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1 PACKAGE  BODY hr_new_user_reg_ss AS
2 /* $Header: hrregwrs.pkb 120.1 2006/12/14 06:16:36 dbatra noship $*/
4 -- This package is for the new user registration process
6 -- Package Variables
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33) := 'HR_NEW_USER_REG_SS.';
9 g_update_object_version varchar2(30) := 'update_object_version';
11 FUNCTION is_Assignment_SFL(
12 p_transaction_step_id in number)
13 RETURN boolean is
15 l_review_proc_call     varchar2(4000);
16 l_save_mode  varchar2(2000);
20     l_save_mode :=    hr_transaction_api.get_varchar2_value
21         (p_transaction_step_id => p_transaction_step_id
22         ,p_name                => 'P_SAVE_MODE');
24     l_review_proc_call:=    hr_transaction_api.get_varchar2_value
25         (p_transaction_step_id => p_transaction_step_id
26         ,p_name                => 'P_REVIEW_PROC_CALL');
28 RETURN (l_save_mode = 'SAVE_FOR_LATER') and (l_review_proc_call = 'HrAssignment');
30 END is_Assignment_SFL;
32 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 -- |---------------------------< processNewUserTransaction >-------------------------|
34 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 --
36 -- This procedure creates a person  using the data in the
37 -- transaction tables if it doesn't find one.
39 procedure  processNewUserTransaction
40 (WfItemType     in varchar2,
41  WfItemKey      in varchar2,
42  PersonId       in out nocopy varchar2,
43  AssignmentId   in out nocopy varchar2) is
45   cursor csr_person is select person_id from per_all_people_f where person_id = PersonId;
47   cursor csr_txn_step_id is
48   select trs.transaction_step_id
49     from   hr_api_transaction_steps trs
50     where  trs.transaction_id = hr_transaction_ss.get_transaction_id
51                         (WfItemType  ,WfItemKey )
52     and    trs.api_name ='HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API';
55   l_transaction_step_id 	number;
56   l_business_grp_Id number;
58   l_newUserPersonId per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
59   l_result varchar2(100);
60   l_proc varchar2(72)  := g_package||'processNewUserTransaction';
61 begin
63 hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 5);
65 open csr_person;
66 fetch csr_person into l_newUserPersonId;
68 -- if the person Id is not in the database then a dummy person was created and rolled back in the database.
69 -- need to recreat the person again.
71 if csr_person%notfound then
72 hr_utility.set_location('Ranjan in side if csr_person%notfound :'|| l_proc, 5);
73 /*
74 hr_transaction_web.commit_transaction
75 (itemtype=>WfItemType,
76  itemkey=>WfItemKey,
77  actid=>'12345',   -- can hard code this to anything this is not being used inside the call
78  funmode=>'RUN',   -- the necessary mode to run the api in commit mode
79  result=>l_result); -- though we are getting the error results back we are not using them.
80 -- the commit process will call Process_api of hr_process_person_ss which
81 */
82 /* Replaced commit_transaction with process_selected_transaction, commit transaction will
83    call all the steps for a given item key. However we need only person and address apis
84    are
85 */
87 --ignore the emp number generation for newhire flow
88 hr_new_user_reg_ss.g_ignore_emp_generation := 'YES';
91 --bug 5665820
92 if(hr_general.get_xbg_profile='N' and hr_general.get_business_group_id is null) then
94 open csr_txn_step_id;
95 fetch csr_txn_step_id into l_transaction_step_id;
96 close csr_txn_step_id;
101 l_business_grp_Id :=hr_transaction_api.get_number_value
102                                 (p_transaction_step_id => l_transaction_step_id
103                                 ,p_name => 'P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');
105 fnd_profile.put('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID',l_business_grp_Id);
107 end if;
108 --bug 5665820
110 process_selected_transaction
111 (p_item_type => WfItemType,
112  p_item_key => WfItemKey);
114 -- the commit process will call Process_api of hr_process_person_ss which
115 -- creates a person and returns us the person id and assignment_id.
119 PersonId := to_char(hr_process_person_ss.g_person_id);
120 AssignmentId := to_char(hr_process_person_ss.g_assignment_id);
121 end if;
122 -- close the cursor
123 close csr_person;
125 hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| l_proc, 10);
129   PersonId := null;
130   AssignmentId := null;
131     raise;
133 end processNewUserTransaction;
135 procedure process_selected_transaction
136   (p_item_type           in varchar2
137   ,p_item_key            in varchar2
138   ,p_ignore_warnings     in varchar2 default 'Y'
139   ,p_validate            in boolean default false
140   ,p_update_object_version in varchar2 default 'N'
141   ,p_effective_date      in varchar2 default null
142   ,p_api_name            in varchar2 default null) is
143   -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
144   -- declare local variables
145   -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
146   l_transaction_id      hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%type;
147   l_application_error   boolean := false;
148   l_object_version_error   boolean := false;
149   l_obj_fatal_error     boolean := false;
150   l_warning_error       boolean := false;
151   l_ignore_warnings     boolean;
152   l_obj_api_name        varchar2(200);
153   l_api_error_name      varchar2(200);
155   -- Generic Cursor
156   cursor csr_trs is
157     select trs.transaction_step_id
158           ,trs.api_name
159           ,trs.item_type
160           ,trs.item_key
161           ,trs.activity_id
162           ,trs.creator_person_id
163     from   hr_api_transaction_steps trs
164     where  trs.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
165     and    trs.api_name in ('HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API',
166                             'HR_PROCESS_ADDRESS_SS.PROCESS_API',
167                             'HR_PROCESS_ASSIGNMENT_SS.PROCESS_API',
168                             'HR_PROCESS_CONTACT_SS.PROCESS_CREATE_CONTACT_API')
169     order by trs.processing_order,trs.transaction_step_id;
171   --Selective cursor
172   cursor csr_sel_trs is
173     select trs.transaction_step_id
174           ,trs.api_name
175           ,trs.item_type
176           ,trs.item_key
177           ,trs.activity_id
178           ,trs.creator_person_id
179     from   hr_api_transaction_steps trs
180     where  trs.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
181     and    trs.api_name = p_api_name
182     order by trs.processing_order;
184 begin
185   -- set the ignore warnings flag
186   if upper(p_ignore_warnings) = 'Y' then
187     l_ignore_warnings := true;
188   else
189     l_ignore_warnings := false;
190   end if;
191   -- get the transaction id
192   l_transaction_id := hr_transaction_ss.get_transaction_id
193                          (p_item_type => p_item_type
194                          ,p_item_key  => p_item_key);
195   if l_transaction_id is null then
196      return;
197   end if;
200   hr_process_person_ss.g_person_id := null;
201   hr_process_person_ss.g_assignment_id := null;
203   if(p_api_name is not null) then
204     -- process selected api step
205     for csr_sel in csr_sel_trs loop
206      begin
207        hr_transaction_ss.process_web_api_call
208        (p_transaction_step_id => csr_sel.transaction_step_id
209        ,p_api_name            => csr_sel.api_name
210        ,p_validate => p_validate);
211      exception
212       when hr_utility.hr_error then
213         -- an application error has been raised. set the error flag
214         -- to indicate an application error
215         -- the error message should of been set already
216         hr_message.provide_error;
217         l_api_error_name := hr_message.last_message_name;
218         if l_api_error_name = 'HR_7155_OBJECT_INVALID' then
219           l_obj_fatal_error := true;
220           exit;
221         else
222           l_application_error := true;
224           -------------------------------------------------------------------
225           -- 05/09/2002 Bug 2356339 Fix Begins
226           -- We need to exit the loop here when there is an application error.
227           -- This will happen when apporval is required and the final approver
228           -- approved the change.  When the Workflow responsibility to approve
229           -- the transaction has no Security Profile attached, and the
230           -- Business Group profile option is null and Cross Business Group
231           -- equals to 'N', you will get an Application Error after the final
232           -- approver approves the transaction.  This problem usually happens
233           -- in New Hire or Applicant Hire whereby the new employee created
234           -- is not in the per_person_list table.  In hr_process_person_ss.
235           -- process_api, it call hr_employee_api.create_employee which
236           -- eventually will call dt_api.return_min_start_date.  This
237           -- dt_api.return_min_start_date accesses the per_people_f secured
238           -- view, you will get HR_7182_DT_NO_MIN_MAX_ROWS error with the
239           -- following error text:
240           --  No DateTrack row found in table per_people_f.
241           -- When that happens, the l_application_error is set to true. However,
242           -- if there is no Exit statement, this code will continue to call
243           -- the next transaction step.  Each of the subsequent step will fail
244           -- with an error until the last step is called and the error from
245           -- the last step will overwrite the initial real error message.
246           -- Without the exit statement, it will be very difficult to pinpoint
247           -- the location where the real problem occurred.
248           ---------------------------------------------------------------------
250           EXIT;  -- Bug 2356339 Fix
252           -- 05/09/2002 Bug 2356339 Fix Ends
254         end if;
255         raise;
256       when others then
257         -- a system error has occurred so raise it to stop
258         -- processing of the transaction steps
259         raise;
260      end;
261     end loop;
262   else
263    -- select each transaction steps to process
264    for i in csr_trs loop
265     begin
266       -- call the API for the transaction step
267       -- don't call the assignment step, if coming back from
268       -- SFL and SFL is done on Assignment page
269      if (i.api_name <> 'HR_PROCESS_ASSIGNMENT_SS.PROCESS_API') OR
270         ((i.api_name = 'HR_PROCESS_ASSIGNMENT_SS.PROCESS_API') and
271          (NOT is_Assignment_SFL(i.transaction_step_id))) then
272       if p_update_object_version = 'Y' then
273         -- update object version for each step
274         l_obj_api_name := substr(i.api_name,1, instr(i.api_name,'.'));
275         l_obj_api_name := l_obj_api_name || g_update_object_version;
276         hr_transaction_ss.process_web_api_call
277         (p_transaction_step_id => i.transaction_step_id
278         ,p_api_name            => l_obj_api_name
279         ,p_extra_parameter_name => 'p_login_person_id'
280         ,p_extra_parameter_value => i.creator_person_id
281         ,p_validate => false);
282       elsif p_effective_date is not null then
283         --validate api with the new p_effective_date
284         hr_transaction_ss.process_web_api_call
285         (p_transaction_step_id => i.transaction_step_id
286         ,p_api_name            => i.api_name
287         ,p_extra_parameter_name => 'p_effective_date'
288         ,p_extra_parameter_value => p_effective_date
289         ,p_validate => p_validate);
290       else
291         --validate api
292         hr_transaction_ss.process_web_api_call
293         (p_transaction_step_id => i.transaction_step_id
294         ,p_api_name            => i.api_name
295         ,p_validate => p_validate);
296       end if;
297      end if;
298       -- do we ignore any warnings which may have been set?
299       if not l_ignore_warnings then
300         -- check to see if any warnings have been set
301         if (not l_warning_error) and
302           hr_emp_error_utility.exists_warning_text
303             (p_item_type => i.item_type
304             ,p_item_key  => i.item_key
305             ,p_actid     => i.activity_id) then
306           -- set the warning flag to true
307           l_warning_error := true;
308         end if;
309       end if;
310     exception
311       when hr_utility.hr_error then
312         -- an application error has been raised. set the error flag
313         -- to indicate an application error
314         -- the error message should of been set already
315         hr_message.provide_error;
316         l_api_error_name := hr_message.last_message_name;
317         if l_api_error_name = 'HR_7155_OBJECT_INVALID' then
318           l_obj_fatal_error := true;
319           exit;
320           --if i.api_name = 'BEN_PROCESS_COMPENSATION_W.PROCESS_API' then
321           --  fnd_message.set_name('PER','HR_FATAL_OBJECT_ERROR');
322           --  l_obj_fatal_error := true;
323           --  exit;
324           --end if;
325         else
326           l_application_error := true;
328           -------------------------------------------------------------------
329           -- 05/09/2002 Bug 2356339 Fix Begins
330           -- We need to exit the loop here when there is an application error.
331           -- This will happen when apporval is required and the final approver
332           -- approved the change.  When the Workflow responsibility to approve
333           -- the transaction has no Security Profile attached, and the
334           -- Business Group profile option is null and Cross Business Group
335           -- equals to 'N', you will get an Application Error after the final
336           -- approver approves the transaction.  This problem usually happens
337           -- in New Hire or Applicant Hire whereby the new employee created
338           -- is not in the per_person_list table.  In hr_process_person_ss.
339           -- process_api, it call hr_employee_api.create_employee which
340           -- eventually will call dt_api.return_min_start_date.  This
341           -- dt_api.return_min_start_date accesses the per_people_f secured
342           -- view, you will get HR_7182_DT_NO_MIN_MAX_ROWS error with the
343           -- following error text:
344           --  No DateTrack row found in table per_people_f.
345           -- When that happens, the l_application_error is set to true. However,
346           -- if there is no Exit statement, this code will continue to call
347           -- the next transaction step.  Each of the subsequent step will fail
348           -- with an error until the last step is called and the error from
349           -- the last step will overwrite the initial real error message.
350           -- Without the exit statement, it will be very difficult to debug the
351           -- location when the real problem occurs.
352           ---------------------------------------------------------------------
354           EXIT;  -- Bug 2356339 Fix
356           -- 05/09/2002 Bug 2356339 Fix Ends
358         end if;
359         raise;
360       when others then
361         -- a system error has occurred so raise it to stop
362         -- processing of the transaction steps
363         raise;
364     end;
365    end loop;
366   end if;
368   -- check to see if any application errors where raised
369   if l_obj_fatal_error then
370     fnd_message.set_name('PER','HR_FATAL_OBJECT_ERROR');
371     raise hr_utility.hr_error;
372   elsif l_object_version_error then
373     fnd_message.set_name('PER','HR_7155_OBJECT_INVALID');
374     raise hr_utility.hr_error;
375   elsif l_application_error or l_warning_error then
376     raise hr_utility.hr_error;
377   end if;
379 exception
380   when others then
381     -- an application error, warning or system error was raised so
382     -- keep raising it so the calling process must handle it
383     raise;
384 end process_selected_transaction;
387 end hr_new_user_reg_ss;