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2 /* $Header: INVPPICS.pls 120.5 2008/01/11 02:02:05 satkumar ship $ */
4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- Data Types
6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 -- The Release Status table will notify the caller as to which Move Order Lines were
9 -- successfully detailed, which ones were only partially detailed, and which ones
10 -- failed to be processed at all.
11 --
12 -- A table of this type will be returned by the Pick Release API to specify the
13 -- status of the records it attempts to release.
14 --
15 -- The records of this table (of type INV_RELEASE_STATUS_REC_TYPE) will consist of
16 -- the following fields:
17 --	mo_line_id 	=> The Move Order Line ID that this status is for.
18 --   	return_status	=> The standard return status for an API.  The return_status
19 --		can also be 'P', which designates that the move order line was only
20 --		partially detailed (but otherwise successful).
22 TYPE INV_Release_Status_Rec_Type IS RECORD
23 (
24 	mo_line_id	 NUMBER,
25         detail_rec_count NUMBER,
26 	return_status	 VARCHAR2(1)
27 );
30 TYPE INV_Release_Status_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF INV_Release_Status_Rec_Type
34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 -- Procedures and Functions
36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 PROCEDURE test_sort(p_trolin_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY INV_Move_Order_Pub.Trolin_Tbl_Type);
39 --
40 -- Name
41 --   PROCEDURE Pick_Release
42 --
43 -- Purpose
44 --   Pick releases the move order lines passed in.
45 --
46 -- Input Parameters
47 --   p_api_version_number
48 --	   API version number (current version is 1.0)
49 --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
50 --	   Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
51 --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
52 --                                   initialize error message list
53 --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
54 --                                   message list
55 --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
56 --	   whether or not to commit the changes to database
57 --
58 --   p_mo_line_tbl
59 --       Table of Move Order Line records to pick release
60 --	p_auto_pick_confirm (optional, default 2)
61 --       Overrides org-level parameter for whether to automatically call
62 --		pick confirm after release
63 --	    Valid values: 1 (yes) or 2 (no)
64 --   p_grouping_rule_id
65 --       Overrides org-level and Move Order header-level grouping rule for
66 --		generating pick slip numbers
67 --   p_allow_partial_pick
68 --	    TRUE if the pick release process should continue after a line fails to
69 --		be detailed completely.  FALSE if the process should stop and roll
70 --		back all changes if a line cannot be fully detailed.
71 --	    NOTE: Printing pick slips as the lines are detailed is only supported if
72 --		this parameter is TRUE, since a commit must be done before printing.
73 --
74 -- Output Parameters
75 --   x_return_status
76 --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
77 --			fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
78 --       if there is an expected error, the value is
79 --             fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
80 --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
81 --             fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
82 --   x_msg_count
83 --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
84 --       	in the buffer
85 --   x_msg_data
86 --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
87 --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
88 --	x_pick_release_status
89 --	    This output parameter is a table of records (of type
90 -- 		INV_Release_Status_Tbl_Type) which specifies the pick release status
91 --		for each move order line that is passed in.
92 --
93 PROCEDURE Pick_Release
94   (
95    p_api_version		IN  	NUMBER
96    ,p_init_msg_list		IN  	VARCHAR2 := NULL
97    ,p_commit			IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL
98    ,x_return_status        	OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
99    ,x_msg_count            	OUT 	NOCOPY NUMBER
100    ,x_msg_data             	OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
101    ,p_mo_line_tbl		IN  	INV_Move_Order_PUB.TROLIN_TBL_TYPE
102    ,p_auto_pick_confirm	        IN  	NUMBER := NULL
103    ,p_grouping_rule_id	        IN  	NUMBER := NULL
104    ,p_allow_partial_pick	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_true
105    ,x_pick_release_status	OUT	NOCOPY INV_Release_Status_Tbl_Type
106    ,p_plan_tasks                IN      BOOLEAN := FALSE
107    ,p_skip_cartonization        IN      BOOLEAN := FALSE
108    ,p_mo_transact_date          IN      DATE := fnd_api.g_miss_date
109    );
112 -- Changes for R12 Planned Crossdocking project.
113 -- Added the following three IN OUT parameters similar to the Crossdock Pegging API,
114 -- WMS_XDock_Pegging_Pub.Planned_Cross_Dock.  These parameters are needed in case allocation
115 -- mode uses crossdocking (either Prioritize Inventory or Prioritize Crossdock).  The parameters
116 -- are also used to keep data in sync with shipping's code in the WSH_PICK_LIST package.  This API
117 -- will be overloaded so any caller to Pick_Release with the old signature does not error out.
118 --
119 --      IN OUT parameters:
120 --       p_wsh_release_table        Table of valid demand lines to pick release against.
121 --                                  Assume that all WDD records are for the same org, p_organization_id.
122 --                                  API will only process WDD lines with released_status of
123 --                                  'R' (Ready to Release) or 'B' (Backordered).
124 --                                  Shipping should pass in WSH_PR_CRITERIA.release_table in the
125 --                                  WSH_PICK_LIST.Release_Batch API when pick release is run.
126 --       p_trolin_delivery_ids      Table of delivery IDs for transactable demand lines.
127 --                                  Crossdocked lines needs to keep this table updated so crossdocked
128 --                                  or split WDD lines can be picked up to autocreate/merge deliveries.
129 --                                  Shipping should pass in local variable 'l_trolin_delivery_ids' from
130 --                                  the Release_Batch API.  This table has a one to one relationship
131 --                                  with p_del_detail_id and stores the delivery_id for the corresponding
132 --                                  delivery_detail_id in p_del_detail_id.
133 --       p_del_detail_id            Table of delivery detail IDs for transactable demand lines.
134 --                                  Crossdocked lines needs to keep this table updated so crossdocked
135 --                                  or split WDD lines can be picked up to autocreate/merge deliveries.
136 --                                  Shipping should pass in local variable 'l_del_detail_id' from
137 --                                  the Release_Batch API.  This table has a one to one relationship
138 --                                  with p_trolin_delivery_ids and stores a list of delivery_detail_id
139 --                                  values for all of the transactable WDD lines in p_wsh_release_table.
140 PROCEDURE Pick_Release
141   (
142    p_api_version		IN  	NUMBER
143    ,p_init_msg_list		IN  	VARCHAR2 := NULL
144    ,p_commit			IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL
145    ,x_return_status        	OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
146    ,x_msg_count            	OUT 	NOCOPY NUMBER
147    ,x_msg_data             	OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
148    ,p_mo_line_tbl		IN  	INV_Move_Order_PUB.TROLIN_TBL_TYPE
149    ,p_auto_pick_confirm	        IN  	NUMBER := NULL
150    ,p_grouping_rule_id	        IN  	NUMBER := NULL
151    ,p_allow_partial_pick	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_true
152    ,x_pick_release_status	OUT	NOCOPY INV_Release_Status_Tbl_Type
153    ,p_plan_tasks                IN      BOOLEAN := FALSE
154    ,p_skip_cartonization        IN      BOOLEAN := FALSE
155    ,p_wsh_release_table         IN OUT  NOCOPY WSH_PR_CRITERIA.relRecTabTyp
156    ,p_trolin_delivery_ids       IN OUT  NOCOPY WSH_UTIL_CORE.Id_Tab_Type
157    ,p_del_detail_id             IN OUT  NOCOPY WSH_PICK_LIST.DelDetTabTyp
158    ,p_mo_transact_date          IN      DATE := NULL
159    ,p_dynamic_replenishment     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
160    );
163    --
164    -- Name
165    --   PROCEDURE Reserve_Unconfirmed_Quantity
166    --
167    -- Purpose
168    --   Transfers a reservation on material which is missing or damaged to an
169    -- 	    appropriate demand source.
170    --
171    -- Input Parameters
172    --   p_missing_quantity
173    --       The quantity to be transferred to a Cycle Count reservation, in the primary
174    --	    UOM for the item.
175    --	p_organization_id
176    --	    The organization in which the reservation(s) should be created
177    --	p_reservation_id
178    --	    The reservation to transfer quantity from (not required if demand source
179    --	    parameters are given).
180    --	p_demand_source_type_id
181    --	    The demand source type ID for the reservation to be transferred
182    --   p_demand_source_header_id
183    --	    The demand source header ID for the reservation to be transferred
184    --	p_demand_source_line_id
185    --	    The demand source line ID for the reservation to be transferred
186    --	p_inventory_item_id
187    --	    The item which is missing or damaged.
188    --	p_subinventory_code
189    --	    The subinventory in which the material is missing or damaged.
190    --   p_locator_id
191    --	    The locator in which the material is missing or damaged.
192    --	p_revision
193    --	    The revision of the item which is missing or damaged.
194    --	p_lot_number
195    --	    The lot number of the item which is missing or damaged.
196    --
197    -- Output Parameters
198    --   x_return_status
199    --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
200    --			fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
201    --       if there is an expected error, the value is
202    --             fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
203    --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
204    --             fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
205    --   x_msg_count
206    --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
207    --       	in the buffer
208    --   x_msg_data
209    --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
210    --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
211    --
212 -- HW INVCONV added p_missing_quantity2
213    PROCEDURE Reserve_Unconfirmed_Quantity
214      (
215       p_api_version			IN  	NUMBER
216       ,p_init_msg_list			IN  	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
217       ,p_commit				IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
218       ,x_return_status        		OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
219       ,x_msg_count            		OUT 	NOCOPY NUMBER
220       ,x_msg_data             		OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
221       ,p_missing_quantity		IN	NUMBER
222       ,p_missing_quantity2		IN	NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_num
223       ,p_reservation_id			IN	NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_num
224       ,p_demand_source_header_id	IN	NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_num
225       ,p_demand_source_line_id		IN	NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_num
226       ,p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_num
227       ,p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_num
228       ,p_subinventory_code		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_char
229       ,p_locator_id			IN	NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_num
230       ,p_revision			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_char
231       ,p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_char
232     );
234 PROCEDURE assign_pick_slip_number(
235                      x_return_status        OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
236                     x_msg_count             OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
237                     x_msg_data              OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
238                     p_move_order_header_id  IN    NUMBER   DEFAULT  0,
239                     p_ps_mode               IN    VARCHAR2,
240                     p_grouping_rule_id IN    NUMBER,
241                     p_allow_partial_pick    IN    VARCHAR2);
244 PROCEDURE call_cartonization (
245          p_api_version             IN   NUMBER
246          ,p_init_msg_list          IN   VARCHAR2 := NULL
247          ,p_commit                 IN   VARCHAR2 := NULL
248          ,p_validation_level       IN   NUMBER
249          ,x_return_status          OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
250          ,x_msg_count              OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
251          ,x_msg_data               OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
252          ,p_out_bound              IN   VARCHAR2
253          ,p_org_id                 IN   NUMBER
254          ,p_move_order_header_id   IN   NUMBER
255          ,p_grouping_rule_id	   IN  	NUMBER := NULL
256          ,p_allow_partial_pick	   IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_true
257 );
260 END INV_Pick_Release_PUB;