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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

    select attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4
    from fii_system_event_log log
    where log.event_type   = 'DNRM:FII_PA_COST_F'
      and log.event_object = 'EDW_PROJ_TASK_LTC.DENORM_TASK_ORG_FK'
      and log.status       = 'PROCESSING';
Line: 25

  update fii_system_event_log log
  set status = 'PROCESSING'
  where log.event_type   = 'DNRM:FII_PA_COST_F'
    and log.event_object = 'EDW_PROJ_TASK_LTC.DENORM_TASK_ORG_FK'
    and log.status       = 'READY';
Line: 35

  delete from fii_system_event_log log
  where log.event_type   = 'DNRM:FII_PA_COST_F'
    and log.event_object = 'EDW_PROJ_TASK_LTC.DENORM_TASK_ORG_FK'
    and log.status       = 'PROCESSING'
    and log.event_id not in
          select max( event_id )
          from fii_system_event_log log
          where log.event_type   = 'DNRM:FII_PA_COST_F'
            and log.event_object = 'EDW_PROJ_TASK_LTC.DENORM_TASK_ORG_FK'
            and log.status       = 'PROCESSING'
Line: 50

  update fii_system_event_log log
  set (attribute2, attribute3, attribute4) =
        select to_char(task.task_pk_key), task.denorm_task_org_fk, to_char(org.organization_pk_key)
        from   edw_proj_task_ltc  task,
               edw_orga_org_ltc   org
        where  log.attribute1 = task.task_pk
          and  task.denorm_task_org_fk = org.organization_pk
  where log.event_type   = 'DNRM:FII_PA_COST_F'
    and log.event_object = 'EDW_PROJ_TASK_LTC.DENORM_TASK_ORG_FK'
    and log.status       = 'PROCESSING';
Line: 66

  update fii_pa_cost_fstg  fstg
  set project_org_fk =
        select denorm_task_org_fk
        from edw_proj_task_ltc  task
        where fstg.project_fk = task.task_pk
  where fstg.collection_status = 'READY'
    and fstg.edw_record_type   = 'ORACLE';
Line: 83

  update fii_pa_cost_fstg  fstg
  set project_org_fk =
        select attribute3
        from fii_system_event_log log
        where log.event_type   = 'DNRM:FII_PA_COST_F'
          and log.event_object = 'EDW_PROJ_TASK_LTC.DENORM_TASK_ORG_FK'
          and log.status       = 'PROCESSING'
          and fstg.project_fk = log.attribute1
  where collection_status = 'READY'
    and edw_record_type = 'ORACLE'
    and project_fk in
          select attribute1
          from fii_system_event_log
          where event_type   = 'DNRM:FII_PA_COST_F'
            and event_object = 'EDW_PROJ_TASK_LTC.DENORM_TASK_ORG_FK'
            and status       = 'PROCESSING'
Line: 109

      update fii_pa_cost_f fact
      set    fact.project_org_fk_key = to_number( c.attribute4 )
      where  fact.project_fk_key     = to_number( c.attribute2 );
Line: 117

  delete from  fii_system_event_log
  where event_type   = 'DNRM:FII_PA_COST_F'
    and event_object = 'EDW_PROJ_TASK_LTC.DENORM_TASK_ORG_FK'
    and status       = 'PROCESSING';