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1 PACKAGE BODY fv_apply_cash_receipt AS
2 --$Header: FVXDCCRB.pls 120.18.12010000.3 2008/09/04 15:30:47 sasukuma ship $
4   g_module_name VARCHAR2(100) := 'fv.plsql.fvxdccrb.fv_apply_cash_receipt.';
5   g_org_id     NUMBER;
6   g_sob_id     NUMBER;
7 --  g_debug      VARCHAR2(1);
8   g_ErrorFound BOOLEAN := FALSE;
10   g_DEBIT_MEMO NUMBER := 1;
11   g_INVOICE    NUMBER := 2;
14   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
15   -- Output data structures
16   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17   TYPE ErrorInfoRec IS RECORD
18   (
19     error_code NUMBER,
20     error_desc VARCHAR2(1024)
21   );
25 /*
27   g_ErrorMessages ErrorMessagesTblType;
28   g_MaxErrorMessages NUMBER := 0;
31   g_LogMessages LogMessagesTblType;
32   g_MaxLogMessages NUMBER := 0;
33 */
35   TYPE CashReceiptApplicationsRec IS RECORD
36   (
37     invoice_number          ra_customer_trx.trx_number%TYPE,
38     line_number             ra_customer_trx_lines.line_number%TYPE,
39     invoice_type            VARCHAR2(100),
40     applied_amount          NUMBER,
41     applied_currency        fnd_currencies_vl.name%TYPE,
42     amt_applied_in_inv_curr NUMBER,
43     invoice_amount_due      NUMBER,
44     invoice_currency        fnd_currencies_vl.name%TYPE,
45     exchange_rate           NUMBER,
46     status                  VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'A'
47   );
49   TYPE CashReceiptApplicationsTbl IS TABLE OF CashReceiptApplicationsRec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
51   TYPE CashReceiptRec IS RECORD
52   (
53     receipt_number     fv_interim_cash_receipts.receipt_number%TYPE,
54     customer_name      hz_parties.party_name%TYPE,
55     receipt_amount     fv_interim_cash_receipts.amount%TYPE,
56     applied_currency   fnd_currencies_vl.name%TYPE,
57     actual_amount      NUMBER,
58     actual_currency    fnd_currencies_vl.name%TYPE,
59     total_applications NUMBER,
60     total_errors       NUMBER
61   );
65   g_OutReceiptApplications CashReceiptApplicationsTbl;
66   g_OutCashReceipts        CashReceiptRec;
67   g_OutErrorInfo           ErrorInfoTbl;
70   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
71   -- Data Structures required for Calling API's
72   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
74   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
75   -- Parameters Required for CreateCash API                             --
76   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
77   TYPE CreateCashRecType IS RECORD
78   (
79     usr_currency_code            fnd_currencies_vl.name%TYPE,
80     currency_code                fnd_currencies_vl.name%TYPE,
81     usr_exchange_rate_type       gl_daily_conversion_types.user_conversion_type%TYPE,
82     exchange_rate_type           ar_cash_receipts.exchange_rate_type%TYPE,
83     exchange_rate                ar_cash_receipts.exchange_rate%TYPE,
84     exchange_rate_date           ar_cash_receipts.exchange_date%TYPE,
85     amount                       ar_cash_receipts.amount%TYPE,
86     factor_discount_amount       ar_cash_receipts.factor_discount_amount%TYPE,
87     receipt_number               ar_cash_receipts.receipt_number%TYPE,
88     receipt_date                 ar_cash_receipts.receipt_date%type,
89     gl_date                      DATE,
90     maturity_date                DATE,
91     postmark_date                DATE,
92     customer_id                  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
93     customer_name                hz_parties.party_name%TYPE,
94     customer_number              hz_cust_accounts.account_number%TYPE,
95     customer_bank_account_id     ar_cash_receipts.customer_bank_account_id%TYPE,
96     customer_bank_account_num    ce_bank_accounts.bank_account_num%TYPE,
97     customer_bank_account_name   ce_bank_accounts.bank_account_name%TYPE,
98     location                     hz_cust_site_uses.location%type,
99     customer_site_use_id         hz_cust_site_uses.site_use_id%TYPE,
100     customer_receipt_reference   ar_cash_receipts.customer_receipt_reference%TYPE,
101     override_remit_account_flag  ar_cash_receipts.override_remit_account_flag%TYPE,
102     remittance_bank_account_id   ar_cash_receipts.remit_bank_acct_use_id%TYPE,
103     remittance_bank_account_num  ce_bank_accounts.bank_account_num%TYPE,
104     remittance_bank_account_name ce_bank_accounts.bank_account_name%TYPE,
105     deposit_date                 ar_cash_receipts.deposit_date%TYPE,
106     receipt_method_id            ar_cash_receipts.receipt_method_id%TYPE,
107     receipt_method_name          ar_receipt_methods.name%TYPE,
108     doc_sequence_value           NUMBER,
109 --    ussgl_transaction_code       ar_cash_receipts.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE,
110     anticipated_clearing_date    ar_cash_receipts.anticipated_clearing_date%TYPE,
111     called_from                  VARCHAR2(100),
112     attribute_rec                ar_receipt_api_pub.attribute_rec_type,
113     global_attribute_rec         ar_receipt_api_pub.global_attribute_rec_type,
114     comments                     ar_receivable_applications.comments%TYPE,
115     issuer_name                  ar_cash_receipts.issuer_name%TYPE,
116     issue_date                   ar_cash_receipts.issue_date%TYPE,
117     issuer_bank_branch_id        ar_cash_receipts.issuer_bank_branch_id%TYPE,
118     org_id                       ar_Cash_receipts.org_id%TYPE
119   );
121   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
122   -- Parameters Required for ApplyCash API                             --
123   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
124   TYPE ApplyCashRecType IS RECORD
125   (
126     cash_receipt_id              ar_cash_receipts.cash_receipt_id%TYPE,
127     receipt_number               ar_cash_receipts.receipt_number%TYPE,
128     customer_trx_id              ra_customer_trx.customer_trx_id%TYPE,
129     trx_number                   ra_customer_trx.trx_number%TYPE,
130     installment                  ar_payment_schedules.terms_sequence_number%TYPE,
131     applied_payment_schedule_id  ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
132     amount_applied               ar_receivable_applications.amount_applied%TYPE,
133     amount_applied_from          ar_receivable_applications.amount_applied_from%TYPE,
134     trans_to_receipt_rate        ar_receivable_applications.trans_to_receipt_rate%TYPE,
135     discount                     ar_receivable_applications.earned_discount_taken%TYPE,
136     apply_date                   ar_receivable_applications.apply_date%TYPE,
137     apply_gl_date                ar_receivable_applications.gl_date%TYPE,
138 --    ussgl_transaction_code       ar_receivable_applications.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE,
139     org_id                       ar_receivable_applications.org_id%TYPE,
140     customer_trx_line_id         ar_receivable_applications.applied_customer_trx_line_id%TYPE,
141     line_number                  ra_customer_trx_lines.line_number%TYPE,
142     show_closed_invoices         VARCHAR2(100),
143     called_from                  VARCHAR2(100),
144     move_deferred_tax            VARCHAR2(100),
145     link_to_trx_hist_id          ar_receivable_applications.link_to_trx_hist_id%TYPE,
146     attribute_rec                ar_receipt_api_pub.attribute_rec_type,
147     global_attribute_rec         ar_receipt_api_pub.global_attribute_rec_type,
148     comments                     ar_receivable_applications.comments%TYPE,
149     payment_set_id               ar_receivable_applications.payment_set_id%TYPE,
150     application_ref_type         ar_receivable_applications.application_ref_type%TYPE,
151     application_ref_id           ar_receivable_applications.application_ref_id%TYPE,
152     application_ref_num          ar_receivable_applications.application_ref_num%TYPE,
153     secondary_application_ref_id ar_receivable_applications.secondary_application_ref_id%TYPE,
154     application_ref_reason       ar_receivable_applications.application_ref_reason%TYPE,
155     customer_reference           ar_receivable_applications.customer_reference%TYPE
156   );
158   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
159   -- Parameters Required for OnAccount API                              --
160   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
161   TYPE OnAccountRecType IS RECORD
162   (
163     cash_receipt_id         ar_cash_receipts.cash_receipt_id%TYPE,
164     receipt_number          ar_cash_receipts.receipt_number%TYPE,
165     amount_applied          ar_receivable_applications.amount_applied%TYPE,
166     apply_date              ar_receivable_applications.apply_date%TYPE,
167     apply_gl_date           ar_receivable_applications.gl_date%TYPE,
168 --    ussgl_transaction_code  ar_receivable_applications.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE,
169     attribute_rec           ar_receipt_api_pub.attribute_rec_type,
170     global_attribute_rec    ar_receipt_api_pub.global_attribute_rec_type,
171     comments                ar_receivable_applications.comments%TYPE
172   );
174   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
175   -- Data Structure Required for Debug.                                 --
176   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
177   TYPE DebugRecType IS RECORD
178   (
179     pkg_name    VARCHAR2(100),
180     module_name VARCHAR2(100),
181     intend_str  VARCHAR2(1024),
182     error_code  NUMBER,
183     error_desc  VARCHAR2(1024),
184     error_loc   VARCHAR2(1024)
185   );
189   g_DebugTbl DebugTblType;
192   g_DebugMessages DebugMessagesTblType;
194   g_MaxDebugProcs    NUMBER := 0;
195   g_CurDebugProcs    NUMBER := 0;
196   g_MaxDebugMessages NUMBER := 0;
198   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
199   -- Procedure Return Values                                            --
200   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
201   g_SUCCESS  NUMBER := 0;
202   g_WARNING  NUMBER := 1;
203   g_FAILURE  NUMBER := 2;
205   --****************************************************************************************--
206   --*          Name : log                                                                  *--
207   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
208   --*       Purpose : This procedure writes log messages                                   *--
209   --*    Parameters : p_pgm  The Program Name                                              *--
210   --*               : p_loc  The location                                                  *--
211   --*               : p_msg  The message that has to be written to the log file            *--
212   --*   Global Vars : None                                                                     *--
213   --*   Called from : None                                                                     *--
214   --*         Calls : fnd_file.put_line                                                    *--
215   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
216   --*         Logic : Call fnd_file.put_line with the message as a parameter               *--
217   --****************************************************************************************--
218   PROCEDURE log_msg
219   (
220     p_ModuleName IN VARCHAR2,
221     p_msg IN VARCHAR2
222   ) IS
223     l_module_name VARCHAR2(200) := g_module_name || 'log_msg';
224     l_errbuf      VARCHAR2(1024);
225   BEGIN
226 /*
227     g_MaxLogMessages := g_MaxLogMessages + 1;
228     g_LogMessages (g_MaxLogMessages) := p_msg;
229 */
231       FV_UTILITY.DEBUG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, g_module_name||p_ModuleName,p_msg);
232     END IF;
236       l_errbuf := SQLERRM;
237       FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_name||'.final_exception',l_errbuf);
239   END log_msg;
241 /*
242   PROCEDURE log_write
243   IS
244   BEGIN
245     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, '*********************Log Messages**********************');
246     FOR l_Counter IN 1..g_MaxLogMessages LOOP
247       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, g_LogMessages(l_Counter));
248     END LOOP;
249     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, '*******************************************************');
250     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, ' ');
251   END;
252 */
254   --****************************************************************************************--
255   --*          Name : output                                                               *--
256   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
257   --*       Purpose : This procedure writes log messages                                   *--
258   --*    Parameters : p_msg  The message that has to be written to the output file         *--
259   --*   Global Vars : None                                                                 *--
260   --*   Called from : write_report_header                                                  *--
261   --*               : write_report_for_a_receipt                                           *--
262   --*         Calls : fnd_file.put_line                                                    *--
263   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
264   --*         Logic : Call fnd_file.put_line with the message as a parameter               *--
265   --****************************************************************************************--
266   PROCEDURE output
267   (
268     p_msg IN VARCHAR2
269   ) IS
270   BEGIN
271     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, p_msg);
272   END output;
274   --****************************************************************************************--
275   --*          Name : error                                                                *--
276   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
277   --*       Purpose : This procedure writes error messages                                 *--
278   --*    Parameters : p_error_type The Type of Error (ERROR or just WARNING)               *--
279   --*               : p_pgm        The program Name                                        *--
280   --*               : p_msg        The message that has to be written to the log file      *--
281   --*               : p_loc        The location of error                                   *--
282   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS                                                            *--
283   --*   Called from : To be filled in                                                      *--
284   --*         Calls : fnd_file.put_line                                                    *--
285   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
286   --*         Logic : Call fnd_file.put_line with the message as a parameter               *--
287   --****************************************************************************************--
288   PROCEDURE error
289   (
290     p_error_type IN NUMBER, --ERROR or WARNING
291     p_pgm        IN VARCHAR2,
292     p_msg        IN VARCHAR2,
293     p_loc        IN VARCHAR2
294   ) IS
295     l_Prefix VARCHAR2(100) := '';
296     l_module_name VARCHAR2(200) := g_module_name || 'error';
297     l_errbuf      VARCHAR2(1024);
298   BEGIN
299 /*
300     IF (p_error_type = g_FAILURE) THEN
301       l_Prefix := 'ERROR: ';
302     ELSIF (p_error_type = g_WARNING) THEN
303       l_Prefix := 'WARNING: ';
304     ELSE
305       l_Prefix := NULL;
306     END IF;
307     g_MaxErrorMessages := g_MaxErrorMessages + 1;
308     g_ErrorMessages (g_MaxErrorMessages) := l_Prefix||p_msg ||'['||p_pgm||':'||p_loc||']';
309 */
310     FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR, g_module_name||p_pgm||'.'||p_loc,p_msg);
313       l_errbuf := SQLERRM;
314       FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_name||'.final_exception',l_errbuf);
316   END error;
318 /*
319   PROCEDURE error_write
320   IS
321   BEGIN
322     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, '*****************Error Messages************************');
326     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, '*******************************************************');
323     FOR l_Counter IN 1..g_MaxErrorMessages LOOP
324       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, g_ErrorMessages(l_Counter));
325     END LOOP;
327     fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, ' ');
328   END;
329 */
330   --****************************************************************************************--
331   --*          Name : debug_msg                                                            *--
332   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
333   --*       Purpose : Used to display debug messages                                       *--
334   --*    Parameters : p_msg                 IN The message that has to be written          *--
335   --*   Called from : debug_init                                                           *--
336   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
337   --*               : write_report_for_a_receipt                                           *--
338   --*               : dump_ar_batch                                                        *--
339   --*               : apply_on_account                                                     *--
340   --*               : apply_cash_receipt                                                   *--
341   --*               : update_cash_receipt_hist                                             *--
342   --*               : update_fv_batch_status                                               *--
343   --*               : create_cash_receipt                                                  *--
344   --*               : pay_the_invoice                                                      *--
345   --*               : get_receipt_txn_code                                                 *--
346   --*               : pay_debit_memos                                                      *--
347   --*               : process_receipts                                                     *--
348   --*               : main                                                                 *--
349   --*         Calls : fnd_file.put_line                                                    *--
350   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
351   --*   Global Vars : g_debug          READ                                                *--
352   --*               : FND_FILE.LOG     READ                                                *--
353   --*               : g_DebugTbl       READ                                                *--
354   --*               : g_CurDebugProcs  READ                                                *--
355   --*         Logic : Call fnd_file.put_line with the message as a parameter.              *--
356   --*               : The message will be displayed only if the debug flag is on           *--
357   --*               : The package name, module name and the intendation string are used    *--
358   --*               : from the global variable called g_DebugTbl. The procedures           *--
359   --*               : debug_init and debug_exit inserts and modifies this table            *--
360   --****************************************************************************************--
361   PROCEDURE debug_msg
362   (
363     p_ModuleName IN VARCHAR2,
364     p_Message    IN VARCHAR2
365   ) IS
366     l_module_name VARCHAR2(200) := g_module_name || 'debug_msg';
367     l_errbuf      VARCHAR2(1024);
368   BEGIN
369 /*
370     IF (g_debug = 'Y') THEN
371       g_MaxDebugMessages := g_MaxDebugMessages + 1;
372       g_DebugMessages (g_MaxDebugMessages) :=
373                                      '  (debug) |--'||
374                                       g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).intend_str||
375                                       ' ('||
376                                       g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).pkg_name||
377                                       '.'||
378                                       g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).module_name||
379                                       ') : ' ||
380                                       p_Message;
381     END IF;
382 */
384       FV_UTILITY.DEBUG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, g_module_name||p_ModuleName,p_Message);
385     END IF;
388       l_errbuf := SQLERRM;
389       FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_name||'.final_exception',l_errbuf);
391   END;
393 /*
394   PROCEDURE debug_write
395   IS
396   BEGIN
397     IF (g_debug = 'Y') THEN
398       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, '*****************Debug Messages************************');
399       FOR l_Counter IN 1..g_MaxDebugMessages LOOP
400         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, g_DebugMessages(l_Counter));
401       END LOOP;
402       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, '*******************************************************');
403       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, ' ');
404     END IF;
405   END;
406 */
408   PROCEDURE debug_init
409   (
410     p_PkgName    IN VARCHAR2,
411     p_ModuleName IN VARCHAR2
412   ) IS
413     l_module_name VARCHAR2(200) := g_module_name || 'debug_init';
414     l_errbuf      VARCHAR2(1024);
415   BEGIN
416 /*
417     g_MaxDebugProcs := g_MaxDebugProcs + 1;
418     g_CurDebugProcs := g_CurDebugProcs + 1;
419     g_DebugTbl(0).pkg_name := NULL;
420     g_DebugTbl(0).module_name := NULL;
421     g_DebugTbl(0).intend_str := NULL;
423     g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).pkg_name    := p_PkgName;
427 */
424     g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).module_name := p_ModuleName;
425     g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).intend_str := g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs-1).intend_str || '--';
426     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Entering Program');
430     END IF;
433       l_errbuf := SQLERRM;
434       FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_name||'.final_exception',l_errbuf);
437   END;
439   PROCEDURE debug_exit
440   (
441     p_ErrorCode  IN NUMBER,
442     p_ErrorDesc  IN VARCHAR2,
443     p_ErrorLoc   IN VARCHAR2
444   ) IS
445     l_module_name VARCHAR2(200) := 'debug_exit';
446   BEGIN
447     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Returning from Program with Exit Code ='||p_ErrorCode);
448     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Returning from Program with Exit Desc ='||p_ErrorDesc);
449     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Returning from Program with Exit Loc  ='||p_ErrorLoc);
450     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Exiting Program');
451 /*
452     g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).error_code := p_ErrorCode;
453     g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).error_desc := p_ErrorDesc;
454     g_DebugTbl(g_CurDebugProcs).error_loc  := p_ErrorLoc;
456     g_CurDebugProcs := g_CurDebugProcs - 1;
457 */
458   END;
460   --****************************************************************************************--
461   --*          Name : init                                                                 *--
462   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
463   --*       Purpose : This procedure initializes the required global variables             *--
464   --*    Parameters : None                                                                 *--
465   --*   Global Vars : g_org_id WRITE                                                       *--
466   --*               : g_sob_id WRITE                                                       *--
467   --*               : g_debug  WRITE                                                       *--
468   --*   Called from : main                                                                 *--
469   --*         Calls : fnd_profile.value                                                    *--
470   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
471   --*         Logic : Initialize Org Id SOB Id and Debug Flag.                             *--
472   --****************************************************************************************--
473   PROCEDURE init IS
474     l_module_name VARCHAR2(200) := g_module_name || 'init';
475     l_errbuf      VARCHAR2(1024);
476     l_ledger_name VARCHAR2(30); --PSKI changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
477   BEGIN
478    -- g_org_id := to_number(fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'));
479    -- g_sob_id := to_number(fnd_profile.value('GL_SET_OF_BKS_ID'));
480 --    g_org_id := MO_GLOBAL.get_current_org_id;   -- PSKI Changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
481 --	MO_UTILS.get_ledger_info(g_org_id,g_sob_id,l_ledger_name);   -- PSKI Changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
482 --    g_debug  := NVL(UPPER(SUBSTR(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('FV_DEBUG_FLAG'), 1, 1)),'N');
483   NULL;
486       l_errbuf := SQLERRM;
487       FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_name||'.final_exception',l_errbuf);
488   END;
490   --****************************************************************************************--
491   --*          Name : write_report_header                                                  *--
492   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
493   --*       Purpose : This procedure Writes the Report Header information like batch name  *--
494   --*               : date submitted etc.                                                  *--
495   --*    Parameters : p_BatchName     IN  The name of the batch                            *--
496   --*               : p_DateSubmitted IN  The Date batch was submitted                     *--
497   --*               : p_ErrorCode     OUT The Error Code                                   *--
498   --*               : p_ErrorDesc     OUT The Error Description                            *--
499   --*               : p_ErrorLoc      OUT The Error Location                               *--
500   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
501   --*   Called from : process_receipts                                                     *--
502   --*         Calls : debug_init                                                           *--
503   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
504   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
505   --*               : output                                                               *--
506   --*               : error                                                                *--
507   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
508   --*         Logic : Call output to write the Batch Name and the Date Submitted in the    *--
509   --*               : required report format.                                              *--
510   --****************************************************************************************--
511   PROCEDURE write_report_header
512   (
513     p_BatchRec             IN  fv_ar_batches%ROWTYPE,
514     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
515     p_ErrorDesc            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
516     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
520   BEGIN
517   ) IS
518     l_module_name           VARCHAR2(30) := 'write_report_header';
519     l_WroteErrorHeader     BOOLEAN := FALSE;
521     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
522     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
523     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
525     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
527     output ('        Batch Name: '||p_BatchRec.batch_name);
528     output ('    Date Submitted: '||TO_CHAR(p_BatchRec.last_update_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
529     output ('  Receipt Currency: '||p_BatchRec.currency_code);
530     output ('     Exchange Rate: '||p_BatchRec.exchange_rate);
531     output ('Exchange Rate Date: '||p_BatchRec.exchange_date);
532     output ('Exchange Rate Type: '||p_BatchRec.exchange_rate_type);
533     output (' ');
534     output (RPAD('*', 100, '*'));
535     output (' ');
537     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
540       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
541       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
542       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
543       error
544       (
545         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
546         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
547         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
548         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
549       );
550       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
551   END;
553   PROCEDURE del_report_line_for_a_receipt
554   (
555     p_InvoiceNumber        IN  VARCHAR2,
556     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
557     p_ErrorDesc            OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
558     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
559   ) IS
560     l_module_name           VARCHAR2(30) := 'del_report_line_for_a_receipt';
561     l_Counter              NUMBER;
562   BEGIN
563     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
564     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
565     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
567     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
568     FOR l_Counter IN 1..g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications LOOP
569       IF (g_OutReceiptApplications(l_Counter).invoice_number = p_InvoiceNumber) THEN
570         g_OutReceiptApplications(l_Counter).status := 'D';
571       END IF;
572     END LOOP;
573     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
576       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
577       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
578       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
579       error
580       (
581         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
582         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
583         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
584         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
585       );
586       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
587   END del_report_line_for_a_receipt;
589   --****************************************************************************************--
590   --*          Name : write_report_for_a_receipt                                           *--
591   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
592   --*       Purpose : This procedure Writes the detailed Report for a particular receipt   *--
593   --*    Parameters : p_ErrorCode     OUT The Error Code                                   *--
594   --*               : p_ErrorDesc     OUT The Error Description                            *--
595   --*               : p_ErrorLoc      OUT The Error Location                               *--
596   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
597   --*               : g_OutCashReceipts      READ                                          *--
598   --*               : g_OutInvoiceDebitMemos READ                                          *--
599   --*               : g_OutErrorInfo         READ                                          *--
600   --*   Called from : process_receipts                                                     *--
601   --*         Calls : debug_init                                                           *--
602   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
603   --*               : output                                                               *--
604   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
605   --*         Logic : Write the Receipt Information from g_OutCashReceipts                 *--
606   --*               : Write the Debit Memo and Invoice Applications from                   *--
607   --*               :                 g_OutInvoiceDebitMemos                               *--
608   --*               : Write the Error Information from g_OutErrorInfo                      *--
609   --****************************************************************************************--
610   PROCEDURE write_report_for_a_receipt
611   (
612     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
613     p_ErrorDesc            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
614     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
615   ) IS
616     l_module_name           VARCHAR2(30) := 'write_report_for_a_receipt';
617     l_WroteErrorHeader     BOOLEAN := FALSE;
618   BEGIN
619     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
620     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
621     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
623     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
625     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
626     -- Write Receipt Details                                            --
627     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
628     output ('     Receipt Number: '||g_OutCashReceipts.receipt_number);
629     output ('           Customer: '||g_OutCashReceipts.customer_name);
633     output ('     '||RPAD('=', 24, '='));
630     output ('     Receipt Amount: '||g_OutCashReceipts.receipt_amount);
631     output (' ');
634     output ('     Receipt Application');
635     output (' ');
636     output ('            -----------------------------------------------------------------------');
637     output ('           |  Applied Against  | Line Number |  Invoice Type   |  Amount Applied  |');
638     output ('            ----------------------------------------------------------------------');
639     output ('           |                   |             |                 |                  |');
640     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
641     -- Write Receipt Application Details                                --
642     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
643     FOR l_Counter IN 1..g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications LOOP
644       IF (NVL(g_OutReceiptApplications(l_Counter).status, 'A') = 'A') THEN
645         output ('           |'||
646                 RPAD(SUBSTR(g_OutReceiptApplications(l_Counter).invoice_number, 1, 19), 19, ' ')||
647                 '|'||
648                 RPAD(SUBSTR(NVL(TO_CHAR(g_OutReceiptApplications(l_Counter).line_number), ' '), 1, 13), 13, ' ')||
649                 '|'||
650                 RPAD(SUBSTR(g_OutReceiptApplications(l_Counter).invoice_type, 1, 17), 17, ' ')||
651                 '|'||
652                 TO_CHAR(g_OutReceiptApplications(l_Counter).applied_amount, '99999999999990.00')||
653                 '|');
654       END IF;
655     END LOOP;
657     output ('           |                   |             |                 |                  |');
658     output ('            ----------------------------------------------------------------------');
659     output (' ');
660     output (' ');
662     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
663     -- Write Error Information                                          --
664     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
665     FOR l_Counter IN 1..g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors LOOP
666       IF (l_WroteErrorHeader = FALSE) THEN
667       output ('     '||RPAD('=', 24, '='));
668       output ('     Error Messages');
669       output (' ');
670       l_WroteErrorHeader := TRUE;
671       END IF;
673       output ('            '||
674               l_Counter ||
675               '. ' ||
676               g_OutErrorInfo(l_Counter).error_desc);
677     END LOOP;
678     output (' ');
679     output (RPAD('*', 100, '*'));
680     output (' ');
682     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
685       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
686       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
687       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
688       error
689       (
690         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
691         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
692         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
693         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
694       );
695       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
696   END write_report_for_a_receipt;
698   --****************************************************************************************--
699   --*          Name : dump_ar_batch                                                        *--
700   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
701   --*       Purpose : Writes the data in the record for ar_batches using debug_msg         *--
702   --*    Parameters : p_ARBatchRec   IN  ar_batches%ROWTYPE                                *--
703   --*   Global Vars : None                                                                 *--
704   --*   Called from : insert_ar_batch                                                      *--
705   --*         Calls : debug_msg                                                            *--
706   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
707   --*         Logic : Call debug_msg and write the contents of p_ARBatchRec.               *--
708   --****************************************************************************************--
709   PROCEDURE dump_ar_batch
710   (
711     p_ARBatchRec           IN  ar_batches%ROWTYPE
712   ) IS
713     l_module_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'dump_ar_batch';
714   BEGIN
715     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
716     -- For Debug purposes dump the contents of ar_batches record        --
717     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
718     debug_msg (l_module_name, '====> Contents of AR_BATCHES record <====');
719     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'batch_id                   => '|| p_ARBatchRec.batch_id);
720     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'last_updated_by            => '|| p_ARBatchRec.last_updated_by);
721     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'last_update_date           => '|| TO_CHAR(p_ARBatchRec.last_update_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
722     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'last_update_login          => '|| p_ARBatchRec.last_update_login);
723     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'created_by                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.created_by);
724     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'creation_date              => '|| TO_CHAR(p_ARBatchRec.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
725     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'name                       => '|| p_ARBatchRec.name);
726     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'batch_date                 => '|| TO_CHAR(p_ARBatchRec.batch_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
727     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'gl_date                    => '|| TO_CHAR(p_ARBatchRec.gl_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
731     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'batch_source_id            => '|| p_ARBatchRec.batch_source_id);
728     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'status                     => '|| p_ARBatchRec.status);
729     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'deposit_date               => '|| TO_CHAR(p_ARBatchRec.deposit_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
730     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'type                       => '|| p_ARBatchRec.type);
732     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'control_count              => '|| p_ARBatchRec.control_count);
733     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'control_amount             => '|| p_ARBatchRec.control_amount);
734     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'batch_applied_status       => '|| p_ARBatchRec.batch_applied_status);
735     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'currency_code              => '|| p_ARBatchRec.currency_code);
736     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'exchange_rate              => '|| p_ARBatchRec.exchange_rate);
737     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'exchange_date              => '|| TO_CHAR(p_ARBatchRec.exchange_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
738     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'exchange_rate_type         => '|| p_ARBatchRec.exchange_rate_type);
739     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute_category         => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute_category);
740     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute1                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute1);
741     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute2                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute2);
742     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute3                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute3);
743     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute4                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute4);
744     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute5                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute5);
745     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute6                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute6);
746     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute7                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute7);
747     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute8                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute8);
748     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute9                 => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute9);
749     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute10                => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute10);
750     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute11                => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute11);
751     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute12                => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute12);
752     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute13                => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute13);
753     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute14                => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute14);
754     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'attribute15                => '|| p_ARBatchRec.attribute15);
755     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'receipt_method_id          => '|| p_ARBatchRec.receipt_method_id);
756     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'remittance_bank_account_id => '|| p_ARBatchRec.remit_bank_acct_use_id); --PSKI changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
757     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'receipt_class_id           => '|| p_ARBatchRec.receipt_class_id);
758     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'set_of_books_id            => '|| p_ARBatchRec.set_of_books_id);
759     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'org_id                     => '|| p_ARBatchRec.org_id);
760   END dump_ar_batch;
762   --****************************************************************************************--
763   --*          Name : insert_ar_batch                                                      *--
764   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
765   --*       Purpose : This procedure inserts a record into the table ar_batches            *--
766   --*    Parameters : p_BatchRec      IN  fv_ar_batches%ROWTYPE                            *--
767   --*               : p_ErrorCode     OUT The Error Code                                   *--
768   --*               : p_ErrorDesc     OUT The Error Description                            *--
769   --*               : p_ErrorLoc      OUT The Error Location                               *--
770   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
771   --*   Called from : process_receipts                                                     *--
772   --*         Calls : debug_init                                                           *--
773   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
774   --*               : dump_ar_batch                                                        *--
775   --*               : log_msg                                                              *--
776   --*   Tables Used : ar_batches (VIEW) INSERT                                             *--
777   --*         Logic : Copy the FV_AR_BATCHES record into AR_BATCHES record.                *--
778   --*               : Call dump_ar_batch to display the AR_BATCHES record in debug mode    *--
779   --*               : Insert the AR_BATCHES record into the table ar_batches               *--
780   --****************************************************************************************--
781   PROCEDURE insert_ar_batch
782   (
783     p_BatchRec             IN  fv_ar_batches%ROWTYPE,
784     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
785     p_ErrorDesc            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
786     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
787   ) IS
788     l_module_name           VARCHAR2(30) := 'insert_ar_batch';
790     l_ARBatchRec           ar_batches%ROWTYPE;
792   BEGIN
793     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
794     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
795     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
797     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
799     log_msg(l_module_name,'Creating Receipt Batch '||p_BatchRec.batch_name);
802     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
803     -- Copy the fv_ar_batches record into ar_batches record             --
804     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
806     l_ARBatchRec.batch_id                   := p_BatchRec.batch_id;
807     l_ARBatchRec.last_updated_by            := p_BatchRec.last_updated_by;
808     l_ARBatchRec.last_update_date           := p_BatchRec.last_update_date;
809     l_ARBatchRec.last_update_login          := p_BatchRec.last_update_login;
810     l_ARBatchRec.created_by                 := p_BatchRec.created_by;
811     l_ARBatchRec.creation_date              := p_BatchRec.creation_date;
812     l_ARBatchRec.name                       := p_BatchRec.batch_name;
813     l_ARBatchRec.batch_date                 := trunc(SYSDATE); --for Bug 5299453
814     l_ARBatchRec.gl_date                    := p_BatchRec.gl_date;
815     l_ARBatchRec.status                     := 'CL';
816     l_ARBatchRec.deposit_date               := p_BatchRec.deposit_date;
817     l_ARBatchRec.type                       := 'MANUAL';
818     l_ARBatchRec.batch_source_id            := p_BatchRec.batch_source_id;
819     l_ARBatchRec.control_count              := p_BatchRec.batch_count;
820     l_ARBatchRec.control_amount             := p_BatchRec.batch_amount;
821     l_ARBatchRec.batch_applied_status       := 'PROCESSED';
822     l_ARBatchRec.currency_code              := p_BatchRec.currency_code;
823     l_ARBatchRec.exchange_rate              := p_BatchRec.exchange_rate;
824     l_ARBatchRec.exchange_date              := p_BatchRec.exchange_date;
825     l_ARBatchRec.exchange_rate_type         := p_BatchRec.exchange_rate_type;
826     l_ARBatchRec.attribute_category         := p_BatchRec.attribute_category;
827     l_ARBatchRec.attribute1                 := p_BatchRec.attribute1;
828     l_ARBatchRec.attribute2                 := p_BatchRec.attribute2;
829     l_ARBatchRec.attribute3                 := p_BatchRec.attribute3;
830     l_ARBatchRec.attribute4                 := p_BatchRec.attribute4;
831     l_ARBatchRec.attribute5                 := p_BatchRec.attribute5;
832     l_ARBatchRec.attribute6                 := p_BatchRec.attribute6;
833     l_ARBatchRec.attribute7                 := p_BatchRec.attribute7;
834     l_ARBatchRec.attribute8                 := p_BatchRec.attribute8;
835     l_ARBatchRec.attribute9                 := p_BatchRec.attribute9;
836     l_ARBatchRec.attribute10                := p_BatchRec.attribute10;
837     l_ARBatchRec.attribute11                := p_BatchRec.attribute11;
838     l_ARBatchRec.attribute12                := p_BatchRec.attribute12;
839     l_ARBatchRec.attribute13                := p_BatchRec.attribute13;
840     l_ARBatchRec.attribute14                := p_BatchRec.attribute14;
841     l_ARBatchRec.attribute15                := p_BatchRec.attribute15;
842     l_ARBatchRec.receipt_method_id          := p_BatchRec.receipt_method_id;
843     l_ARBatchRec.remit_bank_acct_use_id     := p_BatchRec.ce_bank_acct_use_id;   --PSKI changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
844     l_ARBatchRec.receipt_class_id           := p_BatchRec.receipt_class_id;
845     l_ARBatchRec.set_of_books_id            := p_BatchRec.set_of_books_id;
846     l_ARBatchRec.org_id                     := p_BatchRec.org_id;
848     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
849     -- Call dump_ar_batch to display ar_batches record in debug mode    --
850     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
851     dump_ar_batch (l_ARBatchRec);
853     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
854     -- Insert the ar_batches record into ar_batches table               --
855     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
856     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Inserting data into ar_batches');
857     INSERT INTO ar_batches
858     (
859       batch_id,
860       last_updated_by,
861       last_update_date,
862       last_update_login,
863       created_by,
864       creation_date,
865       name,
866       batch_date,
867       gl_date,
868       status,
869       deposit_date,
870       type,
871       batch_source_id,
872       control_count,
873       control_amount,
874       batch_applied_status,
875       currency_code,
876       exchange_rate,
880       attribute1,
877       exchange_date,
878       exchange_rate_type,
879       attribute_category,
881       attribute2,
882       attribute3,
883       attribute4,
884       attribute5,
885       attribute6,
886       attribute7,
887       attribute8,
888       attribute9,
889       attribute10,
890       attribute11,
891       attribute12,
892       attribute13,
893       attribute14,
894       attribute15,
895       receipt_method_id,
896       remit_bank_acct_use_id,   --PSKI changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
897       receipt_class_id,
898       set_of_books_id,
899       org_id
900     )
901     VALUES
902     (
903       l_ARBatchRec.batch_id,
904       l_ARBatchRec.last_updated_by,
905       l_ARBatchRec.last_update_date,
906       l_ARBatchRec.last_update_login,
907       l_ARBatchRec.created_by,
908       l_ARBatchRec.creation_date,
909       l_ARBatchRec.name,
910       l_ARBatchRec.batch_date,
911       l_ARBatchRec.gl_date,
912       l_ARBatchRec.status,
913       l_ARBatchRec.deposit_date,
914       l_ARBatchRec.type,
915       l_ARBatchRec.batch_source_id,
916       l_ARBatchRec.control_count,
917       l_ARBatchRec.control_amount,
918       l_ARBatchRec.batch_applied_status,
919       l_ARBatchRec.currency_code,
920       l_ARBatchRec.exchange_rate,
921       l_ARBatchRec.exchange_date,
922       l_ARBatchRec.exchange_rate_type,
923       l_ARBatchRec.attribute_category,
924       l_ARBatchRec.attribute1,
925       l_ARBatchRec.attribute2,
926       l_ARBatchRec.attribute3,
927       l_ARBatchRec.attribute4,
928       l_ARBatchRec.attribute5,
929       l_ARBatchRec.attribute6,
930       l_ARBatchRec.attribute7,
931       l_ARBatchRec.attribute8,
932       l_ARBatchRec.attribute9,
933       l_ARBatchRec.attribute10,
934       l_ARBatchRec.attribute11,
935       l_ARBatchRec.attribute12,
936       l_ARBatchRec.attribute13,
937       l_ARBatchRec.attribute14,
938       l_ARBatchRec.attribute15,
939       l_ARBatchRec.receipt_method_id,
940       l_ARBatchRec.remit_bank_acct_use_id,   --PSKI changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
941       l_ARBatchRec.receipt_class_id,
942       l_ARBatchRec.set_of_books_id,
943       l_ARBatchRec.org_id
944     );
946     log_msg(l_module_name,'Successfully created Receipt Batch '||p_BatchRec.batch_name);
947     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
950       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
951       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
952       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
953       error
954       (
955         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
956         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
957         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
958         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
959       );
960       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
961   END insert_ar_batch;
963   --****************************************************************************************--
964   --*          Name : apply_on_account                                                     *--
965   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
966   --*       Purpose : Calls the API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_on_account to Apply the       *--
967   --*               : receipt amount to On Account for the customer                        *--
968   --*    Parameters : p_OnAccountRec  IN  OnAccountRecType                                 *--
969   --*               : p_ErrorCode     OUT The Error Code                                   *--
970   --*               : p_ErrorDesc     OUT The Error Description                            *--
971   --*               : p_ErrorLoc      OUT The Error Location                               *--
972   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS         READ                                               *--
973   --*               : g_OutErrorInfo    WRITE                                              *--
974   --*               : g_OutCashReceipts WRITE, READ                                        *--
975   --*   Called from : process_receipts                                                     *--
976   --*         Calls : ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_on_account                                  *--
977   --*               : fnd_msg_pub.get                                                      *--
978   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
979   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
980   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
981   --*               : error                                                                *--
982   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
983   --*         Logic : Use the values in p_OnAccountRec and use them as parameters to call  *--
984   --*               :      ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_on_account                             *--
985   --*               : If there is an error the return code in x_return_status will not be S*--
986   --*               : If there is an error, check the contents of x_msg_count              *--
987   --*               : If x_msg_count is 1 then the error message is obtained from          *--
988   --*               :      x_msg_data                                                      *--
989   --*               : If x_msg_count is > 1 then call fnd_msg_pub.get x_msg_count times to *--
990   --*               :      get the error messages.                                         *--
994     p_OnAccountRec         IN  OnAccountRecType,
991   --****************************************************************************************--
992   PROCEDURE apply_on_account
993   (
995     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
996     p_ErrorDesc            OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
997     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
998   ) IS
999     l_module_name           VARCHAR2(30) := 'apply_on_account ';
1000     l_api_version          CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
1001     l_ReturnStatus         VARCHAR2(10);
1002     l_MessageCount         NUMBER;
1003     l_MessageData          VARCHAR2(1024);
1004     l_CashReceiptId        NUMBER;
1006   BEGIN
1007     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
1008     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
1009     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
1011     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
1013     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1014     -- Print contents of P_OnAccountRec for debug purposes              --
1015     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1016     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_on_account with the following paraeteres');
1017     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_api_version            => '||l_api_version);
1018     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_cash_receipt_id        => '||p_OnAccountRec.cash_receipt_id);
1019     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_receipt_number         => '||p_OnAccountRec.receipt_number);
1020     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_amount_applied         => '||p_OnAccountRec.amount_applied);
1021     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_apply_date             => '||TO_CHAR(p_OnAccountRec.apply_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
1022     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_apply_gl_date          => '||TO_CHAR(p_OnAccountRec.apply_gl_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
1023 --    debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ussgl_transaction_code => '||p_OnAccountRec.ussgl_transaction_code);
1024     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_comments               => '||p_OnAccountRec.comments);
1026     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1027     -- Call API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_on_account for applying        --
1028     -- p_OnAccountRec.amount_applied towards On account for the         --
1029     -- customer                                                         --
1030     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1031     log_msg (l_module_name,'Applying On Account for an amount of '||p_OnAccountRec.amount_applied);
1032     ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_on_account
1033     (
1034       p_api_version            => l_api_version,
1035       p_init_msg_list          => FND_API.G_TRUE,
1036       p_commit                 => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1037       p_validation_level       => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
1038       x_return_status          => l_ReturnStatus,
1039       x_msg_count              => l_MessageCount,
1040       x_msg_data               => l_MessageData,
1041       p_cash_receipt_id        => p_OnAccountRec.cash_receipt_id,
1042       p_receipt_number         => p_OnAccountRec.receipt_number,
1043       p_amount_applied         => p_OnAccountRec.amount_applied,
1044       p_apply_date             => p_OnAccountRec.apply_date,
1045       p_apply_gl_date          => p_OnAccountRec.apply_gl_date,
1046 --      p_ussgl_transaction_code => p_OnAccountRec.ussgl_transaction_code,
1047       p_ussgl_transaction_code => null,
1048       p_attribute_rec          => p_OnAccountRec.attribute_rec,
1049       p_global_attribute_rec   => p_OnAccountRec.global_attribute_rec,
1050       p_comments               => p_OnAccountRec.comments
1051     );
1052     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_on_account (Return Values)');
1053     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_return_status          => '||l_ReturnStatus);
1054     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_msg_count              => '||l_MessageCount);
1055     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_msg_data               => '||l_MessageData);
1057     IF (l_ReturnStatus <> 'S') THEN
1058       log_msg (l_module_name,'Could not apply On Account');
1059       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1060       -- There is an error                                                --
1061       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1062       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1063       p_ErrorLoc  := 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_on_account.';
1065       IF (l_MessageCount = 1) THEN
1066         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1067         -- Message Count is 1, hence the error message is in x_msg_data     --
1068         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1069         p_ErrorDesc := l_MessageData;
1070         g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors := g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors + 1;
1071         g_OutErrorInfo(g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors).error_desc := l_MessageData;
1072         error
1073         (
1074           p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1075           p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1076           p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1077           p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1078         );
1079         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Error Message is :'||l_MessageData);
1080       ELSE
1081         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1082         -- Message Count is > 1, hence loop for x_msg_count times and call  --
1083         -- fnd_msg_pub.get to get the error messages                        --
1084         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1085         FOR l_Counter IN 1..l_MessageCount LOOP
1086           l_MessageData := fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded => 'F');
1090           (
1087           g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors := g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors + 1;
1088           g_OutErrorInfo(g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors).error_desc := l_MessageData;
1089           error
1091             p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1092             p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1093             p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1094             p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1095           );
1096           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Error Message is :'||l_MessageData);
1097         END LOOP;
1098         p_ErrorDesc := 'Look at the Report to find the error';
1099       END IF;
1100     ELSE
1101       log_msg (l_module_name,'On Account Application Successfull');
1102     END IF;
1104     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1107       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1108       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1109       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
1110       error
1111       (
1112         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1113         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1114         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1115         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1116       );
1117       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1118   END apply_on_account ;
1120   --****************************************************************************************--
1121   --*          Name : unapply_if_already_applied                                           *--
1122   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
1123   --*       Purpose : Checks to see if the debit memo was already applied to a cash receipt*--
1124   --*               : If so the application is reversed and the amount is returned.        *--
1125   --*    Parameters : p_ReceiptId            IN  Cash Receipt                              *--
1126   --*               : p_InvoiceId            IN  Invoice Id to be unapplied                *--
1127   --*               : p_UnAppliedAmount      OUT The Unapplied amount is returned          *--
1128   --*               : p_ErrorCode            OUT The Error Code                            *--
1129   --*               : p_ErrorDesc            OUT The Error Description                     *--
1130   --*               : p_ErrorLoc             OUT The Error Location                        *--
1131   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS         READ                                               *--
1132   --*               : g_OutErrorInfo    WRITE                                              *--
1133   --*               : g_OutCashReceipts WRITE, READ                                        *--
1134   --*   Called from : pay_debit_memos                                                      *--
1135   --*         Calls : ar_receipt_api_pub.unapply                                           *--
1136   --*               : fnd_msg_pub.get                                                      *--
1137   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
1138   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
1139   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
1140   --*               : error                                                                *--
1141   --*   Tables Used : ar_receivable_applications SELECT                                    *--
1142   --*         Logic : For the specific Cash Receipt Id and Invoice Id see if there is any  *--
1143   --*               : data in the table ar_receivable_applications.                        *--
1144   --*               : If not exit.                                                         *--
1145   --*               : If there is any data in ar_receivable_applications, then call        *--
1146   --*               :      ar_receipt_api_pub.unapply to unapply the invoice               *--
1147   --*               : If there is an error the return code in x_return_status will not be S*--
1148   --*               : If there is an error, check the contents of x_msg_count              *--
1149   --*               : If x_msg_count is 1 then the error message is obtained from          *--
1150   --*               :      x_msg_data                                                      *--
1151   --*               : If x_msg_count is > 1 then call fnd_msg_pub.get x_msg_count times to *--
1152   --*               :      get the error messages.                                         *--
1153   --*               : Mark the row as erased in the report table.                          *--
1154   --*               : Return the unapplied amount.                                         *--
1155   --****************************************************************************************--
1156   PROCEDURE unapply_if_already_applied
1157   (
1158     p_ReceiptId            IN  NUMBER,
1159     p_InvoiceId            IN  NUMBER,
1160     p_UnAppliedAmount      OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
1161     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1162     p_ErrorDesc            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1163     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
1164   ) IS
1165     l_module_name              VARCHAR2(30) := 'unapply_if_already_applied';
1166     l_api_version             CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
1167     l_ReturnStatus            VARCHAR2(10);
1168     l_MessageCount            NUMBER;
1169     l_MessageData             VARCHAR2(1024);
1170     l_PreviousAmount          NUMBER;
1171     l_ReceivableApplicationId NUMBER;
1173     l_Count NUMBER;
1175   BEGIN
1176     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
1177     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
1178     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
1180     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
1181     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_Receiptid       =  '||p_Receiptid);
1182     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_InvoiceId       =  '||p_InvoiceId);
1184     BEGIN
1188              l_ReceivableApplicationId
1185       SELECT ara.amount_applied,
1186              ara.receivable_application_id
1187         INTO l_PreviousAmount,
1189         FROM ar_receivable_applications ara
1190        WHERE ara.cash_receipt_id = p_Receiptid
1191          AND ara.applied_customer_trx_id = p_InvoiceId;
1192     EXCEPTION
1194         l_PreviousAmount := 0;
1195         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'No Data Found');
1197         p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1198         p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1199         p_ErrorLoc  := 'SELECT ar_receivable_applications';
1200         error
1201         (
1202           p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1203           p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1204           p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1205           p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1206         );
1207         debug_msg (l_module_name, p_ErrorDesc||'at location'||p_ErrorLoc);
1208     END;
1210     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'l_ReceivableApplicationId       =  '||l_ReceivableApplicationId);
1211     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'l_PreviousAmount                =  '||l_PreviousAmount);
1213     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
1214       IF (l_PreviousAmount <> 0) THEN
1215         ar_receipt_api_pub.unapply
1216         (
1217           p_api_version                 => l_api_version,
1218           p_init_msg_list               => FND_API.G_TRUE,
1219           p_commit                      => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1220           p_validation_level            => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
1221           x_return_status               => l_ReturnStatus,
1222           x_msg_count                   => l_MessageCount,
1223           x_msg_data                    => l_MessageData,
1224           p_receipt_number              => NULL,
1225           p_cash_receipt_id             => NULL,
1226           p_trx_number                  => NULL,
1227           p_customer_trx_id             => NULL,
1228           p_installment                 => NULL,
1229           p_applied_payment_schedule_id => NULL,
1230           p_receivable_application_id   => l_ReceivableApplicationId,
1231           p_reversal_gl_date            => NULL,
1232           p_called_from                 => NULL,
1233           p_cancel_claim_flag           => NULL
1234         );
1236         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Unapply (Return Values)');
1237         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_return_status                => '||l_ReturnStatus);
1238         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_msg_count                    => '||l_MessageCount);
1239         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_msg_data                     => '||l_MessageData);
1241         IF (l_ReturnStatus <> 'S') THEN
1242           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1243           -- There is an error                                                --
1244           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1245           p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1246           p_ErrorLoc  := 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.UnApply.';
1248           IF (l_MessageCount = 1) THEN
1249             ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1250             -- Message Count is 1, hence the error message is in x_msg_data     --
1251             ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1252             p_ErrorDesc := l_MessageData;
1253             g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors := g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors + 1;
1254             g_OutErrorInfo(g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors).error_desc := l_MessageData;
1255             error
1256             (
1257               p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1258               p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1259               p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1260               p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1261             );
1262             debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Error Message is :'||l_MessageData);
1263           ELSE
1264             ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1265             -- Message Count is > 1, hence loop for x_msg_count times and call  --
1266             -- fnd_msg_pub.get to get the error messages                        --
1267             ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1268             FOR l_Counter IN 1..l_MessageCount LOOP
1269               l_MessageData := fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded => 'F');
1270               g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors := g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors + 1;
1271               g_OutErrorInfo(g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors).error_desc := l_MessageData;
1272               debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Error Message is :'||l_MessageData);
1273               error
1274               (
1275                 p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1276                 p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1277                 p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1278                 p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1279               );
1280             END LOOP;
1281             p_ErrorDesc := 'Look at the Report to find the error';
1282           END IF;
1283         END IF;
1284       END IF;
1285     END IF;
1287     p_UnAppliedAmount := l_PreviousAmount;
1289     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1292       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1293       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1294       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
1295       error
1296       (
1297         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1298         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1302       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1299         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1300         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1301       );
1303   END unapply_if_already_applied;
1305   --****************************************************************************************--
1306   --*          Name : CreateCashReceipt                                                    *--
1307   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
1308   --*       Purpose : This procedure calls API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply to apply the       *--
1309   --*               :   receipt against an invoice or debit memo.                          *--
1310   --*    Parameters : p_ApplyCashRec  IN  ApplyCashRecType                                 *--
1311   --*               : p_ErrorCode     OUT The Error Code                                   *--
1312   --*               : p_ErrorDesc     OUT The Error Description                            *--
1313   --*               : p_ErrorLoc      OUT The Error Location                               *--
1314   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS         READ                                               *--
1315   --*               : g_OutErrorInfo    WRITE                                              *--
1316   --*               : g_OutCashReceipts WRITE, READ                                        *--
1317   --*   Called from : pay_the_invoice                                                      *--
1318   --*               : pay_debit_memos                                                      *--
1319   --*         Calls : ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply                                             *--
1320   --*               : fnd_msg_pub.get                                                      *--
1321   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
1322   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
1323   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
1324   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
1325   --*         Logic : Use the values in p_OnAccountRec and use them as parameters to call  *--
1326   --*               :      ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply                                        *--
1327   --*               : If there is an error the return code in x_return_status will not be S*--
1328   --*               : If there is an error, check the contents of x_msg_count              *--
1329   --*               : If x_msg_count is 1 then the error message is obtained from          *--
1330   --*               :      x_msg_data                                                      *--
1331   --*               : If x_msg_count is > 1 then call fnd_msg_pub.get x_msg_count times to *--
1332   --*               :      get the error messages.                                         *--
1333   --****************************************************************************************--
1334   PROCEDURE apply_cash_receipt
1335   (
1336     p_ApplyCashRec         IN  ApplyCashRecType,
1337     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1338     p_ErrorDesc            OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1339     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
1340   ) IS
1341     l_module_name           VARCHAR2(30) := 'apply_cash_receipt';
1342     l_api_version          CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
1343     l_ReturnStatus         VARCHAR2(10);
1344     l_MessageCount         NUMBER;
1345     l_MessageData          VARCHAR2(1024);
1346     llca_def_trx_lines_tbl AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.llca_trx_lines_tbl_type;
1349   BEGIN
1350     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
1351     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
1352     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
1354     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
1356     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
1357       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1358       -- Print contents of p_ApplyCashRec for debug purposes              --
1359       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1360       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply/Apply_In_Detail with the following parameters');
1361       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_api_version                  => '||l_api_version);
1362       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_cash_receipt_id              => '||p_ApplyCashRec.cash_receipt_id);
1363       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_receipt_number               => '||p_ApplyCashRec.receipt_number);
1364       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_customer_trx_id              => '||p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_id);
1365       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_trx_number                   => '||p_ApplyCashRec.trx_number);
1366       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_installment                  => '||p_ApplyCashRec.installment);
1367       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_applied_payment_schedule_id  => '||p_ApplyCashRec.applied_payment_schedule_id);
1368       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_amount_applied               => '||p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied);
1369       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_amount_applied_from          => '||p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied_from);
1370       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_trans_to_receipt_rate        => '||p_ApplyCashRec.trans_to_receipt_rate);
1371       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_discount                     => '||p_ApplyCashRec.discount);
1372       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_apply_date                   => '||TO_CHAR(p_ApplyCashRec.apply_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
1373       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_apply_gl_date                => '||TO_CHAR(p_ApplyCashRec.apply_gl_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
1374 --      debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ussgl_transaction_code       => '||p_ApplyCashRec.ussgl_transaction_code);
1375       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_customer_trx_line_id         => '||p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_line_id);
1376       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_line_number                  => '||p_ApplyCashRec.line_number);
1380       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_link_to_trx_hist_id          => '||p_ApplyCashRec.link_to_trx_hist_id);
1377       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_show_closed_invoices         => '||p_ApplyCashRec.show_closed_invoices);
1378       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_called_from                  => '||p_ApplyCashRec.called_from);
1379       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_move_deferred_tax            => '||p_ApplyCashRec.move_deferred_tax);
1381       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_comments                     => '||p_ApplyCashRec.comments);
1382       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_payment_set_id               => '||p_ApplyCashRec.payment_set_id);
1383       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_application_ref_type         => '||p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_type);
1384       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_application_ref_id           => '||p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_id);
1385       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_application_ref_num          => '||p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_num);
1386       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_secondary_application_ref_id => '||p_ApplyCashRec.secondary_application_ref_id);
1387       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_application_ref_reason       => '||p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_reason);
1388       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_customer_reference           => '||p_ApplyCashRec.customer_reference);
1389       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_org_id                       => '||p_ApplyCashRec.org_id);
1391       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1392       -- 1. Check if the Receipt Applied is for line level application
1393       -- 2. If yes then call AR LLCA API
1394       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1395       IF (p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_line_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
1397           log_msg (l_module_name,'Applying Invoice Id <'||p_ApplyCashRec.line_number||
1398                    '> for line Number <'||p_ApplyCashRec.line_number||
1399                    '> against Cash Receipt Id <'||p_ApplyCashRec.cash_receipt_id||'>');
1402           llca_def_trx_lines_tbl(1).customer_trx_line_id := p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_line_id;
1403           llca_def_trx_lines_tbl(1).line_number := p_ApplyCashRec.line_number;
1404           llca_def_trx_lines_tbl(1).line_amount := p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied;
1405           llca_def_trx_lines_tbl(1).amount_applied := p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied;
1406           llca_def_trx_lines_tbl(1).amount_applied_from := p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied_from;
1408           ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_In_Detail
1409           (
1410              p_api_version                  => l_api_version,
1411              p_init_msg_list                => FND_API.G_TRUE,
1412              p_commit                       => FND_API.G_TRUE,
1413              p_validation_level             => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
1414              x_return_status                => l_ReturnStatus,
1415              x_msg_count                    => l_MessageCount,
1416              x_msg_data                     => l_MessageData,
1417              p_llca_type                    => 'L',
1418              p_llca_trx_lines_tbl           => llca_def_trx_lines_tbl,
1419              p_line_amount                  => p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied,
1420              p_cash_receipt_id              => p_ApplyCashRec.cash_receipt_id,
1421              p_receipt_number               => p_ApplyCashRec.receipt_number,
1422              p_customer_trx_id              => p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_id,
1423              p_trx_number                   => p_ApplyCashRec.trx_number,
1424              p_installment                  => p_ApplyCashRec.installment,
1425              p_applied_payment_schedule_id  => p_ApplyCashRec.applied_payment_schedule_id,
1426              p_amount_applied               => p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied,
1427              p_amount_applied_from          => p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied_from,
1428              p_trans_to_receipt_rate        => p_ApplyCashRec.trans_to_receipt_rate,
1429              p_discount                     => p_ApplyCashRec.discount,
1430              p_apply_date                   => p_ApplyCashRec.apply_date,
1431              p_apply_gl_date                => p_ApplyCashRec.apply_gl_date,
1432              p_ussgl_transaction_code       => null,
1433 --             p_customer_trx_line_id         => p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_line_id,
1434 --             p_line_number                  => p_ApplyCashRec.line_number,
1435              p_show_closed_invoices         => p_ApplyCashRec.show_closed_invoices,
1436              p_called_from                  => p_ApplyCashRec.called_from,
1437              p_move_deferred_tax            => p_ApplyCashRec.move_deferred_tax,
1438              p_link_to_trx_hist_id          => p_ApplyCashRec.link_to_trx_hist_id,
1439              p_attribute_rec                => p_ApplyCashRec.attribute_rec,
1440              p_global_attribute_rec         => p_ApplyCashRec.global_attribute_rec,
1441              p_comments                     => p_ApplyCashRec.comments,
1442              p_payment_set_id               => p_ApplyCashRec.payment_set_id,
1443              p_application_ref_type         => p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_type,
1444              p_application_ref_id           => p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_id,
1445              p_application_ref_num          => p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_num,
1446              p_secondary_application_ref_id => p_ApplyCashRec.secondary_application_ref_id,
1447              p_application_ref_reason       => p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_reason,
1448              p_customer_reference           => p_ApplyCashRec.customer_reference,
1449              p_org_id                       => p_ApplyCashRec.org_id
1450            );
1451           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply_In_Detail (Return Values)');
1452           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_return_status                => '||l_ReturnStatus);
1453           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_msg_count                    => '||l_MessageCount);
1454           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_msg_data                     => '||l_MessageData);
1456       ELSE
1457           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1458           -- Call API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply for applying the receipt amt  --
1459           -- p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied, p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied_from--
1460           -- towards the invoice or debit memo                                --
1461           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1462           log_msg (l_module_name,'Applying Invoice Id <'||p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_id||
1463                    '> against Cash Receipt Id <'||p_ApplyCashRec.cash_receipt_id||'>');
1464           ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply
1465           (
1466             p_api_version                  => l_api_version,
1467             p_init_msg_list                => FND_API.G_TRUE,
1468             p_commit                       => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1469             p_validation_level             => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
1470             x_return_status                => l_ReturnStatus,
1471             x_msg_count                    => l_MessageCount,
1472             x_msg_data                     => l_MessageData,
1473             p_cash_receipt_id              => p_ApplyCashRec.cash_receipt_id,
1474             p_receipt_number               => p_ApplyCashRec.receipt_number,
1475             p_customer_trx_id              => p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_id,
1476             p_trx_number                   => p_ApplyCashRec.trx_number,
1477             p_installment                  => p_ApplyCashRec.installment,
1478             p_applied_payment_schedule_id  => p_ApplyCashRec.applied_payment_schedule_id,
1479             p_amount_applied               => p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied,
1480             p_amount_applied_from          => p_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied_from,
1481             p_trans_to_receipt_rate        => p_ApplyCashRec.trans_to_receipt_rate,
1482             p_discount                     => p_ApplyCashRec.discount,
1483             p_apply_date                   => p_ApplyCashRec.apply_date,
1484             p_apply_gl_date                => p_ApplyCashRec.apply_gl_date,
1485 --          p_ussgl_transaction_code       => p_ApplyCashRec.ussgl_transaction_code,
1486             p_ussgl_transaction_code       => null,
1487             p_customer_trx_line_id         => p_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_line_id,
1488             p_line_number                  => p_ApplyCashRec.line_number,
1489             p_show_closed_invoices         => p_ApplyCashRec.show_closed_invoices,
1490             p_called_from                  => p_ApplyCashRec.called_from,
1491             p_move_deferred_tax            => p_ApplyCashRec.move_deferred_tax,
1492             p_link_to_trx_hist_id          => p_ApplyCashRec.link_to_trx_hist_id,
1493             p_attribute_rec                => p_ApplyCashRec.attribute_rec,
1494             p_global_attribute_rec         => p_ApplyCashRec.global_attribute_rec,
1495             p_comments                     => p_ApplyCashRec.comments,
1496             p_payment_set_id               => p_ApplyCashRec.payment_set_id,
1497             p_application_ref_type         => p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_type,
1498             p_application_ref_id           => p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_id,
1499             p_application_ref_num          => p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_num,
1500             p_secondary_application_ref_id => p_ApplyCashRec.secondary_application_ref_id,
1501             p_application_ref_reason       => p_ApplyCashRec.application_ref_reason,
1502             p_customer_reference           => p_ApplyCashRec.customer_reference,
1503             p_org_id                       => p_ApplyCashRec.org_id
1504           );
1506           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply (Return Values)');
1507           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_return_status                => '||l_ReturnStatus);
1508           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_msg_count                    => '||l_MessageCount);
1509           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'x_msg_data                     => '||l_MessageData);
1511       END IF;
1513       IF (l_ReturnStatus <> 'S') THEN
1514         log_msg (l_module_name,'Cash Receipt Application Failed');
1515         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1516         -- There is an error                                                --
1517         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1518         p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1519         p_ErrorLoc  := 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Apply.';
1521         IF (l_MessageCount = 1) THEN
1522           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1523           -- Message Count is 1, hence the error message is in x_msg_data     --
1524           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1525           p_ErrorDesc := l_MessageData;
1526           g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors := g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors + 1;
1527           g_OutErrorInfo(g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors).error_desc := l_MessageData;
1528           error
1529           (
1530             p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1531             p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1532             p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1533             p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1534           );
1535           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Error Message is :'||l_MessageData);
1536         ELSE
1537           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1538           -- Message Count is > 1, hence loop for x_msg_count times and call  --
1539           -- fnd_msg_pub.get to get the error messages                        --
1543             g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors := g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors + 1;
1540           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1541           FOR l_Counter IN 1..l_MessageCount LOOP
1542             l_MessageData := fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded => 'F');
1544             g_OutErrorInfo(g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors).error_desc := l_MessageData;
1545             error
1546             (
1547               p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1548               p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1549               p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1550               p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1551             );
1552             debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Error Message is :'||l_MessageData);
1553           END LOOP;
1554           p_ErrorDesc := 'Look at the Report to find the error';
1555         END IF;
1556       END IF;
1557     ELSE
1558       log_msg (l_module_name,'Successfully Applied against the Cash Receipt');
1559     END IF;
1561     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1564       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1565       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1566       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
1567       error
1568       (
1569         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1570         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1571         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1572         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1573       );
1574       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1575   END apply_cash_receipt;
1577   --****************************************************************************************--
1578   --*          Name : update_cash_receipt_hist                                             *--
1579   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
1580   --*       Purpose : Currenty the APIs for Receipt process does not have an option to     *--
1581   --*               : receive batch_id, hence the fv_ar_batch details are entered into the *--
1582   --*               : table ar_batches and the batch_id obtained is used to update the     *--
1583   --*               : table ar_cash_receipt_history_all, so that it simulates the current  *--
1584   --*               : process of entering the receipt details through batch                *--
1585   --*    Parameters : p_BatchId       IN  The batch Id                                     *--
1586   --*               : p_CashReceiptId IN  The Cash Receipt Id                              *--
1587   --*               : p_ErrorCode     OUT The Error Code                                   *--
1588   --*               : p_ErrorDesc     OUT The Error Description                            *--
1589   --*               : p_ErrorLoc      OUT The Error Location                               *--
1590   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
1591   --*   Called from : create_cash_receipt                                                  *--
1592   --*         Calls : debug_msg                                                            *--
1593   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
1594   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
1595   --*               : error                                                                *--
1596   --*               : log_msg                                                              *--
1597   --*   Tables Used : ar_cash_receipt_history_all UPDATE                                   *--
1598   --*         Logic : UPDATE ar_cash_receipt_history_all with value p_BatchId for the      *--
1599   --*               : receipt id p_CashReceiptId                                           *--
1600   --****************************************************************************************--
1601   PROCEDURE update_cash_receipt_hist
1602   (
1603     p_BatchId              IN  NUMBER,
1604     p_CashReceiptId        IN  NUMBER,
1605     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1606     p_ErrorDesc            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1607     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
1608   ) IS
1609     l_module_name           VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_cash_receipt_hist';
1611   BEGIN
1612     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
1613     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
1614     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
1616     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
1618     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_BatchId       =  '||p_BatchId);
1619     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_CashReceiptId =  '||p_CashReceiptId);
1621     log_msg (l_module_name,'Updating Cash Receipt History');
1623     BEGIN
1624       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1625       -- Update the table ar_cash_receipt_history_all to link it with the --
1626       -- table ar_batches                                                 --
1627       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1628       UPDATE ar_cash_receipt_history_all
1629          SET batch_id = p_BatchId
1630        WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_CashReceiptId;
1632     log_msg (l_module_name,'Successfully Updated Cash Receipt History');
1633     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Updated '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows.');
1634     EXCEPTION
1636         p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1637         p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1638         p_ErrorLoc  := 'UPDATE ar_cash_receipt_history_all';
1639         error
1640         (
1641           p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1642           p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1643           p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1644           p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1645         );
1646         log_msg (l_module_name,'Error Updating Cash Receipt History');
1647         debug_msg (l_module_name, p_ErrorDesc||'at location'||p_ErrorLoc);
1648     END;
1653       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1650     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1654       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1655       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
1656       error
1657       (
1658         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1659         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1660         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1661         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1662       );
1663       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1664   END update_cash_receipt_hist;
1666   --****************************************************************************************--
1667   --*          Name : update_fv_batch_status                                               *--
1668   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
1669   --*       Purpose : This procedure is used to update the status of the table             *--
1670   --*               : fv_ar_batches_all.
1671   --*    Parameters : p_BatchId       IN  The batch Id                                     *--
1672   --*               : p_Status        IN  The Status to which the table to be updated      *--
1673   --*               : p_ErrorCode     OUT The Error Code                                   *--
1674   --*               : p_ErrorDesc     OUT The Error Description                            *--
1675   --*               : p_ErrorLoc      OUT The Error Location                               *--
1676   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
1677   --*   Called from : main                                                                 *--
1678   --*         Calls : debug_msg                                                            *--
1679   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
1680   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
1681   --*   Tables Used : fv_ar_batches_all UPDATE                                             *--
1682   --*         Logic : Update the table fv_ar_batches_all with the status p_Status for the  *--
1683   --*               : batch_id p_BatchId                                                   *--
1684   --****************************************************************************************--
1685   PROCEDURE update_fv_batch_status
1686   (
1687     p_BatchId    IN  NUMBER,
1688     p_Status     IN  VARCHAR2,
1689     p_ErrorCode  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1690     p_ErrorDesc  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1691     p_ErrorLoc   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
1692   ) IS
1693     l_module_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_fv_batch_status';
1695   BEGIN
1696     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
1697     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
1698     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
1700     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
1702     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_BatchId = '||p_BatchId);
1703     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_Status  = '||p_Status);
1705     BEGIN
1706       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Updating table fv_ar_batches_all');
1708       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1709       -- Update the table fv_ar_batches_all to the status p_Status for    --
1710       -- batch_id p_BatchId                                               --
1711       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1712       UPDATE fv_ar_batches_all
1713          SET transfer_status = p_status
1714        WHERE batch_id = p_BatchId;
1716       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Updated '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows.');
1718     EXCEPTION
1720         p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1721         p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1722         p_ErrorLoc  := 'UPDATE fv_ar_batches_all';
1723         error
1724         (
1725           p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1726           p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1727           p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1728           p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1729         );
1730         debug_msg (l_module_name, p_ErrorDesc||'at location'||p_ErrorLoc);
1731     END;
1733     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1736       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1737       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1738       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
1739       error
1740       (
1741         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1742         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1743         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1744         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1745       );
1746       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1747   END update_fv_batch_status;
1749   --****************************************************************************************--
1750   --*          Name : create_cash_receipt                                                  *--
1751   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
1752   --*       Purpose : This procedure creates a Cash Receipt ID by calling the API          *--
1753   --*               : ar_receipt_api_pub.Create_cash  and returns the Cash Receipt Id to   *--
1754   --*               : calling program. This procedure also calls update_cash_receipt_hist  *--
1755   --*               : to update the Cash Receipt History table with the batch_id           *--
1756   --*    Parameters : p_BatchId       IN  The batch Id                                     *--
1757   --*               : p_CreateCashRec IN  CreateCashRecType                                *--
1758   --*               : p_CashReceiptId OUT Cash Receipt Id                                  *--
1759   --*               : p_ErrorCode     OUT The Error Code                                   *--
1763   --*               : g_OutErrorInfo    WRITE                                              *--
1760   --*               : p_ErrorDesc     OUT The Error Description                            *--
1761   --*               : p_ErrorLoc      OUT The Error Location                               *--
1762   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS         READ                                               *--
1764   --*               : g_OutCashReceipts WRITE, READ                                        *--
1765   --*   Called from : process_receipts                                                     *--
1766   --*         Calls : update_cash_receipt_hist                                             *--
1767   --*               : ar_receipt_api_pub.Create_cash                                       *--
1768   --*               : fnd_msg_pub.get                                                      *--
1769   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
1770   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
1771   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
1772   --*               : error                                                                *--
1773   --*               : log_msg                                                              *--
1774   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
1775   --*         Logic : Use the values in p_CreateCashRec and use them as parameters to call *--
1776   --*               :      ar_receipt_api_pub.Create_cash                                  *--
1777   --*               : If there is an error the return code in x_return_status will not be S*--
1778   --*               : If there is an error, check the contents of x_msg_count              *--
1779   --*               : If x_msg_count is 1 then the error message is obtained from          *--
1780   --*               :      x_msg_data                                                      *--
1781   --*               : If x_msg_count is > 1 then call fnd_msg_pub.get x_msg_count times to *--
1782   --*               :      get the error messages.                                         *--
1783   --*               : Call update_cash_receipt_hist to update the Cash Receipt History     *--
1784   --*               : table.                                                               *--
1785   --****************************************************************************************--
1786   PROCEDURE create_cash_receipt
1787   (
1788     p_BatchId       IN  NUMBER,
1789     p_CreateCashRec IN  CreateCashRecType,
1790     p_CashReceiptId OUT NOCOPY  ar_cash_receipts.cash_receipt_id%TYPE,
1791     p_ErrorCode     OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1792     p_ErrorDesc     OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
1793     p_ErrorLoc      OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
1794   ) IS
1795     l_module_name    VARCHAR2(30) := 'create_cash_receipt';
1796     l_api_version   CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
1797     l_ReturnStatus  VARCHAR2(10);
1798     l_MessageCount  NUMBER;
1799     l_MessageData   VARCHAR2(1024);
1800     l_exchange_rate NUMBER;
1802   BEGIN
1803     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
1804     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
1805     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
1807     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
1809     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'BatchId '||p_BatchId);
1811     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1812     -- Print contents of p_CreateCashRec for debug purposes             --
1813     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1814     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Create_cash with the following paraeteres');
1815     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_api_version                  => '||l_api_version);
1816     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_usr_currency_code            => '||p_CreateCashRec.usr_currency_code);
1817     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_currency_code                => '||p_CreateCashRec.currency_code);
1818     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_usr_exchange_rate_type       => '||p_CreateCashRec.usr_exchange_rate_type);
1819     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_exchange_rate_type           => '||p_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate_type);
1821     -- if exchange rate type is not 'User' then we don't need to pass exchange rate
1822     IF p_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate_type <> 'User' THEN
1823        l_exchange_rate := null;
1824     ELSE
1825        l_exchange_rate := p_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate;
1826     END IF;
1828     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_exchange_rate                => '||l_exchange_rate);
1829     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_exchange_rate_date           => '||TO_CHAR(p_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
1830     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_amount                       => '||p_CreateCashRec.amount);
1831     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_factor_discount_amount       => '||p_CreateCashRec.factor_discount_amount);
1832     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_receipt_number               => '||p_CreateCashRec.receipt_number);
1833     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_receipt_date                 => '||TO_CHAR(p_CreateCashRec.receipt_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
1834     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_gl_date                      => '||TO_CHAR(p_CreateCashRec.gl_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
1835     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_maturity_date                => '||TO_CHAR(p_CreateCashRec.maturity_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
1836     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_postmark_date                => '||TO_CHAR(p_CreateCashRec.postmark_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
1837     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_customer_id                  => '||p_CreateCashRec.customer_id);
1841     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_customer_bank_account_num    => '||p_CreateCashRec.customer_bank_account_num);
1838     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_customer_name                => '||p_CreateCashRec.customer_name);
1839     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_customer_number              => '||p_CreateCashRec.customer_number);
1840     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_customer_bank_account_id     => '||p_CreateCashRec.customer_bank_account_id);
1842     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_customer_bank_account_name   => '||p_CreateCashRec.customer_bank_account_name);
1843     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_location                     => '||p_CreateCashRec.location);
1844     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_customer_site_use_id         => '||p_CreateCashRec.customer_site_use_id);
1845     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_customer_receipt_reference   => '||p_CreateCashRec.customer_receipt_reference);
1846     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_override_remit_account_flag  => '||p_CreateCashRec.override_remit_account_flag);
1847     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_remittance_bank_account_id   => '||p_CreateCashRec.remittance_bank_account_id);
1848     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_remittance_bank_account_num  => '||p_CreateCashRec.remittance_bank_account_num);
1849     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_remittance_bank_account_name => '||p_CreateCashRec.remittance_bank_account_name);
1850     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_deposit_date                 => '||TO_CHAR(p_CreateCashRec.deposit_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
1851     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_receipt_method_id            => '||p_CreateCashRec.receipt_method_id);
1852     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_receipt_method_name          => '||p_CreateCashRec.receipt_method_name);
1853     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_doc_sequence_value           => '||p_CreateCashRec.doc_sequence_value);
1854 --    debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_ussgl_transaction_code       => '||p_CreateCashRec.ussgl_transaction_code);
1855     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_anticipated_clearing_date    => '||TO_CHAR(p_CreateCashRec.anticipated_clearing_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
1856     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_called_from                  => '||p_CreateCashRec.called_from);
1857     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_comments                     => '||p_CreateCashRec.comments);
1858     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_issuer_name                  => '||p_CreateCashRec.issuer_name);
1859     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_issue_date                   => '||TO_CHAR(p_CreateCashRec.issue_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
1860     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_issuer_bank_branch_id        => '||p_CreateCashRec.issuer_bank_branch_id);
1861     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_org_id                       => '||p_CreateCashRec.org_id);
1863     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1864     -- Call API ar_receipt_api_pub.Create_cash to create a Cash Receipt --
1865     -- using the record p_CreateCashRec.                                --
1866     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1867     log_msg (l_module_name,'Creating a Cash Receipt '||p_CreateCashRec.receipt_number);
1868     ar_receipt_api_pub.Create_cash
1869     (
1870       p_api_version                  => l_api_version,
1871       p_init_msg_list                => FND_API.G_TRUE,
1872       p_commit                       => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1873       p_validation_level             => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
1874       x_return_status                => l_ReturnStatus,
1875       x_msg_count                    => l_MessageCount,
1876       x_msg_data                     => l_MessageData,
1877       p_usr_currency_code            => p_CreateCashRec.usr_currency_code,
1878       p_currency_code                => p_CreateCashRec.currency_code,
1879       p_usr_exchange_rate_type       => p_CreateCashRec.usr_exchange_rate_type,
1880       p_exchange_rate_type           => p_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate_type,
1881       p_exchange_rate                => l_exchange_rate,
1882       p_exchange_rate_date           => p_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate_date,
1883       p_amount                       => p_CreateCashRec.amount,
1884       p_factor_discount_amount       => p_CreateCashRec.factor_discount_amount,
1885       p_receipt_number               => p_CreateCashRec.receipt_number,
1886       p_receipt_date                 => p_CreateCashRec.receipt_date,
1887       p_gl_date                      => p_CreateCashRec.gl_date,
1888       p_maturity_date                => p_CreateCashRec.maturity_date,
1889       p_postmark_date                => p_CreateCashRec.postmark_date,
1890       p_customer_id                  => p_CreateCashRec.customer_id,
1891       p_customer_name                => p_CreateCashRec.customer_name,
1892       p_customer_number              => p_CreateCashRec.customer_number,
1893       p_customer_bank_account_id     => p_CreateCashRec.customer_bank_account_id,
1894       p_customer_bank_account_num    => p_CreateCashRec.customer_bank_account_num,
1895       p_customer_bank_account_name   => p_CreateCashRec.customer_bank_account_name,
1896       p_location                     => p_CreateCashRec.location,
1897       p_customer_site_use_id         => p_CreateCashRec.customer_site_use_id,
1898       p_customer_receipt_reference   => p_CreateCashRec.customer_receipt_reference,
1899       p_override_remit_account_flag  => p_CreateCashRec.override_remit_account_flag,
1900       p_remittance_bank_account_id   => p_CreateCashRec.remittance_bank_account_id,
1901       p_remittance_bank_account_num  => p_CreateCashRec.remittance_bank_account_num,
1902       p_remittance_bank_account_name => p_CreateCashRec.remittance_bank_account_name,
1903       p_deposit_date                 => p_CreateCashRec.deposit_date,
1904       p_receipt_method_id            => p_CreateCashRec.receipt_method_id,
1908       p_ussgl_transaction_code       => null,
1905       p_receipt_method_name          => p_CreateCashRec.receipt_method_name,
1906       p_doc_sequence_value           => p_CreateCashRec.doc_sequence_value,
1907 --      p_ussgl_transaction_code       => p_CreateCashRec.ussgl_transaction_code,
1909       p_anticipated_clearing_date    => p_CreateCashRec.anticipated_clearing_date,
1910       p_called_from                  => p_CreateCashRec.called_from,
1911       p_attribute_rec                => p_CreateCashRec.attribute_rec,
1912       p_global_attribute_rec         => p_CreateCashRec.global_attribute_rec,
1913       p_comments                     => p_CreateCashRec.comments,
1914       p_issuer_name                  => p_CreateCashRec.issuer_name,
1915       p_issue_date                   => p_CreateCashRec.issue_date,
1916       p_issuer_bank_branch_id        => p_CreateCashRec.issuer_bank_branch_id,
1917       p_cr_id                        => p_CashReceiptId,
1918       p_org_id                       => p_CreateCashRec.org_id
1919     );
1921     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Create_cash (Return Values)');
1922     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          p_cr_id                        => '||p_CashReceiptId);
1923     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          x_return_status                => '||l_ReturnStatus);
1924     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          x_msg_count                    => '||l_MessageCount);
1925     debug_msg (l_module_name, '          x_msg_data                     => '||l_MessageData);
1927     IF (l_ReturnStatus <> 'S') THEN
1928       log_msg (l_module_name,'Error creating Cash Receipt '||p_CreateCashRec.receipt_number);
1929       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1930       -- There is an error                                                --
1931       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1932       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1933       p_ErrorLoc  := 'After Calling API ar_receipt_api_pub.Create_cash.';
1935       IF (l_MessageCount = 1) THEN
1936         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1937         -- Message Count is 1, hence the error message is in x_msg_data     --
1938         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1939         p_ErrorDesc := l_MessageData;
1940         g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors := g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors + 1;
1941         g_OutErrorInfo(g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors).error_desc := l_MessageData;
1942         error
1943         (
1944           p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1945           p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1946           p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1947           p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1948         );
1949         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Error Message is :'||l_MessageData);
1950       ELSE
1951         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1952         -- Message Count is > 1, hence loop for x_msg_count times and call  --
1953         -- fnd_msg_pub.get to get the error messages                        --
1954         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1955         FOR l_Counter IN 1..l_MessageCount LOOP
1956           l_MessageData := fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded => 'F');
1957           g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors := g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors + 1;
1958           g_OutErrorInfo(g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors).error_desc := l_MessageData;
1959           error
1960           (
1961             p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1962             p_pgm        => l_module_name,
1963             p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
1964             p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
1965           );
1966           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Error Message is :'||l_MessageData);
1967         END LOOP;
1968         p_ErrorDesc := 'Look at the Report to find the error';
1969       END IF;
1970     END IF;
1972     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
1973       log_msg (l_module_name,'Successfully Created Cash Receipt '||p_CreateCashRec.receipt_number);
1974       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1975       -- Call update_cash_receipt_hist to update the Cash Receipt History --
1976       -- table with the batch_id as p_BatchId for cash_receipt_id         --
1977       -- p_CashReceiptId                                                  --
1978       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1979       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling update_cash_receipt_hist.');
1980       update_cash_receipt_hist
1981       (
1982         p_BatchId           => p_BatchId,
1983         p_CashReceiptId     => p_CashReceiptId,
1984         p_ErrorCode         => p_ErrorCode,
1985         p_ErrorDesc         => p_ErrorDesc,
1986         p_ErrorLoc          => p_ErrorLoc
1987       );
1988     END IF;
1990     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
1993       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
1994       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
1995       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
1996       error
1997       (
1998         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
1999         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
2000         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
2001         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
2002       );
2003       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
2004   END create_cash_receipt;
2006   --****************************************************************************************--
2007   --*          Name : pay_the_invoice                                                      *--
2008   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
2009   --*       Purpose :
2010   --*    Parameters : p_ReceiptNumber        IN The receipt Number                         *--
2014   --*               : p_InvoiceLineId        IN Invoice Line id                            *--
2011   --*               : p_CashReceiptId        IN Cash Receipt Id                            *--
2012   --*               : p_InvoiceNumber        IN Invoice Number                             *--
2013   --*               : p_InvoiceId            IN Invoice Id                                 *--
2015   --*               : p_CurrencyCode         IN Receipt Currency Code                      *--
2016   --*               : p_InvoiceCurrencyCode  IN Invoice Currency Code                      *--
2017   --*               : p_ExchangeRateDate     IN Exchange Rate Date                         *--
2018   --*               : p_ExchangeRate         IN Exchange Rate                              *--
2019   --*               : p_ExchangeRateType     IN Exchange Rate Type                         *--
2020   --*               : p_PaymentScheduleId    IN Payment Schedule Id                        *--
2021   --*               : p_InvoiceAmount        IN Invoice Amount                             *--
2022   --*               : p_ReceiptDate          IN Receipt Date                               *--
2023   --*               : p_GLDate               IN GL Date                                    *--
2024   --*               : p_USSGLTransactionCode IN USSGL Transaction Code                     *--
2025   --*               : p_RemaingReceiptAmount IN OUT The Remaining Receipt Amount           *--
2026   --*               : p_ErrorCode            OUT The Error Code                            *--
2027   --*               : p_ErrorDesc            OUT The Error Description                     *--
2028   --*               : p_ErrorLoc             OUT The Error Location                        *--
2029   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
2030   --*   Called from : process_receipts                                                     *--
2031   --*         Calls : apply_cash_receipt                                                   *--
2032   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
2033   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
2034   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
2035   --*               : error                                                                *--
2036   --*   Tables Used : None                                                                 *--
2037   --*         Logic :                                                       .              *--
2038   --****************************************************************************************--
2039   PROCEDURE pay_the_invoice
2040   (
2041     p_ReceiptNumber          IN  fv_interim_cash_receipts.receipt_number%TYPE,
2042     p_CashReceiptId          IN  ar_cash_receipts.cash_receipt_id%TYPE,
2043     p_InvoiceNumber          IN  ra_customer_trx_all.trx_number%TYPE,
2044     p_LineNumber             IN  ra_customer_trx_lines_all.line_number%TYPE,
2045     p_InvoiceId              IN  ra_customer_trx_all.customer_trx_id%TYPE,
2046     p_InvoiceLineId          IN  ra_customer_trx_lines_all.customer_trx_line_id%TYPE,
2047     p_CurrencyCode           IN  fv_interim_cash_receipts.currency_code%TYPE,
2048     p_InvoiceCurrencyCode    IN  ra_customer_trx_all.invoice_currency_code%TYPE,
2049     p_ExchangeRateDate       IN  ar_batches.exchange_date%TYPE,
2050     p_ExchangeRate           IN  ar_batches.exchange_rate%TYPE,
2051     p_ExchangeRateType       IN  ar_batches.exchange_rate_type%TYPE,
2052     p_PaymentScheduleId      IN  ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
2053     p_InvoiceAmount          IN  NUMBER,
2054     p_InvoiceLineAmount      IN  NUMBER,
2055     p_ReceiptDate            IN  ar_cash_receipts.receipt_date%TYPE,
2056     p_GLDate                 IN  DATE,
2057 --    p_USSGLTransactionCode   IN  ar_cash_receipts.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE,
2058     p_org_id                 IN NUMBER,
2059     p_RemaingReceiptAmount   IN  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
2060     p_ErrorCode              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2061     p_ErrorDesc              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2062     p_ErrorLoc               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
2063   ) IS
2064     l_module_name             VARCHAR2(30) := 'pay_the_invoice';
2066     l_AmountApplied          NUMBER;
2067     l_InvAmountApplied       NUMBER;
2068     l_ApplyCashRec           ApplyCashRecType;
2069     l_ConvertedInvoiceAmount NUMBER;
2070     l_ExchangeRate           NUMBER;
2071     l_OnAccountRec           OnAccountRecType;
2073     l_InvoiceAmount          NUMBER := p_InvoiceAmount;
2074     l_LineAmount             NUMBER;
2076   BEGIN
2077     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
2078     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
2079     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
2081     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
2083     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ReceiptNumber        = '||p_ReceiptNumber);
2084     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_CashReceiptId        = '||p_CashReceiptId);
2085     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_InvoiceId            = '||p_InvoiceId);
2086     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_InvoiceNumber        = '||p_InvoiceNumber);
2087     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_InvoiceLineId        = '||p_InvoiceLineId);
2088     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_CurrencyCode         = '||p_CurrencyCode);
2089     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_InvoiceCurrencyCode  = '||p_InvoiceCurrencyCode);
2090     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ExchangeRateDate     = '||TO_CHAR(p_ExchangeRateDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
2091     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ExchangeRate         = '||p_ExchangeRate);
2092     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ExchangeRateType     = '||p_ExchangeRateType);
2093     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_PaymentScheduleId    = '||p_PaymentScheduleId);
2094     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_InvoiceAmount        = '||p_InvoiceAmount);
2095     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ReceiptDate          = '||TO_CHAR(p_ReceiptDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
2096     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_GLDate               = '||TO_CHAR(p_GLDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
2097 --    debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_USSGLTransactionCode = '||p_USSGLTransactionCode);
2098     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_org_id = ' || p_org_id);
2099     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_RemaingReceiptAmount = '||p_RemaingReceiptAmount);
2102     IF (p_InvoiceCurrencyCode <> p_CurrencyCode) THEN
2103       l_ExchangeRate := p_ExchangeRate;
2104     ELSE
2105       l_ExchangeRate := NULL;
2106     END IF;
2108     IF (p_InvoiceLineId IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2109       BEGIN
2110         SELECT ctl.extended_amount * nvl(tl.relative_amount,1)/ nvl(t.base_amount,1) original_line_amount
2111           INTO l_LineAmount
2112           FROM ra_customer_trx_lines ctl ,
2113                ra_terms t,
2114                ra_terms_lines tl,
2115                ar_payment_schedules ps
2116          WHERE ps.payment_schedule_id = p_PaymentScheduleId
2117            AND ctl.customer_trx_id = p_InvoiceId
2118            AND ctl.line_type = 'LINE'
2119            AND tl.term_id(+) = ps.term_id
2120            AND tl.sequence_num(+) = ps.terms_sequence_number
2121            AND t.term_id(+) = tl.term_id
2122            AND ctl.customer_trx_line_id = p_InvoiceLineId;
2123     EXCEPTION
2125         l_LineAmount := 0;
2126         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'No Data Found for payment_schedule_id <'||p_PaymentScheduleId||'>');
2128         p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
2129         p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
2130         p_ErrorLoc  := 'SELECT ra_customer_trx_lines, ra_terms...';
2131         error
2132         (
2133           p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
2134           p_pgm        => l_module_name,
2135           p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
2136           p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
2137         );
2138         debug_msg (l_module_name, p_ErrorDesc||'at location'||p_ErrorLoc);
2139       END;
2141       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'adjusted l_lineAmount  = '||l_lineAmount);
2143       IF (l_InvoiceAmount > l_LineAmount) THEN
2144         l_InvoiceAmount := l_LineAmount;
2145       END IF;
2146     END IF;
2148     l_ConvertedInvoiceAmount := l_InvoiceAmount*NVL(l_ExchangeRate, 1);
2149     debug_msg(l_module_name, 'l_convertedInvoiceAmount = '||l_convertedInvoiceAmount);
2151     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2152       IF (p_RemaingReceiptAmount <= l_ConvertedInvoiceAmount) THEN
2153         l_AmountApplied := p_RemaingReceiptAmount;
2154         p_RemaingReceiptAmount := 0;
2155       ELSE
2156         l_AmountApplied := l_ConvertedInvoiceAmount;
2157         p_RemaingReceiptAmount := p_RemaingReceiptAmount - l_ConvertedInvoiceAmount;
2158       END IF;
2160       l_InvAmountApplied := l_AmountApplied / NVL(l_ExchangeRate, 1);
2162       IF (p_InvoiceCurrencyCode <> p_CurrencyCode) THEN
2163         l_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied              := l_InvAmountApplied;
2164         l_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied_from         := l_AmountApplied;
2165       ELSE
2166         l_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied              := l_AmountApplied;
2167       END IF;
2172       l_ApplyCashRec.line_number                 := p_LineNumber;
2169       l_ApplyCashRec.cash_receipt_id             := p_CashReceiptId;
2170       l_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_id             := p_InvoiceId;
2171       l_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_line_id        := p_InvoiceLineId;
2173       l_ApplyCashRec.applied_payment_schedule_id := p_PaymentScheduleId;
2174       l_ApplyCashRec.apply_date                  := p_ReceiptDate;
2175       l_ApplyCashRec.apply_gl_date               := p_GLDate;
2176 --      l_ApplyCashRec.ussgl_transaction_code      := p_USSGLTransactionCode;
2177       l_ApplyCashRec.org_id                      := p_org_id;
2178       l_ApplyCashRec.trans_to_receipt_rate       := l_ExchangeRate;
2181       apply_cash_receipt
2182       (
2183         p_ApplyCashRec       => l_ApplyCashRec,
2184         p_ErrorCode          => p_ErrorCode,
2185         p_ErrorDesc          => p_ErrorDesc,
2186         p_ErrorLoc           => p_ErrorLoc
2187       );
2188     END IF;
2190     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2191       g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications := g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications + 1;
2192       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).status := 'A';
2193       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_number := p_InvoiceNumber;
2194       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).line_number := p_LineNumber;
2195       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).applied_amount := l_AmountApplied;
2196       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_type := 'INVOICE';
2197       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).amt_applied_in_inv_curr := l_InvAmountApplied;
2198       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_currency := p_InvoiceCurrencyCode;
2199       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_amount_due := l_InvoiceAmount;
2200       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).applied_currency := p_CurrencyCode;
2201       g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).exchange_rate := NVL(l_ExchangeRate, 1);
2202     END IF;
2204 /*  commenting this section out because this is not needed currently.
2205     caused a problem when processing a mfar split term invoice.
2206     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2207       IF ((p_InvoiceLineId IS NOT NULL) AND (p_RemaingReceiptAmount > 0)) THEN
2210         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2211         -- Initialize the Report Variables for the On Account Application                   --
2212         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2213         l_OnAccountRec.cash_receipt_id        := P_CashReceiptId;
2214         l_OnAccountRec.amount_applied         := p_RemaingReceiptAmount;
2215         l_OnAccountRec.apply_date             := p_ReceiptDate;
2216         l_OnAccountRec.apply_gl_date          := p_GLDate;
2217         l_OnAccountRec.ussgl_transaction_code := p_USSGLTransactionCode;
2220         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2221         -- Apply the remaining amount to On Account                                         --
2222         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2223         apply_on_account
2224         (
2225           p_OnAccountRec => l_OnAccountRec,
2226           p_ErrorCode    => p_ErrorCode,
2227           p_ErrorDesc    => p_ErrorDesc,
2228           p_ErrorLoc     => p_ErrorLoc
2229         );
2231         IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2232           g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications := g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications + 1;
2233           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).status := 'A';
2234           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_number := 'On Account';
2235           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).line_number := NULL;
2236           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).applied_amount := p_RemaingReceiptAmount;
2237           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_type := 'ON ACCOUNT';
2238           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).amt_applied_in_inv_curr := p_RemaingReceiptAmount;
2239           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_currency := '';
2240           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_amount_due := 0;
2241           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).applied_currency := '';
2242           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).exchange_rate := '';
2243         END IF;
2245         p_RemaingReceiptAmount := 0;
2247       END IF;
2248     END IF;
2249 */
2250     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
2253       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
2254       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
2255       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
2256       error
2257       (
2258         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
2259         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
2260         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
2261         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
2262       );
2263       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
2264   END pay_the_invoice;
2265   --*    Commented Out get_receipt_txn_code procedure for Transaction Codes Obsoletion     *--
2266   --****************************************************************************************--
2267   --*          Name : get_receipt_txn_code                                                 *--
2268   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
2272   --*               :  p_EffectiveDate        IN  Effective Date                            *--
2269   --*       Purpose : This Procedure is used to get the Receipt Transaction Code from the  *--
2270   --*               : mapping table for a Debit Memo.                                      *--
2271   --*    Parameters : p_DebitMemoId          IN  Debit Memo Id                             *--
2273   --*               : p_ReceiptTxnCode       OUT Receipt Transaction Code                  *--
2274   --*               : p_ErrorCode            OUT The Error Code                            *--
2275   --*               : p_ErrorDesc            OUT The Error Description                     *--
2276   --*               : p_ErrorLoc             OUT The Error Location                        *--
2277   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
2278   --*   Called from : pay_debit_memos                                                      *--
2279   --*         Calls : debug_msg                                                            *--
2280   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
2281   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
2282   --*               : error                                                                *--
2283   --*               : log_msg                                                              *--
2284   --*   Tables Used : ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist SELECT                                      *--
2285   --*               : fv_tc_map_dtl            SELECT                                      *--
2286   --*               : fv_tc_map_hdr            SELECT                                      *--
2287   --*         Logic : 1. Get the Transaction Code from the Revenue side of the Debit Memo  *--
2288   --*               :    transcation.                                                      *--
2289   --*               : 2. Use that to get the receipt transaction code from the mapping     *--
2290   --*               :    table fv_tc_map_dtl.                                              *--
2291   --*               : 3. Return this value                                                 *--
2292   --****************************************************************************************--
2293 /*--- Commented Out get_receipt_txn_code procedure for Transaction Codes Obsoletion
2294   PROCEDURE get_receipt_txn_code
2295   (
2296     p_DebitMemoId          IN  VARCHAR2,
2297     p_EffectiveDate        IN  DATE,
2298     p_ReceiptTxnCode       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2299     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2300     p_ErrorDesc            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2301     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
2302   ) IS
2303     l_module_name           VARCHAR2(30) := 'get_receipt_txn_code';
2305     l_DebitMemoTxnCode     ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE;
2307   BEGIN
2308     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
2309     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
2310     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
2312     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
2314     BEGIN
2315      SELECT DISTINCT ussgl_transaction_code
2316        INTO l_DebitMemoTxnCode
2317        FROM ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist
2318       WHERE customer_trx_id = p_DebitMemoId
2319         AND account_class = 'REV';
2320     EXCEPTION
2322         l_DebitMemoTxnCode := NULL;
2323         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'No Data Found for p_DebitMemoId <'||p_DebitMemoId||'>');
2325         p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
2326         p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
2327         p_ErrorLoc  := 'SELECT ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist';
2328         error
2329         (
2330           p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
2331           p_pgm        => l_module_name,
2332           p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
2333           p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
2334         );
2335         debug_msg (l_module_name, p_ErrorDesc||'at location'||p_ErrorLoc);
2336     END;
2339     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2340       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Debit Memo Txn Code is <'||l_DebitMemoTxnCode||'>');
2341       log_msg (l_module_name,'Trying to Map Debit Memo Txn Code '||l_DebitMemoTxnCode);
2342       BEGIN
2343         SELECT receipt_txn_code
2344           INTO p_ReceiptTxnCode
2345           FROM fv_tc_map_dtl ftmd,
2346                fv_tc_map_hdr ftmh
2347          WHERE ftmh.document_type = 'RECEIPT'
2348            AND ftmd.tc_map_hdr_id = ftmh.tc_map_hdr_id
2349            AND ftmd.debit_memo_txn_code = l_DebitMemoTxnCode
2350            AND p_EffectiveDate BETWEEN ftmd.start_date AND NVL(ftmd.end_date, SYSDATE);
2351         log_msg (l_module_name,'Debit Memo Txn Code '||l_DebitMemoTxnCode||' mapped to Receipt Txn '||p_ReceiptTxnCode);
2352       EXCEPTION
2354           p_ReceiptTxnCode := NULL;
2355           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'No Data Found for Debit Memo Txn Code <'||l_DebitMemoTxnCode||'>');
2356           log_msg (l_module_name,'Could not map Debit Memo Txn Code '||l_DebitMemoTxnCode);
2357         WHEN OTHERS THEN
2358           p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
2359           p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
2360           p_ErrorLoc  := 'SELECT fv_tc_map_dtl';
2361           error
2362           (
2363             p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
2364             p_pgm        => l_module_name,
2365             p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
2366             p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
2367           );
2368           debug_msg (l_module_name, p_ErrorDesc||'at location'||p_ErrorLoc);
2369       END;
2370     END IF;
2372     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
2375       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
2376       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
2377       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
2381         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
2378       error
2379       (
2380         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
2382         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
2383         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
2384       );
2385       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
2386   END get_receipt_txn_code;
2387 -------------------- End of Cmmnets -----------------------------------------------*/
2388   --****************************************************************************************--
2389   --*          Name : pay_debit_memos                                                      *--
2390   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
2391   --*       Purpose : This Procedure Pays of all the debit memos for an invoice            *--
2392   --*    Parameters : p_ReceiptNumber        IN  The Receipt Number                        *--
2393   --*               : p_CashReceiptId        IN  The Cash Receipt Id                       *--
2394   --*               : p_InvoiceId            IN  Invoice Id                                *--
2395   --*               : p_CurrencyCode         IN  Currency Code                             *--
2396   --*               : p_ExchangeRateDate     IN  Exchange Rate Date                        *--
2397   --*               : p_ExchangeRate         IN  Exchange Rate                             *--
2398   --*               : p_ExchangeRateType     IN  Exchange Rate Type                        *--
2399   --*               : p_ReceiptDate          IN  Receipt Date                              *--
2400   --*               : p_gldate               IN  GL Date                                   *--
2401   --*               : p_RemaingReceiptAmount IN  OUT The remaining rcpt amt after applying *--
2402   --*               : p_ErrorCode            OUT The Error Code                            *--
2403   --*               : p_ErrorDesc            OUT The Error Description                     *--
2404   --*               : p_ErrorLoc             OUT The Error Location                        *--
2405   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
2406   --*               : g_OutInvoiceDebitMemos WRITE                                         *--
2407   --*               : g_OutCashReceipts      READ WRITE                                    *--
2408   --*   Called from : process_receipts                                                     *--
2409   --*         Calls : get_receipt_txn_code                                                 *--
2410   --*               : unapply_if_already_applied                                           *--
2411   --*               : apply_cash_receipt                                                   *--
2412   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
2413   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
2414   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
2415   --*               : error                                                                *--
2416   --*               : log_msg                                                              *--
2417   --*   Tables Used : ra_customer_trx            SELECT                                    *--
2418   --*               : ar_payment_schedules       SELECT                                    *--
2419   --*               : fv_finance_charge_controls SELECT                                    *--
2420   --*         Logic : 1. Loop and Process the following steps for every Debit Memos that   *--
2421   --*               :    exist for the invoice (That are due)                              *--
2422   --*               : 2. If the debit memo was procesed earlier using the same cash        *--
2423   --*               :    cash receipt, unapply the old application and apply once again    *--
2424   --*               : 3. Call the program get_receipt_txn_code to get the Debit Memo Txn   *--
2425   --*               :    code given the receipt transaction code                           *--
2426   --*               : 4. Convert the Debit Memo Amount into the Receipt Currency for       *--
2427   --*               :    finding out the application amount.                               *--
2428   --*               : 5. Populate the structure required to call the API for application   *--
2429   --*               : 6. Call the program apply_cash_receipt to Apply the receipt          *--
2430   --*               : 7. Populate the Report Varaibles for output                          *--
2431   --****************************************************************************************--
2432   PROCEDURE pay_debit_memos
2433   (
2434     p_ReceiptNumber        IN  fv_interim_cash_receipts.receipt_number%TYPE,
2435     p_CashReceiptId        IN  ar_cash_receipts_all.cash_receipt_id%TYPE,
2436     p_InvoiceId            IN  ra_customer_trx_all.customer_trx_id%TYPE,
2437     p_CurrencyCode         IN  fv_interim_cash_receipts.currency_code%TYPE,
2438     p_ExchangeRateDate     IN  ar_batches.exchange_date%TYPE,
2439     p_ExchangeRate         IN  ar_batches.exchange_rate%TYPE,
2440     p_ExchangeRateType     IN  ar_batches.exchange_rate_type%TYPE,
2441     p_ReceiptDate          IN  ar_cash_receipts.receipt_date%TYPE,
2442     p_gldate               IN  DATE,
2443     p_RemaingReceiptAmount IN  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
2444     p_ErrorCode            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2445     p_ErrorDesc            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2446     p_ErrorLoc             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
2447   ) IS
2448     l_module_name             VARCHAR2(30) := 'pay_debit_memos';
2450     l_AmountApplied          NUMBER;
2451     l_InvAmountApplied       NUMBER;
2452     l_ApplyCashRec           ApplyCashRecType;
2453 --    l_USSGLTransactionCode   ar_cash_receipts.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE;
2454     l_ConvertedAmountDue     NUMBER;
2455     l_denominator            NUMBER;
2456     l_numerator              NUMBER;
2457     l_ExchangeRate           ar_batches.exchange_rate%TYPE;
2461     SELECT distinct aps.customer_trx_id invoice_id,
2458     l_UnAppliedAmount        NUMBER := 0;
2460     CURSOR DebitMemo_Cur (c_invoice_id NUMBER) IS
2462            aps.amount_due_remaining amount_due,
2463            fcc.priority,
2464            aps.payment_schedule_id,
2465            aps.cust_trx_type_id,
2466            aps.due_date,
2467            rct.trx_date invoice_date,
2468            rct.trx_number invoice_number,
2469            rct.invoice_currency_code
2470       FROM ra_customer_trx rct,
2471            ar_payment_schedules aps,
2472            fv_finance_charge_controls fcc
2473      WHERE rct.related_customer_trx_id = c_invoice_id
2474        AND aps.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
2475        AND rct.interface_header_attribute3 = fcc.charge_type
2476        AND aps.amount_due_remaining > 0
2477      ORDER BY fcc.priority ;
2479   BEGIN
2480     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
2481     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
2482     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
2484     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
2486     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ReceiptNumber        = '||p_ReceiptNumber);
2487     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_CashReceiptId        = '||p_CashReceiptId);
2488     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_InvoiceId            = '||p_InvoiceId);
2489     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_CurrencyCode         = '||p_CurrencyCode);
2490     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ExchangeRateDate     = '||TO_CHAR(p_ExchangeRateDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
2491     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ExchangeRate         = '||p_ExchangeRate);
2492     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ExchangeRateType     = '||p_ExchangeRateType);
2493     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ReceiptDate          = '||TO_CHAR(p_ReceiptDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
2494     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_gldate               = '||TO_CHAR(p_gldate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
2495     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_RemaingReceiptAmount = '||p_RemaingReceiptAmount);
2498     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2499     -- Get the Debit Memos for the Invoice                                              --
2500     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2501     FOR DebitMemo_Rec IN DebitMemo_Cur (p_InvoiceId) LOOP
2502       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Processing Debit Memo <'||DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_number||'>');
2503       log_msg (l_module_name,'Processing Debit Memo <'||DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_number||'>');
2505       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2506       -- The API does not allow duplicate applications on the same invoice.               --
2507       -- To avoid that, see if the debit memo was applied earlier due to a partial        --
2508       -- application in the same Cash Receipt. If so unapply that amount and              --
2509       -- apply once again with the total amount                                           --
2510       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2511       unapply_if_already_applied
2512       (
2513         p_ReceiptId            => p_CashReceiptId,
2514         p_InvoiceId            => DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_id,
2515         p_UnAppliedAmount      => l_UnAppliedAmount,
2516         p_ErrorCode            => p_ErrorCode,
2517         p_ErrorDesc            => p_ErrorDesc,
2518         p_ErrorLoc             => p_ErrorLoc
2519       );
2521       IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2522         IF (l_UnAppliedAmount <> 0) THEN
2523           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Debit Memo Application <'||DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_number||'> Reversed for amount '||l_UnAppliedAmount||' for reapplication');
2524           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2525           -- Change the Original Report Line in Output to Deleted                             --
2526           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2527           del_report_line_for_a_receipt
2528           (
2529             p_InvoiceNumber        => DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_number,
2530             p_ErrorCode            => p_ErrorCode,
2531             p_ErrorDesc            => p_ErrorDesc,
2532             p_ErrorLoc             => p_ErrorLoc
2533           );
2534         END IF;
2535       END IF;
2537 /*--- Commented Out for Transaction Codes Obsoletion-----------------------
2538       IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2539         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling get_receipt_txn_code');
2540         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2541         -- Get the Transaction Code from the Mapping Table                                  --
2542         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2543         get_receipt_txn_code
2544         (
2545           p_DebitMemoId     => DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_id,
2546           p_EffectiveDate   => DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_date,
2547           p_ReceiptTxnCode  => l_USSGLTransactionCode,
2548           p_ErrorCode       => p_ErrorCode,
2549           p_ErrorDesc       => p_ErrorDesc,
2550           p_ErrorLoc        => p_ErrorLoc
2551         );
2552       END IF;
2553 --------End of Comments--------------------------------------------------*/
2555       IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2556         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2557         -- Convert the Debit Memo Invoice Amount into the Receipt Currency Code.            --
2558         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2559         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_currency_code='||DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_currency_code);
2560         IF (DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_currency_code <> p_CurrencyCode) THEN
2564         END IF;
2561           l_ExchangeRate := p_ExchangeRate;
2562         ELSE
2563           l_ExchangeRate := NULL;
2566         l_ConvertedAmountDue := DebitMemo_Rec.amount_due*NVL(l_ExchangeRate, 1);
2567         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Converted Amount Due is '||l_ConvertedAmountDue);
2569         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2570         -- Get the amount that needs receipt application                                    --
2571         -- If the Remaining Receipt Amount is less than the Amount due then the whole       --
2572         -- receipt amount is applied, else the amount due will be applied and the remaining --
2573         -- receipt amount will be reduced.                                                  --
2574         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2575         IF (p_RemaingReceiptAmount <= l_ConvertedAmountDue) THEN
2576           l_AmountApplied := p_RemaingReceiptAmount;
2577           p_RemaingReceiptAmount := 0;
2578         ELSE
2579           l_AmountApplied := l_ConvertedAmountDue;
2580           p_RemaingReceiptAmount := p_RemaingReceiptAmount - l_ConvertedAmountDue;
2581         END IF;
2584         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2585         -- Prepare the structure to call the API to apply against a receipt                 --
2586         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2587         l_InvAmountApplied := l_AmountApplied/NVL(l_ExchangeRate, 1);
2589         IF (DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_currency_code <> p_CurrencyCode) THEN
2590           l_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied              := NULL;--l_InvAmountApplied+l_UnAppliedAmount;
2591           l_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied_from         := l_AmountApplied+l_UnAppliedAmount;
2592         ELSE
2593           l_ApplyCashRec.amount_applied              := l_AmountApplied+l_UnAppliedAmount;
2594         END IF;
2596         l_ApplyCashRec.cash_receipt_id             := p_CashReceiptId;
2597         l_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_id             := DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_id;
2598         l_ApplyCashRec.customer_trx_line_id        := NULL;
2599         l_ApplyCashRec.applied_payment_schedule_id := DebitMemo_Rec.payment_schedule_id;
2600         l_ApplyCashRec.apply_date                  := p_ReceiptDate;
2601         l_ApplyCashRec.apply_gl_date               := p_GLDate;
2602 --        l_ApplyCashRec.ussgl_transaction_code      := l_USSGLTransactionCode;
2603         l_ApplyCashRec.trans_to_receipt_rate       := l_ExchangeRate;
2605         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2606         -- This program calls the API for receipt application                               --
2607         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2608         apply_cash_receipt
2609         (
2610           p_ApplyCashRec       => l_ApplyCashRec,
2611           p_ErrorCode          => p_ErrorCode,
2612           p_ErrorDesc          => p_ErrorDesc,
2613           p_ErrorLoc           => p_ErrorLoc
2614         );
2616         IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2617           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2618           -- Process the Structure that generates the report for Output                       --
2619           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2620           g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications := g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications + 1;
2621           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).status := 'A';
2622           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_number := DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_number;
2623           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).line_number := NULL;
2624           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).amt_applied_in_inv_curr := l_InvAmountApplied+l_UnAppliedAmount;
2625           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_currency := DebitMemo_Rec.invoice_currency_code;
2626           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_amount_due := DebitMemo_Rec.amount_due;
2627           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).applied_amount := l_AmountApplied+l_UnAppliedAmount;
2628           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).applied_currency := p_CurrencyCode;
2629           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).exchange_rate := NVL(l_ExchangeRate, 1);
2630           g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_type := 'DEBIT MEMO';
2631         END IF;
2632       END IF;
2634       IF (p_ErrorCode <> g_SUCCESS) THEN
2635         EXIT;
2636       END IF;
2638       IF (p_RemaingReceiptAmount <= 0) THEN
2639         EXIT;
2640       END IF;
2641     END LOOP;
2643     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
2646       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
2647       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
2648       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
2649       error
2650       (
2651         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
2652         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
2653         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
2654         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
2655       );
2656       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
2657   END pay_debit_memos;
2660   --****************************************************************************************--
2661   --*          Name : process_receipts                                                     *--
2665   --*               : p_ErrorCode   OUT The Error Code                                     *--
2662   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
2663   --*       Purpose : This is the procedure which starts processing a receipt batch        *--
2664   --*    Parameters : p_BatchRec    IN  The Complete record in fv_ar_batches for a batch_id*--
2666   --*               : p_ErrorDesc   OUT The Error Description                              *--
2667   --*               : p_ErrorLoc    OUT The Error Location                                 *--
2668   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
2669   --*               : g_OutCashReceipts      WRITE                                         *--
2670   --*   Called from : main                                                                 *--
2671   --*         Calls : write_report_header                                                  *--
2672   --*               : insert_ar_batch                                                      *--
2673   --*               : create_cash_receipt                                                  *--
2674   --*               : pay_debit_memos                                                      *--
2675   --*               : pay_the_invoice                                                      *--
2676   --*               : apply_on_account                                                     *--
2677   --*               : write_report_for_a_receipt                                           *--
2678   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
2679   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
2680   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
2681   --*               : error                                                                *--
2682   --*               : log_msg                                                              *--
2683   --*   Tables Used : fv_interim_cash_receipts SELECT                                      *--
2684   --*               : ra_customer_trx          SELECT                                      *--
2685   --*               : ra_customer_trx_lines    SELECT                                      *--
2686   --*               : ra_customers             SELECT                                      *--
2687   --*               : ar_payment_schedules     SELECT                                      *--
2688   --*               : ra_cust_trx_types        SELECT                                      *--
2689   --*         Logic : 1. Write the Batch Information into the output report.               *--
2690   --*               : 2. Insert the fv_ar_batch details into the table ar_batches by       *--
2691   --*               :    calling the procedure insert_ar_batch                             *--
2692   --*               : 3. For each of the receipt in the batch fv_ar_batches do the         *--
2693   --*               :    following                                                         *--
2694   --*               : 4. Initialize the receipt report variables                           *--
2695   --*               : 5. If the invoice id is filled up, use the invoice and ignore the    *--
2696   --*               :    customer details as the receipt is against the invoice, else the  *--
2697   --*               :    receipt is made against all the invoices against the customer.    *--
2698   --*               : 6. Create a Cash Receipt. This Cash Receipt will be used for all the *--
2699   --*               :    receipt applications towards debit memos and the original invoices*--
2700   --*               : 7. Get the outstanding Invoice details, either for the invoice or    *--
2701   --*               :    for the customer. Do the following for each invoice obtained      *--
2702   --*               : 8. First Pay of all the outstanding debit memos                      *--
2703   --*               : 9. Next pay of the invoice                                           *--
2704   --*               :10. If there is any balance left, apply it against On Account         *--
2705   --*               :11. Write the output report for a receipt                             *--
2706   --****************************************************************************************--
2707   PROCEDURE process_receipts
2708   (
2709     p_BatchRec           IN  fv_ar_batches%ROWTYPE,
2710     p_ErrorCode          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2711     p_ErrorDesc          OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
2712     p_ErrorLoc           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
2713   ) IS
2714     l_module_name             VARCHAR2(30) := 'process_receipts';
2716     l_SiteUseId              ra_customer_trx.bill_to_site_use_id%TYPE;
2717     l_CustomerNumber         hz_parties.party_id%TYPE;
2718     l_RemainingReceiptAmount fv_interim_cash_receipts.amount%TYPE;
2719     l_CashReceiptId          ar_cash_receipts.cash_receipt_id%TYPE;
2721     l_CreateCashRec          CreateCashRecType;
2722     l_NullCreateCashRec      CreateCashRecType;
2723     l_OnAccountRec           OnAccountRecType;
2725     l_OldInvoiceId           NUMBER := 0;
2727     CURSOR C_DistinctReceipts_Cursor
2728     (
2729       c_batch_id NUMBER
2730     ) IS
2731 SELECT ficr.receipt_number,
2732            ficr.customer_id,
2733            hzp.party_name customer_name,
2734            trunc(ficr.receipt_date) receipt_date,
2735            ficr.site_use_id,
2736            sum(ficr.amount) amount
2737       FROM fv_interim_cash_receipts ficr,
2738            hz_parties hzp, hz_cust_accounts hzca
2739      WHERE ficr.batch_id = c_batch_id
2740 	   AND hzp.party_id = hzca.party_id
2741        AND ficr.customer_id = hzca.cust_account_id
2742      GROUP BY ficr.receipt_number,
2743               ficr.customer_id,
2744               hzp.party_name,
2745               ficr.receipt_date,
2749     CURSOR C_Receipts_Cursor
2746               ficr.site_use_id
2747      ORDER BY ficr.receipt_number;
2750     (
2751       c_batch_id       NUMBER,
2752       c_receipt_number VARCHAR2,
2753       c_customer_id    NUMBER,
2754       c_receipt_date   DATE
2755     ) IS
2756 	SELECT ficr.batch_id,
2757            ficr.currency_code,
2758            ficr.receipt_number,
2759            ficr.customer_id,
2760            ficr.special_type,
2761            ficr.status,
2762            ficr.customer_trx_id,
2763            trunc(ficr.gl_date) gl_date,
2764            SUM(ficr.amount) amount,
2765            ficr.site_use_id,
2766            ficr.ce_bank_acct_use_id,    --PSKI changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
2767            ficr.set_of_books_id,
2768            trunc(ficr.receipt_date) receipt_date,
2769            ficr.related_invoice_id,
2770            ficr.receipt_method_id,
2771            ficr.payment_schedule_id,
2772 --           ficr.ussgl_transaction_code,
2773            ficr.org_id,
2774            ficr.customer_trx_line_id,
2775            rct.trx_number invoice_number,
2776            rct.invoice_currency_code,
2777            rct.exchange_rate_type invoice_exchange_rate_type,
2778            rctl.line_number line_number,
2779            hzp.party_name,
2780            rctl.extended_amount line_amount
2781       FROM fv_interim_cash_receipts ficr,
2782            ra_customer_trx          rct,
2783            ra_customer_trx_lines    rctl,
2784            hz_parties hzp, hz_cust_accounts hzca
2785   WHERE ficr.batch_id = c_batch_id
2786       AND  hzp.party_id = hzca.party_id
2787        AND ficr.receipt_number = c_receipt_number
2788        AND ficr.customer_id = c_customer_id
2789        AND ficr.receipt_date = c_receipt_date
2790        AND rct.customer_trx_id (+) = ficr.customer_trx_id
2791        AND rctl.customer_trx_line_id (+) = ficr.customer_trx_line_id
2792        AND hzca.cust_account_id (+) =ficr.customer_id
2793  GROUP BY
2794            ficr.batch_id,
2795            ficr.currency_code,
2796            ficr.receipt_number,
2797            ficr.customer_id,
2798            ficr.special_type,
2799            ficr.status,
2800            ficr.customer_trx_id,
2801            trunc(ficr.gl_date),
2802            ficr.site_use_id,
2803            ficr.ce_bank_acct_use_id,    --PSKI changes for BA and MOAC Uptake
2804            ficr.set_of_books_id,
2805            trunc(ficr.receipt_date) ,
2806            ficr.related_invoice_id,
2807            ficr.receipt_method_id,
2808            ficr.payment_schedule_id,
2809 --           ficr.ussgl_transaction_code,
2810            ficr.org_id,
2811            ficr.customer_trx_line_id,
2812            rct.trx_number ,
2813            rct.invoice_currency_code,
2814            rct.exchange_rate_type ,
2815            rctl.line_number ,
2816            hzp.party_name,
2817            rctl.extended_amount
2819     ORDER BY rct.trx_number ASC,
2820               rctl.line_number DESC;
2822     CURSOR C_Invoices_Cursor
2823     (
2824       c_cust_no    NUMBER,
2825       c_invoice_id NUMBER,
2826       c_sob        NUMBER,
2827       c_currency   VARCHAR2,
2828       c_site_use_id NUMBER
2829     ) IS
2830     SELECT aps.customer_trx_id,
2831            aps.amount_due_remaining amount_due,
2832            aps.payment_schedule_id,
2833            aps.cust_trx_type_id,
2834            aps.due_date,
2835            aps.trx_number invoice_number,
2836            rac.invoice_currency_code
2837       FROM ar_payment_schedules aps,
2838            ra_cust_trx_types    rct,
2839            ra_customer_trx      rac
2840      WHERE aps.amount_due_remaining > 0
2841        AND aps.status = 'OP'
2842        AND aps.customer_id      = NVL(c_cust_no,aps.customer_id)
2843        AND aps.customer_trx_id  = NVL(c_invoice_id,aps.customer_trx_id)
2844        AND aps.cust_trx_type_id = rct.cust_trx_type_id
2845        AND rct.type             = 'INV'
2846        AND aps.customer_trx_id  = rac.customer_trx_id
2847        AND rac.bill_to_site_use_id = nvl(c_site_use_id,rac.bill_to_site_use_id)
2848        AND rac.set_of_books_id  = c_sob
2849        AND rac.invoice_currency_code = c_currency
2850      ORDER BY aps.customer_trx_id,
2851               payment_schedule_id;
2853   BEGIN
2854     p_ErrorCode  := g_SUCCESS;
2855     p_ErrorDesc  := NULL;
2856     p_ErrorLoc   := NULL;
2858     debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
2860     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling write_report_header');
2861     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2862     -- Write the Report header. i.e. the batch details will be written at this point    --
2863     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2864     write_report_header
2865     (
2866       p_BatchRec             => p_BatchRec,
2867       p_ErrorCode            => p_ErrorCode,
2868       p_ErrorDesc            => p_ErrorDesc,
2869       p_ErrorLoc             => p_ErrorLoc
2870     );
2872     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2873       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling insert_ar_batch');
2874       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2875       -- Insert the fv_ar_batch details into ar_batch table. Currently there is no API    --
2876       -- that does this. Until then a direct insert into the table is done                --
2877       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2878       insert_ar_batch
2879       (
2883         p_ErrorLoc  => p_ErrorLoc
2880         p_BatchRec  => p_BatchRec,
2881         p_ErrorCode => p_ErrorCode,
2882         p_ErrorDesc => p_ErrorDesc,
2884       );
2885     END IF;
2887     IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2889      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2890      -- Get Distinct Cash Receipts                                                       --
2891      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2892       FOR DisctinctReceiptsRec IN C_DistinctReceipts_Cursor (p_BatchRec.batch_id) LOOP
2894         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2895         -- Initialize Receipt Report Variables                                              --
2896         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2897         g_OutCashReceipts.receipt_number    := DisctinctReceiptsRec.receipt_number;
2898         g_OutCashReceipts.customer_name     := DisctinctReceiptsRec.customer_name;
2899         g_OutCashReceipts.receipt_amount    := DisctinctReceiptsRec.amount;
2900         g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications := 0;
2901         g_OutCashReceipts.total_errors      := 0;
2903         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2904         -- Create a Cash Receipt. This Cash Receipt will be used for all the receipt        --
2905         -- applications towards debit memos and the original invoices.                      --
2906         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2907         l_CreateCashRec                          := l_NullCreateCashRec;
2908         l_CreateCashRec.receipt_number           := DisctinctReceiptsRec.receipt_number;
2909         l_CreateCashRec.receipt_date             := DisctinctReceiptsRec.receipt_date;
2910         l_CreateCashRec.gl_date                  := trunc(p_BatchRec.gl_date);
2911         l_CreateCashRec.currency_code            := p_BatchRec.currency_code;
2912         l_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate            := p_BatchRec.exchange_rate;
2913         l_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate_type       := p_BatchRec.exchange_rate_type;
2914         l_CreateCashRec.exchange_rate_date       := p_BatchRec.exchange_date;
2915         l_CreateCashRec.amount                   := DisctinctReceiptsRec.amount;
2916         l_CreateCashRec.receipt_method_id        := p_BatchRec.receipt_method_id;
2917         l_CreateCashRec.customer_id              := DisctinctReceiptsRec.customer_id;
2918 --        l_CreateCashRec.customer_bank_account_id := DisctinctReceiptsRec.bank_account_id;
2919         l_CreateCashRec.customer_site_use_id     := DisctinctReceiptsRec.site_use_id;
2920         l_CreateCashRec.deposit_date             := p_BatchRec.deposit_date;
2921 --        l_CreateCashRec.ussgl_transaction_code := p_BatchRec.ussgl_transaction_code;
2922         l_CreateCashRec.org_id                   := p_BatchRec.org_id;
2924         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling create_cash_receipt');
2925         create_cash_receipt
2926         (
2927           p_BatchId              => p_BatchRec.batch_id,
2928           p_CreateCashRec        => l_CreateCashRec,
2929           p_CashReceiptId        => l_CashReceiptId,
2930           p_ErrorCode            => p_ErrorCode,
2931           p_ErrorDesc            => p_ErrorDesc,
2932           p_ErrorLoc             => p_ErrorLoc
2933         );
2935         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2936         -- Get Applications for the same Cash Receipt                                       --
2937         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2938         FOR ReceiptsRec IN C_Receipts_Cursor
2939         (
2940           p_BatchRec.batch_id,
2941           DisctinctReceiptsRec.receipt_number,
2942           DisctinctReceiptsRec.customer_id,
2943           DisctinctReceiptsRec.receipt_date
2944         ) LOOP
2945           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Currently Processing Receipt Number <'||ReceiptsRec.receipt_number||'>');
2946           log_msg (l_module_name,'Currently Processing Receipt Number <'||ReceiptsRec.receipt_number||'>');
2948           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2949           -- If the invoice id is filled up, use the invoice and ignore the customer details  --
2950           -- as the receipt is against the invoice, else the receipt is made against all the  --
2951           -- invoices against the customer and site use id.                                   --
2952           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2953           IF (ReceiptsRec.customer_trx_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
2954             debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Customer Id forced to NULL');
2955             l_CustomerNumber := NULL;
2956             l_SiteUseId      := NULL;
2957           ELSE
2958             debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Customer Id is '||ReceiptsRec.customer_id);
2959             l_CustomerNumber := ReceiptsRec.customer_id;
2960             l_SiteUseId      := ReceiptsRec.site_use_id;
2961           END IF;
2964           IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
2965             l_RemainingReceiptAmount := ReceiptsRec.amount;
2967             --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2968             -- Get the outstanding Invoice details, either for the invoice or for the customer  --
2969             --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2971             l_OldInvoiceId := 0;
2972             FOR InvoiceRec IN C_Invoices_Cursor
2973             (
2974               l_CustomerNumber,
2975               ReceiptsRec.customer_trx_id,
2979             ) LOOP
2976               p_BatchRec.set_of_books_id,
2977               p_BatchRec.currency_code,
2978               l_SiteUseId
2980               log_msg (l_module_name,'Currently Processing Invoice <'||InvoiceRec.invoice_number||'>');
2981               IF (l_OldInvoiceId <> InvoiceRec.customer_trx_id) THEN
2982                 IF (l_RemainingReceiptAmount > 0) THEN
2983                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2984                   -- First Pay of all the outstanding debit memos                                     --
2985                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2986                   pay_debit_memos
2987                   (
2988                     p_ReceiptNumber        => ReceiptsRec.receipt_number,
2989                     p_CashReceiptId        => l_CashReceiptId,
2990                     p_CurrencyCode         => ReceiptsRec.currency_code,
2991                     p_ExchangeRateDate     => p_BatchRec.exchange_date,
2992                     p_ExchangeRate         => p_BatchRec.exchange_rate,
2993                     p_ExchangeRateType     => p_BatchRec.exchange_rate_type,
2994                     p_InvoiceId            => InvoiceRec.customer_trx_id,
2995                     p_ReceiptDate          => ReceiptsRec.receipt_date,
2996                     p_GLDate               => ReceiptsRec.gl_date,
2997                     p_RemaingReceiptAmount => l_RemainingReceiptAmount,
2998                     p_ErrorCode            => p_ErrorCode,
2999                     p_ErrorDesc            => p_ErrorDesc,
3000                     p_ErrorLoc             => p_ErrorLoc
3001                   );
3002                 END IF;
3003               END IF;
3005               l_OldInvoiceId := InvoiceRec.customer_trx_id;
3007               IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
3008                 IF (l_RemainingReceiptAmount > 0) THEN
3009                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3010                   -- Next pay of the Invoice                                                          --
3011                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3012                   pay_the_invoice
3013                   (
3014                     p_ReceiptNumber        => ReceiptsRec.receipt_number,
3015                     p_CashReceiptId        => l_CashReceiptId,
3016                     p_InvoiceNumber        => InvoiceRec.invoice_number,
3017                     p_LineNumber           => ReceiptsRec.line_number,
3018                     p_InvoiceId            => InvoiceRec.customer_trx_id,
3019                     p_InvoiceLineId        => ReceiptsRec.customer_trx_line_id,
3020                     p_CurrencyCode         => ReceiptsRec.currency_code,
3021                     p_InvoiceCurrencyCode  => InvoiceRec.invoice_currency_code,
3022                     p_ExchangeRateDate     => p_BatchRec.exchange_date,
3023                     p_ExchangeRate         => p_BatchRec.exchange_rate,
3024                     p_ExchangeRateType     => p_BatchRec.exchange_rate_type,
3025                     p_PaymentScheduleId    => InvoiceRec.payment_schedule_id,
3026                     p_InvoiceAmount        => InvoiceRec.amount_due,
3027                     p_InvoiceLineAmount    => ReceiptsRec.line_amount,
3028                     p_ReceiptDate          => ReceiptsRec.receipt_date,
3029                     p_GLDate               => ReceiptsRec.gl_date,
3030                     p_RemaingReceiptAmount => l_RemainingReceiptAmount,
3031 --                    p_USSGLTransactionCode => ReceiptsRec.ussgl_transaction_code,
3032                     p_org_id               => ReceiptsRec.org_id,
3033                     p_ErrorCode            => p_ErrorCode,
3034                     p_ErrorDesc            => p_ErrorDesc,
3035                     p_ErrorLoc             => p_ErrorLoc
3036                   );
3037                 END IF;
3038               END IF;
3040               IF (p_ErrorCode <> g_SUCCESS) THEN
3041                 EXIT;
3042               END IF;
3043             END LOOP;
3045             IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
3046               IF (l_RemainingReceiptAmount > 0) THEN
3047                 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3048                 -- After all the pay off there is still balance left                                --
3049                 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3051                 l_OnAccountRec.cash_receipt_id        := l_CashReceiptId;
3052                 l_OnAccountRec.receipt_number         := ReceiptsRec.receipt_number;
3053                 l_OnAccountRec.amount_applied         := l_RemainingReceiptAmount;
3054                 l_OnAccountRec.apply_date             := ReceiptsRec.receipt_date;
3055                 l_OnAccountRec.apply_gl_date          := ReceiptsRec.gl_date;
3056 --                l_OnAccountRec.ussgl_transaction_code := ReceiptsRec.ussgl_transaction_code;
3058                 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3059                 -- Apply the remaining amount to On Account                                         --
3060                 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3061                 apply_on_account
3062                 (
3063                   p_OnAccountRec => l_OnAccountRec,
3064                   p_ErrorCode    => p_ErrorCode,
3065                   p_ErrorDesc    => p_ErrorDesc,
3066                   p_ErrorLoc     => p_ErrorLoc
3067                 );
3069                 IF (p_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
3073                   g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications := g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications + 1;
3070                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3071                   -- Initialize the Report Variables for the On Account Application                   --
3072                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3074                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).status := 'A';
3075                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_number := 'On Account';
3076                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).line_number := NULL;
3077                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).applied_amount := l_RemainingReceiptAmount;
3078                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_type := 'ON ACCOUNT';
3079                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).amt_applied_in_inv_curr := l_RemainingReceiptAmount;
3080                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_currency := '';
3081                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).invoice_amount_due := 0;
3082                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).applied_currency := '';
3083                   g_OutReceiptApplications(g_OutCashReceipts.total_applications).exchange_rate := '';
3084                 END IF;
3085               END IF;
3086             END IF;
3088           END IF;
3090           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_ErrorCode(1)='||p_ErrorCode);
3091           IF (p_ErrorCode <> g_SUCCESS) THEN
3092             g_ErrorFound := TRUE;
3093           END IF;
3095         END LOOP;
3097         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling write_report_for_a_receipt');
3098         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3099         -- Write the output report for a receipt                                            --
3100         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3101         write_report_for_a_receipt
3102         (
3103           p_ErrorCode            => p_ErrorCode,
3104           p_ErrorDesc            => p_ErrorDesc,
3105           p_ErrorLoc             => p_ErrorLoc
3106         );
3108       END LOOP;
3109     END IF;
3111     IF (p_ErrorCode <> g_SUCCESS) THEN
3112       g_ErrorFound := TRUE;
3113     END IF;
3115     IF (g_ErrorFound = TRUE) THEN
3116       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
3117     END IF;
3119     debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
3122       p_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
3123       p_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
3124       p_ErrorLoc  := 'Final Exception';
3125       error
3126       (
3127         p_error_type => p_ErrorCode,
3128         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
3129         p_msg        => p_ErrorDesc,
3130         p_loc        => p_ErrorLoc
3131       );
3132       debug_exit (p_ErrorCode, p_ErrorDesc, p_ErrorLoc);
3133   END process_receipts;
3135   --****************************************************************************************--
3136   --*          Name : main                                                                 *--
3137   --*          Type : Procedure                                                            *--
3138   --*       Purpose : This is the main procedure                                           *--
3139   --*    Parameters : p_errbuf      OUT The Concurrent Program Error Buffer                *--
3140   --*               : p_retcode     OUT The Concurrent Program Return Code                 *--
3141   --*               : p_batch_name  IN  The Input Receipt Batch name                       *--
3142   --*   Global Vars : g_SUCCESS              READ                                          *--
3143   --*   Called from : Concurrent Program                                                   *--
3144   --*         Calls : init                                                                 *--
3145   --*               : process_receipts                                                     *--
3146   --*               : update_fv_batch_status                                               *--
3147   --*               : debug_msg                                                            *--
3148   --*               : debug_init                                                           *--
3149   --*               : debug_exit                                                           *--
3150   --*               : error                                                                *--
3151   --*   Tables Used : fv_ar_batches SELECT                                                 *--
3152   --*         Logic : 1. Given the batch name get the record from table fv_ar_batches      *--
3153   --*               : 2. Call process_receipts to Start Processing the receipts in the     *--
3154   --*               :     batch.                                                           *--
3155   --*               : 3. Call update_fv_batch_status to update the batch status            *--
3156   --****************************************************************************************--
3157   PROCEDURE main
3158   (
3159     p_errbuf     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
3160     p_retcode    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
3161     p_batch_name IN  VARCHAR2
3162   ) IS
3163     l_module_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'main';
3165     l_ErrorCode  NUMBER;
3166     l_ErrorDesc  VARCHAR2(1024);
3167     l_ErrorLoc   VARCHAR2(1024);
3169     l_BatchRec   fv_ar_batches%ROWTYPE;
3170   BEGIN
3171     l_ErrorCode := g_SUCCESS;
3172     l_ErrorDesc := '';
3173     l_ErrorLoc  := '';
3175     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3176     -- Initialize
3177     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3178     -- init;
3179     -- debug_init (g_PackageName, l_module_name);
3181     debug_msg (l_module_name, 'p_batch_name = '||p_batch_name);
3182     log_msg (l_module_name,'p_batch_name = '||p_batch_name);
3184     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3185     -- Get the batch details from fv_ar_batches given the batch name
3186     -- If there is no data found then it is an error.
3187     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3188     IF (l_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
3189       BEGIN
3190         debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Getting the Batch Details');
3191         SELECT *
3192           INTO l_BatchRec
3193           FROM fv_ar_batches fab
3194          WHERE batch_name = p_batch_name;
3195       EXCEPTION
3197           l_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
3198           l_ErrorDesc := 'No Batch with name <'||p_batch_name||'> Exists.';
3199           l_ErrorLoc  := l_module_name || ':' || 'SELECT fv_ar_batches';
3200           error
3201           (
3202             p_error_type => l_ErrorCode,
3203             p_pgm        => l_module_name,
3204             p_msg        => l_ErrorDesc,
3205             p_loc        => l_ErrorLoc
3206           );
3207           debug_msg (l_module_name, 'No Data Found for the batch <'||p_batch_name);
3208         WHEN OTHERS THEN
3209           l_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
3210           l_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
3211           l_ErrorLoc  := l_module_name || ':' || 'SELECT fv_ar_batches';
3212           error
3213           (
3214             p_error_type => l_ErrorCode,
3215             p_pgm        => l_module_name,
3216             p_msg        => l_ErrorDesc,
3217             p_loc        => l_ErrorLoc
3218           );
3219           debug_msg (l_module_name, l_ErrorDesc||'at location'||l_ErrorLoc);
3220       END;
3221     END IF;
3223     IF (l_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
3224       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling process_receipts');
3225       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3226       -- Call process_receipts to Start Processing the receipts in the    --
3227       -- batch.                                                           --
3228       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3229       process_receipts
3230       (
3231         p_BatchRec           => l_BatchRec,
3232         p_ErrorCode          => l_ErrorCode,
3233         p_ErrorDesc          => l_ErrorDesc,
3234         p_ErrorLoc           => l_ErrorLoc
3235       );
3236     END IF;
3238     IF (l_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
3239       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling update_fv_batch_status with SUCCESS');
3241       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3242       -- The Process was successful, hence update with status as          --
3243       -- COMPLETED.                                                       --
3244       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3245       update_fv_batch_status
3246       (
3247         p_BatchId    => l_BatchRec.batch_id,
3248         p_Status     => 'COMPLETED',
3249         p_ErrorCode  => l_ErrorCode,
3250         p_ErrorDesc  => l_ErrorDesc,
3251         p_ErrorLoc   => l_ErrorLoc
3252       );
3253     ELSE
3254       ROLLBACK;
3255       debug_msg (l_module_name, 'Calling update_fv_batch_status with FAILURE');
3256       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3257       -- The Process was failure, hence update with status as             --
3258       -- NEEDS RESUB.                                                       --
3259       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3260       update_fv_batch_status
3261       (
3262         p_BatchId    => l_BatchRec.batch_id,
3263         p_Status     => 'NEEDS RESUBMISSION',
3264         p_ErrorCode  => l_ErrorCode,
3265         p_ErrorDesc  => l_ErrorDesc,
3266         p_ErrorLoc   => l_ErrorLoc
3267       );
3269       IF (l_ErrorCode = g_SUCCESS) THEN
3270         l_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
3271       END IF;
3272     END IF;
3274     COMMIT;
3276     p_retcode := l_ErrorCode;
3277     p_errbuf  := l_ErrorDesc;
3278     debug_exit (l_ErrorCode, l_ErrorDesc, l_ErrorLoc);
3279 --    error_write;
3280 --    log_write;
3281 --    debug_write;
3284       l_ErrorCode := g_FAILURE;
3285       l_ErrorDesc := SQLERRM;
3286       l_ErrorLoc  := l_module_name || ':' || 'Final Exception';
3287       error
3288       (
3289         p_error_type => l_ErrorCode,
3290         p_pgm        => l_module_name,
3291         p_msg        => l_ErrorDesc,
3292         p_loc        => l_ErrorLoc
3293       );
3294       debug_exit (l_ErrorCode, l_ErrorDesc, l_ErrorLoc);
3295       p_retcode := l_ErrorCode;
3296       p_errbuf  := l_ErrorDesc;
3297 --      error_write;
3298 --      log_write;
3299 --      debug_write;
3300       ROLLBACK;
3301   END main;
3302 END fv_apply_cash_receipt;