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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_us_report_data_validation AS
2 /* $Header: payusdatavalid.pkb 115.3 2003/12/09 17:04 sodhingr noship $  */
4  /*===========================================================================+
5  |               Copyright (c) 2001 Oracle Corporation                        |
6  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                           |
7  |                       All rights reserved.                                 |
8  +============================================================================+
10   Name
11     pay_us_report_data_validation
13   Purpose
14     The purpose of this package is to validate EIN, SSN etc
15     to support the generation of magnetic tape W2 / SQWL reports
16     for US legilsative requirements.
18    Notes
19     Referenced By:  Package  pay_us_reporting_utils_pkg
21    Notes
23    History
24    15-Jul-03  ppanda      115.0                Created
25    15-OCT-03  ppanda      115.2  2787752       EIN Validation for set of numbers
26                                                commented out.
27                                  3084344       SSN Validation for W-2 Mag changed
28                                                Invalid SSN would be 111-11-1111, 333-33-3333
29                                                first 3 digits 000 or 666
30                                                and last 4 digits 0000
31   09-DEC-03  sodhingr     115.3  3084344       changed the variable l_last_four_chars to take the
32                                                last four chars
33 */
35 /* Following is to validate EIN to support SQWL Reporting */
36 FUNCTION validate_SQWL_EIN( p_report_qualifier IN  varchar2,
37                             p_record_name      IN  varchar2,
38                             p_input_2          IN  varchar2,
39                             p_input_4          IN  varchar2,
40                             p_validate         IN  varchar2,
41                             p_err              OUT nocopy boolean
42                           ) return varchar2 IS
43 -- Local Variables
44 return_value    varchar2(100);
46    IF p_report_qualifier = 'NY_SQWL' THEN
47        return_value := rpad(substr(replace(p_input_2,'-'),1,11),11,' ');
48    ELSE
49        return_value := lpad(substr(replace(p_input_2,'-'),1,9),9,0); /*Bug:2409031*/
50    END IF;
51    return return_value;
52 END validate_SQWL_EIN;
54 /* Following is to validate EIN to support W2 Reporting */
56 FUNCTION validate_W2_EIN( p_report_qualifier IN  varchar2,
57                           p_record_name      IN  varchar2,
58                           p_input_2          IN  varchar2,
59                           p_input_4          IN  varchar2,
60                           p_validate         IN  varchar2,
61                           p_err              OUT nocopy boolean
62                         ) return varchar2 IS
63 -- Local Variables
64 return_value    varchar2(100);
65 l_description   varchar2(50);
66 l_err boolean := FALSE;
69 /* IF the EIN starts with any of these numbers the exclude flag
70    should be set based on p_validate.*/
71 /* This validation is commented to fix Bug # 2787752
72    EIN should not be Validated for these starting Numbers
74    IF (( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '00'  ) OR
75        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '07'  ) OR
76        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '08'  ) OR
77        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '09'  ) OR
78        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '10'  ) OR
79        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '17'  ) OR
80        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '18'  ) OR
81        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '19'  ) OR
82        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '20'  ) OR
83        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '26'  ) OR
84        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '27'  ) OR
85        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '28'  ) OR
86        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '29'  ) OR
87        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '30'  ) OR
88        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '40'  ) OR
89        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '49'  ) OR
90        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '50'  ) OR
91        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '60'  ) OR
92        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '69'  ) OR
93        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '70'  ) OR
94        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '78'  ) OR
95        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '79'  ) OR
96        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '80'  ) OR
97        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '89'  ) OR
98        ( substr(p_input_2,1,2) = '90'  )  )
99 */
100    IF p_input_2 IS NULL
101    THEN
102 --{
103        hr_utility.trace('ERROR: EIN is NULL');
104        l_description:='EIN '||substr(p_input_2,1,9)||
105                       ' is Invalid. EIN cannot be NULL';
106        pay_core_utils.push_message(801,'PAY_INVALID_ER_FORMAT','P');
107        pay_core_utils.push_token('record_name',p_record_name);
108        pay_core_utils.push_token('name_or_number',p_input_4);
109        pay_core_utils.push_token('description',l_description);
110        l_err:=TRUE;
111 --}
112    END IF;
113    p_err := l_err;
114   /*Bug:2159881 */
115    return_value := rpad(substr(replace(replace(nvl(replace(p_input_2,' '),' '),'-'),'/'),1,9),9);
116    return return_value;
117 end validate_W2_EIN;
118 -- End EIN Validation for W2 reporting
119 --
120 /* Following is to validate SSN to support SQWL Reporting */
121 FUNCTION validate_SQWL_SSN(p_effective_date       IN  varchar2,
122                            p_report_type          IN  varchar2,
123                            p_format               IN  varchar2,
124                            p_report_qualifier     IN  varchar2,
125                            p_record_name          IN  varchar2,
126                            p_input_1              IN  varchar2,
127                            p_input_2              IN  varchar2,
128                            p_input_3              IN  varchar2,
129                            p_input_4              IN  varchar2,
130                            p_input_5              IN  varchar2,
131                            p_validate             IN  varchar2,
132                            p_err                  OUT nocopy boolean
133                           ) return varchar2 IS
134 -- Local Variables
135 l_err           boolean := FALSE;
136 return_value    varchar2(100);
137 l_length        number(10);
138 l_message       varchar2(2000);
139 l_number_length number(10);
140 l_description   varchar2(50);
141 l_input_2       varchar2(100);
142 l_ssn           varchar2(50);
144 TYPE special_numbers is record(p_number_set varchar2(50));
145 special_number_record  special_numbers;
147 TYPE ssn_special_number_rec is table of special_number_record%type
148                                INDEX BY binary_integer;
149 ssn_check  ssn_special_number_rec;
151    /* SSN valid check */
153    hr_utility.trace('Input SSN  before Validation '||p_input_2);
154    IF ((p_report_qualifier = 'MN_SQWL') OR
155        (p_report_qualifier = 'GA_SQWL')) THEN
156 -- Character hypen, period and quotes are eliminated
157       l_ssn := replace(replace(replace(
158                  replace(pay_us_reporting_utils_pkg.character_check(p_input_2),
159                                ' '),'-'),'.'),'''');
160    ELSE
161 -- Character I is eliminated in addition to hypen, period and quotes
162       l_ssn := replace(replace(replace(replace(
163                  replace(pay_us_reporting_utils_pkg.character_check(p_input_2),
164                                ' '),'I'),'-'),'.'),'''');
165    END IF;
167    hr_utility.trace('SSN after eliminating special chars = '||l_ssn);
168 -- Validation for SSN starting with 8 or 9
169 -- When SSN starting with 8 or 9 a warning is logged
170 --
171    IF ((substr(l_ssn,1,1) = '8') OR (substr(l_ssn,1,1) = '9'))  THEN
172       l_description:= 'Invalid SSN. SSN should not begin with '||
173                              substr(l_ssn,1,1);
174       --l_err:=TRUE;
175       -- Bug # 2183859
176       -- This should be a warning instead of an error
177       pay_core_utils.push_message(801,'PAY_INVALID_EE_FORMAT_WARNING','A');
178       pay_core_utils.push_token('record_name',substr(p_record_name,1,50));
179       pay_core_utils.push_token('name_or_number',substr(p_input_4,1,50));
180       pay_core_utils.push_token('description',substr(l_description,1,50));
181       /* WARNING in RW record for employee 1234.SSN 912345697 is invalid.SSN
182                  cannot begin with 9 */
183       hr_utility.trace('Warning in '||p_record_name||'for employee '||
184                                p_input_4||l_description);
185    ELSE
186 -- Validation for Special numbers wrongly used as SSN
187 -- An error is logged for these numbers
188       ssn_check(1).p_number_set := '111111111';
189       ssn_check(2).p_number_set := '222222222';
190       ssn_check(3).p_number_set := '333333333';
191       ssn_check(4).p_number_set := '444444444';
192       ssn_check(5).p_number_set := '555555555';
193       ssn_check(6).p_number_set := '666666666';
194       ssn_check(7).p_number_set := '777777777';
195       ssn_check(8).p_number_set := '123456789';
197       FOR i in 1 .. 8 LOOP
198          IF l_ssn = ssn_check(i).p_number_set THEN
199             l_err:=TRUE;
200             l_description := 'Social Security '||l_ssn||' is Invalid.';
201             hr_utility.trace(l_description);
202           END IF;
203       END LOOP;
204    END IF; -- End of check for SSN starting with 8 or 9
206 -- For SQWL an error message is logged but record is not invalidated
207 -- when these numbers used as SSN
208    IF l_err THEN
209       pay_core_utils.push_message(801,'PAY_INVALID_EE_FORMAT','A');
210       pay_core_utils.push_token('record_name',substr(p_record_name,1,50));
211       pay_core_utils.push_token('name_or_number',substr(p_input_4,1,50));
212       pay_core_utils.push_token('description',substr(l_description,1,50));
213       /* Error in RW record for employee 1234.SSN 912345697 is
214                invalid.SSN cannot begin with 9 */
215       hr_utility.trace('Error in '||p_record_name||'for employee '||
216                             p_input_4||l_description);
217       return_value:= rpad(substr(l_ssn,1,9),9);
218       IF p_report_type = 'SQWL' THEN /*Bug:2309772. */
219          l_err := FALSE;
220       END IF;
221    ELSE
222       hr_utility.trace('Valid SSN');
223       IF l_ssn IS NULL THEN --SSN null check
224          return_value:= '000000000';
225          IF p_report_qualifier = 'AZ_SQWL' THEN
226             hr_utility.trace('SSN is BLANK.Padding spaces to 1 ');
227             return_value := rpad('1',9);
228          ELSE
229             l_description:= 'SSN is blank. Padded with zeros';
230             -- Bug # 2183859
231             -- This would be a informative warning
232             pay_core_utils.push_message(801,'PAY_INVALID_EE_FORMAT_WARNING','A');
233             pay_core_utils.push_token('record_name',substr(p_record_name,1,50));
234             pay_core_utils.push_token('name_or_number',substr(p_input_4,1,50));
235             pay_core_utils.push_token('description',substr(l_description,1,50));
236             /* WARNING in RW record for employee 1234.SSN is blank padded with zeros*/
237             hr_utility.trace('Warning in '||p_record_name||'for employee '||
238                                                  p_input_4||l_description);
239           END IF;
240 -- If SSN is I after stripping hypen, period and quotes a warning message
241 -- is logged and I padded with blanks is reported as SSN
242 --
243       ELSIF l_ssn = 'I' THEN
244           return_value := rpad(l_ssn,9);
245       ELSE
246 -- If SSN is valid and Not Null
247           hr_utility.trace('Valid SSN after all checks = '||return_value);
248           return_value:= rpad(substr(l_ssn,1,9),9);
249       END IF; --SSN null check
250    END IF; -- SSN valid check
251    p_err := l_err;
252    return return_value;
253 END validate_SQWL_SSN;
256 /* Following is to validate EIN to support W2 Reporting */
258 FUNCTION validate_W2_SSN(p_effective_date       IN  varchar2,
259                          p_report_type          IN  varchar2,
260                          p_format               IN  varchar2,
261                          p_report_qualifier     IN  varchar2,
262                          p_record_name          IN  varchar2,
263                          p_input_1              IN  varchar2,
264                          p_input_2              IN  varchar2,
265                          p_input_3              IN  varchar2,
266                          p_input_4              IN  varchar2,
267                          p_input_5              IN  varchar2,
268                          p_validate             IN  varchar2,
269                          p_err                  OUT nocopy boolean
270                         ) return varchar2 IS
271 l_err             boolean           := FALSE;
272 l_warning         boolean           := FALSE;
273 return_value      varchar2(100);
274 l_length          number(10);
275 l_message         varchar2(2000);
276 l_number_length   number(10);
277 l_description     varchar2(50);
278 l_input_2         varchar2(100);
279 l_ssn             varchar2(50);
280 l_1st_three_chars varchar2(10);
281 l_last_four_chars varchar2(10);
283 TYPE special_numbers is record(p_number_set varchar2(50));
284 special_number_record  special_numbers;
286 TYPE ssn_special_number_rec is table of special_number_record%type
287                                INDEX BY binary_integer;
288 ssn_check  ssn_special_number_rec;
290    /* SSN validation for W2 reporting */
291    hr_utility.trace('Input SSN  before Validation '||p_input_2);
293 -- Character I is eliminated in addition to hypen, period and quotes
294    l_ssn := replace(replace(replace(replace(
295                  replace(pay_us_reporting_utils_pkg.character_check(p_input_2),
296                                ' '),'I'),'-'),'.'),'''');
297    hr_utility.trace('SSN after eliminating special chars = '||l_ssn);
298    l_1st_three_chars :=  substr(l_ssn,1,3);
299    l_last_four_chars :=  substr(l_ssn,(length(l_ssn)-3));
301 -- Validation for SSN starting with 8 or 9
302 -- When SSN starting with 8 or 9 a warning is logged
303 --
304    IF ((substr(l_ssn,1,1) = '8') OR (substr(l_ssn,1,1) = '9'))  THEN
305       -- Bug # 2183859
306       -- This should be a warning instead of an error
307       l_warning := TRUE;
308       l_description:= 'Invalid SSN. SSN should not begin with '||
309                                               substr(l_ssn,1,1);
310    ELSE
312 /*   New set of Number need to be used for SSN Validation
313      Validation for Special numbers wrongly used as SSN
314      A warning is logged for these numbers
315      This is result of bug fix 3084344
316 */
317       ssn_check(1).p_number_set := '111111111';
318       ssn_check(2).p_number_set := '222222222';
319       ssn_check(3).p_number_set := '333333333';
320       ssn_check(4).p_number_set := '444444444';
321       ssn_check(5).p_number_set := '555555555';
322       ssn_check(6).p_number_set := '666666666';
323       ssn_check(7).p_number_set := '777777777';
324       ssn_check(8).p_number_set := '123456789';
326       FOR i in 1 .. 8 LOOP
327          IF l_ssn = ssn_check(i).p_number_set THEN
328             l_warning :=TRUE;
329             l_description := 'SSN '||l_ssn||' has Invalid combinations.';
330             hr_utility.trace(l_description);
331           END IF;
332       END LOOP;
333 -- First 3 digits of SSN should not be 000 or 666
334       if (l_1st_three_chars = '000' or
335           l_1st_three_chars = '666' ) then
336 --{
337             l_warning:=TRUE;
338             l_description := 'SSN  '||l_ssn||' is Invalid as 1st 3 digits 000/666';
339             hr_utility.trace(l_description);
340 --}
341 -- Last 4 digits of SSN should not be 0000
342       elsif (l_last_four_chars = '0000') then
343             l_warning:=TRUE;
344             l_description := 'SSN  '||l_ssn||' is Invalid as last 4 digits 0000';
345             hr_utility.trace(l_description);
346       end if;
348    END IF; -- End of check for SSN starting with 8 or 9
350 -- Set Return Value
351    IF l_ssn IS NULL THEN --SSN null check
352          l_warning:=TRUE;
353          return_value:= '000000000';
354          l_description:= 'SSN is blank. Padded with zeros';
355    ELSE
356          return_value:= rpad(substr(l_ssn,1,9),9);
357    END IF;
360 -- For W2 a warning message is logged but record is processed without Invalidating
361 --
362    IF l_warning THEN
363       pay_core_utils.push_message(801,'PAY_INVALID_EE_FORMAT_WARNING','A');
364       pay_core_utils.push_token('record_name',substr(p_record_name,1,50));
365       pay_core_utils.push_token('name_or_number',substr(p_input_4,1,50));
366       pay_core_utils.push_token('description',substr(l_description,1,50));
367       hr_utility.trace('WARNING: in '||p_record_name||'for employee '||
368                                                 p_input_4||l_description);
369    END IF; -- SSN valid check
370    p_err := FALSE;
371    return return_value;
372 END validate_W2_SSN;
373 -- End of validate_W2_SSN
374 --
376 -- End of Package Body pay_us_reporting_data_validation
377 END pay_us_report_data_validation;