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Line 40: primary_address_type ece_interface_tables.primary_address_type%TYPE,

36: Status varchar2(40),
37: Stage_Id number(15),
38: Key_Column_Name varchar2(80),
39: key_column_position number(4),
40: primary_address_type ece_interface_tables.primary_address_type%TYPE,
41: tp_code ece_tp_headers.tp_code%TYPE
42: );
44: -- TYPE Stage_Record_Type is TABLE of stage_record index by BINARY_INTEGER; -- mguthrie

Line 110: and the Staging table. This information is seeded in the ECE_INTERFACE_TABLES

106: );
108: /**
109: This procedures loads the mapping information between the Flat File
110: and the Staging table. This information is seeded in the ECE_INTERFACE_TABLES
111: and ECE_INTERFACE_COLUMNS. The mapping information is loaded into the Local Body
112: PL/SQL table variable for a given transaction Type and its level. This PL/SQL table
113: loaded with Mapping information is visible only to the functions and procedures
114: defined within this package.