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Line 103: ,p_fnd_application_id in number

99: --+
100: end grant_all_rows;
101: --+
102: procedure grant_instance(p_user_name in varchar2
103: ,p_fnd_application_id in number
104: ,p_transaction_type_id IN varchar2) is
105: l_grant_guid raw(16);
106: l_success varchar2(1);
107: l_error_code number;

Line 118: p_instance_pk1_value => p_fnd_application_id,

114: p_menu_name => 'AME_TRANS_TYPE_DATA_PERM_SET',
115: p_object_name => 'AME_TRANSACTION_TYPES',
116: p_instance_type => 'INSTANCE',
117: p_instance_set_id => NULL,
118: p_instance_pk1_value => p_fnd_application_id,
119: p_instance_pk2_value => p_transaction_type_id,
120: p_instance_pk3_value => NULL,
121: p_instance_pk4_value => NULL,
122: p_instance_pk5_value => NULL,

Line 169: ,fnd_application appl

165: ,sec.security_group_key
166: from fnd_user_resp_groups userresp
167: ,fnd_responsibility_vl resp
168: ,fnd_user users
169: ,fnd_application appl
170: ,fnd_security_groups sec
171: where resp.responsibility_id = userresp.responsibility_id
172: and resp.responsibility_key in ('AMELIMUSER'

Line 188: select aca.fnd_application_id

184: (resp.end_date is null or resp.end_date > sysdate)
185: order by userresp.user_id, resp.responsibility_key;
186: --+
187: cursor get_sec_web_attr(p_user_id in number) is
188: select aca.fnd_application_id
189: ,aca.transaction_type_id
190: from ak_web_user_sec_attr_values sec
191: ,fnd_application app
192: ,ame_calling_apps aca

Line 191: ,fnd_application app

187: cursor get_sec_web_attr(p_user_id in number) is
188: select aca.fnd_application_id
189: ,aca.transaction_type_id
190: from ak_web_user_sec_attr_values sec
191: ,fnd_application app
192: ,ame_calling_apps aca
193: where sec.attribute_code = 'AME_INTERNAL_TRANS_TYPE_ID'
194: and app.application_short_name = 'ICX'
195: and sec.attribute_application_id = app.application_id

Line 306: secattr.fnd_application_id||', '||secattr.transaction_type_id);

302: --+
303: for secattr in get_sec_web_attr(p_user_id => rec.user_id) loop
304: --+
305: log_message('user: '||rec.user_name||' securing attribute: '||
306: secattr.fnd_application_id||', '||secattr.transaction_type_id);
307: --+
308: grant_instance(p_user_name => rec.user_name
309: ,p_fnd_application_id => secattr.fnd_application_id
310: ,p_transaction_type_id => secattr.transaction_type_id);

Line 309: ,p_fnd_application_id => secattr.fnd_application_id

305: log_message('user: '||rec.user_name||' securing attribute: '||
306: secattr.fnd_application_id||', '||secattr.transaction_type_id);
307: --+
308: grant_instance(p_user_name => rec.user_name
309: ,p_fnd_application_id => secattr.fnd_application_id
310: ,p_transaction_type_id => secattr.transaction_type_id);
311: --+
312: end loop;
313: l_current_user_id := rec.user_id;

Line 418: from fnd_application

414: l_request_id number;
415: --+
416: cursor get_program_application is
417: select application_short_name
418: from fnd_application
419: where application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id;
420: --+
421: cursor get_program is
422: select concurrent_program_name