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1 package body pa_budget_utils2 as
2 -- $Header: PAXBUTLB.pls 120.3 2006/04/04 00:55:46 psingara noship $
4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- This function checks if a budget-at-completion exists at the task level
6 -- or at the project level (if task id is passed as null)
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 --
9 --
10 --History:
11 --   	xx-xxx-xx	who?	- Created
12 --
13 --      22-AUG-02       jwhite    Adapted procedure to support the new FP model.
14 --
15 --
16 --
17 function check_budget_at_compl_exists (x_project_id  in number,
18                                        x_task_id     in number)
19   return varchar2
20   is
21      l_return_code   varchar2(1) := 'N';
22      l_entry_level   varchar2(1) := 'P';
23      l_baseline_funding   pa_projects_all.baseline_funding_flag%TYPE := 'N';   --Bug 5098809.
25 /* Changes for FP.M, Tracking Bug No - 3354518, we have to split
26    the cursor c_chk_bud below into two different cursors, in accord
27    to the permissible values of _plan_level_code columns
28    The Permissible values for plan level codes are
29     For Project - 'P'
30     and for Task - 'T','L' */
32 /* Commenting out code for FP.M, Tracking Bug No - 3354518 : Starts */
33 /*     cursor c_chk_bud(p_entry_level varchar2) is
34                   select 'Y'
35                   from   pa_budget_versions v,
36                          pa_budget_entry_methods m,
37                          pa_budget_types bt
38                   where  v.project_id = x_project_id
39                   and    v.budget_status_code = 'W'
40                   and    m.entry_level_code = p_entry_level
41                   and    m.time_phased_type_code='N'
42                   and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
43                   and    v.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_Code
44                   and    nvl(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET'
45                   UNION ALL
46                   select 'Y'
47                   from   pa_budget_versions v
48                          ,pa_proj_fp_options fo
49                   where  v.project_id = x_project_id
50                   and    v.budget_version_id = fo.fin_plan_version_id
51                   and    (fo.all_time_phased_code = 'N'
52                             OR fo.cost_time_phased_code = 'N'
53                                OR fo.revenue_time_phased_code = 'N')
54                   and    (fo.all_fin_plan_level_code = p_entry_level
55                             OR fo.cost_fin_plan_level_code = p_entry_level
56                               OR fo.revenue_fin_plan_level_code = p_entry_level); */
58 /* Commenting out code for FP.M, Tracking Bug No - 3354518 : Ends */
60 /* Defining cursor below for checking  if a budget-at-completion exists at the Project level */
61 /* Changes for FP.M, Tracking Bug No - 3354518 */
62             cursor c_chk_bud_p is
63                   select 'Y'
64                   from   pa_budget_versions v,
65                          pa_budget_entry_methods m,
66                          pa_budget_types bt
67                   where  v.project_id = x_project_id
68                   and    v.budget_status_code = 'W'
69                   and    m.entry_level_code = 'P'
70                   and    m.time_phased_type_code='N'
71                   and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
72                   and    v.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_Code
73                   and    nvl(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET'
74 		  and    nvl(v.wp_version_flag,'N') = 'N'
75                   and    'X' = DECODE(l_baseline_funding, 'Y', DECODE(v.budget_type_code, 'AR', 'Z', 'X'), 'X') --Bug 5098809.
76                   UNION ALL
77                   select 'Y'
78                   from   pa_budget_versions v
79                          ,pa_proj_fp_options fo
80                   where  v.project_id = x_project_id
81                   and    v.budget_version_id = fo.fin_plan_version_id
82                   and    fo.project_id = v.project_id  -- raja perf bug 3683360
83                   and    fo.fin_plan_type_id = v.fin_plan_type_id -- raja perf bug 3683360
84                   and    (fo.all_time_phased_code = 'N'
85                             OR fo.cost_time_phased_code = 'N'
86                                OR fo.revenue_time_phased_code = 'N')
87                   and    (fo.all_fin_plan_level_code = 'P'
88                             OR fo.cost_fin_plan_level_code = 'P'
89                               OR fo.revenue_fin_plan_level_code = 'P')
90 	              and    nvl(v.wp_version_flag,'N') = 'N'
91                   and    'X' = DECODE(l_baseline_funding, 'Y', DECODE(v.approved_rev_plan_type_flag, 'Y', 'Z', 'X'), 'X'); --Bug 5098809.
92 /* Defining cursor below for checking  if a budget-at-completion exists at the Task level */
93 /* Changes for FP.M, Tracking Bug No - 3354518 */
94            cursor c_chk_bud_t is
95                   select 'Y'
96                   from   pa_budget_versions v,
97                          pa_budget_entry_methods m,
98                          pa_budget_types bt
99                   where  v.project_id = x_project_id
100                   and    v.budget_status_code = 'W'
101                   and    m.entry_level_code in ('T','L','M')
102                   and    m.time_phased_type_code='N'
103                   and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
104                   and    v.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_Code
105                   and    nvl(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET'
106   		  and    nvl(v.wp_version_flag,'N') = 'N'
107                   and    'X' = DECODE(l_baseline_funding, 'Y', DECODE(v.budget_type_code, 'AR', 'Z', 'X'), 'X') --Bug 5098809.
108                   UNION ALL
109                   select 'Y'
110                   from   pa_budget_versions v
111                          ,pa_proj_fp_options fo
112                   where  v.project_id = x_project_id
113                   and    v.budget_version_id = fo.fin_plan_version_id
114                   and    fo.project_id = v.project_id  -- raja perf bug 3683360
115                   and    fo.fin_plan_type_id = v.fin_plan_type_id -- raja perf bug 3683360
116                   and    (fo.all_time_phased_code = 'N'
117                             OR fo.cost_time_phased_code = 'N'
118                                OR fo.revenue_time_phased_code = 'N')
119                   and    (fo.all_fin_plan_level_code in ('T','L')
120                             OR fo.cost_fin_plan_level_code in ('T','L')
121                               OR fo.revenue_fin_plan_level_code in ('T','L'))
122 		  and    nvl(v.wp_version_flag,'N') = 'N'
123                  and     'X' = DECODE(l_baseline_funding, 'Y', DECODE(v.approved_rev_plan_type_flag, 'Y', 'Z', 'X'), 'X'); --Bug 5098809.
124     begin
126         if (x_project_id is null) then
127             return null;
128         end if;
130 -- Bug 5098809.
131         SELECT nvl(baseline_funding_flag, 'N')
132         INTO   l_baseline_funding
133         FROM   pa_projects_all
134         WHERE  project_id = x_project_id;
136 /* Changes for FP.M, Tracking Bug No - 3354518 ,
137    Since we no longer have a single cursor definition
138    such as c_chk_bud - and we have split the cursor into
139    two different cursors, c_chk_bud_p for project check,
140    and c_chk_bud_t for task check, we modify the logic
141    to derive the value of l_return_code accordingly below*/
143 /* Commenting out code for FP.M, Tracking Bug No - 3354518 : Ends */
144 /*      if (x_task_id is null) then -- Find Project Level Budget
145             l_entry_level := 'P';
146         else
147             l_entry_level := 'T';    -- Find Task Level Budgets
148         end if;
150         open c_chk_bud(l_entry_level);
152         fetch c_chk_bud into l_return_code;
154         if c_chk_bud%found then
155                l_return_code := 'Y';
156         else
157                l_return_code := 'N';
158         end if;
160         close c_chk_bud; */
161 /* Commenting out code for FP.M, Tracking Bug No - 3354518 : Ends */
163 /* If x_task_id is null then we fetch value into l_return_code
164    from cursor c_chk_bud_p else we fetch value from c_chk_bud_r */
165      if (x_task_id is null) then -- Find Project Level Budget
166         open c_chk_bud_p;
167         fetch c_chk_bud_p into l_return_code;
168          if c_chk_bud_p%notfound then
169            l_return_code := 'N';
170          end if;
171         close c_chk_bud_p;
173      else                     -- Find Task Level Budgets
174         open c_chk_bud_t;
175         fetch c_chk_bud_t into l_return_code;
176          if c_chk_bud_t%notfound then    --Bug 5093908.
177            l_return_code := 'N';
178          end if;
179         close c_chk_bud_t;
180      end if;
182         return l_return_code;
184  exception
185         when others then
186              return NULL;
188 end check_budget_at_compl_exists;
190 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 -- This procedure changes the status of a budget to submitted
192 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
193 procedure submit_budget(x_budget_version_id  in      number,
194                         x_err_code           in out  NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
195                         x_err_stage          in out  NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
196                         x_err_stack          in out  NOCOPY varchar2 ) --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
197 is
198    l_old_stack   varchar2(630);
200    begin
201         x_err_code := 0;
202         l_old_stack := x_err_stack;
203         x_err_stack := x_err_stack ||'->pa_budget_utils2.submit_budget';
205        --  Set the budget_status_code to 'S' (Submit).
207         UPDATE pa_budget_versions
208         SET budget_status_code = 'S'
209         WHERE budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id;
211         x_err_stack := l_old_stack;
213   exception
214         when others then
215              x_err_code := SQLCODE;
216              x_err_stage := 'PA_SQL_ERROR';
218   end submit_budget;
220 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
221 -- This procedure changes the status of a budget to working
222 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
223 procedure rework_budget(x_budget_version_id  in      number,
224                         x_err_code           in out  NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
225                         x_err_stage          in out  NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
226                         x_err_stack          in out  NOCOPY varchar2 ) --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
227 is
228    l_old_stack   varchar2(630);
230    begin
231         x_err_code := 0;
232         l_old_stack := x_err_stack;
233         x_err_stack := x_err_stack ||'->pa_budget_utils2.rework_budget';
235        --  Set the budget_status_code to 'W' (Working).
237         UPDATE pa_budget_versions
238         SET budget_status_code = 'W'
239         WHERE budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id;
241         x_err_stack := l_old_stack;
243   exception
244         when others then
245              x_err_code := SQLCODE;
246              x_err_stage := 'PA_SQL_ERROR';
248   end rework_budget;
250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 -- This procedure checks if task is a lowest-level task in budgets .
252 --
253 -- For the old budgets model and org fcst projects, the check should be based
254 -- upon the resource assignments.
255 -- Task is considered as a lowest-level task in a budget in the following cases:
256 -- 1. Task  exists in budgets with BEM "By lowest task".
257 -- 2. Task has a parent task in the WBS, and exists in budgets with BEM
258 --    "By top/lowest task"
259 --
260 -- For the fin-plan model, the check should be based upon the fp elements.
261 -- Subtask creation is not okay for a lowest task in the following cases:
262 -- When x_validation_mode is U (Unrestricted mode)
263 --   . The task has been referred to in any of the baselined budget versions.
264 --   . The option has been planned at lowest task level and amounts have been
265 --     entered against this task.
266 --   . The option has been planned at top and lowest task level, the top task
267 --     of this task is marked to be plannable at lowest task and amounts have
268 --     been entered against this task
269 -- When x_validation_mode is R (Restricted mode),
270 --   .  The task is a plannable element in any budget version.
271 --
272 -- Note: The api is called only for a task that has no children. So, the check
273 -- needn't be done again for looking at the child tasks.
274 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 --
276 --History:
277 --   	xx-xxx-xx	who?	- Created
278 --
279 --      22-AUG-02       jwhite    Adapted procedure to support the new FP model.
280 --      24-APR-03       vejayara  Bug 2920954- Post K changes to support finplan
281 --      05-MAY-03       vejayara  Bug 2920954- Added x_call_mode input paramter.
282 --      12-MAY-03       vejayara  Bug 2920954- Changed x_call_mode input paramter
283 --                                to x_valiation_mode
284 --      05-JUN-03       rravipat  Bug 2993894-
285 --                                In 'Restricted' mode Subtask creation is not okay
286 --                                for a lowest task if the task is referenced for
287 --                                any of the options(project/plantype/planversion)
288 --                                in pa_fp_elements table.
289 --                                Changed c_chk_tsk_bud_R_mode cursor
290 --                                so that in restricted mode the query is not
291 --                                restricted to plan_versions alone.
292 --
293 --
295   function check_task_lowest_in_budgets (x_task_id     in number,
296                                          x_top_task_id in number,
297                                          x_validation_mode   in varchar2)
298   return number
299   is
300      l_return_code   number;
304      cursor c_chk_tsk_bud_R_mode is
305                   select 1
306                   from   dual
307                   where  exists
308                         (select 'x' /* Old budgets model */
309                          from   pa_budget_versions v,
310                                 pa_budget_entry_methods m,
311                                 pa_resource_assignments r
312                          where  r.task_id = x_task_id
313                          and    ( (m.entry_level_code = 'L')
314                                 or
315                                   (m.entry_level_code = 'M'
316                                    and x_task_id <> x_top_task_id)
317                                 )
318                          and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
319                          and    v.budget_version_id = r.budget_version_id
320                          and    v.budget_type_code is not null
321                          union all
322                          select 'x' /* Org Forcast Versions */
323                          from   pa_budget_versions v,
324                                 pa_resource_assignments r,
325                                 pa_fin_plan_types_b pft
326                          where  r.task_id = x_task_id
327                          and    v.budget_type_code is null
328                          and    v.budget_version_id = r.budget_version_id
329                          and    v.fin_plan_type_id = pft.fin_plan_type_id
330                          and    pft.fin_plan_type_code = 'ORG_FORECAST');
331 /* Commenting out the check for New model. FPM Dev changes - Tracking Bug - 3354518 - Starts*/
332 /*                       union all
333                          select 'x' --  Financial plan versions
334                          from   pa_fp_elements  fe
335                           -- Bug 2993894 ,pa_budget_versions bv
336                          where  fe.task_id = x_task_id
337                           -- Bug 2993894 and    fe.fin_plan_version_id = bv.budget_version_id
338                          and    (x_task_id <> x_top_task_id OR fe.top_task_planning_level = 'LOWEST')); */
339 /* Commenting out the check for New model. FPM Dev changes - Tracking Bug - 3354518 - Ends*/
341      cursor c_chk_tsk_bud_U_mode is
342                   select 1
343                   from   dual
344                   where  exists
345                         (select 'x' /* Old budgets model */
346                          from   pa_budget_versions v,
347                                 pa_budget_entry_methods m,
348                                 pa_resource_assignments r
349                          where  r.task_id = x_task_id
350                          and    ( (m.entry_level_code = 'L')
351                                 or
352                                   (m.entry_level_code = 'M'
353                                    and x_task_id <> x_top_task_id)
354                                 )
355                          and    v.budget_entry_method_code = m.budget_entry_method_code
356                          and    v.budget_version_id = r.budget_version_id
357                          and    v.budget_type_code is not null
358                          union all
359                          select 'x' /* Org Forcast Versions */
360                          from   pa_budget_versions v,
361                                 pa_resource_assignments r,
362                                 pa_fin_plan_types_b pft
363                          where  r.task_id = x_task_id
364                          and    v.budget_type_code is null
365                          and    v.budget_version_id = r.budget_version_id
366                          and    v.fin_plan_type_id = pft.fin_plan_type_id
367                          and    pft.fin_plan_type_code = 'ORG_FORECAST');
368 /* Commenting out the check for New model. FPM Dev changes - Tracking Bug - 3354518 - Starts*/
369 /*                         union all
370                          select 'x'-- Financial plan versions
371                          from   pa_fp_elements  fe,
372                                 pa_budget_versions bv
373                          where  fe.task_id = x_task_id
374                          and    fe.fin_plan_version_id = bv.budget_version_id
375                          and    (fe.plan_amount_exists_flag = 'Y' or bv.budget_status_code = 'B')
376                          and    (x_task_id <> x_top_task_id OR fe.top_task_planning_level = 'LOWEST'));*/
377 /* Commenting out the check for New model. FPM Dev changes - Tracking Bug - 3354518 - Ends*/
380   begin
381        if x_validation_mode = 'R' then
383              open c_chk_tsk_bud_R_mode;
385              fetch c_chk_tsk_bud_R_mode into l_return_code;
387              if c_chk_tsk_bud_R_mode%found then
388                     l_return_code := 1; /* Task budget exists */
389              else
390                     l_return_code := 0; /* Task budget doesnt exists */
391              end if;
393              close c_chk_tsk_bud_R_mode;
395       elsif x_validation_mode = 'U' then
397              open c_chk_tsk_bud_U_mode;
399              fetch c_chk_tsk_bud_U_mode into l_return_code;
401              if c_chk_tsk_bud_U_mode%found then
402                     l_return_code := 1; /* Task budget exists */
403              else
404                     l_return_code := 0; /* Task budget doesnt exists */
405              end if;
407              close c_chk_tsk_bud_U_mode;
409       else
411             /* Invalid arguments passed */
413             raise pa_fp_constants_pkg.invalid_arg_exc;
415       end if;
417       return l_return_code;
419  exception
420         when others then
421              l_return_code := NULL;
422              raise;
424 end check_task_lowest_in_budgets;
427 end pa_budget_utils2 ;