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Line 43: IF hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'DE') THEN

40: --
41: --
42: -- Check if DE is installed
43: IF hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'DE') THEN
45: -- The Work Stop Date must be on or after Work Incident Date.
46: --
47: IF p_inc_information10 IS NOT NULL THEN

Line 96: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_STOP_DATE_TOO_EARLY');

92: --
93: -- Work stop date is before the work incident date.
94: --
95: WHEN work_stop_date_too_early THEN
96: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_STOP_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
97: hr_utility.raise_error;
98: --
99: --
100: -- Payment stop date is before the work incident date.

Line 97: hr_utility.raise_error;

93: -- Work stop date is before the work incident date.
94: --
95: WHEN work_stop_date_too_early THEN
96: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_STOP_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
97: hr_utility.raise_error;
98: --
99: --
100: -- Payment stop date is before the work incident date.
101: --

Line 103: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_PYMNT_DATE_TOO_EARLY');

99: --
100: -- Payment stop date is before the work incident date.
101: --
102: WHEN payment_end_date_too_early THEN
103: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_PYMNT_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
104: hr_utility.raise_error;
105: --
106: --
107: -- Work resumption date is before the work incident date.

Line 104: hr_utility.raise_error;

100: -- Payment stop date is before the work incident date.
101: --
102: WHEN payment_end_date_too_early THEN
103: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_PYMNT_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
104: hr_utility.raise_error;
105: --
106: --
107: -- Work resumption date is before the work incident date.
108: --

Line 110: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_RESUMP_DATE_TOO_EARLY');

106: --
107: -- Work resumption date is before the work incident date.
108: --
109: WHEN work_resump_date_too_early THEN
110: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_RESUMP_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
111: hr_utility.raise_error;
112: --
113: --
114: -- Job start date is after the work incident date.

Line 111: hr_utility.raise_error;

107: -- Work resumption date is before the work incident date.
108: --
109: WHEN work_resump_date_too_early THEN
110: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_RESUMP_DATE_TOO_EARLY');
111: hr_utility.raise_error;
112: --
113: --
114: -- Job start date is after the work incident date.
115: --

Line 117: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_JOB_START_DATE_TOO_LATE');

113: --
114: -- Job start date is after the work incident date.
115: --
116: WHEN job_start_date_too_late THEN
117: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_JOB_START_DATE_TOO_LATE');
118: hr_utility.raise_error;
119: --
120: --
121: -- Work Stop Date is after the Work Resumption Date.

Line 118: hr_utility.raise_error;

114: -- Job start date is after the work incident date.
115: --
116: WHEN job_start_date_too_late THEN
117: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_JOB_START_DATE_TOO_LATE');
118: hr_utility.raise_error;
119: --
120: --
121: -- Work Stop Date is after the Work Resumption Date.
122: --

Line 124: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_RESUMP_BEFORE_STOP_DATE');

120: --
121: -- Work Stop Date is after the Work Resumption Date.
122: --
123: WHEN resump_date_before_stop_date THEN
124: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_RESUMP_BEFORE_STOP_DATE');
125: hr_utility.raise_error;
126: END work_incident_checks;
127: END hr_de_extra_work_inc_checks;

Line 125: hr_utility.raise_error;

121: -- Work Stop Date is after the Work Resumption Date.
122: --
123: WHEN resump_date_before_stop_date THEN
124: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_DE_RESUMP_BEFORE_STOP_DATE');
125: hr_utility.raise_error;
126: END work_incident_checks;
127: END hr_de_extra_work_inc_checks;