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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 44

              select distinct asl.ledger_id ledger_id from
        gl_access_set_ledgers_v asl, gl_access_sets_v asv
        where asl.access_set_id = asv.access_set_id
        and asl.access_set_id = p_access_set_id
        and asl.access_privilege_code in ('B','F')
        and asl.object_type_code = 'L'
        and asv.security_segment_code <> 'M'
        order by ledger_id;
Line: 90

      SELECT nvl(use_workflow_flag,'N')
      FROM   igi_itr_charge_setup
      WHERE  set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 103

      SELECT nvl(auto_approve_exceed_days,7)
      FROM   igi_itr_charge_setup
      WHERE  set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 119

      SELECT it_service_line_id
      FROM   igi_itr_charge_lines lines
      WHERE  lines.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
      AND    sysdate > (lines.submit_date + p_timeout_days)
      AND    lines.status_flag = 'V'
      AND    lines.it_header_id=p_header_id;
Line: 130

      SELECT Distinct it_header_id from igi_itr_charge_lines lines
      WHERE  lines.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
      AND    sysdate > (lines.submit_date + p_timeout_days)
      AND    lines.status_flag = 'V';
Line: 210

      UPDATE igi_itr_charge_lines
      SET    status_flag = 'A'
            ,last_updated_by = l_user_id
            ,last_update_login = l_conc_login_id
            ,last_update_date = sysdate
      WHERE  it_service_line_id = l_it_service_line_id;
Line: 220

      /* Now need to update the action history table with information
      ** indicating that the service line has been auto-approved.
      ** So start by fetching all the information needed for insertion
      ** into the action history table

      SELECT max(sequence_num) + 1
      INTO   l_sequence_num
      FROM   igi_itr_action_history
      WHERE  it_service_line_id = l_it_service_line_id;
Line: 234

      SELECT auth.authoriser_id
      INTO   l_rec_fnd_user_id
      FROM   igi_itr_charge_ranges auth
            ,igi_itr_charge_lines itrl
      WHERE  itrl.it_service_line_id = l_it_service_line_id
      AND    itrl.charge_range_id = auth.charge_range_id;
Line: 242

      /* Call common package to insert record into action
      ** history table

             X_Service_Line_Id   => l_it_service_line_id
            ,X_Sequence_Num      => l_sequence_num
            ,X_Action_Code       => 'U'
            ,X_Action_Date       => sysdate
            ,X_Employee_Id       => l_rec_fnd_user_id
            ,X_Use_Workflow_Flag => 'N'
            ,X_Note              => null
            ,X_Created_By        => l_user_id
            ,X_Creation_Date     => sysdate
            ,X_Last_Update_Login => l_conc_login_id
            ,X_Last_Update_Date  => sysdate
            ,X_Last_Updated_By   => l_user_id
Line: 262

         FND_LOG.STRING( l_state_level,'igi.plsql.igiitrxb.IGI_ITR_TIMEOUT_PKG.find_services','Action History table has been updated for service line id '||l_it_service_line_id );
Line: 268
