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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_011 dependencies on IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST

Line 393: NOT EXISTS (select course_cd from IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST coous

389: coo.coo_id = cp_coo_id and
390: coo.course_cd = cous.course_cd and
391: coo.version_number = cous.crv_version_number and
392: coo.CAL_TYPE = cous.CAL_TYPE and
393: NOT EXISTS (select course_cd from IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST coous
394: where
395: coous.course_cd = cous.course_cd and
396: coous.crv_version_number = cous.crv_version_number and
397: coous.CAL_TYPE = cous.CAL_TYPE and

Line 402: IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST coous

398: coous.unit_set_cd = cous.unit_set_cd and
399: coous.us_version_number = cous.us_version_number)
401: SELECT 'x' FROM
402: IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST coous
403: WHERE
404: coous.unit_set_cd = cp_unit_set_cd and
405: coous.us_version_number = cp_us_version_number and
406: coous.coo_id = cp_coo_id ;