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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

select p.trx_credit_limit
from hz_cust_accounts a,
     hz_cust_profile_amts p
where a.account_number = ci_accountnumber and
      a.status = 'A' and
      p.currency_code = ci_currency_code and
      p.site_use_id is null and
      a.cust_account_id = p.cust_account_id;
Line: 103

select p.overall_credit_limit,a.party_id
from hz_cust_accounts a,
     hz_cust_profile_amts p
where a.account_number = ci_accountnumber and
      a.status = 'A' and
      p.currency_code = ci_currency_code and
      p.site_use_id is null and
      a.cust_account_id = p.cust_account_id;
Line: 115

select party_id
from hz_cust_accounts
where account_number = ci_accountnumber;
Line: 124

select nvl(sum(amount_due_remaining),0)
from ar_payment_schedules_all
where customer_id = ci_customer_id and
      class in ('DM','INV') and
      status = 'OP';
Line: 134

select nvl(sum(amount_due_remaining),0)
from ar_payment_schedules_all
where customer_id = ci_customer_id and
      class in ('CM') and
      status = 'OP';
Line: 143

select nvl(sum(decode(app.status,'ACC',(-1*app.amount_applied_from),0)),0)
from ar_receivable_applications_all app,
     ar_payment_schedules_all ps,
     gl_code_combinations cc
where ps.customer_id = ci_customer_id and
      ps.cash_receipt_id = app.cash_receipt_id and
      nvl(app.confirmed_flag ,'Y') = 'Y' and
      app.status in ('ACC') and
      app.code_combination_id = cc.code_combination_id;
Line: 157

select nvl(sum(decode(app.status,'UNAPP',(-1*app.amount_applied_from),0)),0)
from ar_receivable_applications_all app,
     ar_payment_schedules_all ps,
     gl_code_combinations cc
where ps.customer_id = ci_customer_id and
      ps.cash_receipt_id = app.cash_receipt_id and
      nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' and
      app.status IN ('UNAPP') and
      app.code_combination_id = cc.code_combination_id;
Line: 293

select p.credit_rating
from hz_cust_accounts a,
     hz_customer_profiles p
where a.account_number = ci_accountnumber and
      p.status = 'A' and
      a.status = 'A' and
      p.site_use_id is null and
      a.cust_account_id = p.cust_account_id;
Line: 305

select m.value
from iby_mappings m
where m.mapping_code = ci_creditratingcode and
      m.mapping_type = 'CREDIT_CODE_TYPE' and
      ((payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null) or (m.payeeid = ci_payeeid));
Line: 344

    select count(1) into l_cnt
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'CREDIT_CODE_TYPE'
    and payeeid = i_payeeid;
Line: 400

select p.risk_code
from hz_cust_accounts a,
     hz_customer_profiles p
where a.account_number = ci_accountnumber and
      p.status = 'A' and
      a.status = 'A' and
      p.site_use_id is null and
      a.cust_account_id = p.cust_account_id;
Line: 412

select m.value
from iby_mappings m
where m.mapping_code = ci_riskcode and
      m.mapping_type = 'RISK_CODE_TYPE' and
      ((m.payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null) or (m.payeeid = ci_payeeid));
Line: 452

    select count(1) into l_cnt
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'RISK_CODE_TYPE'
    and payeeid = i_payeeid;