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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

SELECT benefit_id, partner_id
FROM   ozf_request_headers_all_b
WHERE  request_header_id = p_object_id;
Line: 230

select a.request_header_id
,      a.request_number
,      a.request_name
,      c.party_name
,      a.end_cust_name
,      ARP_ADDR_LABEL_PKG.FORMAT_ADDRESS_LABEL(Null,a.end_cust_address1,a.end_cust_address2,
                     NULL,NULL,2000,1,1) ADDRESS
-- BUG 4460277 (+)
--,      pt_cont.source_first_name || ' ' || pt_cont.source_last_name pt_contact_name
,      cont.person_last_name||
       DECODE(cont.person_middle_name, NULL, '', ', '||cont.person_middle_name)||
       DECODE(cont.person_first_name, NULL, '', ', '||cont.person_first_name) pt_contact_name
-- BUG 4460277 (-)
,      creator.source_first_name || ' ' || creator.source_last_name creator_name
,      a.end_cust_contact_first_name || ' ' || a.end_cust_contact_last_name
,      lkup.meaning
,      a.creation_date
,      a.requested_amount || ' ' || a.currency_code
,      a.decline_reason_code
,      a.return_reason_code
,      a.partner_contact_phone_number
,      a.partner_contact_email_address
,      a.agreement_number
,      a.authorization_code
,      a.start_date
,      a.end_date
,      a.activity_media_id
,      a.request_type_code
,      NVL(a.offer_id,-1)
from   ozf_request_headers_all_vl a
,      pv_partner_profiles b
,      hz_parties c
,      jtf_rs_resource_extns pt_cont
,      jtf_rs_resource_extns creator
,      ozf_lookups lkup
-- BUG 4460277 (+)
,      hz_relationships hz_cont_rel
,      hz_parties cont
,      pv_partner_profiles pvpp
-- BUG 4460277 (-)
where  a.request_header_id = pc_request_id
and    a.partner_id = b.partner_id
and    b.partner_party_id = c.party_id
and    a.submitted_by = creator.resource_id (+)
and    a.status_code = lkup.lookup_code
and    lkup.lookup_type = 'OZF_REQUEST_STATUS'
-- BUG 4460277 (+)
and    pvpp.partner_id = a.partner_id
and    hz_cont_rel.object_id = pvpp.partner_party_id
and    hz_cont_rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
and    hz_cont_rel.subject_id = cont.party_id
and    hz_cont_rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
and    hz_cont_rel.relationship_type = 'EMPLOYMENT'
and    cont.party_type = 'PERSON'
and    hz_cont_rel.party_id = pt_cont.source_id
and    pt_cont.category = 'PARTY'
and    a.partner_contact_id = pt_cont.resource_id;
Line: 293

select notes_detail
from   jtf_notes_vl
where  source_object_code = pc_entity_type
AND    SOURCE_OBJECT_ID = pc_entity_id
AND    NOTE_STATUS in ('E' , 'I')   -- only publish notes and also  Public
Line: 301

SELECT res.source_first_name || ' '|| res.source_last_name
FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns  res, ozf_approval_access oac
where res.user_id =  oac.approver_id
and oac.object_type = pc_entity_type
and oac.object_id = pc_entity_id
and oac.approval_access_id = ( select max(approval_access_id)
               from ozf_approval_access
			   where oac.object_type = pc_entity_type
               and oac.object_id = pc_entity_id );
Line: 312

select media_type_name from
where media_id = pc_media_id;
Line: 317

select  vendor.party_name vendor_name
from    ozf_request_headers_all_vl  enrl_req,
pv_partner_profiles prtnr_profile,
hz_relationships rel_ship,
hz_parties vendor
where   enrl_req.request_header_id = pc_entity_id
and     enrl_req.partner_id= prtnr_profile.partner_id
and     prtnr_profile.partner_id = rel_ship.party_id
and     prtnr_profile.partner_party_id = rel_ship.object_id
and     enrl_req.partner_id = rel_ship.party_id
and     rel_ship.subject_id = vendor.party_id
and rownum < 2;
Line: 331

 select function_id from fnd_form_functions where function_name = pc_func_name ;
Line: 777

      pv_partner_profiles   prof,
      hz_relationships      pr2,
      jtf_rs_resource_extns pj,
      fnd_user              usr
             prof.partner_id        = pc_partner_id
      and    prof.partner_party_id  = pr2.object_id
      and    pr2.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
      and    pr2.object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
      and    pr2.directional_flag   = 'F'
      and    pr2.relationship_code  = 'EMPLOYEE_OF'
      and    pr2.relationship_type  = 'EMPLOYMENT'
      and    (pr2.end_date is null or pr2.end_date > sysdate)
      and    pr2.status            = 'A'
      and    pr2.party_id           = pj.source_id
      and    pj.category       = 'PARTY'
      and    usr.user_id       = pj.user_id
      and   (usr.end_date > sysdate OR usr.end_date IS NULL)
      and exists(select 1 from jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm,
                 jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_domains_b jtfd,
                 jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp2, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp,
                 jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm
                 where PJ.user_name = jtfp1.principal_name
                 and jtfp1.is_user_flag=1
                 and jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id=jtfpm.jtf_auth_principal_id
                 and jtfpm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = jtfp2.jtf_auth_principal_id
                 and jtfp2.is_user_flag=0
                 and jtfp2.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
                 and jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
                 and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
                 and jtfperm.permission_name = pc_permission
                 and jtfd.jtf_auth_domain_id=jtfpm.jtf_auth_domain_id
                 and jtfd.domain_name='CRM_DOMAIN' );
Line: 815

      select usr.user_name
      from jtf_auth_principal_maps jtfpm,
      jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp1, jtf_auth_domains_b jtfd,
      jtf_auth_principals_b jtfp2, jtf_auth_role_perms jtfrp,
      jtf_auth_permissions_b jtfperm, jtf_rs_resource_extns pj,
      fnd_user usr
      where PJ.user_name = jtfp1.principal_name
      and pj.category = 'EMPLOYEE'
      and usr.user_id       = pj.user_id
      and (usr.end_date > sysdate OR usr.end_date IS NULL)
      and jtfp1.is_user_flag=1
      and jtfp1.jtf_auth_principal_id=jtfpm.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and jtfpm.jtf_auth_parent_principal_id = jtfp2.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and jtfp2.is_user_flag=0
      and jtfp2.jtf_auth_principal_id = jtfrp.jtf_auth_principal_id
      and jtfrp.positive_flag = 1
      and jtfrp.jtf_auth_permission_id = jtfperm.jtf_auth_permission_id
      and jtfperm.permission_name = pc_permission
      and jtfd.jtf_auth_domain_id=jtfpm.jtf_auth_domain_id
      and jtfd.domain_name='CRM_DOMAIN';
Line: 837

select partner_id
from   ozf_request_headers_all_b
where  request_header_id = pc_entity_id;
Line: 842

select fnd.user_name
from   fnd_user fnd
,      ozf_request_headers_all_b ref
,      jtf_rs_resource_extns jtf
where  ref.partner_contact_id = jtf.resource_id
and    jtf.user_id = fnd.user_id
and    ref.request_header_id = pc_entity_id;
Line: 939

SELECT partner_id, request_number,
       agreement_number, authorization_code, activity_media_id
FROM   ozf_request_headers_all_b
WHERE  request_header_id = v_request_id;
Line: 945

SELECT channel_name
FROM   ams_channels_vl
WHERE  channel_id = v_activity_id;