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1 package body pay_chqwrt_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pychqwrt.pkb 120.1.12010000.2 2008/08/06 07:01:12 ubhat ship $ */
3 /*
4    ******************************************************************
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21    ******************************************************************
23    Name        : chqsql
25    Description : Package and procedure to build sql for cheque writer.
27    Test List
28    ---------
29    Procedure                     Name       Date        Test Id Status
30    +----------------------------+----------+-----------+-------+--------------+
32    Change List
33    -----------
34    Date         Name        Vers   Bug No   Description
35    -----------  ----------  -----  -------  -----------------------------------
36    01-FEB-2006  NBRISTOW    115.3           Added ability to pay organizations
37                                             directly.
38    10-Dec-2004  SuSivasu    115.2           Removed cheque_date function.
39    06-Dec-2004  SuSivasu    115.1           Added cheque_date function.
40    12-APR-1996  NBRISTOW    40.9            Chequewriter was rewriten to use
41                                             multiple threads. As a result
42                                             the sql has been changed to
43                                             retrieve the assignment action
44                                             in the correct order.
45    11-APR-1996  NBRISTOW    40.8            SQL was creating duplicate actions
46                                             for voided payments.
47    29-Mar-1996  cadams      40.7            Added subquery to allow voided
48                                             cheques to be selected
49    01-FEB-1996  mwcallag    40.6   339128   SQL tuned to improve performance.
50    05-OCT-1994  RFINE       40.4            Renamed package to pay_chqwrt_pkg
51    10-DEC-1993  DSAXBY      40.1   G350     Altered incorrect assignment
52                                             interlock sql.
53                                             Added missing date effective join.
54    12-OCT-1993  CLEVERLY    1.0             First created.
55 */
56    chq_sql  varchar(4000); -- select list for pre-payments..
57 --
58    ---------------------------------- chqsql ----------------------------------
59    /*
60       NAME
61          chqsql - build dynamic sql.
63          builds an SQL statement from a 'kit of parts'.
64          It concatenates various parts together depending on
65          what is required, ie the ordering of the pre-payments
66          so that cheque numbers are allocated in the correct
67          sequence for that organisation.
68       NOTES
69          The procedure passes back the length of the resultant
70          string, so it can be successfully null terminated by
71          the calling program.
73          NB If you alter or add select statements check that they
74             do not contain more than 4000 characters
75    */
76    procedure chqsql
77    (
78       procname   in            varchar2,     /* name of the select statement to use */
79       sqlstr     in out nocopy varchar2,     /* string holding the sql statement */
80       len        out    nocopy number        /* length of the sql string */
81    ) is
82    begin
83       -- go through each of the sql sub strings and see if
84       -- they are needed.
85       if procname = 'DEFAULT' then
86          sqlstr := chq_sql;
87       else
88          sqlstr := chq_sql;
89       end if;
90       len := length(sqlstr); -- return the length of the string.
91    end chqsql;
92 --
93    function get_upgrade_status
94      (p_business_group_id number
95      ,p_short_name        varchar2
96      )return varchar2 is
97      --
98      l_status pay_upgrade_status.status%type;
99      --
100    begin
101      --
102      pay_core_utils.get_upgrade_status(p_business_group_id,p_short_name,l_status);
103      --
104      return l_status;
105      --
106    exception
107      when others then
108        --
109        return 'E';
110        --
111    end get_upgrade_status;
112 --
113    --------------------------------- cheque_date ------------------------------
114    /*
115       NAME
116          cheque_date - derives the cheque date.
118          Returns the cheque date based on the select payment
119       NOTES
120          <none>
121    */
122    /*
123    function cheque_date
124    (
125       p_business_group_id    in number,
126       p_payroll_id           in number,
127       p_consolidation_set_id in number,
128       p_start_date           in date,
129       p_end_date             in date,
130       p_payment_type_id      in number,
131       p_payment_method_id    in number,
132       p_cheque_style         in varchar2
133    ) return date is
134      --
135      l_cheque_date   date;
136      statem          varchar2(1000);
137      rows_processed  integer;
138      sql_curs        number;
139      l_leg_code      per_business_groups_perf.legislation_code%type;
140      --
141      l_bee_iv_upgrade  varchar2(1);
142      --
143    begin
144      --
145      l_bee_iv_upgrade := get_upgrade_status(p_business_group_id,'CHQ_WRT_CHEQUE_DATE');
146      --
147      if l_bee_iv_upgrade = 'E' then
148         hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_XXXX_CW_CHQ_DATE_UPGRADING');
149         hr_utility.raise_error;
150      end if;
151      --
152      if l_bee_iv_upgrade = 'N' then
153         return nvl(p_end_date,sysdate);
154      end if;
155      --
156      select legislation_code
157      into   l_leg_code
158      from   per_business_groups_perf
159      where  business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
160      --
161      statem := 'BEGIN
162                 :cheque_date := pay_'||lower(l_leg_code)||'_cheque_writer_pkg.cheque_date(
163                                 :business_group_id,
164                                 :payroll_id,
165                                 :consolidation_set_id,
166                                 :start_date,
167                                 :end_date,
168                                 :payment_type_id,
169                                 :payment_method_id,
170                                 :cheque_style); END;';
171      --
172      sql_curs := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
173      --
174      dbms_sql.parse(sql_curs,
175                   statem,
176                   dbms_sql.v7);
177      --
178      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'cheque_date',          l_cheque_date);
179      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'business_group_id',    p_business_group_id);
180      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'payroll_id',           p_payroll_id);
181      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'consolidation_set_id', p_consolidation_set_id);
182      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'start_date',           p_start_date);
183      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'end_date',             p_end_date);
184      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'payment_type_id',      p_payment_type_id);
185      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'payment_method_id',    p_payment_method_id);
186      dbms_sql.bind_variable(sql_curs, 'cheque_style',         p_cheque_style);
187      --
188      rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(sql_curs);
189      --
190      dbms_sql.variable_value(sql_curs, 'cheque_date', l_cheque_date);
191      --
192      dbms_sql.close_cursor(sql_curs);
193      --
194      return l_cheque_date;
195      --
196      --
197    exception
198      when others then
199        --
200        if dbms_sql.is_open(sql_curs) then
201           dbms_sql.close_cursor(sql_curs);
202        end if;
203        --
204        return to_date(null);
205        --
206    end cheque_date;
207    */
208 --
209 begin
210 --
211 chq_sql := '
212    select paa.rowid
213      from
214           (select /*+ ORDERED */paa1.assignment_action_id,
215                   hou.name,
216                   ppf.last_name,
217                   ppf.first_name
218              from pay_payroll_actions    ppa1,
219                   pay_assignment_actions paa1,
220                   per_assignments_f      paf,
221                   hr_organization_units  hou,
222                   per_people_f           ppf
226             where paa1.object_type is null
227               and paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa1.payroll_action_id
228               and paa1.payroll_action_id = :pactid
229               and paa1.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
230               and ppa1.effective_date between
231                           paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
232               and paf.person_id         = ppf.person_id
233               and ppa1.effective_date between
234                           ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
235               and paf.organization_id   = hou.organization_id
236            union all
237             select paa1.assignment_action_id,
238                    hou.name,
239                    null,
240                    null
241               from hr_organization_units  hou,
242                    pay_assignment_actions paa1
243              where paa1.object_type = ''HOU''
244                and paa1.object_id   = hou.organization_id
245                and paa1.payroll_action_id = :pactid
246           ) un,
247           pay_assignment_actions paa
248     where paa.payroll_action_id = :pactid
249       and paa.assignment_action_id = un.assignment_action_id
250     order by un.name,un.last_name,un.first_name
251       for update of paa.assignment_id';
252 --
253 end pay_chqwrt_pkg;