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Line 699: -- - Standard POs

695: --
696: -- The following documents are checked to find the best possible price:
697: -- - Blanket POs (no consideration for CUMULATIVE/
698: -- NON CUMULATIVE price break)
699: -- - Standard POs
700: -- - Planned POs
701: --
702: -- Date check is against approved_date on the shipment level
703: -- Standard/Planned use a 6 month +/- spread for date check.

Line 703: -- Standard/Planned use a 6 month +/- spread for date check.

699: -- - Standard POs
700: -- - Planned POs
701: --
702: -- Date check is against approved_date on the shipment level
703: -- Standard/Planned use a 6 month +/- spread for date check.
704: -- Only Approved POs are considered
705: -- Price = 0 is ignored
706: --
707: -- These documents are matched by:

Line 792: OR(pll.shipment_type = 'STANDARD'

788: AND Trunc(v_creation_date) <= Nvl(pol.expiration_date,v_creation_date))
789: OR(pll.shipment_type = 'BLANKET'
790: AND v_approved_date BETWEEN NVL(poh.start_date, pll.approved_date) AND NVL(poh.end_date, v_approved_date)
791: AND pol.unit_price > 0)
792: OR(pll.shipment_type = 'STANDARD'
793: AND v_approved_date BETWEEN (pll.approved_date - 180) AND (pll.approved_date + 180)
794: AND pol.unit_price > 0)
795: OR(pll.shipment_type = 'PLANNED'
796: AND v_approved_date BETWEEN (pll.approved_date - 180) AND (pll.approved_date + 180)