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1 package ame_util as
2 /* $Header: ameoutil.pkh 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/28 06:22:35 appldev ship $ */
3   /* user-defined data types */
4   /* The id and string types are for various record definitions and local-variable declarations. */
5   charValue varchar2(1);
6   parameterValue varchar2(320);
7   boilerplateValue varchar2(80);
8   longBoilerplateValue varchar2(300);
9   attributeValue varchar2(100);
10   stringValue varchar2(100);
11   longStringValue varchar2(500);
12   longestStringValue varchar2(4000);
13   subtype charType is charValue%type;
14   subtype parameterType is parameterValue%type;
15   subtype boilerplateType is boilerplateValue%type;
16   subtype attributeValueType is attributeValue%type;
17   subtype stringType is stringValue%type;
18   subtype longStringType is longStringValue%type;
19   subtype longestStringType is longestStringValue%type;
20   /*
21     The longBoilerplateType and longBoilerplateList datatypes are for
22     boilerplate strings that are too long to be stored as AK attributes.  The
23     English-language values of such strings should not exceed 100 bytes
24     (characters), so that their translates values will not exceed
25     300 bytes.  Always fetch a long-boilerplate string into a local variable of
26     type longBoilerplateType or longBoilerplateList.
27   */
28   subtype longBoilerplateType is longBoilerplateValue%type;
29   type longBoilerplateList is table of longBoilerplateType index by binary_integer;
30   parameterTypeLength constant integer := 320;
31   attributeValueTypeLength constant integer := 100;
32   stringTypeLength constant integer := 100;
33   longStringTypeLength constant integer := 500;
34   longestStringTypeLength constant integer := 4000;
35   type idStringRecord is record(
36     id integer,
37     string stringType);
38   type attributeValueList is table of attributeValueType index by binary_integer;
39   type charList is table of charType index by binary_integer;
40   type dateList is table of date index by binary_integer;
41   type idList is table of integer index by binary_integer;
42   type idStringTable is table of idStringRecord index by binary_integer;
43   type numberList is table of number index by binary_integer;
44   type boilerplateList is table of boilerplateType index by binary_integer;
45   type stringList is table of stringType index by binary_integer;
46   type longStringList is table of longStringType index by binary_integer;
47   type longestStringList is table of longestStringType index by binary_integer;
48   /* engine and API types */
49   type approvalGroupMemberRecord is record(
50     group_id integer,
51     name varchar2(320),
52     orig_system varchar2(48),
53     orig_system_id integer);
54   type approvalProcessRecord is record(
55     line_item_id integer,
56     rule_id integer,
57     rule_type integer,
58     action_type_id integer,
59     parameter parameterType,
60     priority integer,
61     approver_category varchar2(1));
62   type approverRecord is record(
63     user_id fnd_user.user_id%type,
64     person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
65     first_name per_all_people_f.first_name%type,
66     last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type,
67     api_insertion varchar2(1),
68     authority varchar2(1),
69     approval_status varchar2(50),
70     approval_type_id integer,
71     group_or_chain_id integer,
72     occurrence integer,
73     source varchar2(500));
74   type approverRecord2 is record(
75     name varchar2(320),
76     orig_system varchar2(30),
77     orig_system_id number,
78     display_name varchar2(360),
79     approver_category varchar2(1),
80     api_insertion varchar2(1),
81     authority varchar2(1),
82     approval_status varchar2(50),
83     action_type_id integer,
84     group_or_chain_id integer,
85     occurrence integer,
86     source varchar2(500),
87     item_class ame_item_classes.name%type,
88     item_id ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_id%type,
89     item_class_order_number integer,
90     item_order_number integer,
91     sub_list_order_number integer,
92     action_type_order_number integer,
93     group_or_chain_order_number integer,
94     member_order_number integer,
95     approver_order_number integer);
96   type attributeValueRecord is record(
97     attribute_value_1 attributeValueType,
98     attribute_value_2 attributeValueType,
99     attribute_value_3 attributeValueType);
100   type handlerTransStateRecord is record(
101     handler_name stringType,
102     state stringType);
103   type insertionRecord is record(
104     order_type varchar2(50),
105     parameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type,
106     api_insertion varchar2(1),
107     authority varchar2(1),
108     description ame_temp_insertions.description%type);
109   type insertionRecord2 is record(
110     item_class ame_item_classes.name%type,
111     item_id ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_id%type,
112     action_type_id integer,
113     group_or_chain_id integer,
114     order_type varchar2(50),
115     parameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type,
116     api_insertion varchar2(1),
117     authority varchar2(1),
118     description varchar2(200));
119 /*
121   type lineItemStripeRuleRecord is record(
122     line_item_id integer,
123     stripe_set_id integer,
124     rule_id integer,
125     rule_type integer,
126     action_type_id integer,
127     parameter parameterType,
128     priority integer);
129 */
130   type orderRecord is record(
131     order_type varchar2(50),
132     parameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type,
133     description varchar2(200));
134   type workflowLogRecord is record(
135     package_name varchar2(50),
136     routine_name varchar2(50),
137     log_id integer,
138     transaction_id varchar2(50),
139     exception_number integer,
140     exception_string longestStringType);
141   /* Record to represent a engine approver tree node */
142   type approverTreeRecord is record(
143     parent_index   integer,
144     child_index    integer,
145     sibling_index  integer,
146     approver_index integer,
147     tree_level     integer,
148     tree_level_id  varchar2(320),
149     order_number   integer,
150     min_order      integer,
151     max_order      integer,
152     status         integer,
153     is_suspended    varchar2(1));
154   /* Data Type to store the engine approver tree */
155   type approversTreeTable is table of approverTreeRecord index by binary_integer;
156   type approvalGroupMembersTable is table of approvalGroupMemberRecord index by binary_integer;
157   type approvalProcessTable is table of approvalProcessRecord index by binary_integer;
158   type approversTable is table of approverRecord index by binary_integer;
159   type approversTable2 is table of approverRecord2 index by binary_integer;
160   type sVAttributeValuesTable is table of attributeValueType index by binary_integer;
161   type attributeValuesTable is table of attributeValueRecord index by binary_integer;
162   type exceptionLogTable is table of ame_exceptions_log%rowtype index by binary_integer;
163   type handlerTransStateTable is table of handlerTransStateRecord index by binary_integer;
164   type insertionsTable is table of insertionRecord index by binary_integer;
165   type insertionsTable2 is table of insertionRecord2 index by binary_integer;
167 /*
169   type lineItemStripeRuleTable is table of lineItemStripeRuleRecord index by binary_integer;
170 */
171   type ordersTable is table of orderRecord index by binary_integer;
172   type parametersTable is table of parameterType index by binary_integer;
173   type workflowLogTable is table of workflowLogRecord index by binary_integer;
174   /* misc. types */
175   type queryCursor is ref cursor;
176   /* Constants used by the engine to process the approver tree */
177   noChildIndex     constant integer := -1;
178   noParentIndex    constant integer := -1;
179   noSiblingIndex   constant integer := -1;
180   noApproverIndex  constant integer := -1;
181   invalidTreeIndex constant integer := -1;
182   unknownStatus    constant integer := -1;
183   startedStatus    constant integer :=  3;
184   notStartedStatus constant integer :=  2;
185   completedStatus  constant integer :=  1;
186   firstAmongEquals constant boolean := true;
187   lastAmongEquals  constant boolean := false;
188   minimumApproverOrderNumber constant integer := 1;
189   /* misc. constants */
190   ameShortName constant varchar2(3) := 'AME';
191   defaultDateFormatModel constant varchar2(50) := 'DD-MM-YYYY';
192   oneSecond constant number := 1/86400;
193   mandAttActionTypeId constant integer := -1;
194   seededDataCreatedById constant integer := 1;
195   yes constant varchar(3) := 'yes';
196   no constant varchar2(2) := 'no';
197   testTrans constant varchar2(10) := 'testTrans';
198   realTrans constant varchar2(10) := 'realTrans';
199   /* special wf_roles.name values */
200   invalidApproverWfRolesName constant varchar2(50) := 'AME_INVALID_APPROVER';
201   /* ICX constants */
202   developerResponsibility constant integer := 5;
203   appAdminResponsibility constant integer := 4;
204   genBusResponsibility constant integer := 3;
205   limBusResponsibility constant integer := 2;
206   readOnlyResponsibility constant integer := 1;
207   noResponsibility constant integer := 0;
208   devRespKey constant varchar2(50) := 'AMEDEVELOPER';
209   appAdminRespKey constant varchar2(50) := 'AMEAPPADM';
210   genBusUserRespKey constant varchar2(50) := 'AMEGENUSER';
211   limBusUserRespKey constant varchar2(50) := 'AMELIMUSER';
212   readOnlyUserRespKey constant varchar2(50) := 'AMEROUSER';
213   webFunction constant varchar2(17) := 'AME_WEB_APPROVALS';
214   attributeCode constant varchar2(26) := 'AME_INTERNAL_TRANS_TYPE_ID';
215   /* per fnd app id */
216   perFndAppId constant integer := 800;
217   /* generalized-approver-type (GAT) constants */
218   /* GAT originating-system constants */
219   fndRespOrigSystem constant varchar2(8) := 'FND_RESP';
220   fndUserOrigSystem constant varchar2(7) := 'FND_USR';
221   perOrigSystem constant varchar2(3) := 'PER';
222   posOrigSystem constant varchar2(3) := 'POS';
223   /* GAT lookup types */
224   origSystemLookupType constant fnd_lookups.lookup_type%type := 'FND_WF_ORIG_SYSTEMS';
225   /* GAT approver categories */
226   approvalApproverCategory constant varchar2(1) := 'A';
227   fyiApproverCategory constant varchar2(1) := 'F';
228   /* GAT other constants */
229   anyApproverType constant integer := -1;
230   approverWfRolesName constant varchar2(50) := 'wf_roles_name';
231   /* developer-key constants */
232   devKeyPlaceHolder constant varchar2(9) := 'CHANGE_ME';
233   seededKeyPrefix constant varchar2(4) := 'SEED';
234   /* chain-of-authority ordering modes */
235   parallelChainsMode constant varchar2(1) := 'P';
236   serialChainsMode constant varchar2(1) := 'S';
237   /* The following values are the only allowed values for
238      ame_approval_group_config.voting_regime.  All of the values other
239      than orderNumberVoting are also allowed for
240      ame_action_type_config.voting_regime. */
241   consensusVoting constant varchar2(1) := 'C';
242   firstApproverVoting constant varchar2(1) := 'F';
243   orderNumberVoting constant varchar2(1) := 'O';
244   serializedVoting constant varchar2(1) := 'S';
245   /*
246     None of the empty[whatever] variables below should ever be overwritten. They
247     are only to be used as default arguments where empty defaults are required.
248   */
249   emptyApproverRecord approverRecord;
250   emptyApproverRecord2 approverRecord2;
251   emptyApproversTable approversTable;
252   emptyApproversTable2 approversTable2;
253   emptyDateList dateList;
254   emptyDbmsSqlVarchar2Table dbms_sql.varchar2_table;
255   emptyExceptionLogTable exceptionLogTable;
256   emptyIdList idList;
257   emptyIdStringTable idStringTable;
258   emptyInsertionRecord insertionRecord;
259   emptyInsertionRecord2 insertionRecord2;
260   emptyInsertionsTable insertionsTable;
261   emptyInsertionsTable2 insertionsTable2;
262   emptyParametersTable parametersTable;
263   emptyOrderRecord orderRecord;
264   emptyOrdersTable ordersTable;
265   emptyOwaUtilIdentArr owa_util.ident_arr;
266   emptyCharList charList;
267   emptyAttributeValueList attributeValueList;
268   emptyStringList stringList;
269   emptyLongStringList longStringList;
270   emptyLongestStringList longestStringList;
271   emptyWorkflowLogTable workflowLogTable;
272   /* approver types */
273   approverPersonId constant varchar2(50) := 'person_id';
274   approverUserId constant varchar2(50) := 'user_id';
275   approverOamGroupId constant varchar2(50) := 'OAM_group_id';
276   /*
277     The following constants are the only allowed values in an approverRecord2's
278     api_insertion field.  They have the following meanings.  (1) An
279     apiAuthorityInsertion is an insertion into the chain of authority requiring
280     the chain to jump at the insertion.  (2) An apiInsertion is an "ad hoc"
281     insertion.  If it occurs in the chain of authority, it does not require the
282     chain to jump at the insertion.  The chain skips over the ad-hoc insertion.
283     (3) An oamGenerated approver is not an insertion, but is generated by the
284     rules in OAM applying to the transaction.
285   */
286   apiAuthorityInsertion constant varchar2(1) := 'A';
287   apiInsertion constant varchar2(1) := 'Y';
288   oamGenerated constant varchar2(1) := 'N';
289   /*
290     The following constants are the only allowed values in an approverRecord2's
291     authority field.  Note that the constants are backwards compatible with the
292     original Y/N values, and are also ordered so that one can select approvers
293     in the proper order out of ame_temp_approval_processes.
294   */
295   preApprover constant varchar2(1) := 'N';
296   authorityApprover constant varchar2(1) := 'Y';
297   postApprover constant varchar2(1) := 'Z';
298   /*
299     The following constants are the only allowed values in an approverRecord2's
300     approval_status fields.  Note that there is no 'D' on the end of 'APPROVE'
301     in the value of approvedStatus; this is intentional.
302   */
303   approveAndForwardStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'APPROVE AND FORWARD';
304   approvedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'APPROVE';
305   beatByFirstResponderStatus constant varchar2(50) := 'BEAT BY FIRST RESPONDER';
306   clearExceptionsStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'CLEAR EXCEPTIONS';
307   exceptionStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'EXCEPTION';
308   forwardStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'FORWARD';
309   noResponseStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'NO RESPONSE';
310   notifiedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'NOTIFIED';
311   nullStatus constant varchar2(1) := null;
312   rejectStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'REJECT';
313   repeatedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'REPEATED';
314   suppressedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'SUPPRESSED';
315   /* New status added for asynchronous parallel approver functionality*/
316   notifiedByRepeatedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'NOTIFIEDBYREPEATED';
317   approvedByRepeatedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'APPROVEDBYREPEATED';
318   rejectedByRepeatedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'REJECTEDBYREPEATED';
319   /*
320     The following values are components of the only allowed values of the source field
321     of an approverRecord2, when the record's api_insertion value is not ame_util.oamGenerated.
322   */
323   approveAndForwardInsertion constant varchar2(20) := 'APPROVE_AND_FORWARD';
324   forwardInsertion constant varchar2(20) := 'FORWARD';
325   specialForwardInsertion constant varchar2(20) := 'SPECIAL FORWARD';
326   otherInsertion constant varchar2(20) := 'OTHER';
327   surrogateInsertion constant varchar2(20) := 'SURROGATE';
328   /* The following value is prepended to the source field of a deleted approver. */
329   apiSuppression constant varchar2(20) := 'SUPPRESSED';
330   /*
331     The following constants are the only allowed values in the fields of the
332     forwardingBehavior configuration variable:
333   */
334   forwardeeOnly constant varchar2(20) := 'FORWARDEE_ONLY';
335   forwarderAndForwardee constant varchar2(20) := 'FORWARDER_FORWARDEE';
336   ignoreForwarding constant varchar2(20) := 'IGNORE';
337   remand constant varchar2(20) := 'REMAND';
338   repeatForwarder constant varchar2(20) := 'REPEAT_FORWARDER';
339   skipForwarder constant varchar2(20) := 'SKIP_FORWARDER';
340   /*
341     The following constants are the only allowed values of the repeatedApprovers
342     configuration variable:
343   */
344   oncePerTransaction constant varchar2(50) := 'ONCE_PER_TRANSACTION';
345   oncePerItemClass constant varchar2(50) := 'ONCE_PER_ITEM_CLASS';
346   oncePerItem constant varchar2(50) := 'ONCE_PER_ITEM';
347   oncePerSublist  constant varchar2(50) := 'ONCE_PER_SUBLIST';
348   oncePerActionType constant varchar2(50) := 'ONCE_PER_ACTION_TYPE';
349   oncePerGroupOrChain constant varchar2(50) := 'ONCE_PER_GROUP_OR_CHAIN';
350   eachOccurrence constant varchar2(50) := 'EACH_OCCURRENCE';
351   /*
355   continueAllOtherItems constant varchar2(50) := 'CONTINUE_ALL_OTHER_ITEMS';
352     The following constants are the only allowed values of the REJECTION_RESPONSE
353     mandatory attribute.
354   */
356   continueOtherSubItems constant varchar2(50) := 'CONTINUE_OTHER_SUBORDINATE_ITEMS';
357   stopAllItems constant varchar2(50) := 'STOP_ALL_ITEMS';
358   /*
359     The ame_engine.getForwardingBehavior function requires a forwarder type
360     and a forwardee type.  The values below are allowed.  When the forwarder
361     is a chainOfAuthorityForwarder, alreadyInListForwardee refers to an
362     approver who is already in the approver list, but not in the same chain
363     of authority as the forwarder.  (When the forwarder is an adHocForwarder,
364     alreadyInListForwardee is the only allowed value.)
365   */
366   chainOfAuthorityForwarder constant varchar2(50) := 'CHAIN_FORWARDER';
367   adHocForwarder constant varchar2(50) := 'AD_HOC_FORWARDER';
368   previousSameChainForwardee constant varchar2(50) := 'SAME_CHAIN_PREVIOUS_FORWARDEE';
369   subordSameHierarchyForwardee constant varchar2(50) := 'SUBORDINATE_SAME_HIERARCHY';
370   alreadyInListForwardee constant varchar2(50) := 'ALREADY_IN_LIST';
371   /*
372   The API inserts the following constants in the ame_approvals_history table.  These
373   values should never appear in an approverRecord.
374   */
375   /* pseudo-null constants for adhoc insertions */
376   nullInsertionActionTypeId constant integer := -1;
377   nullInsertionGroupOrChainId constant integer := -1;
378   /* pseudo-null constants for adhoc insertions. For backward compatibility only. These 2 constants
379      should not be used in the AME code at all. */
380   adHocInsertionApprovalTypeId constant integer := -1;
381   adHocInsertionGroupOrChainId constant integer := -1;
382   /* pseudo-null constants for ame_approvals_history entries */
383   nullHistoryActionTypeId constant integer := 0.5;
384   nullHistoryGroupOrChainId constant integer := 0.5;
385   nullHistoryOccurrence constant integer := 0.5;
386   nullHistoryStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'NULL';
387   nullHistorySource constant varchar2(20) := 'NULL';
388   /*
389     The following constants are used by the API to identify types of order
390     relations for ad-hoc insertions.  They are the only valid values in the
391     orderRecord record's order_type field.
392   */
393   absoluteOrder constant varchar2(50) := 'absolute order';
394   absoluteOrderDescription constant varchar2(200) :=
395     'Regardless of changes in the approver list''s membership, give the new approver ' ||
396     'the following order number:  ';
397   afterApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'after approver';
398   afterApproverDescription constant varchar2(200) :=
399     'Always put the new approver right after the following approver:  ';
400   beforeApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'before approver';
401   beforeApproverDescription constant varchar2(200) :=
402     'Always put the new approver right before the following approver:  ';
403   firstAuthority constant varchar2(50) := 'first authority';
404   firstAuthorityDescription constant varchar2(200) :=
405     'Start all chains of authority at the new approver.';
406   firstAuthorityParameter constant varchar2(100) := 'first authority';
407   firstPostApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'first post-approver';
408   firstPostApproverDescription constant varchar2(200) := 'Make the approver the first post-approver.';
409   firstPostParameter constant varchar2(50) := 'first_post_approver';
410   firstPreApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'first pre-approver';
411   firstPreApproverDescription constant varchar2(200) := 'Make the approver the first pre-approver.';
412   firstPreParameter constant varchar2(50) := 'first_pre_approver';
413   lastPostApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'last post-approver';
414   lastPostApproverDescription constant varchar2(200) := 'Make the approver the last post-approver.';
415   lastPostParameter constant varchar2(50) := 'last_post_approver';
416   lastPreApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'last pre-approver';
417   lastPreApproverDescription constant varchar2(200) := 'Make the approver the last pre-approver.';
418   lastPreParameter constant varchar2(50) := 'last_pre_approver';
419   /*
420     The following constants are the only placeholders that may appear in the
421     query strings defining an attribute for a given application, i.e. in
422     the ame_attribute_usages.query_string column.
423   */
424   transactionIdPlaceholder constant varchar2(50) := ':transactionId';
425   /* ame_attributes.attribute_type allowed values */
426   numberAttributeType constant varchar2(20) := 'number';
427   stringAttributeType constant varchar2(20) := 'string';
428   dateAttributeType constant varchar2(20) := 'date';
429   booleanAttributeType constant varchar2(20) := 'boolean';
430   currencyAttributeType constant varchar2(20) := 'currency';
431   /* boolean attribute allowed values */
432   booleanAttributeTrue constant varchar2(10) := 'true';
433   booleanAttributeFalse constant varchar2(10) := 'false';
434   /* rule type labels */
435   ruleTypeLabel0 constant varchar2(50) := 'combination';
436   ruleTypeLabel1 constant varchar2(50) := 'list-creation rule';
437   ruleTypeLabel2 constant varchar2(50) := 'list-creation exception';
438   ruleTypeLabel3 constant varchar2(50) := 'list-modification rule';
439   ruleTypeLabel4 constant varchar2(50) := 'substitution';
440   ruleTypeLabel5 constant varchar2(50) := 'pre-list approval-group rule';
441   ruleTypeLabel6 constant varchar2(50) := 'post-list approval-group rule';
442   ruleTypeLabel7 constant varchar2(50) := 'production';
443   /* ame_rules.rule_type allowed values */
444   combinationRuleType constant integer := 0;
445   authorityRuleType constant number := 1;
446   exceptionRuleType constant number := 2;
450   postListGroupRuleType constant number := 6;
447   listModRuleType constant number := 3;
448   substitutionRuleType constant number := 4;
449   preListGroupRuleType constant number := 5;
451   productionRuleType constant integer := 7;
452   /* ame_conditions.condition_type allowed values */
453   ordinaryConditionType constant varchar2(20) := 'auth';
454   exceptionConditionType constant varchar2(20) := 'pre';
455   listModConditionType constant varchar2(20) := 'post';
456   /* dynamic-action-description bind variables */
457   actionParameterOne constant varchar2(20) := ':parameterOne';
458   actionParameterTwo constant varchar2(20) := ':parameterTwo';
459   /* constants for list-modification conditions */
460   anyApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'any_approver';
461   finalApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'final_approver';
462   /* The following 2 constants only to be used for backward comp. */
463   dynamicPostApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'dynamic post-approver';
464   dynamicPreApprover constant varchar2(50) := 'dynamic pre-approver';
465   /* pseudo-boolean constants */
466   booleanTrue constant varchar2(1) := 'Y';
467   booleanFalse constant varchar2(1) := 'N';
468   /*
469     ame_attribute_usages.user_editable possible values:
470     (1) booleanTrue:  the user can edit the query string (usage), but has not
471     (2) booleanFalse:  the user cannot edit the query string
472     (3) userEdited:  the user has edited the query string.
473     If the value is booleanTrue or booleanFalse, it's ok to overwrite the usage when
474     installing a patch.  If the value is userEdited, the patch should not overwrite
475     the query string.
476   */
477   userEdited constant varchar2(1) := 'Z';
478   /* mandatory-attribute names */
479   allowAutoApprovalAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'ALLOW_REQUESTOR_APPROVAL';
480   allowDeletingOamApprovers constant varchar2(50) := 'ALLOW_DELETING_RULE_GENERATED_APPROVERS';
481   atLeastOneRuleAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'AT_LEAST_ONE_RULE_MUST_APPLY';
482   transactionDateAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'TRANSACTION_DATE';
483   transactionRequestorAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_PERSON_ID';
484   transactionReqUserAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_USER_ID';
485   transactionOrgAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'TRANSACTION_ORG_ID';
486   transactionGroupAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'TRANSACTION_GROUP_ID';
487   transactionSetOfBooksAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'TRANSACTION_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID';
488   effectiveRuleDateAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'EFFECTIVE_RULE_DATE';
489   useWorkflowAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'USE_WORKFLOW';
490   workflowItemKeyAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'WORKFLOW_ITEM_KEY';
491   workflowItemTypeAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'WORKFLOW_ITEM_TYPE';
492   restrictiveLIEvalAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'USE_RESTRICTIVE_LINE_ITEM_EVALUATION';
493   evalPrioritiesPerLIAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'EVALUATE_PRIORITIES_PER_LINE_ITEM';
494   restrictiveItemEvalAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'USE_RESTRICTIVE_ITEM_EVALUATION';
495   evalPrioritiesPerItemAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'EVALUATE_PRIORITIES_PER_ITEM';
496   rejectionResponseAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'REJECTION_RESPONSE';
497   repeatSubstitutionsAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'REPEAT_SUBSTITUTIONS';
498   /* attribute names referenced by job-level handlers */
499   jobLevelStartingPointAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'JOB_LEVEL_NON_DEFAULT_STARTING_POINT_PERSON_ID';
500   firstStartingPointAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'FIRST_STARTING_POINT_PERSON_ID';
501   secondStartingPointAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'SECOND_STARTING_POINT_PERSON_ID';
502   includeAllApproversAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'INCLUDE_ALL_JOB_LEVEL_APPROVERS';
503   lineItemStartingPointAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'LINE_ITEM_STARTING_POINT_PERSON_ID';
504   /* attribute names referenced by position handler, and allowed values */
505   positionSortMethodAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'POSITION_APPROVER_SORT_METHOD';
506   orderedPositionSort constant varchar2(50) := 'ordered';
507   randomPositionSort constant varchar2(50) := 'random';
508   simplePosStartPointAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'SIMPLE_POS_NON_DEFAULT_STARTING_POINT_PERSON_ID';
509   /* attribute names referenced by position handler */
510   nonDefStartingPointPosAttr constant varchar2(50) := 'NON_DEFAULT_STARTING_POINT_POSITION_ID';
511   nonDefPosStructureAttr constant varchar2(50) := 'NON_DEFAULT_POSITION_STRUCTURE_ID';
512   transactionReqPositionAttr constant varchar2(50) := 'TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_POSITION_ID';
513   topPositionIdAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'TOP_POSITION_ID';
514   /* attribute names referenced by approval-group handers */
515   allowEmptyGroupAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'ALLOW_EMPTY_APPROVAL_GROUPS';
516   /* attribute names referenced by supervisory handler */
517   supStartingPointAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'SUPERVISORY_NON_DEFAULT_STARTING_POINT_PERSON_ID';
518   topSupPersonIdAttribute constant varchar2(50) := 'TOP_SUPERVISOR_PERSON_ID';
519   /* referenced handler names */
520   absoluteJobLevelHandlerName constant varchar2(50) := 'ame_absolute_job_level_handler';
521   simplePositionHandlerName constant varchar2(50) := 'ame_simple_position_handler';
522   /* referenced approval-type names */
523   preApprovalTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'pre-chain-of-authority approvals';
524   absoluteJobLevelTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'absolute job level';
525   relativeJobLevelTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'relative job level';
526   supervisoryLevelTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'supervisory level';
527   positionTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'hr position';
528   positionLevelTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'hr position level';
532   dualChainsAuthorityTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'dual chains of authority';
529   managerFinalApproverTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'manager then final approver';
530   finalApproverOnlyTypeName constant varchar2(50):= 'final approver only';
531   lineItemJobLevelTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'line-item job-level chains of authority';
533   groupChainApprovalTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'approval-group chain of authority';
534   nonFinalAuthority constant varchar2(50) := 'nonfinal authority';
535   finalAuthorityTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'final authority';
536   substitutionTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'substitution';
537   postApprovalTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'post-chain-of-authority approvals';
538   productionActionTypeName constant varchar2(50) := 'production rule';
539   /* referenced item-class names */
540   costCenterItemClassName constant varchar2(100) := 'cost center';
541   headerItemClassName constant varchar2(100) := 'header';
542   lineItemItemClassName constant varchar2(100) := 'line item';
543   /* configuration-variable names */
544   adminApproverConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'adminApprover';
545   purgeFrequencyConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'purgeFrequency';
546   useWorkflowConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'useWorkflow';
547   helpPathConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'helpPath';
548   htmlPathConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'htmlPath';
549   imagePathConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'imagePath';
550   portalUrlConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'portalUrl';
551   distEnvConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'distributedEnvironment';
552   curConvWindowConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'currencyConversionWindow';
553   forwardingConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'forwardingBehaviors';
554   repeatedApproverConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'repeatedApprovers';
555   allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar constant varchar2(30) := 'allowAllApproverTypes';
556   allowFyiNotificationsConfigVar constant varchar2(30) := 'allowFyiNotifications';
557   rulePriorityModesConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'rulePriorityModes';
558   productionConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'productionFunctionality';
559   allowAllICRulesConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'allowAllItemClassRules';
560   /* productionFunctionality allowed values */
561   noProductions constant varchar2(50) := 'none';
562   perApproverProductions constant varchar2(50) := 'approver';
563   perTransactionProductions constant varchar2(50) := 'transaction';
564   allProductions constant varchar2(50) := 'all';
565   /* productionFunctionality exception */
566   productionException exception;
567   /* chain-of-authority ordering modes */
568   sequentialChainsMode constant varchar2(1) := 'S';
569   /*
570     allowedValues for headerListParallelizationMode configuration variable
571   */
572   headerAfterItems constant varchar2(1) := 'A';
573   headerBeforeItems constant varchar2(1) := 'B';
574   headerWithFirstItems constant varchar2(1) := 'W';
575   /*
576     The following constants are the only allowed values for the
577     ame_item_class_usages.item_class_sublist_mode column.
578   */
579   parallelSublists constant varchar2(1) := 'P';
580   preFirst constant varchar2(1) := 'R';
581   preAndAuthorityFirst constant varchar2(1) := 'A';
582   serialSublists constant varchar2(1) := 'S';
583   /*
584     The following constants are the only allowed values
585     for the ame_item_class_usages.item_class_par_mode
586     column.
587   */
588   parallelItems constant varchar2(1) := 'P';
589   serialItems constant varchar2(1) := 'S';
590 /*
592   useRuleStripingConfigVar constant varchar2(50) := 'useRuleStriping';
593 */
594   /* rulePriorityModes */
595   disabledRulePriorityDefVal constant varchar2(100) := 'disabled:disabled:disabled:disabled:disabled:disabled:disabled:disabled';
596   disabledRulePriority constant varchar2(50) := 'disabled';
597   absoluteRulePriority constant varchar2(50) := 'absolute';
598   relativeRulePriority constant varchar2(50) := 'relative';
599   /* sourceDescriptionOut */
600   /* one or more rules required the approver. */
601   ruleGeneratedSource constant varchar2(50) := 'rule generated' ;
602   /* Another approver forwarded to this approver, or this approver forwarded to another approver, and
603   the repeatedApprover configuration variable's value required that this approver re-approve after the
604   forwardee approves. */
605   forwardeeSource constant varchar2(50) :=  'forwardee';
606   /* An end user of the originating application inserted the approver from within the application. */
607   inserteeSource constant varchar2(50) := 'insertee';
608   /* Another approver was unresponsive, and the originating application so informed AME.  AME
609   added this approver to serve as a surrogate for the unresponsive approver. */
610   surrogateSource constant varchar2(50) :='surrogate';
611   /* The calling application deleted the approver (via an API call). */
612   suppressionSource constant varchar2(50) := 'suppressed by end user';
613   /* versionStartDate stuff */
614   objectVersionException exception;
615   versionDateFormatModel constant varchar2(50) := 'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS';
616   /* Approver-query-handler procecdures should raise this exception when they fetch more than 50 rows. */
617   tooManyApproversException exception;
618   /* Approver-query-handler procecdures should raise this exception when they fetch zero rows. */
619   zeroApproversException exception;
620   /* transaction-type cookie name */
621   transactionTypeCookie constant varchar2(50) := 'AME_TRANSACTION_TYPE';
622   /* admin-activity types */
623   applicationAdministration constant varchar2(50) := 'applicationAdministration';
627   conditionListForm constant varchar2(50) := 'conditionListForm';
624   transactionTypeAdministration constant varchar2(50) := 'transactionTypeAdministration';
625   /* condition navigation paths */
626   stringListForm constant varchar2(50) := 'stringListForm';
628   /* UI style-sheet constants (one per class in amestyle.css) */
629   activeFooterItemStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'activeFooterItem';
630   detailsHeadingStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'detailsHeading';
631   detailsLabelStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'detailsLabel';
632   editFormLinkStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'editFormLink';
633   footerItemStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'footerItem';
634   formOrListHeadingStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'formOrListHeading';
635   listDeleteHeadingStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'listDeleteHeading';
636   listSubheadingStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'listSubheading';
637   navLinkStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'navLink';
638   staticDescriptionStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'staticDescription';
639   transTypeHeadingStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'transTypeHeading';
640   twoColumnFormLabelStyle constant varchar2(30) := 'twoColumnFormLabel';
641 /*
643   rule-striping stuff
644   stripeWildcard varchar2(50) := 'AME_*';
645 */
646   /* functions and procedures */
647   /*
648     canonNumStringToDisplayString formats canonicalNumberStringIn according to the formatting
649     conventions for the currency represented by currencyCodeIn.  Otherwise, at present,
650     the input string's formatting is unchanged.  We should nevertheless call this function to
651     format number-strings for display so that we can easily upgrade our number displays to NLS
652     conformance, when that becomes possible.
653   */
654   function canonNumStringToDisplayString(canonicalNumberStringIn in varchar2,
655                                          currencyCodeIn in varchar2 default null) return varchar2;
656   function convertCurrency(fromCurrencyCodeIn in varchar2,
657                            toCurrencyCodeIn in varchar2,
658                            conversionTypeIn in varchar2,
659                            amountIn in number,
660                            dateIn in date default sysdate,
661                            applicationIdIn in integer default null) return number;
662   /*
663     dateStringsToString takes values YYYY, MM, and DD and transforms them to a date-string
664     with the format versionDateFormatModel.  Use it in handlers for forms having the
665     ame_util.twoColumnFormDateInput widget.
666   */
667   function dateStringsToString(yearIn in varchar2,
668                                monthIn in varchar2,
669                                dayIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
670   function escapeSpaceChars(stringIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
671   function fieldDelimiter return varchar2;
672   function filterHtmlUponInput(stringIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
673   function filterHtmlUponRendering(stringIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
674   function getAdminName(applicationIdIn in integer default null) return varchar2;
675   function getBusGroupName(busGroupIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
676   /*
677     getCarriageReturn returns ASCII 13, a carriage return.  Some Web browsers combine this
678     character with ASCII 10, a line feed (which is what the Enter key generates), to create
679     a new line in a textarea input.  The removeReturns function removes both of these
680     characters, optionally replacing them by a space character, and returning the result.
681     When you want to strip the returns out of a string, use removeReturns.
682   */
683   function getCarriageReturn return varchar2;
684   function getContactAdminString(applicationIdIn in integer default null) return varchar2;
685   function getColumnLength(tableNameIn        in varchar2,
686                            columnNameIn       in varchar2,
687                            fndApplicationIdIn in integer default 800) return integer;
688   function getConfigDesc(variableNameIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
689   function getConfigVar(variableNameIn in varchar2,
690                         applicationIdIn in integer default null) return varchar2;
691   function getCurrencyName(currencyCodeIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
692 /*
694   function getCurrentStripeSetId(applicationIdIn in integer) return integer;
695 */
696   function getCurrentUserId return integer;
697   function getDayString(dateIn in date) return varchar2;
698   function getHighestResponsibility return integer;
699   /* getLineFeed returns ASCII character 10, which is what the return key produces. */
700   function getLabel(attributeApplicationIdIn in number,
701                     attributeCodeIn          in varchar2,
702                     returnColonAndSpaces     in boolean default false) return varchar2;
703   function getLineFeed return varchar2;
704   function getLongBoilerplate(applicationShortNameIn in varchar2,
705                               messageNameIn          in varchar2,
706                               tokenNameOneIn        in varchar2 default null,
707                               tokenValueOneIn       in varchar2 default null,
708                               tokenNameTwoIn        in varchar2 default null,
709                               tokenValueTwoIn       in varchar2 default null,
710                               tokenNameThreeIn      in varchar2 default null,
711                               tokenValueThreeIn     in varchar2 default null,
712                               tokenNameFourIn       in varchar2 default null,
713                               tokenValueFourIn      in varchar2 default null,
714                               tokenNameFiveIn       in varchar2 default null,
715                               tokenValueFiveIn      in varchar2 default null,
719                               tokenValueSevenIn     in varchar2 default null,
716                               tokenNameSixIn        in varchar2 default null,
717                               tokenValueSixIn       in varchar2 default null,
718                               tokenNameSevenIn      in varchar2 default null,
720                               tokenNameEightIn      in varchar2 default null,
721                               tokenValueEightIn     in varchar2 default null,
722                               tokenNameNineIn       in varchar2 default null,
723                               tokenValueNineIn      in varchar2 default null,
724                               tokenNameTenIn        in varchar2 default null,
725                               tokenValueTenIn       in varchar2 default null) return varchar2;
726   function getMessage(applicationShortNameIn in varchar2,
727                       messageNameIn          in varchar2,
728                       tokenNameOneIn        in varchar2 default null,
729                       tokenValueOneIn       in varchar2 default null,
730                       tokenNameTwoIn        in varchar2 default null,
731                       tokenValueTwoIn       in varchar2 default null,
732                       tokenNameThreeIn      in varchar2 default null,
733                       tokenValueThreeIn     in varchar2 default null,
734                       tokenNameFourIn       in varchar2 default null,
735                       tokenValueFourIn      in varchar2 default null,
736                       tokenNameFiveIn       in varchar2 default null,
737                       tokenValueFiveIn      in varchar2 default null,
738                       tokenNameSixIn        in varchar2 default null,
739                       tokenValueSixIn       in varchar2 default null,
740                       tokenNameSevenIn      in varchar2 default null,
741                       tokenValueSevenIn     in varchar2 default null,
742                       tokenNameEightIn      in varchar2 default null,
743                       tokenValueEightIn     in varchar2 default null,
744                       tokenNameNineIn       in varchar2 default null,
745                       tokenValueNineIn      in varchar2 default null,
746                       tokenNameTenIn        in varchar2 default null,
747                       tokenValueTenIn       in varchar2 default null) return varchar2;
748   function getMonthString(dateIn in date) return varchar2;
749   function getOrgName(orgIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
750   function getPlsqlDadPath return varchar2;
751   function getQuery(selectClauseIn in varchar2) return ame_util.queryCursor ;
752   function getServerName return varchar2;
753   function getServerPort return varchar2;
754   function getSetOfBooksName(setOfBooksIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
755   function getTransTypeCookie return integer;
756 /*
758   function getStripeSetCookieName(applicationIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
759 */
760   function getYearString(dateIn in date) return varchar2;
761   function hasOrderClause(queryStringIn in varchar2) return boolean;
762   function idListsMatch(idList1InOut in out nocopy idList,
763                         idList2InOut in out nocopy idList,
764                         sortList1In in boolean default false,
765                         sortList2In in boolean default true) return boolean;
766   /*
767     inputNumStringToCanonNumString converts inputNumberStringIn to a number-string in
768     canonical format, for storage in database tables.  It also validates the input.  If
769     currencyCodeIn is non-null, the validation includes checking the proper number of
770     decimal places for a currency number-string.  We should always use this function to
771     convert input number-strings to storable number-strings.
772   */
773   function inputNumStringToCanonNumString(inputNumberStringIn in varchar2,
774                                           currencyCodeIn in varchar2 default null) return varchar2;
775   function isAnEvenNumber(numberIn in integer) return boolean;
776   function isAnInteger(stringIn in varchar2) return boolean;
777   function isANegativeInteger(stringIn in varchar2) return boolean;
778   function isANonNegativeInteger(stringIn in varchar2) return boolean;
779   function isANumber(stringIn in varchar2,
780                      allowDecimalsIn in boolean default true,
781                      allowNegativesIn in boolean default true) return boolean;
782   function isArgumentTooLong(tableNameIn in varchar2,
783                              columnNameIn in varchar2,
784                              argumentIn in varchar2) return boolean;
785   function isConversionTypeValid(conversionTypeIn in varchar2) return boolean;
786   function isCurrencyCodeValid(currencyCodeIn in varchar2) return boolean;
787   function isDateInRange(currentDateIn in date default sysdate,
788                          startDateIn in date,
789                          endDateIn in date) return boolean;
790   function longStringListsMatch(longStringList1InOut in out nocopy longStringList,
791                                 longStringList2InOut in out nocopy longStringList,
792                                 sortList1In in boolean default false,
793                                 sortList2In in boolean default true) return boolean;
794   function longestStringListsMatch(longestStringList1InOut in out nocopy longestStringList,
795                                    longestStringList2InOut in out nocopy longestStringList,
796                                    sortList1In in boolean default false,
797                                    sortList2In in boolean default true) return boolean;
798   function matchCharacter(stringIn in varchar2,
799                           locationIn in integer,
800                           characterIn in varchar2) return boolean;
804   function removeReturns(stringIn in varchar2,
801   function personIdToUserId(personIdIn in integer) return integer;
802   function recordDelimiter return varchar2;
803   /* See the comment for getCarriageReturn above for an explanation of removeReturns. */
805                          replaceWithSpaces in boolean default false) return varchar2;
806   function removeScriptTags(stringIn in varchar2 default null) return varchar2;
807   function stringListsMatch(stringList1InOut in out nocopy stringList,
808                             stringList2InOut in out nocopy stringList,
809                             sortList1In in boolean default false,
810                             sortList2In in boolean default true) return boolean;
811   function userIdToPersonId(userIdIn in integer) return integer;
812   function useWorkflow(transactionIdIn in varchar2 default null,
813                        applicationIdIn in integer) return boolean;
814   function validateUser(responsibilityIn in integer,
815                         applicationIdIn in integer default null) return integer;
816   /*
817     versionDateToDisplayDate transforms a date-string with the format versionDateFormatModel
818     to a date-string formatted per the end user's preferences by fnd_date.date_to_displayDate.
819   */
820   function versionDateToDisplayDate(stringDateIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
821   /* versionDateToString transforms a date to a date-string with the format versionDateFormatModel. */
822   function versionDateToString(dateIn in date) return varchar2;
823   /* versionStringToDate transforms a date-string with the format versionDateFormatModel to a date. */
824   function versionStringToDate(stringDateIn in varchar2) return date;
825   procedure appendRuleIdToSource(ruleIdIn in integer,
826                                  sourceInOut in out nocopy varchar2);
827   /* Translation Routines for approverRecord- approverRecord2*/
828   procedure apprRecordToApprRecord2(approverRecordIn in ame_util.approverRecord,
829                                     itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
830                                     approverRecord2Out out nocopy ame_util.approverRecord2);
831   procedure apprRecord2ToApprRecord(approverRecord2In in ame_util.approverRecord2,
832                                     approverRecordOut out nocopy ame_util.approverRecord);
833   procedure apprTableToApprTable2(approversTableIn in ame_util.approversTable,
834                                   itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
835                                   approversTable2Out out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2) ;
836   procedure apprTable2ToApprTable(approversTable2In in ame_util.approversTable2,
837                                   approversTableOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable);
838   procedure checkForSqlInjection(queryStringIn in varchar2);
839   procedure compactIdList(idListInOut in out nocopy idList);
840   procedure compactLongStringList(longStringListInOut in out nocopy ame_util.longStringList);
841   procedure compactLongestStringList(longestStringListInOut in out nocopy ame_util.longestStringList);
842   procedure compactStringList(stringListInOut in out nocopy ame_util.stringList) ;
843   procedure convertApproversTableToValues(approversTableIn in ame_util.approversTable,
844                                           personIdValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
845                                           userIdValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
846                                           apiInsertionValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
847                                           authorityValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
848                                           approvalTypeIdValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
849                                           groupOrChainIdValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
850                                           occurrenceValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
851                                           sourceValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
852                                           statusValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
853   procedure convertApproversTable2ToValues(approversTableIn in ame_util.approversTable2,
854                                            namesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
855                                            itemClassesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
856                                            itemIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
857                                            apiInsertionsOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
858                                            authoritiesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
859                                            actionTypeIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
860                                            groupOrChainIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
861                                            occurrencesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
862                                            approverCategoriesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
863                                            statusesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
864   procedure convertValuesToApproversTable(personIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
865                                           userIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
866                                           apiInsertionValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
867                                           authorityValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
868                                           approvalTypeIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
869                                           groupOrChainIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
870                                           occurrenceValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
871                                           sourceValuesIn in ame_util.longStringList,
872                                           statusValuesIn in ame_util.stringList,
876                                           apiInsertionValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
873                                           approversTableOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable);
874   procedure convertValuesToApproversTable2(nameValuesIn in ame_util.longStringList,
875                                           approverCategoryValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
877                                           authorityValuesIn in ame_util.charList,
878                                           approvalTypeIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
879                                           groupOrChainIdValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
880                                           occurrenceValuesIn in ame_util.idList,
881                                           sourceValuesIn in ame_util.longStringList,
882                                           statusValuesIn in ame_util.stringList,
883                                           approversTableOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2);
884   procedure copyApproverRecord2(approverRecord2In in approverRecord2,
885                                 approverRecord2Out out nocopy approverRecord2);
886   procedure copyApproversTable2(approversTable2In in approversTable2,
887                                 approversTable2Out out nocopy approversTable2);
888   procedure copyCharList(charListIn in charList,
889                          charListOut out nocopy charList);
890   procedure copyIdList(idListIn in idList,
891                        idListOut out nocopy idList);
892   procedure copyLongStringList(longStringListIn in longStringList,
893                                longStringListOut out nocopy longStringList);
894   procedure copyStringList(stringListIn in stringList,
895                            stringListOut out nocopy stringList);
896   procedure deserializeLongStringList(longStringListIn in varchar2,
897                                       longStringListOut out nocopy longStringList);
898   procedure getAllowedAppIds(applicationIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
899                              applicationNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
900   procedure getApplicationList(applicationListOut out nocopy idStringTable);
901   procedure getApplicationList2(applicationIdListOut out nocopy stringList,
902                                 applicationNameListOut out nocopy stringList);
903   procedure getApplicationList3(applicationIdIn in integer,
904                                 applicationIdListOut out nocopy stringList,
905                                 applicationNameListOut out nocopy stringList);
906   procedure getConversionTypes(conversionTypesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
907   procedure getCurrencyCodes(currencyCodesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
908   procedure getCurrencies(currencyCodesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
909                           currencyNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
910   procedure getFndApplicationId(applicationIdIn in integer,
911                                 fndApplicationIdOut out nocopy integer,
912                                 transactionTypeIdOut out nocopy varchar2);
913   procedure getWorkflowAttributeValues(applicationIdIn in integer,
914                                        transactionIdIn in varchar2,
915                                        workflowItemKeyOut out nocopy varchar2,
916                                        workflowItemTypeOut out nocopy varchar2);
917   procedure identArrToIdList(identArrIn in owa_util.ident_arr,
918                              startIndexIn in integer default 2,
919                              idListOut out nocopy idList);
920   procedure identArrToLongestStringList(identArrIn in owa_util.ident_arr,
921                                         startIndexIn in integer default 2,
922                                         longestStringListOut out nocopy longestStringList);
923   procedure identArrToStringList(identArrIn in owa_util.ident_arr,
924                                  startIndexIn in integer default 2,
925                                  stringListOut out nocopy stringList);
926   procedure idListToStringList(idListIn in idList,
927                                stringListOut out nocopy stringList);
928   /* Translation Routines for insertionRecord - insertionRecord2 */
929    procedure insTable2ToInsTable(insertionsTable2In in ame_util.insertionsTable2,
930                                  insertionsTableOut out nocopy ame_util.insertionsTable) ;
931    procedure insTableToInsTable2(insertionsTableIn in ame_util.insertionsTable,
932                                  transactionIdIn in varchar2,
933                                  insertionsTable2Out out nocopy ame_util.insertionsTable2) ;
934   procedure makeEven(numberInOut in out nocopy integer);
935   procedure makeOdd(numberInOut in out nocopy integer);
936   /* Translation Routines  orderRecord - insertionRecord2 */
937    procedure ordRecordToInsRecord2(orderRecordIn in ame_util.orderRecord,
938                                  transactionIdIn in varchar2,
939                                  approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord,
940                                  insertionRecord2Out out nocopy ame_util.insertionRecord2) ;
942   /*
943     An ame_util.approverRecord2's source field is either a field-delimited list of
944     rule IDs, or a string representing any of several insertion types.  In all cases,
945     parseSourceValue sets sourceDescriptionOut to a string describing the source.  In
946     the case of a rule-generated approver, parseSourceValue populates ruleIdListOut
947     with the rule IDs requiring the approver.
948   */
949   procedure parseSourceValue(sourceValueIn in varchar2,
950                              sourceDescriptionOut out nocopy varchar2,
951                              ruleIdListOut out nocopy ame_util.idList);
955                                    localErrorIn in boolean,
952   procedure parseStaticCurAttValue(applicationIdIn in integer,
953                                    attributeIdIn in integer,
954                                    attributeValueIn in varchar2,
956                                    amountOut out nocopy varchar2,
957                                    currencyOut out nocopy varchar2,
958                                    conversionTypeOut out nocopy varchar2);
959   procedure purgeOldTempData;
960   procedure purgeOldTempData2(errbuf out nocopy varchar2,
961                               retcode out nocopy varchar2);
962   procedure purgeOldTransLocks(errbuf out nocopy varchar2,
963                                retcode out nocopy varchar2);
964   procedure runtimeException(packageNameIn in varchar2,
965                              routineNameIn in varchar2,
966                              exceptionNumberIn in integer,
967                              exceptionStringIn in varchar2);
968   procedure serializeApprovers(approverNamesIn in ame_util.longStringList,
969                                approverDescriptionsIn in ame_util.longStringList,
970                                maxOutputLengthIn in integer,
971                                approverNamesOut out nocopy varchar2,
972                                approverDescriptionsOut out nocopy varchar2);
973   procedure setConfigVar(variableNameIn  in varchar2,
974                          variableValueIn in varchar2,
975                          applicationIdIn in integer default null);
976 /*
978   procedure setCurrentStripeSetId(applicationIdIn in integer,
979                                   stripeSetIdIn in integer);
980 */
981   procedure setTransTypeCookie(applicationIdIn in integer);
982   procedure sortIdListInPlace(idListInOut in out nocopy idList);
983   procedure sortLongStringListInPlace(longStringListInOut in out nocopy longStringList);
984   procedure sortLongestStringListInPlace(longestStringListInOut in out nocopy longestStringList);
985   procedure sortStringListInPlace(stringListInOut in out nocopy stringList);
986   procedure stringListToIdList(stringListIn in stringList,
987                                idListOut out nocopy idList);
988   procedure substituteStrings(stringIn in varchar2,
989                               targetStringsIn in ame_util.stringList,
990                               substitutionStringsIn in ame_util.stringList,
991                               stringOut out nocopy varchar2);
992 end ame_util;