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Line 758: FROM per_periods_of_service pos , per_assignments_f paf

755: /* Cursor to fetch termination details */
756: CURSOR csr_get_term_details_56 (l_assignment_id number,l_date date) IS
757: SELECT pos.actual_termination_date,pos.leaving_reason
758: FROM per_periods_of_service pos , per_assignments_f paf
759: WHERE paf.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
760: AND paf.period_of_service_id = pos.period_of_service_id
761: AND trunc(pos.actual_termination_date,'MM') = trunc(l_date,'MM')
762: AND trunc(l_date,'MM') between trunc(paf.effective_start_date,'MM') and paf.effective_end_date;

Line 775: from per_periods_of_service pos, per_assignments_f paf

772: /* Cursor to fetch hire date for an employee */
773: CURSOR csr_get_hire_date_56(l_assignment_id number, l_date date) IS
774: SELECT pos.date_start
775: from per_periods_of_service pos, per_assignments_f paf
776: WHERE paf.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
777: AND paf.period_of_service_id = pos.period_of_service_id
778: AND trunc(pos.date_start,'MM') = trunc(l_date,'MM')
779: AND trunc(l_date,'MM') between trunc(paf.effective_start_date,'MM') and paf.effective_end_date;

Line 1344: ,per_periods_of_service pos

1340: FROM per_assignments_f asg
1341: ,pay_assignment_actions paa
1342: ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
1343: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex hscl
1344: ,per_periods_of_service pos
1345: ,per_people_f ppf
1346: WHERE asg.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
1347: AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
1348: AND pos.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id

Line 1371: FROM per_people_f ppf , per_periods_of_service pos

1367: decode(l_format,'L',PER_INFORMATION4,per_information1),
1368: decode(l_format,'L',PER_INFORMATION5,per_information2),
1369: sex,date_of_birth, pos.date_start , national_identifier , per_information9,per_information10,
1370: fnd_date.canonical_to_date(per_information11)
1371: FROM per_people_f ppf , per_periods_of_service pos
1372: WHERE ppf.person_id = p_person_id
1373: AND ppf.person_id = pos.person_id
1374: AND l_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
1375: AND trunc(l_effective_date,'MM') between trunc(pos.date_start,'MM') and nvl(pos.actual_termination_date,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'));

Line 1514: FROM per_periods_of_service pos

1511: /* Cursor for fetching termination date and reason */
1512: CURSOR csr_get_term_det (l_person_id number, l_date date) IS
1513: SELECT pos.actual_termination_date , pos.leaving_reason
1514: FROM per_periods_of_service pos
1515: WHERE pos.person_id = l_person_id
1516: AND trunc(l_date,'MM') between trunc(pos.date_start,'MM') and nvl(actual_termination_date,to_date('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy'));
1518: /* Cursor to fetch termination reason meaning */

Line 1544: FROM per_people_f ppf, per_periods_of_service pos , per_assignments_f paf

1541: /* Cursor to fetch person id and termination flag when Employee is the parameter */
1542: CURSOR csr_get_per_term_data (l_asg_id number , l_date date , l_nat varchar2) IS
1543: SELECT ppf.person_id , paf.assignment_id , decode(trunc(pos.actual_termination_date,'MM'),trunc(l_date,'MM'),'Y','N') , decode(trunc(pos.date_start,'MM'),trunc(l_date,'MM'),'Y','N')
1544: FROM per_people_f ppf, per_periods_of_service pos , per_assignments_f paf
1545: WHERE paf.assignment_id = l_asg_id
1546: AND paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
1547: AND paf.period_of_service_id = pos.period_of_service_id
1548: AND paf.person_id = pos.person_id