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Line 463: FROM pa_project_assignments

459: status_code,
460: calendar_id,
461: start_date,
462: end_date
463: FROM pa_project_assignments
464: WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
466: BEGIN
467: --Clear the global PL/SQL message table

Line 692: FROM pa_project_assignments

688: CURSOR get_asgmt_info_csr(l_assignment_id IN NUMBER) IS
689: SELECT assignment_type,
690: status_code,
691: resource_id
692: FROM pa_project_assignments
693: WHERE assignment_id = l_assignment_id;
696: BEGIN

Line 994: FROM pa_resource_txn_attributes a, pa_project_assignments b

990: l_new_resource_id NUMBER; -- 4537865
991: -- For retrieving resource_source_id
992: CURSOR get_resource_source_id IS
993: SELECT a.person_id, b.resource_id
994: FROM pa_resource_txn_attributes a, pa_project_assignments b
995: WHERE a.resource_id = b.resource_id
996: AND b.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
998: l_resource_source_id NUMBER;

Line 2417: FROM pa_schedule_exceptions a , pa_project_assignments b

2414: -- This cursor will select the distinct assignment id
2415: CURSOR csr_sch_excp IS
2416: SELECT distinct a.assignment_id, b.record_version_number, b.project_id
2417: FROM pa_schedule_exceptions a , pa_project_assignments b
2418: WHERE a.assignment_id = b.assignment_id
2419: ORDER by a.assignment_id;
2420: BEGIN
2421: -- store the status success to track the error

Line 2566: l_temp_status_code PA_PROJECT_ASSIGNMENTS.status_code%type;

2562: l_p_start_id NUMBER;
2563: l_p_end_id NUMBER;
2564: l_apply_schedule_changes BOOLEAN;
2565: l_change_id PA_SCHEDULES_HISTORY.change_id%type;
2566: l_temp_status_code PA_PROJECT_ASSIGNMENTS.status_code%type;
2568: l_save_to_hist VARCHAR2(1); -- Unilog
2569: l_record_version_number_wo_chg NUMBER; -- Unilog

Line 2790: from pa_project_assignments

2787: -- jmarques: 1776658: Get old duration.
2788: select start_date, end_date, resource_id, record_version_number -- Unilog Selected record_version_number too
2789: into l_old_start_date, l_old_end_date, l_resource_id, l_record_version_number_wo_chg
2790: from pa_project_assignments
2791: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
2793: -- Unilog Added this IF condition
2794: IF p_generate_timeline_flag = 'N' THEN

Line 4667: FROM pa_project_assignments_v asgn

4663: DECODE(pending_approval_flag, 'Y', 1,
4664: DECODE(apprvl_status_code, 'ASGMT_APPRVL_CANCELED', 1, -- Bug 3235731
4665: DECODE(status_code, null, 0, -- 3235675 This is needed as is_asgmt_allow_stus_ctl_check returns N if status_code is null
4666: DECODE(pa_assignment_utils.is_asgmt_allow_stus_ctl_check(status_code, project_id, 'N'), 'N', 1, 0))))) read_only_flag
4667: FROM pa_project_assignments_v asgn
4668: WHERE asgn.resource_id = l_res_id
4669: AND (
4670: ((p_assgn_range_start_date IS NOT NULL AND p_assgn_range_end_date IS NOT NULL)
4671: AND

Line 4714: FROM pa_project_assignments asgn,

4710: fi.item_quantity quantity,
4711: fi.resource_id,
4712: fi.forecast_item_type,
4713: asgn.assignment_id
4714: FROM pa_project_assignments asgn,
4715: pa_forecast_items fi
4716: WHERE asgn.resource_id = l_res_id
4717: AND fi.resource_id = l_res_id
4718: AND fi.delete_flag = 'N'