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APPS.IGF_GR_PELL dependencies on IGF_AP_GEN_001

Line 17: -- sjalasut 10 Dec, 2003 removed get_current_term_enr_dtl and added igf_ap_gen_001.get_key_program

13: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
14: -- ayedubat 13-OCT-2004 Changed the logic as part of FA 149 build bug # 3416863
15: -- bkkumar 23-July-04 Bug 3773300 Added the function to get the enrollment dateas min start date
16: -- of term for the pell award disbursements.
17: -- sjalasut 10 Dec, 2003 removed get_current_term_enr_dtl and added igf_ap_gen_001.get_key_program
18: -- ugummall 09-DEC-2003. Bug 3252832. FA 131 - COD Updates.
19: -- Removed the procedure pell_calc.
20: -- ugummall 20-NOV-2003 Bug 3252832. FA 131 - COD Updates.
21: -- 1. Added two cursors cur_get_attendance_type_code and cur_get_pell_att_code

Line 483: igf_ap_gen_001.get_key_program(cp_base_id => l_award.base_id,

479: ELSE
480: CLOSE cur_chk_orig;
482: -- get student's key program details. added the get_key_program api as part of fa132 term based integration
483: igf_ap_gen_001.get_key_program(cp_base_id => l_award.base_id,
484: cp_course_cd => l_program_cd,
485: cp_version_number => l_program_version
486: );

Line 1139: igf_ap_gen_001.get_term_dates(

1136: l_first_cycle := 'Y';
1138: FOR rec IN cur_enrollment_date(p_award_id) LOOP
1139: igf_ap_gen_001.get_term_dates(
1140: p_base_id => l_base_id,
1141: p_ld_cal_type => rec.ld_cal_type,
1142: p_ld_sequence_number => rec.ld_sequence_number,
1143: p_ld_start_date => l_start_dt,