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Line 623: hz_parties hz

619: FROM ap_supplier_sites_all sites,
620: ap_invoices inv, --Bug6040657. Changed from ap_invoices_all to ap_invoices
621: ap_payment_schedules ps,
622: ap_suppliers suppliers,
623: hz_parties hz
624: where inv.invoice_id = ps.invoice_id
625: AND sites.vendor_site_id(+) = inv.vendor_site_id
626: AND suppliers.vendor_id(+) = inv.vendor_id
627: AND inv.party_id = hz.party_id

Line 2046: hz_parties hzp,

2042: ap_suppliers suppliers,
2043: ap_invoices inv, --Bug6040657. Changed from ap_invoices_all to ap_invoices
2044: ap_payment_schedules_all ps,
2045: ap_system_parameters_all asp,
2046: hz_parties hzp,
2047: hz_party_sites hzps, -- Bug 5620285
2048: hz_locations hzl -- Bug 5620285
2049: WHERE ps.checkrun_id is null -- Bug 5705276. Regression
2050: AND ((due_date <= p_pay_thru_date +0/24+1 and

Line 2340: hz_parties hzp,

2336: ap_suppliers suppliers,
2337: ap_invoices inv, --Bug6040657. Changed from ap_invoices_all to ap_invoices
2338: ap_payment_schedules_all ps,
2339: ap_system_parameters_all asp,
2340: hz_parties hzp,
2341: hz_party_sites hzps, -- Bug 5620285
2342: hz_locations hzl -- Bug 5620285
2343: WHERE ps.checkrun_id is null -- Bug 5705276. Regression
2344: AND ((due_date <= p_pay_thru_date +0/24+1 and

Line 4690: hz_parties hz,

4686: from ap_inv_selection_criteria_all aisc,
4687: ap_batches_all ab,
4688: iby_payment_methods_vl iby,
4689: fnd_lookups vndr,
4690: hz_parties hz,
4691: ap_lookup_codes rate,
4692: ap_payment_templates apt
4693: where checkrun_id ='|| p_checkrun_id ||'
4694: and apt.template_id(+) = aisc.template_id