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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

        select least(effective_start_date),greatest(effective_end_date)
        into l_effective_start_date,l_effective_end_date
        from pay_element_types_f
        where element_type_id =p_element_type_id;
Line: 56

                ,p_insert_update_flag     => 'NULL'
                ,p_input_value_id         => l_input_value_id
                ,p_rowid                  => ''
                ,p_recurring_flag         => 'R'
                ,p_mandatory_flag         => 'N'
                ,p_hot_default_flag       => 'N'
                ,p_standard_link_flag     => 'N'
                ,p_classification_type    => p_classification_type
                ,p_name                   => p_input_value_name
                ,p_uom                    => p_uom_code
                ,p_min_value              => ''
                ,p_max_value              => ''
                ,p_default_value          => ''
                ,p_lookup_type            => ''
                ,p_formula_id             => NULL
                ,p_generate_db_items_flag => 'Y'
                ,p_warning_or_error       => '');
Line: 78

                update pay_input_values_f
                set name = p_base_name
                where input_value_id = l_input_value_id;
Line: 125

        select *
          from pay_element_links_f
         where element_link_id in ( select pel.element_link_id
          from pay_element_links_f pel,
                   pay_input_values_f piv
         where pel.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
           and piv.input_value_id = p_pto_input_value_id
           and p_effective_date between pel.effective_start_date
           and pel.effective_end_date
           and p_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date
           and piv.effective_end_date );
Line: 138

        select classification_id
          from pay_element_types_f
         where element_type_id =(select element_type_id from pay_input_values_f
         where input_value_id = p_pto_input_value_id)
           and rownum = 1;
Line: 145

        select meaning
          from hr_lookups
         where lookup_type = 'NAME_TRANSLATIONS'
           and lookup_code = p_code;
Line: 151

        select CLASSIFICATION_ID
        from  pay_element_classifications
        where LEGISLATION_CODE       = 'FR'
        and CLASSIFICATION_NAME = 'Accrual Information';
Line: 157

        select f1.formula_id
         from  ff_formulas_f f1, ff_formula_types ft
        where  f1.formula_name = 'FR_PROCESS_IN_LAST_PRORATION_PERIOD_PROCESSED'
        and   f1.formula_type_id = ft.formula_type_id
         and   ft.formula_type_name = 'Element Skip'
         and   f1.effective_start_date = (select max(f0.effective_start_date)
                                            from ff_formulas_f f0
                                             where f0.legislation_code = 'FR'
                                             and f0.formula_id = f1.formula_id
                                             and f0.formula_type_id = f1.formula_type_id
                                             and f0.business_Group_id is null);
Line: 202

  SELECT formula_id
  FROM ff_formulas_f
  AND    legislation_code = 'FR';
Line: 208

  from  pay_element_classifications
  where LEGISLATION_CODE       = 'FR'
  and CLASSIFICATION_NAME = 'Earnings';
Line: 214

  select TAG ||' : '||meaning
Line: 233

       select hl.meaning
                into l_act_term_date
                from hr_lookups hl
                where hl.lookup_type='TERMINATION_RULE'
                and hl.lookup_code='A';
Line: 240

       select event_group_id
       into l_proration_group_id
       from pay_event_groups
       event_group_name = 'FR_BASIC';
Line: 272

          update pay_element_types_f
          set element_information1 = 'TERMINATION_HOLIDAY_PAY' --	l_element_group
             ,element_information_category = 'FR_EARNINGS'
             ,proration_group_id = l_proration_group_id
          where element_type_id = l_element_id;
Line: 404

        /* Need to select the ip value id for Pay Value  as this is created automatically */
        Select input_value_id
        into l_input_value(6).input_value_id
        from pay_input_values_f
        where element_type_id = l_element_id
        and name = 'Pay Value';
Line: 432

                  update the result rule to have the correct input value id */
               update pay_formula_result_rules_f
               set input_value_id = l_input_value(l_index).input_value_id
               where formula_result_rule_id = l_fres_rule_id;
Line: 444

                update pay_accrual_plans set
                 information28  = l_input_value(3).input_value_id  -- index 3 holds rate
                ,information29  = l_input_value(2).input_value_id  -- index 2 holds date
                where accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
Line: 452

                  update pay_accrual_plans set
                    information28  = l_input_value(3).input_value_id
                   ,information29  = l_input_value(2).input_value_id
                 where accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
Line: 525

                select hl.meaning
                into l_post_term_rule
                from hr_lookups hl
                where hl.lookup_type='TERMINATION_RULE'
                and hl.lookup_code='F';                           -- Final Close
Line: 531

                select name,legislation_code
                into l_bg_name,l_leg_code
                from per_business_groups
                where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 864

                update pay_accrual_plans set
                 information8  = input_value_table(3)
                ,information9  = input_value_table(4)
                ,information10 = input_value_table(5)
                ,information11 = input_value_table(6)
                ,information12 = input_value_table(7)
                ,information13 = input_value_table(12)
                ,information14 = input_value_table(13)
                ,information15 = input_value_table(14)
                ,information16 = input_value_table(15)
                ,information17 = input_value_table(16)
                ,information18 = input_value_table(21)
                ,information19 = input_value_table(22)
                ,information20 = input_value_table(23)
                ,information21 = input_value_table(24)
                ,information22 = input_value_table(25)
                ,information23 = input_value_table(2)
                ,information24 = input_value_table(11)
                ,information25 = input_value_table(20)
                ,information26 = input_value_table(28)
                ,information27 = input_value_table(29)
                where accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
Line: 890

                  update pay_accrual_plans set
                         information8  = input_value_table(3)
                        ,information13 = input_value_table(12)
                        ,information18 = input_value_table(21)
                        ,information23 = input_value_table(2)
                        ,information24 = input_value_table(11)
                        ,information25 = input_value_table(20)
                        ,information26 = input_value_table(28)
                 where accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
Line: 1331

          update pay_element_types_f
          set processing_priority = 9590
             ,formula_id = nvl(l_new_skip_rule_id, formula_id)
          where element_name = p_accrual_plan_name
          and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;