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Line 395: | FND_LOG routines to record the messages in the FND_LOG_MESSAGES table.

391: | Generate standard debug information sending it to dbms_output so that |
392: | the client tool can log it for the user. |
393: | NOTE: As of 115.16 of this package, we no longer use dbms_output to
394: | route messages to log or screen. As of version 115.36, we now use
395: | FND_LOG routines to record the messages in the FND_LOG_MESSAGES table.
396: |
397: | The current version of the debug procedure works like this:
398: |
399: | arp_standard.debug('arp_util_pkg.get_value()+', --> msg text

Line 402: | FND_LOG_LEVEL.PROCEDURE); --> FND constant

398: |
399: | arp_standard.debug('arp_util_pkg.get_value()+', --> msg text
400: | 'plsql', --> prefix (source)
401: | 'arp_util_pkg.get_value.begin', --> package name
402: | FND_LOG_LEVEL.PROCEDURE); --> FND constant
403: |
404: | Now, in reality, only the first parameter is required and the others
405: | will be defaulted or determined based on content of the message.
406: |

Line 412: | level := 2 (this equates to FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE)

408: |
409: | Both of the above examples will log the following message:
410: |
411: | module := ar.plsql.arp_util_pkg.get_value.begin
412: | level := 2 (this equates to FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE)
413: | text := 'arp_util_pkg.get_value()+'
414: |
415: | Several rules you should keep in mind...
416: | (1) I never manipulate the message text (looks just like it did before)

Line 422: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE and the '.begin' or '.end'

418: | Valid values include 'resource','reports','forms','src.'
419: | (3) I use parentheses () and +/- signs to determine the module name
420: | and log level. Only use parens to designate calls and put a +
421: | or - adjacent to the closing (right) paren to default
422: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE and the '.begin' or '.end'
424: | (4) The word 'EXCEPTION' is interpreted as an
426: |

Line 425: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION message.

421: | or - adjacent to the closing (right) paren to default
422: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE and the '.begin' or '.end'
424: | (4) The word 'EXCEPTION' is interpreted as an
426: |
427: | Here are sample uses of arp_standard.debug:
428: |
429: | Typical entry/exit messages in plsql packages:

Line 447: | 'FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR');

443: | Specific exception/error logging:
444: | arp_standard.debug('ERROR: Processed has failed',
445: | 'plsql',
446: | 'arp_trx_validate.gl_date',
448: |
449: | For most logging messages, it is sufficient to just supply the message
450: | text and maybe the prefix (source type). As long as you follow the naming
451: | convention and use of parens, I can get the procedure name for you.

Line 453: | The valid FND_LOG LEVEL values are:

449: | For most logging messages, it is sufficient to just supply the message
450: | text and maybe the prefix (source type). As long as you follow the naming
451: | convention and use of parens, I can get the procedure name for you.
452: |
453: | The valid FND_LOG LEVEL values are:
454: |
455: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT - most detailed level - should be used
456: | for displaying values and other run-time specifics
457: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE - Entry and exit points. I determine

Line 455: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT - most detailed level - should be used

451: | convention and use of parens, I can get the procedure name for you.
452: |
453: | The valid FND_LOG LEVEL values are:
454: |
455: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT - most detailed level - should be used
456: | for displaying values and other run-time specifics
457: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE - Entry and exit points. I determine
458: | this level in the algorythm logic by looking for )+, +),
459: | )-, and -). When using this level, you should include

Line 457: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE - Entry and exit points. I determine

453: | The valid FND_LOG LEVEL values are:
454: |
455: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT - most detailed level - should be used
456: | for displaying values and other run-time specifics
457: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE - Entry and exit points. I determine
458: | this level in the algorythm logic by looking for )+, +),
459: | )-, and -). When using this level, you should include
460: | '.begin' or '.end' to the module_name
461: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EVENT - A higher level message for indicating

Line 461: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EVENT - A higher level message for indicating

457: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE - Entry and exit points. I determine
458: | this level in the algorythm logic by looking for )+, +),
459: | )-, and -). When using this level, you should include
460: | '.begin' or '.end' to the module_name
461: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EVENT - A higher level message for indicating
462: | things like 'record added' or 'calling arp_whatever_api'
463: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION - recording a handled exception in an
464: | exception block. By default, I look for the word
465: | 'exception' in the message text and set this level.

Line 463: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION - recording a handled exception in an

459: | )-, and -). When using this level, you should include
460: | '.begin' or '.end' to the module_name
461: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EVENT - A higher level message for indicating
462: | things like 'record added' or 'calling arp_whatever_api'
463: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION - recording a handled exception in an
464: | exception block. By default, I look for the word
465: | 'exception' in the message text and set this level.
466: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR - An error message displayed to the end-user
467: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED - A failure that could result in

Line 466: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR - An error message displayed to the end-user

462: | things like 'record added' or 'calling arp_whatever_api'
463: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION - recording a handled exception in an
464: | exception block. By default, I look for the word
465: | 'exception' in the message text and set this level.
466: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR - An error message displayed to the end-user
467: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED - A failure that could result in
468: | the product becoming unstable.
469: |
470: | In the database, the log level is reflected as a number from 1 to 6

Line 467: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED - A failure that could result in

463: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION - recording a handled exception in an
464: | exception block. By default, I look for the word
465: | 'exception' in the message text and set this level.
466: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR - An error message displayed to the end-user
467: | FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED - A failure that could result in
468: | the product becoming unstable.
469: |
470: | In the database, the log level is reflected as a number from 1 to 6

Line 569: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT;

565: */
566: IF lengthb(l_line) > 99 OR
567: INSTRB(l_line, '(s)') <> 0
568: THEN
569: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT;
570: l_msg_module := l_msg_prefix || NVL(g_msg_module, 'UNKNOWN');
572: -- This logs the message
573: /* Bug 4361955 */

Line 574: IF ( l_msg_level >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL )

570: l_msg_module := l_msg_prefix || NVL(g_msg_module, 'UNKNOWN');
572: -- This logs the message
573: /* Bug 4361955 */
574: IF ( l_msg_level >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL )
575: THEN
576: FND_LOG.STRING(l_msg_level, l_msg_module, substr(l_line,1,4000));
577: END IF;

Line 576: FND_LOG.STRING(l_msg_level, l_msg_module, substr(l_line,1,4000));

572: -- This logs the message
573: /* Bug 4361955 */
574: IF ( l_msg_level >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL )
575: THEN
576: FND_LOG.STRING(l_msg_level, l_msg_module, substr(l_line,1,4000));
577: END IF;
579: RETURN;
580: END IF;

Line 587: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION;

583: IF (msg_level IS NULL)
584: THEN
585: IF (INSTRB(upper(l_line), 'EXCEPTION') <> 0)
586: THEN
587: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION;
588: ELSIF (INSTRB(l_line, ')+') <> 0 OR
589: INSTRB(l_line, '+)') <> 0)
590: THEN
591: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE;

Line 591: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE;

587: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION;
588: ELSIF (INSTRB(l_line, ')+') <> 0 OR
589: INSTRB(l_line, '+)') <> 0)
590: THEN
591: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE;
592: l_beg_end_suffix := '.begin';
593: ELSIF (INSTRB(l_line, ')-') <> 0 OR
594: INSTRB(l_line, '-)') <> 0)
595: THEN

Line 596: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE;

592: l_beg_end_suffix := '.begin';
593: ELSIF (INSTRB(l_line, ')-') <> 0 OR
594: INSTRB(l_line, '-)') <> 0)
595: THEN
596: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE;
597: l_beg_end_suffix := '.end';
598: ELSE
599: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT;
600: l_beg_end_suffix := NULL;

Line 599: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT;

595: THEN
596: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE;
597: l_beg_end_suffix := '.end';
598: ELSE
599: l_msg_level := FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT;
600: l_beg_end_suffix := NULL;
601: END IF;
602: ELSE
603: /* Verify that level is between 1 and 6 */

Line 641: IF ( l_msg_level >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL )

637: END IF;
639: -- This actually logs the message
640: /* Bug 4361955 */
641: IF ( l_msg_level >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL )
642: THEN
643: FND_LOG.STRING(l_msg_level, l_msg_module, l_line);
644: END IF;

Line 643: FND_LOG.STRING(l_msg_level, l_msg_module, l_line);

639: -- This actually logs the message
640: /* Bug 4361955 */
641: IF ( l_msg_level >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL )
642: THEN
643: FND_LOG.STRING(l_msg_level, l_msg_module, l_line);
644: END IF;
646: END IF;
647: exception