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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

  procedure last_updated_by;
Line: 110

  /* Added following variables for Bug# 4184566 and also in update statement */

  x_request_id number     ;
Line: 122

    select *
      into wjsi_row
      from wip_job_schedule_interface
     where rowid = wip_jsi_utils.current_rowid;
Line: 140

        select WDJ.build_sequence
          into wjsi_row.build_sequence
          from wip_discrete_jobs WDJ
         where WDJ.wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id ;
Line: 188

Line: 248

    update wip_job_schedule_interface
       set created_by = wjsi_row.created_by,
           last_updated_by = wjsi_row.last_updated_by,
           organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id,
           wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id,
           job_name      = wjsi_row.job_name,
           repetitive_schedule_id = wjsi_row.repetitive_schedule_id,
           schedule_group_id = wjsi_row.schedule_group_id,
           line_id = wjsi_row.line_id,
           project_id = wjsi_row.project_id,
           task_id  = wjsi_row.task_id,
           firm_planned_flag = wjsi_row.firm_planned_flag,
           description = wjsi_row.description,
           status_type = wjsi_row.status_type,
           wip_supply_type = wjsi_row.wip_supply_type,
           class_code = wjsi_row.class_code,
           primary_item_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id,
           start_quantity = wjsi_row.start_quantity,
           net_quantity = wjsi_row.net_quantity,
           overcompletion_tolerance_type = wjsi_row.overcompletion_tolerance_type,
           overcompletion_tolerance_value = wjsi_row.overcompletion_tolerance_value,
           asset_number = wjsi_row.asset_number,--20
           asset_group_id = wjsi_row.asset_group_id,
           parent_job_name = wjsi_row.parent_job_name,
           parent_wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.parent_wip_entity_id,
           rebuild_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id,
           rebuild_serial_number = wjsi_row.rebuild_serial_number,
           manual_rebuild_flag = wjsi_row.manual_rebuild_flag,
           first_unit_start_date = wjsi_row.first_unit_start_date,
           last_unit_start_date = wjsi_row.last_unit_start_date,
           first_unit_completion_date = wjsi_row.first_unit_completion_date,
           last_unit_completion_date = wjsi_row.last_unit_completion_date,
           due_date = wjsi_row.due_date,
           requested_start_date = wjsi_row.requested_start_date,
           processing_work_days = wjsi_row.processing_work_days,--30
           daily_production_rate = wjsi_row.daily_production_rate,
           header_id = wjsi_row.header_id,
           demand_class = wjsi_row.demand_class,
           build_sequence = wjsi_row.build_sequence,
           routing_reference_id = wjsi_row.routing_reference_id,
           bom_reference_id = wjsi_row.bom_reference_id,
           alternate_routing_designator = wjsi_row.alternate_routing_designator,
           alternate_bom_designator = wjsi_row.alternate_bom_designator,
           bom_revision = wjsi_row.bom_revision,
           routing_revision = wjsi_row.routing_revision,--40
           bom_revision_date = wjsi_row.bom_revision_date,
           routing_revision_date = wjsi_row.routing_revision_date,
           lot_number = wjsi_row.lot_number,
           source_code = wjsi_row.source_code,
           source_line_id = wjsi_row.source_line_id,
           scheduling_method = wjsi_row.scheduling_method,
           completion_subinventory = wjsi_row.completion_subinventory,
           completion_locator_id = wjsi_row.completion_locator_id,
           priority = wjsi_row.priority,
           allow_explosion = wjsi_row.allow_explosion,
           end_item_unit_number = wjsi_row.end_item_unit_number, --must be after primary_item_id
           owning_department = wjsi_row.owning_department,
           notification_required = wjsi_row.notification_required,--50
           shutdown_type = wjsi_row.shutdown_type,
           work_order_type = wjsi_row.work_order_type,
           tagout_required = wjsi_row.tagout_required,
           plan_maintenance = wjsi_row.plan_maintenance,
           activity_type = wjsi_row.activity_type,
           activity_cause = wjsi_row.activity_cause,
           material_issue_by_mo = wjsi_row.material_issue_by_mo,
           maintenance_object_id = wjsi_row.maintenance_object_id,
           maintenance_object_type = wjsi_row.maintenance_object_type,
           maintenance_object_source = wjsi_row.maintenance_object_source,
           REQUEST_ID = decode(x_request_id,-1,REQUEST_ID,x_request_id),
           PROGRAM_ID = decode(x_program_id,-1,PROGRAM_ID,x_program_id),
           PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID = decode(x_application_id,-1,PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID, x_application_id)
     where rowid = wip_jsi_utils.current_rowid;
Line: 349

      select operation_seq_num
        from wip_operations
       where wip_entity_id = v_wip_id;
Line: 357

    select wip_entity_id, serialization_start_op, load_type, primary_item_id
      into l_wipID, l_serialOp, l_loadType, l_primaryItemID
      from wip_job_schedule_interface wjsi
     where wjsi.rowid = wip_jsi_utils.current_rowid;
Line: 366

        update wip_discrete_jobs wdj
           set serialization_start_op = null
         where wip_entity_id = l_wipID
           and serialization_start_op <> 1
           and not exists(select 1
                            from wip_operations wo
                           where wo.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id
                             and wo.operation_seq_num = wdj.serialization_start_op);
Line: 386

    select 1
      into g_dummy
      from wip_discrete_jobs wdj, mtl_system_items msi
     where wdj.primary_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
       and wdj.organization_id = msi.organization_id
       and wdj.wip_entity_id = l_wipID
       and msi.serial_number_control_code = wip_constants.full_sn;
Line: 422

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from wip_discrete_jobs
        where wip_entity_id = l_wipID
        and status_type = wip_constants.unreleased;
Line: 439

        select inventory_item_id,
               nvl(eam_item_type, -1),
          into x_item_row.inventory_item_id,
          from mtl_system_items
         where inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           and organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 468

      select status_type,
        into wdj_row.status_type,
        from wip_discrete_jobs wdj, wip_entities we
       where wdj.wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id
         and we.wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id;
Line: 553

    select ood.disable_date
      into l_disable_date
      from wip_parameters wp, mtl_parameters mp, org_organization_definitions ood
     where wp.organization_id = mp.organization_id
       and wp.organization_id = ood.organization_id
       and wp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 560

    SELECT ood.date_to disable_date
    INTO l_disable_date
    FROM wip_parameters wp,
        mtl_parameters mp ,
        hr_organization_units ood
    WHERE wp.organization_id   = mp.organization_id
        and wp.organization_id = ood.organization_id
        and wp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 583

      select count(*)
        into l_count
        from wip_entities
       where wip_entity_name = wjsi_row.job_name
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 616

      select count(*)
        into l_count
        from wip_entities
       where wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id;
Line: 644

    l_msg := 'WIP_ML_KB_UPDATE_FAILED';
Line: 657

      inv_kanban_pvt.update_card_supply_status (
        x_return_status      => l_status,
        p_kanban_card_id     => wjsi_row.kanban_card_id,
        p_supply_status      => INV_Kanban_PVT.G_Supply_Status_InProcess,
        p_document_type      => l_doc_type,
        p_document_header_id => l_doc_header_id);
Line: 678

  select 1
    into g_dummy
    from fnd_user
   where user_id = wjsi_row.created_by
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date, sysdate);
Line: 689

  procedure last_updated_by is begin
  select 1
    into g_dummy
    from fnd_user
   where user_id = wjsi_row.last_updated_by
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date, sysdate);
Line: 697

Line: 699

  end last_updated_by;
Line: 720

        select sum(primary_quantity), count(*)
          into l_reserved_qty, l_reservation_count
          from wip_reservations_v
         where wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id
           and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 779

        select count(*)
          into l_rep_sched_count
          from wip_repetitive_schedules
         where repetitive_schedule_id = wjsi_row.repetitive_schedule_id;
Line: 798

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from so_demand_classes_active_v
       where demand_class_code = wjsi_row.demand_class;
Line: 812

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from wip_lines_val_v
       where line_id = wjsi_row.line_id
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 827

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from wip_schedule_groups_val_v
       where schedule_group_id = wjsi_row.schedule_group_id
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 866

        WHERE  WIP_ENTITY_ID = wjsi_row.Wip_Entity_Id
        AND    INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = nvl(wjsi_row.primary_item_id,l_Primary_Item_Id )
        AND    ORGANIZATION_ID = wjsi_row.Organization_Id;
Line: 916

        select primary_item_id      /* for Bug2792736 */
          into l_Primary_Item_Id
          from wip_discrete_jobs
         where wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id
           and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 955

            SELECT propagate_job_change_to_po
              INTO l_propagate_job_change_to_po
              FROM wip_parameters wp
             WHERE organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 999

Line: 1038

      select daily_maximum_rate
        into l_max_line_rate
        from wip_lines_val_v
       where line_id = wjsi_row.line_id;
Line: 1078

          select 1
            into g_dummy
            from wip_repetitive_items
           where line_id = wjsi_row.line_id
             and primary_item_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
             and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 1090

           select 1
             into l_dummy
           from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS msi
           where msi.inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
             and msi.organization_id= wjsi_row.organization_id
             and msi.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
             and msi.bom_item_type = 4
             and not exists
                  FROM BOM_BILL_OF_MATERIALS
                  WHERE ASSEMBLY_ITEM_ID = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
                  AND ORGANIZATION_ID = wjsi_row.organization_id
                  AND nvl(ALTERNATE_BOM_DESIGNATOR,'none') =
                  AND (ASSEMBLY_TYPE = 1 OR X_Eng_Items_Flag = 1));
Line: 1125

          select start_date_active, end_date_active
            into l_start_date, l_end_date
            from mtl_eam_asset_activities
           where asset_activity_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
             and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.asset_group_id
             and serial_number = wjsi_row.asset_number;
Line: 1133

          select min(start_date_active), min(end_date_active)
            into l_start_date, l_end_date
            from mtl_eam_asset_activities
           where asset_activity_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
             and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id
             and serial_number = wjsi_row.rebuild_serial_number;
Line: 1144

          select min(start_date_active), min(end_date_active)
            into l_start_date, l_end_date
            from mtl_eam_asset_activities
           where asset_activity_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
             and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id;
Line: 1154

          select min(start_date_active), min(end_date_active)
            into l_start_date, l_end_date
            from mtl_eam_asset_activities
           where asset_activity_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
             and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id;
Line: 1193

        select count(*)
          into l_routing_count
          from bom_operational_routings
         where organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
           and assembly_item_id = decode(wjsi_row.load_type, wip_constants.create_ns_job, wjsi_row.routing_reference_id, wjsi_row.primary_item_id)
           and nvl(alternate_routing_designator, '@@@') = nvl(wjsi_row.alternate_routing_designator, '@@@')
           and nvl(cfm_routing_flag, 2) = 2; --ignore flow routings
Line: 1228

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mtl_system_items
       where inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.bom_reference_id
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and build_in_wip_flag = 'Y'
         and pick_components_flag = 'N'
         and eng_item_flag = 'N';
Line: 1268

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from bom_routing_alternates_v
       where assembly_item_id = l_rtg_item_id
         and alternate_routing_designator = wjsi_row.alternate_routing_designator
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and nvl(cfm_routing_flag, 2) = 2 --ignore flow routings
         and routing_type = 1;
Line: 1298

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from bom_bill_alternates_v
       where assembly_item_id = l_bom_item_id
         and alternate_bom_designator = wjsi_row.alternate_bom_designator
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and assembly_type = 1;
Line: 1318

       select mpv.project_id --this query will return multiple rows if the project has tasks
         into g_dummy
         from pjm_projects_v mpv, pjm_project_parameters ppp, mtl_parameters mp
        where mpv.project_id = ppp.project_id
          and mpv.project_id = wjsi_row.project_id
          and ppp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
          and ppp.organization_id = mp.organization_id
          and nvl(mp.project_reference_enabled, 2) = wip_constants.yes;
Line: 1375

      wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_delete_stack => 'T',
                                      p_msg => l_message);
Line: 1431

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from bom_calendar_dates bcd, mtl_parameters mp
       where mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and mp.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
         and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id
         and bcd.calendar_date = trunc(wjsi_row.first_unit_start_date);
Line: 1440

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from bom_calendar_dates bcd, mtl_parameters mp
       where mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and mp.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
         and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id
         and bcd.calendar_date = trunc(wjsi_row.last_unit_completion_date);
Line: 1474

        select count(*)
          into l_line_count
          from wip_lines
         where organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
           and line_id = wjsi_row.line_id
           and line_schedule_type = 1; --fixed
Line: 1484

        select count(*)
          into l_rtg_count
          from bom_operational_routings bor, wip_repetitive_items wri
         where wri.line_id = wjsi_row.line_id
           and nvl(bor.cfm_routing_flag, 2) = 2 --ignore flow rtgs
           and wri.primary_item_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
           and wri.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
           and nvl(bor.alternate_routing_designator,'@@') = nvl(wri.alternate_routing_designator,'@@')
           and bor.organization_id = wri.organization_id
           and bor.assembly_item_id = wri.primary_item_id;
Line: 1500

      select count(*)
        into l_rtg_count
        from bom_operational_routings bor, wip_repetitive_items wri
       where wri.line_id = wjsi_row.line_id
         and nvl(bor.cfm_routing_flag,2) = 2 --ignore flow routings
         and wri.primary_item_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
         and wri.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and nvl(bor.alternate_routing_designator,'@@') = nvl(wri.alternate_routing_designator,'@@')
         and bor.organization_id = wri.organization_id
         and bor.assembly_item_id = wri.primary_item_id;
Line: 1511

      select count(*)
        into l_line_count
        from wip_lines_val_v
       where organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and line_id = wjsi_row.line_id
         and line_schedule_type = 2;
Line: 1534

          select calendar_date
            into wjsi_row.first_unit_start_date
            from bom_calendar_dates bcd, mtl_parameters mp
            where mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
              and bcd.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
              and bcd.calendar_code = mp.calendar_code
              and seq_num = (select prior_seq_num - ceil(wjsi_row.processing_work_days)+1
                               from bom_calendar_dates b2
                              where b2.calendar_date = trunc(wjsi_row.last_unit_start_date)
                                and b2.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
                                and b2.exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id);
Line: 1546

          SELECT bcd.calendar_date
            INTO wjsi_row.first_unit_start_date
            FROM bom_calendar_dates bcd,
            mtl_parameters mp,
            bom_calendar_dates b2
          WHERE mp.organization_id     = wjsi_row.organization_id
            and bcd.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
            and bcd.calendar_code    = mp.calendar_code
            and bcd.seq_num          = b2.prior_seq_num - ceil(wjsi_row.processing_work_days)+1
            and b2.calendar_date     = trunc(wjsi_row.last_unit_start_date)
            and b2.calendar_code     = mp.calendar_code;
Line: 1562

          select calendar_date
            into wjsi_row.last_unit_start_date
            from bom_calendar_dates bcd, mtl_parameters mp
           where mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and bcd.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
             and bcd.calendar_code = mp.calendar_code
             and seq_num = (select next_seq_num + ceil(wjsi_row.processing_work_days)-1
                              from bom_calendar_dates b2
                             where b2.calendar_date = trunc(wjsi_row.first_unit_start_date)
                               and b2.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
                               and b2.exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id);
Line: 1574

          SELECT bcd.calendar_date
          INTO wjsi_row.last_unit_start_date
          FROM bom_calendar_dates bcd,
              mtl_parameters mp,
              bom_calendar_dates b2
          WHERE mp.organization_id     = wjsi_row.organization_id
              and bcd.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
              and bcd.calendar_code    = mp.calendar_code
              and bcd.seq_num          = b2.prior_seq_num + ceil(wjsi_row.processing_work_days)-1
              and b2.calendar_date     = trunc(wjsi_row.first_unit_start_date)
              and b2.calendar_code     = mp.calendar_code;
Line: 1590

          select calendar_date
            into wjsi_row.first_unit_completion_date
            from bom_calendar_dates bcd, mtl_parameters mp
           where mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and bcd.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
             and bcd.calendar_code = mp.calendar_code
             and seq_num = (select prior_seq_num - ceil(wjsi_row.processing_work_days)+1
                              from bom_calendar_dates b2
                             where b2.calendar_date = trunc(wjsi_row.last_unit_completion_date)
                               and b2.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
                               and b2.exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id);
Line: 1602

          SELECT bcd.calendar_date
          INTO wjsi_row.first_unit_completion_date
          FROM bom_calendar_dates bcd,
              mtl_parameters mp,
              bom_calendar_dates b2
          WHERE mp.organization_id     = wjsi_row.organization_id
              and bcd.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
              and bcd.calendar_code    = mp.calendar_code
              and bcd.seq_num          = b2.prior_seq_num - ceil(wjsi_row.processing_work_days)+1
              and b2.calendar_date     = trunc(wjsi_row.last_unit_completion_date)
              and b2.calendar_code     = mp.calendar_code;
Line: 1618

          select calendar_date
            into wjsi_row.last_unit_completion_date
            from bom_calendar_dates bcd, mtl_parameters mp
           where mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and bcd.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
             and bcd.calendar_code = mp.calendar_code
             and seq_num = (select next_seq_num + ceil(wjsi_row.processing_work_days)-1
                              from bom_calendar_dates b2
                             where b2.calendar_date = trunc(wjsi_row.first_unit_completion_date)
                               and b2.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
                               and b2.exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id) ;
Line: 1630

          SELECT bcd.calendar_date
          INTO wjsi_row.last_unit_completion_date
          FROM bom_calendar_dates bcd,
              mtl_parameters mp,
              bom_calendar_dates b2
          WHERE mp.organization_id     = wjsi_row.organization_id
              and bcd.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id
              and bcd.calendar_code    = mp.calendar_code
              and bcd.seq_num          = b2.prior_seq_num + ceil(wjsi_row.processing_work_days)-1
              and b2.calendar_date     = trunc(wjsi_row.first_unit_completion_date)
              and b2.calendar_code     = mp.calendar_code;
Line: 1701

      select inventory_asset_flag, restrict_subinventories_code
        into l_inv_asset_flag, l_restrict_subinv_code
        from mtl_system_items
       where inventory_item_id = l_inv_item_id
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 1720

            select 1
              into g_dummy
              from mtl_item_sub_val_v
              where inventory_item_id = l_inv_item_id
              and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
              and secondary_inventory_name = wjsi_row.completion_subinventory;
Line: 1728

            select 1
              into g_dummy
              from mtl_item_sub_ast_trk_val_v
             where inventory_item_id = l_inv_item_id
               and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
               and secondary_inventory_name = wjsi_row.completion_subinventory;
Line: 1737

          select 1
            into g_dummy
            from mtl_subinventories_val_v
           where secondary_inventory_name = wjsi_row.completion_subinventory
             and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and asset;
Line: 1744

          select 1
            into g_dummy
            from mtl_sub_ast_trk_val_v
           where secondary_inventory_name = wjsi_row.completion_subinventory
             and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 1789

        select restrict_locators_code, location_control_code
          into l_restrict_locs, l_item_loc_control
          from mtl_system_items
         where inventory_item_id = l_item_id
           and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 1857

      select sub.locator_type, mp.stock_locator_control_code
        into l_sub_loc_control, l_org_loc_control
        from mtl_secondary_inventories sub, mtl_parameters mp
       where sub.secondary_inventory_name = wjsi_row.completion_subinventory
         and sub.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 1951

        select 1
        into g_dummy
        from pjm_unit_numbers_lov_v pun,
             mtl_parameters mp
        where pun.unit_number = wjsi_row.end_item_unit_number
         and mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and mp.master_organization_id = pun.master_organization_id;
Line: 2006

            select end_item_unit_number into wjsi_row.end_item_unit_number
                                  from wip_discrete_jobs
                                  where wip_entity_id =
                                    (select wip_entity_id
                                     from wip_job_schedule_interface
                                     where rowid = WIP_JSI_UTILS.CURRENT_ROWID
Line: 2022

            select primary_item_id into wjsi_row.bom_reference_id
                                  from wip_discrete_jobs
                                  where wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id;
Line: 2040

          select end_item_unit_number into wjsi_row.end_item_unit_number
                                  from wip_discrete_jobs
                                  where wip_entity_id =
                                    (select wip_entity_id
                                     from wip_job_schedule_interface
                                     where rowid = WIP_JSI_UTILS.CURRENT_ROWID
Line: 2095

        select 1
          into g_dummy
          from dual
         where exists(select 1
                        from cst_cg_wip_acct_classes_v
                       where class_code = wjsi_row.class_code
                         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
                         and class_type = wip_constants.discrete);
Line: 2104

        select 1
          into g_dummy
          from dual
         where exists(select 1
                        from cst_cg_wip_acct_classes_v ccwac, mtl_parameters mp
                       where ccwac.class_code = wjsi_row.class_code
                         and ccwac.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
                         and ccwac.class_type = wip_constants.discrete
                         and mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
                         and (   mp.primary_cost_method = wip_constants.cost_std
                              or ccwac.cost_group_id = (select costing_group_id
                                                          from mrp_project_parameters mpp
                                                         where organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
                                                           and mpp.project_id = wjsi_row.project_id)
Line: 2122

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from dual
       where exists(select 1
                      from wip_non_standard_classes_val_v
                     where class_code = wjsi_row.class_code
                       and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id);
Line: 2132

         select 1
           into g_dummy
           from dual
          where exists(select 1
                         from cst_cg_wip_acct_classes_v
                        where class_code = wjsi_row.class_code
                          and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
                          and class_type = wip_constants.eam);
Line: 2141

         select 1
           into g_dummy
           from dual
          where exists(select 1
                         from cst_cg_wip_acct_classes_v ccwac, mtl_parameters mp
                        where ccwac.class_code = wjsi_row.class_code
                          and ccwac.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
                          and ccwac.class_type = wip_constants.eam
                          and mp.organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
                          and (   mp.primary_cost_method = wip_constants.cost_std
                               or ccwac.cost_group_id = (select costing_group_id
                                                           from mrp_project_parameters mpp
                                                          where organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
                                                            and mpp.project_id = wjsi_row.project_id)
Line: 2201

        select count(*)
          into l_rtg_count
          from bom_operational_routings
         where assembly_item_id = wjsi_row.routing_reference_id
           and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
           and nvl(alternate_routing_designator, '@@') = nvl(wjsi_row.alternate_routing_designator, '@@')
           and nvl(cfm_routing_flag, 2) = 2;
Line: 2210

        select count(*)
          into l_rtg_count
          from bom_operational_routings
         where assembly_item_id = wjsi_row.primary_item_id
           and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
           and nvl(alternate_routing_designator, '@@') = nvl(wjsi_row.alternate_routing_designator, '@@')
           and nvl(cfm_routing_flag, 2) = 2;
Line: 2219

        select count(*)
          into l_rtg_count
          from wip_operations
         where wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.wip_entity_id;
Line: 2325

      select count(*)
        into l_count
        from bom_operational_routings
       where assembly_item_id = decode(wjsi_row.load_type, wip_constants.create_ns_job, wjsi_row.routing_reference_id,
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and nvl(alternate_routing_designator, '@@') = nvl(wjsi_row.alternate_routing_designator, '@@');
Line: 2348

        select 1
          into g_dummy
          from mtl_system_items
         where inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.asset_group_id
           and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
           and eam_item_type = 1; -- asset group
Line: 2378

        select 1
          into g_dummy
          from mtl_serial_numbers
         where inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.asset_group_id
           and current_organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
           and serial_number = wjsi_row.asset_number
           and maintainable_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2395

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mtl_system_items
       where inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
         and eam_item_type = 3;
Line: 2428

            select 1
              into g_dummy
              from mtl_serial_numbers
             where serial_number = wjsi_row.rebuild_serial_number
               and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id
               and current_organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
               and current_status in (1,3,4);--defined not used, resides in stores, issued out nocopy of stores (consistent w/EAM UI)
Line: 2436

            select 1
              into g_dummy
              from mtl_serial_numbers
             where serial_number = wjsi_row.rebuild_serial_number
               and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id
               and current_organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 2455

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from wip_entities
        where wip_entity_id = wjsi_row.parent_wip_entity_id
          and entity_type = wip_constants.eam;
Line: 2491

      select disable_date
        into l_disable_date
        from bom_departments
       where department_id = wjsi_row.owning_department
         and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id;
Line: 2521

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
       where lookup_type = 'BOM_EAM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE'
         and lookup_code = wjsi_row.shutdown_type
         and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2558

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
       where lookup_type = 'WIP_EAM_WORK_ORDER_TYPE'
         and lookup_code = wjsi_row.work_order_type
         and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2573

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
       where lookup_type = 'MTL_EAM_ACTIVITY_TYPE'
         and lookup_code = wjsi_row.activity_type
         and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2588

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
       where lookup_type = 'MTL_EAM_ACTIVITY_CAUSE'
         and lookup_code = wjsi_row.activity_cause
         and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2609

        select serial_number_control_code
          into l_serial_number_control_code
          from mtl_system_items
         where organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
           and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id;
Line: 2637

        select 1
          into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
         where lookup_type = 'WIP_MAINTENANCE_OBJECT_SOURCE'
           and lookup_code = wjsi_row.maintenance_object_source
           and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2656

          select 1
            into g_dummy
            from mtl_serial_numbers
           where current_organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.asset_group_id
             and serial_number = wjsi_row.asset_number
             and gen_object_id = wjsi_row.maintenance_object_id;
Line: 2664

          select 1
            into g_dummy
            from mtl_serial_numbers
           where current_organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
             and inventory_item_id = wjsi_row.rebuild_item_id
             and serial_number = wjsi_row.rebuild_serial_number
             and gen_object_id = wjsi_row.maintenance_object_id;
Line: 2704

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
       where lookup_type = 'MTL_EAM_ACTIVITY_SOURCE'
         and lookup_code = wjsi_row.activity_source
         and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2731

        update wip_job_schedule_interface
        set    date_released = sysdate
        where  rowid = WIP_JSI_Utils.current_rowid ;
Line: 2739

          select 'X'
          into   x_period_exists
          from org_acct_periods
          where organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
          and trunc(INV_LE_TIMEZONE_PUB.GET_LE_DAY_FOR_INV_ORG(nvl(wjsi_row.date_released,sysdate),wjsi_row.organization_id)) between PERIOD_START_DATE and SCHEDULE_CLOSE_DATE
          and period_close_date is NULL;