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1 PACKAGE BODY wip_flow_completion_filter AS
2 /* $Header: wipfwocb.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 07:46:47 appldev noship $  */
4 PROCEDURE retrieve_schedules (i_where IN VARCHAR2, i_default_sub IN VARCHAR2,
5                               i_default_loc IN NUMBER,
6                               i_org_locator_control IN NUMBER,
7                               i_qty_retrieve IN NUMBER,
8                               i_num_records IN NUMBER,
9                               o_result OUT NOCOPY ret_sch_t,
10                               o_restrict_error OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
11                               o_lot_serial_error OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
12                               o_error_num OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
13                               o_error_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
14   l_cursor_id NUMBER;
15   l_stmt VARCHAR2(10000);
16   l_dummy INTEGER;
17   l_wip_entity_id NUMBER;
18   l_primary_item_id NUMBER;
19   l_completion_subinventory VARCHAR2(10);
20   l_completion_locator NUMBER;
21   l_alt_routing_designator VARCHAR2(10);
22   l_org_id NUMBER;
23   l_project_id NUMBER;
24   l_task_id NUMBER;
25   l_ret NUMBER;
26   i NUMBER;
27   l_item_locator_control NUMBER;
28   l_restrict_sub NUMBER;
29   l_restrict_loc NUMBER;
30   l_serial_control NUMBER;
31   l_lot_control NUMBER;
32   l_sub_locator_control NUMBER;
33   l_locator_control NUMBER;
34   l_cnt NUMBER;
35   l_cur_restrict_error BOOLEAN;
36   l_cur_lot_serial_error BOOLEAN;
37   l_tot_qty NUMBER;
38   l_cur_qty NUMBER;
42       l_stmt := 'SELECT primary_item_id,
43                         wip_entity_id,
44 			organization_id,
45 			completion_subinventory,
46 			completion_locator_id,
47 			alternate_routing_designator,
48 			project_id,
49 			task_id,
50 			planned_quantity-NVL(quantity_completed,0)-NVL(quantity_scrapped,0)
51                  FROM wip_flow_schedules wfs
52 		 WHERE (planned_quantity - NVL(quantity_completed,0) -
53                         NVL(quantity_scrapped,0)) > 0
54                    AND status = 1
55           and ( wfs.demand_source_header_id is null or
56                 exists ( select 1 from wip_open_demands_v wodv
57                          where to_char(wodv.demand_source_line_id) = wfs.demand_source_line
58                          and wodv.demand_source_header_id = wfs.demand_source_header_id)
59               ) ';
60               /* bug 3899971, not fetching the schedules linked to orders lines not booked */
61       l_stmt := l_stmt || ' AND ' || i_where ;
62       l_stmt := l_stmt || ' order by build_sequence, schedule_number ';
65       l_cursor_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
66       dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor_id, l_stmt, dbms_sql.v7);
67       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 1, l_primary_item_id);
68       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 2, l_wip_entity_id);
69       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 3, l_org_id);
70       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 4, l_completion_subinventory, 10);
71       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 5, l_completion_locator);
72       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 6, l_alt_routing_designator, 10);
73       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 7, l_project_id);
74       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 8, l_task_id);
75       dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor_id, 9, l_cur_qty);
76       l_dummy :=  dbms_sql.execute(l_cursor_id);
78       -- This will be set to true if the item has resricted subinventory/locator,
79       -- and the subinventory/locator given from the default or routing
80       -- doesn't match. That record will not be returned in the result table.
81       o_restrict_error := false;
83       -- This will be set to true if the item has lot/serial controlled,
84       -- That record will not be returned in the result table.
85       o_lot_serial_error := false;
87       -- Index of result table
88       i := 1;
90       -- Total quantity eligible to be completed.
91       l_tot_qty := 0;
93       WHILE dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_cursor_id) > 0 LOOP
94          -- This is to indicate resricted subinventory/locator error for
95          -- the current record.
96          l_cur_restrict_error := false;
98          -- This is to indicate lot/serial control error for the current record.
99          l_cur_lot_serial_error := false;
101          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,1, l_primary_item_id);
102          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,2, l_wip_entity_id);
103          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,3, l_org_id);
104          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,4, l_completion_subinventory);
105          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,5, l_completion_locator);
106          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,6, l_alt_routing_designator);
107          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,7, l_project_id);
108          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,8, l_task_id);
109          dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor_id,9, l_cur_qty);
112          -- Derive the sub/loc from the routing if none is specified in
113          -- the flow schedule.
114 	 if (l_completion_subinventory is NULL) then
115 	   l_ret := wip_flow_derive.routing_completion_sub_loc(
116 					l_completion_subinventory,
117 					l_completion_locator,
118 					l_primary_item_id,
119 					l_org_id,
120 					l_alt_routing_designator);
122 	   l_ret := wip_flow_derive.completion_loc(
123 					l_completion_locator,
124 					l_primary_item_id,
125 					l_org_id,
126 					l_alt_routing_designator,
127 					l_project_id,
128 					l_task_id,
129 					l_completion_subinventory,
130 					NULL);
131          end if;
133          -- Error out if no subinventory in the routing, and no default is given.
134          -- Otherwise set it to default sub
135          if (l_completion_subinventory IS NULL) then
136            if (i_default_sub IS NOT NULL) then
137              l_completion_subinventory := i_default_sub;
138            else
139              o_error_num := -1;
140              return;
141            end if;
142          end if;
144          select location_control_code,
145                 restrict_locators_code, restrict_subinventories_code,
146 	        serial_number_control_code, lot_control_code
147          into l_item_locator_control,
148               l_restrict_loc, l_restrict_sub,
149               l_serial_control, l_lot_control
150 	 from mtl_system_items
151 	 where inventory_item_id = l_primary_item_id
152 	   and organization_id = l_org_id;
154 	 -- Check if the item is under lot/serial control
155          -- If it is, set the lot_serial_error flag.
156          -- We will ignore this record not to be included in the
157          -- result, but will continue to process the rest
158          if (l_serial_control not in (1,6) or l_lot_control <> 1) then
159            o_lot_serial_error := true;
160            l_cur_lot_serial_error := true;
161          end if;
163          -- Make sure that the sub is valid if the item uses restricted
164          -- subinventory. If it's invalid, set the restricted error flag.
165          -- In this case, we keep continue processing for other records,
166          -- while the current record with restriction error will not
167          -- be returned.
168 	 if (l_restrict_sub = 1) then
169            select count(*)
170            into l_cnt
171            from mtl_item_sub_ast_trk_val_v
172            where organization_id = l_org_id
173              and inventory_item_id = l_primary_item_id
174 	     and secondary_inventory_name = l_completion_subinventory;
175            if (l_cnt = 0) then
176              o_restrict_error := true;
177              l_cur_restrict_error := true;
178            end if;
179          end if;
181          select locator_type
182   	 into l_sub_locator_control
183 	 from mtl_secondary_inventories
184 	 where organization_id = l_org_id
185 	   and secondary_inventory_name = l_completion_subinventory;
187          l_locator_control := loc_control(i_org_locator_control,
188 					  l_sub_locator_control,
189 					  l_item_locator_control,
190 					  l_restrict_loc);
192          -- If it's locator controled,  error out if no locator specified and
193          -- no default is given
194          -- Otherwise set it to default locator
195          if (l_locator_control <> 1 AND l_completion_locator is NULL) then
196 	   if (i_default_loc is NULL) then
197              o_error_num := -1;
198              return;
199            else
200 	     l_completion_locator := i_default_loc;
201            end if;
202          end if;
204          -- As in subinventory, we also want to make sure that if the item
205          -- has restricted locator, the locator is a valid one.
206          -- If it's not, set the restricted error flag.
207          if (l_locator_control = 2 AND l_restrict_loc = 1) then
208            select count(*)
209            into l_cnt
210            from mtl_secondary_locators
211            where inventory_item_id = l_primary_item_id
212              and organization_id = l_org_id
213              and subinventory_code = l_completion_subinventory
214              and secondary_locator = l_completion_locator;
215            if (l_cnt = 0) then
216              o_restrict_error := true;
217              l_cur_restrict_error := true;
218  	   end if;
219          end if;
221          -- If the restricted error flag and lot/serial error for the current record
222          -- is not set, put this record in the result table.
223          if (l_cur_restrict_error = false and l_cur_lot_serial_error = false) then
224            o_result(i).wip_entity_id := l_wip_entity_id;
225            o_result(i).completion_subinventory := l_completion_subinventory;
226            o_result(i).completion_locator_id := l_completion_locator;
228            -- Only retrieve up to i_qty_retrieve if i_qty_retrieve is not null
229            if (i_qty_retrieve IS NOT NULL and i_qty_retrieve <= (l_tot_qty+l_cur_qty)) then
230              o_result(i).quantity := i_qty_retrieve - l_tot_qty;
231              exit;
232            else
233              o_result(i).quantity := l_cur_qty;
234            end if;
236            l_tot_qty := l_tot_qty + l_cur_qty;
237            i := i + 1;
239            if (i_num_records IS NOT NULL and i > i_num_records) then
240              exit;
241            end if;
243          end if;
246       END LOOP;
247       o_error_num := 0;
249 END retrieve_schedules;
251 -- This function return the locator control.
252 function loc_control(org_control      IN    number,
253                     sub_control      IN    number,
254                     item_control     IN    number default NULL,
255                     restrict_flag    IN    Number default NULL)
256                     return number  is
257   locator_control number;
258   begin
260     if (org_control = 1) then
261        locator_control := 1;
262     elsif (org_control = 2) then
263        locator_control := 2;
264     elsif (org_control = 3) then
265        locator_control := 3;
266        if (restrict_flag = 1) then
267          locator_control := 2;
268        end if;
269     elsif (org_control = 4) then
270       if (sub_control = 1) then
271          locator_control := 1;
272       elsif (sub_control = 2) then
273          locator_control := 2;
274       elsif (sub_control = 3) then
275          locator_control := 3;
276          if (restrict_flag = 1) then
277            locator_control := 2;
278          end if;
279       elsif (sub_control = 5) then
280         if (item_control = 1) then
281            locator_control := 1;
282         elsif (item_control = 2) then
283            locator_control := 2;
284         elsif (item_control = 3) then
285            locator_control := 3;
286            if (restrict_flag = 1) then
287              locator_control := 2;
288            end if;
289         elsif (item_control IS NULL) then
290            locator_control := sub_control;
291         else
292 	   return -1;
293         end if;
294       else
295         return -1;
296       end if;
297     else
298       return -1;
299     end if;
300     return locator_control;
301 end loc_control;
303 END wip_flow_completion_filter;