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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 154

    select 'exists'
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    plan_id = -1
    and publisher_order_type = ALLOCATED_ONHAND
    and    customer_id = p_customer_id
    and    nvl(customer_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_site_id,-99)
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99)
    and    vmi_flag = 1;
Line: 168

    select round(nvl(primary_quantity,0),6) primary_quantity,
           round(nvl(tp_quantity,0),6) tp_quantity,
           --(quantity - nvl(quantity_in_process,0) - nvl(implemented_quantity,0)) available_quantity,
           to_char(receipt_date, dformat) receipt_date,
           new_order_placement_date rtf_start_date,
           receipt_date rtf_end_date
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    where      plan_id = -1
    and    publisher_order_type = REPLENISHMENT
    and    customer_id = p_customer_id
    and    nvl(customer_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_site_id,-99)
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99)
    and    release_status in (0,1)
    and    vmi_flag = 1;
Line: 196

    select round(nvl(quantity_in_process,0), 6) qip, round(implemented_quantity,6) ip
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    where    plan_id = -1
    and    publisher_order_type = REPLENISHMENT
    and    customer_id = p_customer_id
    and    customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99)
    and    release_status = 1
    and    vmi_flag = 1;
Line: 211

    select round(sum(primary_quantity),6) primary_quantity,
           round(sum(tp_quantity),6) tp_quantity
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    where      plan_id = -1
    and      publisher_order_type in (REQUISITION, PO)
    and    customer_id = p_customer_id
    and    customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99)
    and    receipt_date <= nvl(l_rtf_end_date, receipt_date)
    and    vmi_flag = 1;
Line: 226

    select nvl(round(primary_quantity,6),0) primary_quantity,
           nvl(round(tp_quantity,6),0) tp_quantity,
           to_char(new_schedule_date, dformat ) last_update_date,
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    where      plan_id = -1
    and      publisher_order_type = c_onhand_type
    and    customer_id = p_customer_id
    and    nvl(customer_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_site_id,-99)
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99)
    and    vmi_flag = 1
    order  by new_schedule_date desc;
Line: 251

    select ((a.quantity * src_org.allocation_percent)/100) quantity1,
           to_char(a.new_schedule_date, dformat ) last_update_date,
  msc_sup_dem_entries a,
  msc_trading_partner_maps map,
  msc_trading_partners tp,
  msc_assignment_sets assignmentset,
  msc_sr_assignments assignment,
  msc_sr_receipt_org rec_org,
  msc_sr_source_org  src_org,
  msc_trading_partner_maps map1,
  msc_trading_partner_maps map2,
  msc_company_sites site,
  msc_companies cp,
  msc_company_relationships rel
where      plan_id = -1
    and     a.publisher_order_type = UNALLOCATED_ONHAND
    and a.customer_id = p_customer_id
    and a.customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
    and a.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and a.customer_site_id = map.company_key
    and map.map_type = 2
    and map.tp_key = tp.partner_id
    and assignmentset.assignment_set_name = 'dmt:Supplier Scheduling'
    and assignmentset.assignment_set_id = assignment.assignment_set_id
    and assignment.organization_id = tp.sr_tp_id
    and assignment.sr_instance_id = tp.sr_instance_id
    and assignment.inventory_item_id = a.inventory_item_id
    and assignment.sourcing_rule_id = rec_org.sourcing_rule_id
    and rec_org.sr_receipt_id = src_org.sr_receipt_id -- one to many: one item may have multiple suppliers
    and src_org.source_partner_id = map1.tp_key
    and map1.map_type = 1
    and map1.company_key = rel.relationship_id
    and rel.relationship_type = 2
    and rel.object_id = cp.company_id --supplier company id in MSC_COMPANIES
    and cp.company_id = p_supplier_id
    and src_org.source_partner_site_id = map2.tp_key
    and map2.map_type = 3
    and map2.company_key = site.company_site_id
    and site.company_site_id = p_supplier_site_id
    order  by a.new_schedule_date desc;
Line: 303

      SELECT count(*) count,
             round(SUM(primary_quantity),6) primary_quantity,
             round(SUM(decode(publisher_id, supplier_id, tp_quantity, primary_quantity)),6) tp_quantity
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    where  plan_id = -1
    and    publisher_order_type = ASN
    and    supplier_id = p_supplier_id
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id, -99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id, -99)
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(customer_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_id,-99)
    and    nvl(customer_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_site_id,-99)
    and    receipt_date <= nvl(l_rtf_end_date, receipt_date)
    and    vmi_flag = 1;
Line: 319

    select order_number,
           to_char(receipt_date, dformat) next_asn_date,
           nvl(round(primary_quantity,6),0) primary_quantity,
           nvl(round(decode(publisher_id, supplier_id, tp_quantity, primary_quantity),6),0) tp_quantity,
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    where  plan_id = -1
    and    publisher_order_type = ASN
    and    supplier_id = p_supplier_id
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id, -99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id, -99)
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(customer_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_id,-99)
    and    nvl(customer_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_site_id,-99)
    and    receipt_date <= nvl(l_rtf_end_date, receipt_date)
    and    vmi_flag = 1
    order  by receipt_date asc;
Line: 345

    select to_char(new_schedule_date, dformat) last_delivery_date ,
           nvl(round(primary_quantity,6),0) primary_quantity,
           nvl(round(tp_quantity, 6),0) tp_quantity,
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    where  plan_id = -1
    and    publisher_order_type = SHIPMENT_RECEIPT
    and    customer_id = p_customer_id
    and    nvl(customer_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_site_id,-99)
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99)
    and    receipt_date <= nvl(l_rtf_end_date, receipt_date)
    and    vmi_flag = 1
    order  by receipt_date desc;
Line: 369

    select round(sum(primary_quantity),6) primary_quantity,
           round(sum(tp_quantity),6) tp_quantity
    from   msc_sup_dem_entries
    where  plan_id = -1
    and    publisher_order_type = SHIPMENT_RECEIPT
    and    customer_id = p_customer_id
    and    nvl(customer_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_site_id,-99)
    and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and    nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
    and    nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99)
    and    receipt_date <= nvl(l_rtf_end_date, receipt_date)
    and    vmi_flag = 1;
Line: 383

    SELECT min_minmax_quantity,min_minmax_days,
     max_minmax_quantity, max_minmax_days, enable_vmi_auto_replenish_flag, vmi_replenishment_approval,
        using_organization_id, uom_code,
        --average_daily_demand AS average_daily_usage,
    FROM msc_item_suppliers
    WHERE plan_id = -1
    and   sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
    and   organization_id = p_organization_id
    and   inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and   supplier_id = p_tp_supplier_id
    and   supplier_site_id = p_tp_supplier_site_id
    and   vmi_flag = 1
    order by using_organization_id desc;
Line: 404

    SELECT  min_minmax_quantity, max_minmax_quantity,
            inventory_planning_code, reorder_point, economic_order_quantity,
            --decode(round(item.average_annual_demand/365), 0, -1,
        msc_system_items item
    WHERE plan_id = -1
    and   sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
    and   organization_id = p_organization_id
    and   inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 419

    select company_id
    from msc_company_users
         user_id = FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
Line: 425

    select unit_of_measure
    from msc_units_of_measure
    where uom_code = l_customer_uom_code;
Line: 593

                onhand_rec.last_update_date  ||delim ;
Line: 609

                unallocated_onhand_rec.last_update_date  ||delim ;
Line: 875

      SELECT nvl(msde.primary_quantity, 0.0), msde.receipt_date, msde.primary_uom
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries msde
       WHERE msde.customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND msde.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND msde.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND msde.publisher_order_type = SHIPMENT_RECEIPT
         AND msde.receipt_date <= nvl(p_time_fence_end_date, msde.receipt_date)
         AND msde.plan_id = -1
      ORDER BY msde.receipt_date DESC;
Line: 887

      SELECT nvl(msde.primary_quantity, 0.0), msde.primary_uom
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries msde
       WHERE customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND publisher_order_type = SHIPMENT_RECEIPT
         AND plan_id = -1;
Line: 964

      SELECT nvl(so.primary_quantity, 0), primary_uom
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries so
       WHERE so.publisher_order_type = SALES_ORDER
         AND so.customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND so.customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND so.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND so.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND so.internal_flag = INTERNAL_FLAG_SET
         AND so.plan_id = -1
         AND trunc(nvl(so.receipt_date,so.key_date)) <= trunc(nvl(p_time_fence_end_date,nvl(so.receipt_date,so.key_date)));
Line: 977

      SELECT nvl(req.primary_quantity, 0), primary_uom
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries req
       WHERE req.publisher_order_type = REQUISITION
         AND req.customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND req.customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND req.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND req.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND req.internal_flag = INTERNAL_FLAG_SET
         AND req.link_trans_id IS NULL
         AND req.plan_id = -1
         AND req.receipt_date <= nvl(p_time_fence_end_date, req.receipt_date);
Line: 1048

      SELECT nvl(msde.primary_quantity, 0.0), primary_uom
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries msde
       WHERE customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND publisher_order_type = SALES_ORDER
         AND internal_flag is null
         AND trunc(nvl(receipt_date,key_date)) <= trunc(nvl(p_time_fence_end_date,nvl(receipt_date,key_date)))
         AND plan_id = -1;
Line: 1094

    SELECT order_number,
           receipt_date AS next_asn_date,
           primary_quantity AS primary_quantity, primary_uom
      FROM msc_sup_dem_entries msde
     WHERE msde.plan_id = -1
       AND msde.publisher_order_type = ASN
       AND msde.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
       AND msde.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND msde.customer_id = p_customer_id
       AND msde.customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
       AND trunc(nvl(msde.receipt_date,msde.key_date)) <= trunc(nvl(p_time_fence_end_date, nvl(msde.receipt_date,msde.key_date)))
    ORDER BY msde.receipt_date DESC;
Line: 1109

      SELECT nvl(msde.primary_quantity, 0.0), primary_uom
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries msde
       WHERE customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND publisher_order_type = ASN
         AND plan_id = -1
         AND trunc(nvl(msde.receipt_date,msde.key_date)) <= trunc(nvl(p_time_fence_end_date, nvl(msde.receipt_date,msde.key_date)))
         AND (p_asn_auto_expire = ASN_AUTO_EXPIRE_YES AND SYSDATE <= receipt_date OR
              p_asn_auto_expire = ASN_AUTO_EXPIRE_NO);
Line: 1187

      SELECT msde.primary_quantity, msde.receipt_date, msde.quantity_in_process
        INTO l_replenishment_quantity, l_replenishment_date, l_quantity_in_process
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries msde
       WHERE customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND publisher_order_type = REPLENISHMENT
         AND plan_id = -1;
Line: 1293

      SELECT msi.vmi_minimum_units, msi.vmi_minimum_days, msi.vmi_maximum_units, msi.vmi_maximum_days,
             msi.so_authorization_flag,  msi.asn_autoexpire_flag,
             msi.consigned_flag,msi.vmi_fixed_order_quantity, msi.uom_code, msi.item_name,
             NVL(msi.preprocessing_lead_time, 0) + NVL(msi.full_lead_time, 0) + nvl(postprocessing_lead_time, 0) AS lead_time,
             msi.forecast_horizon, NVL(msi.source_org_id,NOT_EXISTS)
        INTO l_min_minmax_qty, l_min_minmax_days, l_max_minmax_qty, l_max_minmax_days,
             l_so_authorization_flag,  l_asn_auto_expire, l_consigned,
             l_fixed_order_quantity,l_supplier_uom_code, l_item_name, l_lead_time,l_forecast_horizon,
        FROM msc_system_items msi
       WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND msi.sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
         AND msi.plan_id = -1;
Line: 1340

      SELECT nvl(primary_quantity, 0), new_schedule_date, primary_uom
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries
       WHERE plan_id = -1
         AND publisher_order_type = ALLOCATED_ONHAND
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND plan_id = -1;
Line: 1363

         SELECT primary_quantity, new_schedule_date, primary_uom
           INTO l_sum_unallocated_qty, l_unallocated_date, l_primary_uom
           FROM msc_sup_dem_entries
          WHERE plan_id = -1
            AND publisher_order_type = UNALLOCATED_ONHAND
            AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
            AND publisher_id = p_customer_id
            AND publisher_site_id = p_customer_site_id
            AND plan_id = -1
            AND rownum = 1
         ORDER BY new_schedule_date DESC;
Line: 1396

 *	selected in separate cursors. At present for different allocated onhands we have different dates
 *      ( one of them is null at present in systest)

      -- Allocated Onhand
      OPEN c1;
Line: 1556

      l_onhand_last_update_date DATE;
Line: 1628

                               l_current_onhand_quantity, l_onhand_last_update_date);
Line: 1726

           || delim || l_onhand_last_update_date
           || delim || l_intransit_count
           || delim || l_intransit_qty
           || delim || l_intransit_nextasn_ordernum
           || delim || l_intransit_nextdate
           || delim || l_intransit_nextasn_qty
           || delim || l_last_receipt_date
           || delim || l_last_receipt_qty
           || delim || l_graph_name
           || delim || l_inventory_planning_code
           || delim || l_reorder_point
           || delim || l_economic_order_quantity
           || delim || l_average_daily_usage
           || delim || l_customer_item_name
           || delim || l_customer_item_desc
           || delim || l_supplier_item_name
           || delim || l_supplier_item_desc
           || delim || l_implemented_quantity
           || delim || l_supplier_uom_code
           || delim || l_quantity_in_process
           || delim || l_total_receipt_quantity
           || delim || l_owner_item_name
           || delim || l_owner_item_desc
           || delim || nvl(l_min_minmax_quantity, 0)
           || delim || nvl(l_max_minmax_quantity, 0)
           || delim || l_supplier_to_customer_rate
           || delim || nvl(l_min_minmax_days, 0)
           || delim || nvl(l_max_minmax_days, 0)
           || delim || l_auto_replenish_flag
           || delim || l_release_method
           || delim || l_asn_auto_expire
           || delim || l_consigned
           || delim || l_replenishment_method;
Line: 1782

       SELECT 'exists'
       FROM   msc_sup_dem_entries
       WHERE plan_id = -1
       AND publisher_order_type = ALLOCATED_ONHAND
       AND customer_id = p_customer_id
       AND nvl(customer_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_customer_site_id,-99)
       AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
       AND nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99);
Line: 1852

      SELECT nvl(i.min_minmax_quantity,0) min_minmax_quantity, nvl(i.max_minmax_quantity,0) max_minmax_quantity,
              i.processing_lead_time AS processing_lead_time
      FROM msc_item_suppliers i, msc_items s, msc_trading_partners tp, msc_trading_partner_maps map_cust, msc_company_sites cust_site,
      msc_trading_partner_maps map_supp, msc_company_sites supp_site, msc_trading_partner_maps map_rel,
      msc_company_relationships rel
      WHERE i.plan_id = -1
     -- AND i.vmi_flag = 1
      AND i.inventory_item_id = s.inventory_item_id
      AND i.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND tp.sr_instance_id = i.sr_instance_id
      AND tp.sr_tp_id = i.organization_id
      AND tp.partner_id = map_cust.tp_key
      AND map_cust.map_type = 2
      AND map_cust.company_key = cust_site.company_site_Id
      AND cust_site.company_id = p_customer_id
      AND cust_site.company_site_id = p_customer_site_id
      AND map_supp.tp_key = i.supplier_site_id
      AND map_supp.map_type = 3
      AND map_supp.company_key = supp_site.company_site_id
      AND supp_site.company_site_id = p_supplier_site_id
      AND supp_site.company_id = p_supplier_id
      AND i.supplier_id = map_rel.tp_key
      AND map_rel.map_type = 1
      AND map_rel.company_key = rel.relationship_id
      AND rel.relationship_type = 2
      AND rel.subject_id = p_customer_id
      AND rel.object_id = p_supplier_id;
Line: 1952

      SELECT sum(primary_quantity) as primary_quantity, trunc(key_date) as key_date, primary_uom
        FROM msc_sup_dem_entries
       WHERE plan_id = -1
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND customer_id = p_customer_id
         AND customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
         AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
	 group by key_date,primary_uom;
Line: 2090

      SELECT primary_quantity AS primary_quantity,
             trunc(key_date) AS key_date,
             bucket_type as bucket_type, primary_uom
      FROM   msc_sup_dem_entries
      WHERE  plan_id = -1
      AND    publisher_order_type = SAFETY_STOCK
      AND    publisher_id = p_customer_id
      AND    publisher_site_id = p_customer_site_id
      AND    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      ORDER BY trunc(key_date);
Line: 2160

    SELECT primary_quantity AS primary_quantity,
           tp_quantity AS tp_quantity, trunc(key_date) AS key_date, primary_uom
    FROM   msc_sup_dem_entries
    WHERE  plan_id = -1
    AND    publisher_order_type = REQUISITION
    AND    customer_id = p_customer_id
    AND    customer_site_id = p_customer_site_id
    AND    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    AND    nvl(supplier_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_id,-99)
    AND    nvl(supplier_site_id,-99) = nvl(p_supplier_site_id,-99);
Line: 2214

         SELECT msc_x_hz_ui_query_id_s.nextval INTO l_query_id FROM Dual;
Line: 2216

               (query_id, graph_date, onhand, order_forecast, req, po, asn, receipt,
                projected_onhand, supply_within_lead_time,
                MIN, max, safety_stock, recommended_replenishment)
            VALUES (l_query_id,p_graph(l_current_record).graph_date,p_graph(l_current_record).onhand,
Line: 2265

      SELECT status_date
        INTO l_start_date
        FROM msc_plan_org_status
       WHERE plan_id = -1
         AND organization_id = -1
         AND sr_instance_id = -1;
Line: 2290

         SELECT maps.company_key
           INTO l_source_site_id
           FROM msc_trading_partner_maps maps, msc_trading_partners tp
          WHERE tp.partner_type = ASCP_TP_MAP_TYPE_ORG
            AND tp.sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
            AND tp.sr_tp_id = p_source_org_id
            AND tp.partner_id = maps.tp_key
            AND maps.map_type = TP_MAP_TYPE_ORG;
Line: 2305

            select mrp_atp_schedule_temp_s.nextval
              into l_session_id
              from dual;
Line: 2516

    SELECT sum(primary_quantity),key_date
    FROM   msc_sup_dem_entries supdem
    WHERE supdem.publisher_order_type in (20,13,15,16)
    AND	  supdem.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    AND   supdem.customer_id=p_customer_id
    AND   supdem.customer_site_id=p_customer_site_id
    AND   supdem.supplier_id=p_supplier_id
    AND   supdem.supplier_site_id=p_supplier_site_id
    AND   supdem.plan_id=p_plan_id
    group by key_date
    having (trunc(key_date)>trunc(sysdate) and trunc(key_date)<=trunc(sysdate+l_forecast_horizon) );
Line: 2535

       SELECT sum(primary_quantity),key_date
	   FROM   msc_sup_dem_entries supdem
	   WHERE publisher_order_type =2
	   AND    supdem.inventory_item_id=p_inventory_item_id
	   AND   supdem.customer_id=p_customer_id
       AND   supdem.customer_site_id=p_customer_site_id
       AND   supdem.supplier_id=p_supplier_id
       AND   supdem.supplier_site_id=p_supplier_site_id
       AND   supdem.plan_id=p_plan_id
       group by key_date
       having (trunc(key_date)>trunc(sysdate) and trunc(key_date)<=trunc(sysdate+l_forecast_horizon) );
Line: 2551

       SELECT  nvl(forecast_horizon,0) forecast_horizon, nvl(min_minmax_quantity,0) min_minmax_quantity, nvl(max_minmax_quantity,
       0) max_minmax_quantity,nvl(min_minmax_days,0) min_minmax_days ,nvl(max_minmax_days,0) max_minmax_days,nvl(fixed_order_quantity,0) fixed_order_quantity, replenishment_method,
       nvl(processing_lead_time,0) processing_lead_time
       FROM  msc_item_suppliers mis
       WHERE mis.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND  mis.plan_id = p_plan_id
       AND  mis.sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
       AND  mis.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND  mis. supplier_id = p_tp_supplier_id
       AND  mis. supplier_site_id = p_tp_supplier_site_id
       and   vmi_flag = 1
       order by using_organization_id desc;
Line: 2572

       SELECT primary_quantity
	   FROM   msc_sup_dem_entries supdem
	   WHERE publisher_order_type =9
	   AND   supdem.inventory_item_id=p_inventory_item_id
	   AND   supdem.customer_id=p_customer_id
       AND   supdem.customer_site_id=p_customer_site_id
       AND   supdem.supplier_id=p_supplier_id
       AND   supdem.supplier_site_id=p_supplier_site_id
       AND   supdem.plan_id=p_plan_id;
Line: 2586

       SELECT distinct number1
       FROM  msc_plan_org_status
       WHERE plan_id=-1
       AND   sr_instance_id=-1
       AND   organization_id=-1 ;
Line: 2901

    *   Prior to populating the data delete all the records

    delete from msc_vmi_graph;
Line: 2915

            INSERT INTO msc_vmi_graph(query_id,graph_date,projected_onhand,min,max)
            VALUES( v_index,(sysdate+v_index-1),t_table_pab(v_index), l_min_quantity,l_max_quantity);
Line: 2924

            INSERT INTO msc_vmi_graph(query_id,graph_date,projected_onhand,min,max)
            VALUES(v_index,(sysdate+v_index-1), t_table_pab(v_index),l_min_quantity,l_fix_quantity);
Line: 2932

            INSERT INTO msc_vmi_graph(query_id,graph_date,projected_onhand,min,max)
            VALUES(v_index, (sysdate+v_index-1),t_table_pab_days(v_index),l_min_days,l_max_days);
Line: 2940

            INSERT INTO msc_vmi_graph(query_id,graph_date,projected_onhand,min,max)
            VALUES(v_index,(sysdate+v_index-1), t_table_pab_days(v_index),l_min_days,l_fix_days);
Line: 2980

       SELECT nvl(sum(primary_quantity),0)
    FROM   msc_sup_dem_entries supdem
    WHERE publisher_order_type =2
    AND    supdem.inventory_item_id=p_inventory_item_id
    AND   supdem.customer_id=p_customer_id
       AND   supdem.customer_site_id=p_customer_site_id
       AND   supdem.supplier_id=p_supplier_id
       AND   supdem.supplier_site_id=p_supplier_site_id
       AND   supdem.plan_id=p_plan_id
       AND (trunc(key_date)>=trunc(sysdate +v_index-1) and trunc(key_date)
Line: 3052

		   select maps.company_key
		   into l_source_site_id
		   from msc_trading_partner_maps maps,
			msc_trading_partners tp
		   where tp.partner_type = 3
		   and tp.sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
		   and tp.sr_tp_id = p_source_org_id
		   and tp.partner_id = maps.tp_key
		   and maps.map_type = 2;
Line: 3082

		       select mrp_atp_schedule_temp_s.nextval
			 into l_session_id
			 from dual;
Line: 3141

    SELECT using_organization_id,
        nvl(average_daily_demand,0.0) average_daily_usage
    FROM msc_vmi_temp
    WHERE plan_id = -1
    and   sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
    and   organization_id = p_organization_id
    and   inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and   supplier_id = p_tp_supplier_id
    and   supplier_site_id = p_tp_supplier_site_id
    and   vmi_type = 1
    order by using_organization_id desc;
Line: 3185

    SELECT nvl(average_daily_demand,0.0) average_daily_usage
    FROM msc_vmi_temp
    WHERE plan_id = -1
    and   sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
    and   organization_id = p_organization_id
    and   inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    and   vmi_type = 2;