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Line 12: from mst_trips

8: -- local variables
9: l_num_of_loads number;
10: cursor cm_loads IS
11: select count(trip_id)
12: from mst_trips
13: where plan_id = arg_plan_id
14: and continuous_move_id = arg_continuous_move_id;
15: begin
16: open cm_loads;

Line 37: from mst_trips

33: -- local variables
34: l_distance number;
35: cursor cm_distance IS
36: select sum(total_trip_distance)
37: from mst_trips
38: where plan_id = arg_plan_id
39: and continuous_move_id = arg_continuous_move_id;
40: begin
41: open cm_distance;

Line 127: select count(1) from mst_trips

123: l_percent NUMBER := null;
124: l_tl_count NUMBER;
125: l_tl_in_cm_count NUMBER;
126: cursor tl_count is
127: select count(1) from mst_trips
128: where plan_id = arg_plan_id
129: and mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
130: --Bug_Fix for 3803450
131: -- and move_type = 2;

Line 135: select count(1) from mst_trips

131: -- and move_type = 2;
132: and nvl ( move_type, 2 ) = 2;
134: cursor tl_in_cm_count is
135: select count(1) from mst_trips
136: where plan_id = arg_plan_id
137: and mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
138: and continuous_move_id is not null
139: --Bug_Fix for 3803450