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1 package body biv_bin_esc_rsc_pkg as
2 /* $Header: bivbescb.pls 115.19 2004/01/27 06:59:29 vganeshk ship $ */
3   ---------------------------------------------
4   procedure sr_esc_bin (p_param_str varchar2) is
5      l_profile  varchar2(50) := 'BIV_DASH_' || fnd_global.user_id || '_' ||
6                                  fnd_global.resp_id;
7      l_report_code varchar2(50) := 'BIV_DASH_ESC_BIN';
8      l_session_id biv_tmp_bin.session_id%type;
9      l_new_param_str varchar2(2000);
10      l_sql_sttmnt    varchar2(4000);
11      l_from_list     varchar2(500);
12      l_where_clause  varchar2(2000);
13      l_cur           number;
14      l_dummy         number;
15      l_err           varchar2(2000);
16      l_debug         varchar2(30) := fnd_profile.value('BIV:DEBUG');
17   begin
18      biv_core_pkg.g_report_id := 'BIV_BIN_SR_ESCALATION';
20      l_session_id := biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;
21      biv_core_pkg.clean_dcf_table('biv_tmp_bin');
22      if (l_debug = 'Y') then
23         biv_core_pkg.biv_debug('Parameters:'||p_param_str,
24                                biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
25      end if;
26      commit;
27      /*
28      l_new_param_str := 'BIV_TASK_SUMMARY' ||biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ;
29      l_new_param_str := l_new_param_str || 'jtfBinId' ||
30                       biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_TASK_SUMMARY' ||
31      changed drill down to service request page 5/9/2
32      */
33      -- Change for Bug 3386946
34      l_from_list := ' from jtf_task_references_b r,
35                            cs_incidents_b_sec    sr,
36                            jtf_tasks_b           t,
37                            cs_incident_statuses_b stat,
38                            fnd_lookups           lup
39               ' ;
40      biv_core_pkg.get_report_parameters(p_param_str);
41      biv_core_pkg.get_where_clause(l_from_list, l_where_clause);
42      l_where_clause := l_where_clause || '
43            and sr.incident_id    = r.OBJECT_ID
44            and sr.incident_status_id = stat.incident_status_id
45            and nvl(stat.close_flag,''N'') <> ''Y''
46            and r.object_type_code = ''SR''
47            and r.reference_code   = ''ESC''
48            and r.task_id          = t.task_id
49            and t.task_type_id     = 22
50            and lup.lookup_type    = ''JTF_TASK_ESC_LEVEL''
51            and lup.lookup_code    = t.escalation_level
52            ';
54      l_sql_sttmnt := '
55      insert into biv_tmp_bin(report_code,  col1, col2, col4,session_id)
56         select ''BIV_BIN_SR_ESCALATION'',lup.lookup_code,lup.meaning,
57                 count(distinct sr.incident_id),:session_id
58         ' || l_from_list || l_where_clause ||
59         ' group by lup.lookup_code, lup.meaning';
60      if (l_debug = 'Y') then
61         biv_core_pkg.biv_debug(l_sql_sttmnt,biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
62         commit;
63      end if;
65      l_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
66      dbms_sql.parse(l_cur,l_sql_sttmnt,dbms_sql.native);
67      biv_core_pkg.bind_all_variables(l_cur);
68      dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur,':session_id',l_session_id);
69      l_dummy := dbms_sql.execute(l_cur);
70      dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cur);
72 /**********************************************************************
73      insert into biv_tmp_bin(report_code,  col1, col2, col4,session_id)
74         select 'BIV_BIN_SR_ESCALATION',lup.lookup_code,lup.meaning,
75                 count(distinct t.task_id),l_session_id
76           from jtf_task_references_b r,
77                cs_incidents_all_b    ina,
78                jtf_tasks_b           t,
79                cs_incident_statuses_b stat,
80                fnd_lookups           lup
81          where ina.incident_id    = r.OBJECT_ID
82            and ina.incident_status_id = stat.incident_status_id
83            and nvl(stat.close_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
84            and r.object_type_code = 'SR'
85            and r.reference_code   = 'ESC'
86            and r.task_id          = t.task_id
87            and t.task_type_id     = 22
88            and lup.lookup_type    = 'JTF_TASK_ESC_LEVEL'
89            and lup.lookup_code    = t.escalation_level
90          group by lup.lookup_code, lup.meaning;
91 *********************************************************************/
92      l_new_param_str := 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST' ||biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
93                         biv_core_pkg.reconstruct_param_str;
94      l_new_param_str := l_new_param_str || 'jtfBinId' ||
95                       biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST' ||
96                       biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
97                       'P_BLOG' ||
98                       biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'Y' ||
99                       biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
100                       'P_ESC_LVL' ||
101                       biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep ;
103       update biv_tmp_bin
104          set col1 = l_new_param_str || col1
105        where report_code = 'BIV_BIN_SR_ESCALATION'
106          and session_id = l_session_id;
108      exception
109        when others then
110           rollback;
111           if (l_debug = 'Y') then
112              l_err := 'Error in SR_escalation:'|| substr(sqlerrm,1,1500);
113              biv_core_pkg.biv_debug(l_err, biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
114              commit;
115           end if;
116   end sr_esc_bin;
117   --------------------------------
118   procedure resource_bin (p_param_str varchar2) is
119      l_session_id biv_tmp_bin.session_id%type;
120      l_new_param_str varchar2(2000);
121      l_sql_sttmnt    varchar2(4000);
122      l_from_list     varchar2(1000);
123      l_where_clause  varchar2(2000);
124      l_cur           number;
125      l_dummy         number;
126      l_debug         varchar2(30) := fnd_profile.value('BIV:DEBUG');
127      l_all           fnd_lookups.meaning % type :=
128                                 biv_core_pkg.get_lookup_meaning('ALL');
129   begin
130      biv_core_pkg.g_report_id := 'BIV_BIN_RESOURCE';
131      l_session_id := biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;
132      biv_core_pkg.clean_dcf_table('biv_tmp_bin');
134      biv_core_pkg.get_report_parameters(p_param_str);
135      get_resource_where_clause(l_from_list, l_where_clause);
137      l_new_param_str := 'BIV_RT_AGENT_REPORT' ||biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
138                         biv_core_pkg.reconstruct_param_str;
139      l_new_param_str := l_new_param_str || 'jtfBinId' ||
140                       biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_AGENT_REPORT' ||
141                       biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
142                       'P_SRT_BY' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || '1' ||
143                       biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
144                       'P_RSC' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep ;
146      l_sql_sttmnt := '
147      insert into biv_tmp_bin ( report_code, rowno, col1, col2, col4,session_id)
148       select ''BIV_BIN_RESOURCE'', rownum, id, descr, total,:session_id
149         from (select nvl(ra.mode_of_availability,''ALL'') id,
150                      nvl(ra.mode_of_availability,:all_meaning) descr,
151                      count(*) total ' ||
152               l_from_list || l_where_clause || '
153               group by ra.mode_of_availability)';
155      if (l_debug = 'Y') then
156         biv_core_pkg.biv_debug(l_sql_sttmnt,biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
157      end if;
158      --
159      l_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
160      dbms_sql.parse(l_cur,l_sql_sttmnt,dbms_sql.native);
161      biv_core_pkg.bind_all_variables(l_cur);
162      if (l_debug = 'Y') then
163         biv_core_pkg.biv_debug('Bef session binding',biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
164      end if;
165      dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur,':session_id', l_session_id);
166      if (l_debug = 'Y') then
167         biv_core_pkg.biv_debug('Bef all binding',biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
168      end if;
169      dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur,':all_meaning'       , l_all       );
170      l_dummy := dbms_sql.execute(l_cur);
172      -- web available employee count
173      /*  3/13/02 web available is being inserted in above statement.
174          This is due to change sql Statment.
175      l_from_list := l_from_list || ',
176                   jtf_rs_res_availability avl ';
177      l_where_clause := l_where_clause || '
178                   and avl.resource_id = rsc.resource_id';
179      l_sql_sttmnt := '
180      insert into biv_tmp_bin ( report_code, rowno, col1, col2, col4,session_id)
181       select ''BIV_BIN_RESOURCE'', rownum, id, descr, total,:session_id
182         from (select ''WEB'' id, ''WEB'' descr,count(*) total ' ||
183               l_from_list || l_where_clause || ')';
185      if (l_debug = 'Y') then
186         biv_core_pkg.biv_debug(l_sql_sttmnt,biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
187         commit;
188      end if;
189      l_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
190      dbms_sql.parse(l_cur,l_sql_sttmnt,dbms_sql.native);
191      biv_core_pkg.bind_all_variables(l_cur);
192      dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur,':session_id', l_session_id);
193      l_dummy := dbms_sql.execute(l_cur);
194      */
195 /**************************************************************************
196      insert into biv_tmp_bin ( report_code, rowno, col1, col2, col4,session_id)
197       select 'BIV_BIN_RESOURCE', rownum, id, descr, total,l_session_id
198         from (select 'ALL' id, 'ALL' descr,count(*) total
199                 from jtf_rs_resource_extns
200                where category = 'EMPLOYEE'
201              );
202      insert into biv_tmp_bin ( report_code, rowno, col1, col2, col4,session_id)
203       select 'BIV_BIN_RESOURCE', 2, id, descr, total,l_session_id
204         from (select 'WEB' id, 'WEB' descr,count(*) total
205                 from jtf_rs_res_availability
206              );
207 ***************************************/
208       update biv_tmp_bin
209          set col1 = l_new_param_str ||  col1 ||
210                       biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
211                       'P_DISP' ||
212                       biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || col4
213         where report_code = 'BIV_BIN_RESOURCE'
214           and session_id = l_session_id;
215      exception
216        when others then
217          if (l_debug = 'Y') then
218              biv_core_pkg.biv_debug(sqlerrm,biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
219              commit;
220          end if;
221   end resource_bin;
222   ---------------------------------------------
223   procedure tsk_summry_rep(p_param_str varchar2) is
224      l_esc_lvl varchar2(80);
225      l_session_id biv_tmp_bin.session_id%type;
226      l_new_param_str varchar2(2000);
227      l_sql_sttmnt    varchar2(4000);
228      l_from_list     varchar2(1000);
229      l_where_clause  varchar2(2000);
230      l_cur           number;
231      l_dummy         number;
232      l_debug         varchar2(30) := fnd_profile.value('BIV:DEBUG');
233   begin
234      biv_core_pkg.g_report_id := 'BIV_TASK_SUMMARY';
235      l_session_id := biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;
236      biv_core_pkg.clean_dcf_table('biv_tmp_rt2');
237      --l_esc_lvl := biv_core_pkg.get_parameter_value(p_esc_level, 'P_ESC_LVL');
238      -- Change for Bug 3386946
239      l_from_list := '
240           from jtf_task_references_b r,
241                cs_incidents_b_sec ina,
242                cs_incident_statuses_vl stat,
243                jtf_tasks_b task,
244                jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc,
245                hz_parties p';
247      biv_core_pkg.get_report_parameters(p_param_str);
248      biv_core_pkg.get_where_clause(l_from_list, l_where_clause);
250      l_where_clause := l_where_clause || '
251            and ina.incident_id    = r.OBJECT_ID
252            and r.object_type_code = ''SR''
253            and r.reference_code   = ''ESC''
254            and r.TASK_ID          = task.task_id
255            and task.task_type_id     = 22
256            and ina.incident_status_id = stat.incident_status_id
257            and ina.customer_id = p.party_id
258            and task.owner_id      = rsc.resource_id
259            and nvl(stat.close_flag,''N'') <> ''Y''';
261                --'X' || biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'task_id=' ||t.task_id,
262      l_sql_sttmnt := '
263            insert into biv_tmp_rt2(report_code, rowno, id,col2, col4,
264                  col6, col8, col10, col12, col13,session_id)
265               select ''BIV_TASK_SUMMARY'',
266                rownum,
267                task.task_id,
268                task.task_number,
269                p.party_name,
270                stat.name,
271                ina.incident_date,
272                task.planned_end_date,
273                rsc.source_name,
274                reason_code,
275                :session_id ' || l_from_list || l_where_clause;
277      if (l_debug = 'Y') then
278         biv_core_pkg.biv_debug(l_sql_sttmnt,biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
279      end if;
280      l_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
281      dbms_sql.parse(l_cur,l_sql_sttmnt,dbms_sql.native);
282      biv_core_pkg.bind_all_variables(l_cur);
283      dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur,':session_id',l_session_id);
284      l_dummy := dbms_sql.execute(l_cur);
285      dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cur);
286      update biv_tmp_rt2
287         set col1 = 'task' || biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
288                     'task_id' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || id
289      ;
290      update biv_tmp_rt2 t
291          set col14 = ( select meaning from fnd_lookups lup
292                         where lup.lookup_code = t.col13
293                           and lup.lookup_type = 'JTF_TASK_REASON_CODES'
294                      );
295     /*
296            insert into biv_tmp_rt2(report_code, rowno, col1,col2, col4,
297                  col6, col8, col10, col12, col14,session_id)
298               select 'BIV_TASK_SUMMARY',
299                rownum,
300                'X' || biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'task_id=' ||t.task_id,
301                t.task_number,
302                p.party_name,
303                stat.name,
304                ina.incident_date,
305                t.planned_end_date,
306                rsc.source_name,
307                reason_code,
308                l_session_id
309           from jtf_task_references_b r,
310                cs_incidents_all_b ina,
311                cs_incident_statuses_vl stat,
312                jtf_tasks_b t,
313                jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc,
314                hz_parties p
315          where ina.incident_id    = r.OBJECT_ID
316            and r.object_type_code = 'SR'
317            and r.reference_code   = 'ESC'
318            and r.TASK_ID          = t.task_id
319            and t.task_type_id     = 22
320            and ina.incident_status_id = stat.incident_status_id
321            and ina.customer_id = p.party_id
322            and t.owner_id      = rsc.resource_id
323            and t.escalation_level = l_esc_lvl
324            and nvl(stat.close_flag,'N') <> 'Y';
325     */
326     commit;
327     exception
328      when others then
329         if (l_debug = 'Y') then
330            biv_core_pkg.biv_debug(sqlerrm,biv_core_pkg.g_report_id);
331         end if;
332   end tsk_summry_rep;
333   --------------------------------------------
334   procedure rltd_task_rep(p_sr_id varchar2) is
335      l_sr_id varchar2(20);
336      l_session_id biv_tmp_bin.session_id%type;
337      l_debug         varchar2(30) := fnd_profile.value('BIV:DEBUG');
338   begin
339      l_session_id := biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;
340      biv_core_pkg.clean_dcf_table('biv_tmp_rt2');
341      l_sr_id := biv_core_pkg.get_parameter_value(p_sr_id, 'P_SR_ID');
342      insert into biv_tmp_rt2(report_code, rowno, col1,col2, col4, col6,
343                                   col8, col10, col12, col14, col16,session_id)
344       select 'BIV_RELATED_TASK_REPORT', rownum,
345              tsk.task_id,
346              tsk.task_number,
347              tskl.task_name,
348              tskl.description,
349              pr.name,
350              'ESC',
351              stat.name,
352              rsc.source_name,
353              typ.name,
354              l_session_id
355         from jtf_tasks_b  tsk,
356              jtf_tasks_tl tskl,
357              jtf_task_priorities_vl pr,
358              jtf_task_statuses_vl   stat,
359              jtf_task_types_vl      typ,
363          and tsk.task_status_id          = stat.task_status_id
360              jtf_rs_resource_extns  rsc
361        where tsk.source_object_type_code = 'SR'
362          and tsk.source_object_id        = to_number(l_sr_id)
364          and tsk.task_type_id            = typ.task_type_id
365          and tsk.task_priority_id        = pr.task_priority_id
366          and tsk.owner_id                = rsc.resource_id (+)
367          and tsk.task_id                 = tskl.task_id (+)
368          and userenv('LANG')             = tskl.language (+)
369  ;
370   end rltd_task_rep;
371   ---------------------------------------------------
372   procedure get_resource_where_clause (p_from_list    out nocopy varchar2,
373                                       p_where_clause  out nocopy varchar2) is
374   begin
375      p_from_list := '
376                   from jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc,
377                        jtf_objects_vl o,
378                        jtf_object_usages ou,
379                        jtf_rs_res_availability ra ';
380      -- to_date removed because of GSCC fail
381      p_where_clause := '
382             WHERE rsc.category = o.object_code
383               and o.object_code = ou.object_code
384               and ou.object_user_code = ''RESOURCE_CATEGORIES''
385               and rsc.resource_id = ra.resource_id (+)
386               and sysdate between
387                        nvl(rsc.start_date_active,sysdate-1)
388                    and nvl(rsc.end_date_active, sysdate+1) ';
389      -----
390      if (biv_core_pkg.g_agrp_cnt > 0 ) then
391        p_from_list := p_from_list || ',
392                             jtf_rs_groups_denorm adnorm1,
393                             jtf_rs_group_members agmmbr';
394        p_where_clause := p_where_clause || '
395              and agmmbr.group_id = adnorm1.group_id
396              and rsc.resource_id = agmmbr.resource_id ';
397      end if;
398      -----
399      if (biv_core_pkg.g_ogrp_cnt > 0) then
400        p_from_list := p_from_list || ',
401                             jtf_rs_groups_denorm odnorm1,
402                             jtf_rs_group_members ogmmbr';
403        p_where_clause := p_where_clause || '
404              and ogmmbr.group_id = odnorm1.group_id
405              and rsc.resource_id = ogmmbr.resource_id ';
406      end if;
407      -----
408      /* 3/13/02 where clause for resource changed. resources are now obtained
409         by joining jtf_rs_resurce_extns with jtf_object, jtf_object_usages
410         and jtd_res_availability tables.
412      p_where_clause := p_where_clause || '
413               and category = ''EMPLOYEE''';
414      */
415      biv_core_pkg.add_a_condition(biv_core_pkg.g_ogrp,
416                                   biv_core_pkg.g_ogrp_cnt,
417                                   'odnorm1', 'parent_group_id',
418                                   null, p_where_clause);
419      biv_core_pkg.add_a_condition(biv_core_pkg.g_agrp,
420                                   biv_core_pkg.g_agrp_cnt,
421                                   'adnorm1', 'parent_group_id',
422                                   null, p_where_clause);
423      biv_core_pkg.add_a_condition(biv_core_pkg.g_mgr_id,
424                                   biv_core_pkg.g_mgr_id_cnt,
425                                   'rsc', 'source_mgr_id',
426                                   null, p_where_clause);
427   end get_resource_where_clause;
428   -----------------------------
429 end;