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Line 29: * -- This is based on autocharge_type in bom_operation_resources

25: * -- 4 Resource Value
26: * -- 5 Total Value
27: * -- 6 Activity
28: * 3. We will NOT charge the Manually Charged resources
29: * -- This is based on autocharge_type in bom_operation_resources
30: * -- If this is set to WIP_MOVE where the info about the standard rate is stored,
31: * -- we will still charge this even though it would be OSP resource
32: * -- 1 Wip move
33: * -- 2 Manual

Line 345: bom_operation_resources bor,

341: mmtt.completion_transaction_id,
342: mmtt.project_id,
343: mmtt.task_id
344: from
345: bom_operation_resources bor,
346: wip_flow_schedules wfs,
347: bom_departments bd,
348: bom_resources br,
349: bom_operation_sequences bos,