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2 /* $Header: AFNCMSGS.pls 120.2 2005/10/26 03:26:19 skghosh noship $ */
3     /* The record to hold the cached data */
4     TYPE  MessageRec IS RECORD  (
5         MESSAGE_NAME   VARCHAR2(30) ,
6         MESSAGE_TEXT   VARCHAR2(2000)
7      );
8      TYPE MessageTAB IS TABLE OF MessageRec index by binary_integer;
11     /*
12     ** SET_NAME - sets the message name
13     */
14     procedure SET_NAME(APPLICATION in varchar2, NAME in varchar2);
16     /*
17     ** SET_TOKEN - defines a message token with a value
18     */
19     procedure SET_TOKEN(TOKEN     in varchar2,
20                         VALUE     in varchar2,
21                         TRANSLATE in boolean default false);
23     /*
24     ** SET_TOKEN_SQL - define a message token with a SQL query value
25     **
26     ** Description:
27     **   Like SET_TOKEN, except here the value is a SQL statement which
28     **   returns a single varchar2 value.  (e.g. A translated concurrent
29     **   manager name.)  This statement is run when the message text is
30     **   resolved, and the result is used in the token substitution.
31     **
32     ** Arguments:
33     **   token - Token name
34     **   value - Token value.  A SQL statement
35     **
36     */
37     procedure SET_TOKEN_SQL (TOKEN in varchar2,
38                              VALUE in varchar2);
40     /*
41     ** RETRIEVE - gets the message and token data, clears message buffer
42     */
43     procedure RETRIEVE(MSGOUT OUT NOCOPY varchar2);
45     /*
46     ** CLEAR - clears the message buffer
47     */
48     procedure CLEAR;
50     /*
51     **	GET_STRING- get a particular translated message
52     **       from the message dictionary database.
53     **
54     **  This is a one-call interface for when you just want to get a
55     **  message without doing any token substitution.
56     **  Returns NULL if the message cannot be found.
57     */
58     function GET_STRING(APPIN in varchar2,
59 	      NAMEIN in varchar2) return varchar2;
61     /*
62     **  FETCH_SQL_TOKEN- get the value for a SQL Query token
63     **     This procedure is only to be called by the ATG
64     **     not for external use
65     */
66     function FETCH_SQL_TOKEN(TOK_VAL in varchar2) return varchar2;
67     pragma restrict_references(FETCH_SQL_TOKEN, WNDS);
69     /*
70     **	GET_NUMBER- get the message number of a particular message.
71     **
72     **  Returns 0 if the message has no message number,
73     **         or if its message number is zero.
74     **       NULL if the message can't be found.
75     */
76     function GET_NUMBER(APPIN in varchar2,
77 	      NAMEIN in varchar2) return NUMBER;
79     /*
80     **	GET- get a translated and token substituted message
81     **       from the message dictionary database.
82     **       Returns NULL if the message cannot be found.
83     */
84     function GET return varchar2;
86     /*
87     ** GET_ENCODED- Get an encoded message from the message stack.
88     */
89     function GET_ENCODED return varchar2;
91     /*
92     ** PARSE_ENCODED- Parse the message name and application short name
93     **                out of a message in "encoded" format.
94     */
95     procedure PARSE_ENCODED(ENCODED_MESSAGE IN varchar2,
96 			APP_SHORT_NAME  OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
97 			MESSAGE_NAME    OUT NOCOPY varchar2);
99     /*
100     ** SET_ENCODED- Set an encoded message onto the message stack
101     */
102     procedure SET_ENCODED(ENCODED_MESSAGE IN varchar2);
104     /*
105     ** raise_error - raises the error to the calling entity
106     **               via raise_application_error() prodcedure
107     */
108     procedure RAISE_ERROR;
110     /*
111     **  GET_TOKEN- Obtains the value of a named token from the
112     **             current message.
113     **         IN: TOKEN- the name of the token that was passed to SET_TOKEN
114     **             REMOVE_FROM_MESSAGE- default NULL means 'N'
115     **              'Y'- Remove the token value from the current message
116     **              'N'- Leave the token value on the current message
117     **    RETURNs: the token value that was set previously with SET_TOKEN
118     */
119     function GET_TOKEN(TOKEN IN VARCHAR2
120             ,REMOVE_FROM_MESSAGE IN VARCHAR2 default NULL /* NULL means 'N'*/
121             ) return varchar2;
123 end fnd_message_cache;