_accrual
104   ******************************************************************
105   **
106   ** Description:
107   **     This procedure deletes ie re-initalize  in a PL/SQL Table.
108   **
109   ** Pre Conditions:
110   **
111   ** In Arguments:
112   **
113   ** Out Arguments:
114   **
115   ** In Out Arguments:
116   **
117   ** Post Success:
118   **
119   ** Post Failure:
120   **
121   ** Access Status:
122   *****************************************************************/
123   procedure delete_ltr_assignment_accrual;
125 END pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web;